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C# Core.CoreDispatcher类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcher的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# CoreDispatcher类的具体用法?C# CoreDispatcher怎么用?C# CoreDispatcher使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: StartStreaming

        /// <summary>
        /// When the user presses "Start Streaming Steam", first check that they are paired
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task<StreamContext> StartStreaming(CoreDispatcher uiDispatcher, Computer computer, MoonlightStreamConfiguration streamConfig)
            PairingManager p = new PairingManager(computer); 

            // If we can't get the pair state, return   
            bool? pairState = await p.QueryPairState();
            if (!pairState.HasValue)
                DialogUtils.DisplayDialog(uiDispatcher, "Pair state query failed", "Failed to start streaming");
                return null;

            // If we're not paired, return
            if (pairState == false)
                DialogUtils.DisplayDialog(uiDispatcher, "Device not paired", "Failed to start streaming");
                return null;

            // Lookup the desired app in the app list
            // NOTE: This will go away when we have a proper app list
            int appId = await LookupAppIdForApp(uiDispatcher, new NvHttp(computer.IpAddress), "Steam");
            if (appId == 0)
                // LookupAppIdForApp() handles displaying a failure dialog
                return null;

            return new StreamContext(computer, appId, streamConfig);

示例2: MapsViewModel

        public MapsViewModel(MapControl mapControl)
            _mapControl = mapControl;
            StopStreetViewCommand = new DelegateCommand(StopStreetView, () => IsStreetView);
            StartStreetViewCommand = new DelegateCommand(StartStreetViewAsync, () => !IsStreetView);

            if (!DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled)
                _dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

            _locator.StatusChanged += async (s, e) =>
                await _dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                                PositionStatus = e.Status

            // intialize defaults at startup
            CurrentPosition = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition { Latitude = 48.2, Longitude = 16.3 });
            // { Latitude = 47.604, Longitude = -122.329 });
            CurrentMapStyle = MapStyle.Road;
            DesiredPitch = 0;
            ZoomLevel = 12;

示例3: Pair

        /// <summary>
        /// Pair with the hostname in the textbox
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Pair(CoreDispatcher uiDispatcher, Computer c)

            // Get the pair state.
            bool? pairState = await QueryPairState(); 
            if (pairState == true)
                DialogUtils.DisplayDialog(uiDispatcher, "This device is already paired to the host PC", "Already Paired");
            // pairstate = null. We've encountered an error
            else if (!pairState.HasValue)
                DialogUtils.DisplayDialog(uiDispatcher, "Failed to query pair state", "Pairing failed");

            bool challenge = await PairingCryptoHelpers.PerformPairingHandshake(uiDispatcher, new WindowsCryptoProvider(), nv, nv.GetUniqueId());
            if (!challenge)
                Debug.WriteLine("Challenges failed");

            // Otherwise, everything was successful

            // FIXME: We can't have two dialogs open at once.
            // DialogUtils.DisplayDialog(uiDispatcher, "Pairing successful", "Success");

示例4: CoreDispatcher_AcceleratorKeyActivated

        private void CoreDispatcher_AcceleratorKeyActivated(CoreDispatcher sender, AcceleratorKeyEventArgs e)
            if ((e.EventType == CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType.SystemKeyDown ||
                e.EventType == CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType.KeyDown))
                var coreWindow = Windows.UI.Xaml.Window.Current.CoreWindow;
                var downState = CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down;
                var virtualKey = e.VirtualKey;
                bool winKey = ((coreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.LeftWindows) & downState) == downState || (coreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.RightWindows) & downState) == downState);
                bool altKey = (coreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Menu) & downState) == downState;
                bool controlKey = (coreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Control) & downState) == downState;
                bool shiftKey = (coreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Shift) & downState) == downState;

                // raise keydown actions
                var keyDown = new KeyboardEventArgs
                    AltKey = altKey,
                    Character = ToChar(virtualKey, shiftKey),
                    ControlKey = controlKey,
                    EventArgs = e,
                    ShiftKey = shiftKey,
                    VirtualKey = virtualKey

                try { _KeyDown?.Raise(this, keyDown); }
                catch { }

                // Handle F5 to refresh content
                if (virtualKey == VirtualKey.F5)
                    bool noModifiers = !altKey && !controlKey && !shiftKey;
                    _RefreshRequest?.Raise(this, keyDown);

示例5: WindowsPhoneRunner

        public WindowsPhoneRunner(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcher dispatcher, Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock textBlock)
            _dispatcher = dispatcher;
            _output = textBlock;


示例6: AudioPlayerControl

 internal AudioPlayerControl(CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
     this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
     BackgroundMediaPlayer.MessageReceivedFromBackground += BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromBackground;
     BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.CurrentStateChanged += BackgroundMediaPlayer_CurrentStateChanged;

示例7: WindowsBasePlatformServices

		public WindowsBasePlatformServices(CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
			if (dispatcher == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("dispatcher");

			_dispatcher = dispatcher;

示例8: BlankPage8

 public BlankPage8()
     MainDispatcher = this.Dispatcher;
     _mainController = new MainController();
     Loaded += BlankPage8_Loaded;

示例9: InitializeRecognizer

        /// <summary>
        /// When activating the scenario, ensure we have permission from the user to access their microphone, and
        /// provide an appropriate path for the user to enable access to the microphone if they haven't
        /// given explicit permission for it. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The navigation event details</param>
        protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            // Save the UI thread dispatcher to allow speech status messages to be shown on the UI.
            dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

            bool permissionGained = await AudioCapturePermissions.RequestMicrophonePermission();
            if (permissionGained)
                // Enable the recognition buttons.
                btnRecognizeWithUI.IsEnabled = true;
                btnRecognizeWithoutUI.IsEnabled = true;

                Language speechLanguage = SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage;
                string langTag = speechLanguage.LanguageTag;
                speechContext = ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView();
                speechContext.Languages = new string[] { langTag };

                speechResourceMap = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("LocalizationSpeechResources");

                await InitializeRecognizer(SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage);
                resultTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                resultTextBlock.Text = "Permission to access capture resources was not given by the user; please set the application setting in Settings->Privacy->Microphone.";
                btnRecognizeWithUI.IsEnabled = false;
                btnRecognizeWithoutUI.IsEnabled = false;
                cbLanguageSelection.IsEnabled = false;

示例10: Init

 /// <summary>
 /// Initialization method that must be called from the UI thread
 /// </summary>
 public static void Init()
     if (m_refDispatcher == null)
         Dispatcher = Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

示例11: InitializeRecognizer

        /// <summary>
        /// Upon entering the scenario, ensure that we have permissions to use the Microphone. This may entail popping up
        /// a dialog to the user on Desktop systems. Only enable functionality once we've gained that permission in order to 
        /// prevent errors from occurring when using the SpeechRecognizer. If speech is not a primary input mechanism, developers
        /// should consider disabling appropriate parts of the UI if the user does not have a recording device, or does not allow 
        /// audio input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Unused navigation parameters</param>
        protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            rootPage = MainPage.Current;

            // Keep track of the UI thread dispatcher, as speech events will come in on a separate thread.
            dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

            // Prompt the user for permission to access the microphone. This request will only happen
            // once, it will not re-prompt if the user rejects the permission.
            bool permissionGained = await AudioCapturePermissions.RequestMicrophonePermission();
            if (permissionGained)
                btnContinuousRecognize.IsEnabled = true;
                resultTextBlock.Text = "Permission to access capture resources was not given by the user, reset the application setting in Settings->Privacy->Microphone.";

            Language speechLanguage = SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage;
            string langTag = speechLanguage.LanguageTag;
            speechContext = ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView();
            speechContext.Languages = new string[] { langTag };

            speechResourceMap = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("LocalizationSpeechResources");


            // Initialize the recognizer. Since the recognizer is disposed on scenario exit, we need to make sure we re-initialize it on scenario
            // entrance, as the xaml page may not get destroyed between openings of the scenario.
            await InitializeRecognizer(SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage);

示例12: MainPage

        public MainPage()
            DataContext = this;
            _dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

            // Create the Bluetooth LE watcher from the Windows 10 UWP
            _watcher = new BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher { ScanningMode = BluetoothLEScanningMode.Active };

            // Construct the Universal Bluetooth Beacon manager
            _beaconManager = new BeaconManager();
            BeaconListView.ItemsSource = _beaconManager.BluetoothBeacons;

            // Simulate beacon info
//#if DEBUG
//            var eddystoneBeacon = new Beacon(Beacon.BeaconTypeEnum.Eddystone);
//            eddystoneBeacon.BeaconFrames.Add(new TlmEddystoneFrame(0, 3100, (float)25.5, 2000, 1000));
//            // Ranging Data 0xEE = -18dbM: needs unchecked syntax to cast constants, works without unchecked for runtime variables
//            // (sbyte)0x12 = +18dbM
//            // Sample values from: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.tx_power_level.xml
//            eddystoneBeacon.BeaconFrames.Add(new UidEddystoneFrame(unchecked((sbyte)0xEE),         
//                new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A },
//                new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 }));
//            eddystoneBeacon.BeaconFrames.Add(new UrlEddystoneFrame(220, "http://www.tieto.at"));
//            eddystoneBeacon.Rssi = -49;
//            eddystoneBeacon.BluetoothAddress = 0x0000e27ef189f6c4; // 3
//            eddystoneBeacon.Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;
//            _beaconManager.BluetoothBeacons.Add(eddystoneBeacon);

示例13: MainPage_Loaded

        private async void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
            bool permissionGained = await RequestMicrophonePermission();

            if (!permissionGained)
                return; // No permission granted

            Language speechLanguage = SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage;
            string langTag = speechLanguage.LanguageTag;
            speechContext = ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView();
            speechContext.Languages = new string[] { langTag };

            speechResourceMap = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("LocalizationSpeechResources");

            await InitializeRecognizer(SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage);

                await speechRecognizer.ContinuousRecognitionSession.StartAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Exception");
                await messageDialog.ShowAsync();


示例14: InitializeRecognizer

        /// <summary>
        /// Upon entering the scenario, ensure that we have permissions to use the Microphone. This may entail popping up
        /// a dialog to the user on Desktop systems. Only enable functionality once we've gained that permission in order to 
        /// prevent errors from occurring when using the SpeechRecognizer. If speech is not a primary input mechanism, developers
        /// should consider disabling appropriate parts of the UI if the user does not have a recording device, or does not allow 
        /// audio input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Unused navigation parameters</param>
        protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            rootPage = MainPage.Current;

            // Keep track of the UI thread dispatcher, as speech events will come in on a separate thread.
            dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

            // Prompt the user for permission to access the microphone. This request will only happen
            // once, it will not re-prompt if the user rejects the permission.
            bool permissionGained = await AudioCapturePermissions.RequestMicrophonePermission();
            if (permissionGained)
                btnContinuousRecognize.IsEnabled = true;
                // Initialize resource map to retrieve localized speech strings.
                Language speechLanguage = SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage;
                string langTag = speechLanguage.LanguageTag;
                speechContext = ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView();
                speechContext.Languages = new string[] { langTag };

                speechResourceMap = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("LocalizationSpeechResources");

                await InitializeRecognizer(SpeechRecognizer.SystemSpeechLanguage);
                this.resultTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                this.resultTextBlock.Text = "Permission to access capture resources was not given by the user, reset the application setting in Settings->Privacy->Microphone.";
                btnContinuousRecognize.IsEnabled = false;
                cbLanguageSelection.IsEnabled = false;

示例15: DownloadableViewModelBase

 public DownloadableViewModelBase()
     IsDownloading = false;
     IsIndeterminate = true;
     _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
     _dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
