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C# CCTouch.locationInView方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中cocos2d.CCTouch.locationInView方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# CCTouch.locationInView方法的具体用法?C# CCTouch.locationInView怎么用?C# CCTouch.locationInView使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在cocos2d.CCTouch的用法示例。


示例1: ccTouchEnded

        public override void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch pTouch, CCEvent pEvent)
            if (m_pTrackNode != null)

            CCPoint endPos = pTouch.locationInView(pTouch.view());
            endPos = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(endPos);

            float delta = 5.0f;
            if (Math.Abs(endPos.x - m_beginPos.x) > delta
                || Math.Abs(endPos.y - m_beginPos.y) > delta)
                // not click
                m_beginPos.x = m_beginPos.y = -1;

            // decide the trackNode is clicked.
            CCRect rect;
            CCPoint point = convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(pTouch);
            Debug.WriteLine("KeyboardNotificationLayer:clickedAt(%f,%f)", point.x, point.y);

            rect = TextInputTestScene.getRect(m_pTrackNode);
            Debug.WriteLine("KeyboardNotificationLayer:TrackNode at(origin:%f,%f, size:%f,%f)",
                rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height);

            this.onClickTrackNode(CCRect.CCRectContainsPoint(rect, point));

示例2: ccTouchBegan

 // CCLayer
 public override bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch pTouch, CCEvent pEvent)
     m_beginPos = pTouch.locationInView(pTouch.view());
     m_beginPos = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(m_beginPos);
     return true;

示例3: updateSize

 public void updateSize(CCTouch touch)
     CCPoint touchLocation = touch.locationInView(touch.view());
     touchLocation = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(touchLocation);
     CCSize s = CCDirector.sharedDirector().getWinSize();
     CCSize newSize = new CCSize(Math.Abs(touchLocation.x - s.width / 2) * 2, Math.Abs(touchLocation.y - s.height / 2) * 2);
     CCLayerColor l = (CCLayerColor)getChildByTag(kTagLayer);
     l.contentSize = newSize;

示例4: ccTouchEnded

        public virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch touch, CCEvent eventer)
            CCPoint touchPoint = touch.locationInView(touch.view());
            CCPoint convertedLocation = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(touchPoint);

            CCActionInterval move = CCMoveTo.actionWithDuration(3, convertedLocation);
            CCActionInterval move_ease_inout = CCEaseInOut.actionWithAction(move);//ease缓冲

示例5: ccTouchEnded

 public void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch pTouch, CCEvent pEvent)
     CCPoint point = pTouch.locationInView(0);
     CCPoint newPoint = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(point);
     CCPoint rePoint = GetGroundPosition(newPoint);
     if ((int)rePoint.x < Map.Height &&
         (int)rePoint.y < Map.Width &&
         (role.Col != (int)rePoint.y || role.Row != (int)rePoint.x))
         map.ChangeToWall((int)rePoint.x, (int)rePoint.y);

示例6: ccTouchMoved

        public override void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch touch, CCEvent parmevent)
            CCPoint touchLocation = touch.locationInView(touch.view());
            CCPoint prevLocation = touch.previousLocationInView(touch.view());

            touchLocation = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(touchLocation);
            prevLocation = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(prevLocation);

            CCPoint diff = new CCPoint(touchLocation.x - prevLocation.x, touchLocation.y - prevLocation.y);

            CCNode node = getChildByTag(1);
            CCPoint currentPos = node.position;
            node.position = new CCPoint(currentPos.x + diff.x, currentPos.y + diff.y);

示例7: itemForTouch

        protected CCMenuItem itemForTouch(CCTouch touch)
            //XNA point
            CCPoint touchLocation = touch.locationInView(touch.view());
            //cocos2d point
            touchLocation = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(touchLocation);

            if (m_pChildren != null && m_pChildren.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pChild in m_pChildren)
                    if (pChild != null && pChild.visible && ((CCMenuItem)pChild).Enabled)
                        CCPoint local = pChild.convertToNodeSpace(touchLocation);
                        CCRect r = ((CCMenuItem)pChild).rect();
                        r.origin = CCPoint.Zero;

                        if (CCRect.CCRectContainsPoint(r, local))
                            return (CCMenuItem)pChild;

            return null;

示例8: convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR

 /// <summary>
 /// converts a CCTouch (world coordinates) into a local coordiante. This method is AR (Anchor Relative).
 /// @since v0.7.1
 /// </summary>
 public CCPoint convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(CCTouch touch)
     CCPoint point = touch.locationInView(touch.view());
     point = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(point);
     return this.convertToNodeSpaceAR(point);

示例9: ccTouchMoved

        public virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch touch, CCEvent eventer)
            // If it weren't for the TouchDispatcher, you would need to keep a reference
            // to the touch from touchBegan and check that the current touch is the same
            // as that one.
            // Actually, it would be even more complicated since in the Cocos dispatcher
            // you get CCSets instead of 1 UITouch, so you'd need to loop through the set
            // in each touchXXX method.

            Debug.Assert(m_state == PaddleState.kPaddleStateGrabbed, "Paddle - Unexpected state!");

            CCPoint touchPoint = touch.locationInView(touch.view());
            touchPoint = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(touchPoint);

            base.position = new CCPoint(touchPoint.x, base.position.y);

示例10: ccTouchEnded

        public override void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch touch, CCEvent eve)
            CCPoint location = touch.locationInView( touch.view() );
            CCPoint convertedLocation = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(location);

            CCPoint pos = new CCPoint(0,0);
            if (m_background != null)
                pos = m_background.convertToWorldSpace(new CCPoint(0,0));
            m_emitter.position = CCPointExtension.ccpSub(convertedLocation, pos);

示例11: ConvertTouchToNodeSpace

 /// <summary>convenience methods which take a CCTouch instead of CCPoint </summary>
 public CCPoint ConvertTouchToNodeSpace(CCTouch touch)
     CCPoint point = touch.locationInView(touch.view());
     point = Director.SharedDirector.ConvertToGL(point);
     return this.ConvertToNodeSpace(point);
