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C# Geometry.Point2I类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中ZeldaOracle.Common.Geometry.Point2I的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Point2I类的具体用法?C# Point2I怎么用?C# Point2I使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: CollectibleReward

        // Constructors
        public CollectibleReward(Reward reward, bool isDrop = false)
            this.reward			= reward;
            this.showMessage	= !reward.OnlyShowMessageInChest;
            this.hasDuration	= reward.HasDuration;
            this.isCollectibleWithItems = reward.IsCollectibleWithItems;
            this.isDrop			= isDrop;

            // Physics.
            Physics.CollisionBox		= new Rectangle2I(-4, -9, 8, 8);
            Physics.SoftCollisionBox	= new Rectangle2I(-5, -9, 9, 8);
                PhysicsFlags.Bounces |
                PhysicsFlags.HasGravity |
                PhysicsFlags.CollideRoomEdge |
                PhysicsFlags.CollideWorld |
                PhysicsFlags.HalfSolidPassable |
            soundBounce = reward.BounceSound;

            // Graphics.
            centerOffset					= new Point2I(0, -5);
            Graphics.DrawOffset				= new Point2I(-8, -13);
            Graphics.RipplesDrawOffset		= new Point2I(0, 1);
            Graphics.IsGrassEffectVisible	= true;
            Graphics.IsRipplesEffectVisible	= true;

示例2: BaseTileData

        // Constructors
        public BaseTileData()
            name			= "";
            type			= null;
            tileset			= null;
            sheetLocation	= Point2I.Zero;
            properties		= new Properties(this);
            events			= new ObjectEventCollection();

            properties.Set("id", "");
            properties.SetDocumentation("id", "ID", "", "", "General",
                "The id used to refer to this tile.");

            properties.Set("enabled", true);
            properties.SetDocumentation("enabled", "Enabled", "", "", "General",
                "True if the tile is spawned upon entering the room.");

            properties.Set("sprite_index", 0);
            properties.SetDocumentation("sprite_index", "Sprite Index", "sprite_index", "", "Internal",
                "The current sprite in the sprite list to draw.");

            properties.Set("substrip_index", 0);
            properties.SetDocumentation("substrip_index", "Animation Substrip Index", "", "", "Internal",
                "The index of the substrip for dynamic animations.", true, true);

示例3: SpriteSheet

 public SpriteSheet(Image image, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int offsetX, int offsetY, int spacingX, int spacingY)
     this.image		= image;
     this.cellSize	= new Point2I(cellWidth, cellHeight);
     this.offset		= new Point2I(offsetX, offsetY);
     this.spacing	= new Point2I(spacingX, spacingY);

示例4: Sprite

 // Constructors
 public Sprite()
     this.image			= null;
     this.sourceRect		= Rectangle2I.Zero;
     this.drawOffset		= Point2I.Zero;
     this.nextPart		= null;

示例5: DrawSprite

 // Draws the item inside the inventory.
 protected override void DrawSprite(Graphics2D g, Point2I position, int lightOrDark)
     Sprite spr = sprite[level];
     if (inventory.IsWeaponEquipped(this) && spriteEquipped != null)
         spr = spriteEquipped[level];
     g.DrawSprite(spr, lightOrDark, position);

示例6: Level

        public Level(string name, int width, int height, int layerCount, Point2I roomSize, Zone zone)
            this.world			= null;
            this.roomSize		= roomSize;
            this.roomLayerCount = layerCount;
            this.dimensions		= Point2I.Zero;
            //this.zone			= zone;

            properties = new Properties(this);
            properties.BaseProperties = new Properties();

            properties.BaseProperties.Set("id", "")
                .SetDocumentation("ID", "", "", "", "The id used to refer to this level.", false, true);

            properties.BaseProperties.Set("dungeon", "")
                .SetDocumentation("Dungeon", "dungeon", "", "", "The dungeon this level belongs to.");
            properties.BaseProperties.Set("dungeon_floor", 0)
                .SetDocumentation("Dungeon Floor", "", "", "", "The floor in the dungeon this level belongs to.");

            properties.BaseProperties.Set("discovered", false);

            properties.Set("id", name);

            properties.BaseProperties.Set("zone", "")
                .SetDocumentation("Zone", "zone", "", "", "The zone type for this room.", true, false);

            Zone = zone;

            Resize(new Point2I(width, height));

示例7: DrawSprite

 // Draws the item inside the inventory.
 protected override void DrawSprite(Graphics2D g, Point2I position, int lightOrDark)
     Sprite spr = sprite[level];
     if (spriteEquipped != null)
         spr = spriteEquipped[level];
     g.DrawSprite(isEquipped ? spr : sprite[level], lightOrDark, position);

示例8: DungeonMapFloor

        // Constructor
        public DungeonMapFloor(DungeonFloor dungeonFloor)
            this.dungeonFloor	= dungeonFloor;
            this.floorNumber	= dungeonFloor.FloorNumber;
            this.isDiscovered	= dungeonFloor.IsDiscovered;
            this.size			= new Point2I(8, 8);

            // Create rooms.
            rooms = new DungeonMapRoom[size.X, size.Y];
            isBossFloor = false;

            if (dungeonFloor.Level !=  null) {
                for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++) {
                    for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++) {
                        Point2I loc = new Point2I(x, y);
                        if (dungeonFloor.Level.ContainsRoom(loc)) {
                            Room room = dungeonFloor.Level.GetRoomAt(loc);
                            if (!room.IsHiddenFromMap) {
                                rooms[x, y] = DungeonMapRoom.Create(room, this);
                                if (rooms[x, y] != null && rooms[x, y].IsBossRoom)
                                    isBossFloor = true;
                            rooms[x, y] = null;

示例9: MonsterBeetle

        public MonsterBeetle()
            // General.
            MaxHealth		= 1;
            ContactDamage	= 1;
            color			= MonsterColor.Green;

            // Movement.
            moveSpeed					= 0.5f;
            //numMoveAngles				= 8;
            //isMovementDirectionBased	= true;
            changeDirectionsOnCollide	= true;
            movesInAir					= false;
            stopTime.Set(0, 0);
            moveTime.Set(50, 80);

            // Physics.
            Physics.Bounces			= true; // This is here for when the monster is digged up or dropped from the ceiling.
            Physics.ReboundRoomEdge	= true;
            Physics.ReboundSolid	= true;

            // Graphics.
            animationMove				= GameData.ANIM_MONSTER_BEETLE;
            Graphics.DrawOffset			= new Point2I(-8, -14) + new Point2I(0, 3);
            centerOffset				= new Point2I(0, -6) + new Point2I(0, 3);
            syncAnimationWithDirection	= true;

            // Interactions.
            SetReaction(InteractionType.SwitchHook, SenderReactions.Intercept, Reactions.Damage);

示例10: DrawSprite

 public static void DrawSprite(Graphics g, SpriteAnimation sprite, int variantID, Point2I position, Point2I sourceSize)
     if (sprite.IsAnimation)
         DrawSprite(g, sprite.Animation.GetFrameAsSprite(0), variantID, position.X, position.Y, sourceSize.X, sourceSize.Y);
         DrawSprite(g, sprite.Sprite, variantID, position.X, position.Y, sourceSize.X, sourceSize.Y);

示例11: Seed

        // Constructors
        public Seed(SeedType type)
            this.type = type;

            // Flags for seed's dropped from satchel
                PhysicsFlags.HasGravity |
                PhysicsFlags.DestroyedOutsideRoom |

            // Flags for seed Projectiles
                PhysicsFlags.DestroyedOutsideRoom |
                PhysicsFlags.CollideWorld |
                PhysicsFlags.ReboundSolid |
                PhysicsFlags.HalfSolidPassable |

            Physics.CollisionBox		= new Rectangle2F(-1, -1, 2, 2);
            Physics.SoftCollisionBox	= new Rectangle2F(-1, -1, 2, 2);
            graphics.DrawOffset			= new Point2I(-4, -6);
            centerOffset				= new Point2I(0, -2);

示例12: EventTileDataInstance

 // Constructors
 public EventTileDataInstance()
     this.room				= null;
     this.position			= Point2I.Zero;
     this.data				= null;
     this.modifiedProperties	= new Properties();
     this.modifiedProperties.PropertyObject = this;

示例13: OnMouseDragMove

 public override void OnMouseDragMove(MouseEventArgs e)
     Point2I mousePos	= new Point2I(e.X, e.Y);
     Room	room		= LevelDisplayControl.SampleRoom(mousePos);
     Point2I tileCoord	= LevelDisplayControl.SampleTileCoordinates(mousePos);
     if (room != null)
         ActivateTile(e.Button, room, tileCoord);

示例14: SpawnCollectibleFromBreakableTile

 // Rewards
 public Collectible SpawnCollectibleFromBreakableTile(Reward reward, Point2I position)
     Collectible collectible = new Collectible(reward);
     collectible.Position = position;
     collectible.Physics.ZVelocity = 1.5f;
     return collectible;

示例15: AddSlot

 // Slots
 // Adds the slot to the slot group.
 public Slot AddSlot(Point2I position, int width)
     Slot slot = new Slot(this, position, width);
     if (slots.Count == 1)
         currentSlot = slot;
     return slot;
