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C# Attribute.IsDefined方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Attribute.IsDefined方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Attribute.IsDefined方法的具体用法?C# Attribute.IsDefined怎么用?C# Attribute.IsDefined使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Attribute的用法示例。


示例1: Method1

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace IsDef5CS 
    public class TestClass 
        // Assign a ParamArray attribute to the parameter using the keyword.
        public void Method1(params String[] args)

    public class DemoClass 
        static void Main(string[] args) 
            // Get the class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(TestClass);
            // Get the MethodInfo object for Method1.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Method1");
            // Get the ParameterInfo array for the method parameters.
            ParameterInfo[] pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters();
            if (pInfo != null) 
                // See if the ParamArray attribute is defined.
                bool isDef = Attribute.IsDefined(pInfo[0], 
                // Display the result.
                Console.WriteLine("The ParamArray attribute {0} defined for " +
                                  "parameter {1} of method {2}.",
                                  isDef ? "is" : "is not",
                Console.WriteLine("The parameters information could " +
                            "not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo.Name);

 * Output:
 * The ParamArray attribute is defined for parameter args of method Method1.

示例2: Main

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

// Add the Debuggable attribute to the module.
[module:Debuggable(true, false)]
namespace IsDef2CS
    public class DemoClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(DemoClass);
            // See if the Debuggable attribute is defined for this module.
            bool isDef = Attribute.IsDefined(clsType.Module, 
            // Display the result.
            Console.WriteLine("The Debuggable attribute {0} " +
                "defined for Module {1}.",
                isDef ? "is" : "is not",
            // If the attribute is defined, display the JIT settings.
            if (isDef)
                // Retrieve the attribute itself.
                DebuggableAttribute dbgAttr = (DebuggableAttribute)
                if (dbgAttr != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("JITTrackingEnabled is {0}.",
                    Console.WriteLine("JITOptimizerDisabled is {0}.",
                    Console.WriteLine("The Debuggable attribute " +
                        "could not be retrieved.");

 * Output:
 * The Debuggable attribute is defined for Module IsDef2CS.exe.
 * JITTrackingEnabled is True.
 * JITOptimizerDisabled is False.

示例3: Method1

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace IsDef4CS 
    public class TestClass 
        // Assign the Obsolete attribute to a method.
        [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use Method2 instead.")]
        public void Method1()
        public void Method2()

    public class DemoClass 
        static void Main(string[] args) 
            // Get the class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(TestClass);
            // Get the MethodInfo object for Method1.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Method1");
            // See if the Obsolete attribute is defined for this method.
            bool isDef = Attribute.IsDefined(mInfo, typeof(ObsoleteAttribute));
            // Display the result.
            Console.WriteLine("The Obsolete Attribute {0} defined for {1} of class {2}.",
                isDef ? "is" : "is not", mInfo.Name, clsType.Name);
            // If it's defined, display the attribute's message.
            if (isDef) 
                ObsoleteAttribute obsAttr = 
                                                    mInfo, typeof(ObsoleteAttribute));
                if (obsAttr != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("The message is: \"{0}\".",
                    Console.WriteLine("The message could not be retrieved.");

 * Output:
 * The Obsolete Attribute is defined for Method1 of class TestClass.
 * The message is: "This method is obsolete. Use Method2 instead.".

示例4: AssemblyDescription

using System;
using System.Reflection;

// Add an AssemblyDescription attribute
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A sample description")]
namespace IsDef1CS
    public class DemoClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(DemoClass);
            // Get the assembly object.
            Assembly assy = clsType.Assembly;
            // Store the assembly's name.
            String assyName = assy.GetName().Name;
            // See if the Assembly Description is defined.
            bool isdef = Attribute.IsDefined(assy, 
            if (isdef)
                // Affirm that the attribute is defined.
                Console.WriteLine("The AssemblyDescription attribute " +
                    "is defined for assembly {0}.", assyName);
                // Get the description attribute itself.
                AssemblyDescriptionAttribute adAttr = 
                    assy, typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute));
                // Display the description.
                if (adAttr != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("The description is \"{0}\".", 
                    Console.WriteLine("The description could not " +
                        "be retrieved.");            
                Console.WriteLine("The AssemblyDescription attribute is not " +
                    "defined for assembly {0}.", assyName);

 * Output:
 * The AssemblyDescription attribute is defined for assembly IsDef1CS.
 * The description is "A sample description".
