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C# ComputeBuffer.Dispose方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer.Dispose方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ComputeBuffer.Dispose方法的具体用法?C# ComputeBuffer.Dispose怎么用?C# ComputeBuffer.Dispose使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer的用法示例。


示例1: Start

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("Population size: " + populationSize);
        int width = (int)Mathf.Round(Mathf.Sqrt(populationSize));
        int height = (int)Mathf.Round(Mathf.Sqrt(populationSize));

        testing = new ComputeBuffer(10, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Individual)));

        Debug.Log("Seed " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Fill with random genome, and run first fitness test.
        int kernel = shader.FindKernel("InitializePopulation");
        DebugAux.Assert(kernel >= 0, "Couldn't find kernel: " + "InitializePopulation " + kernel);
        shader.SetBuffer(kernel, "Population", testing);
        shader.SetFloat("seed", DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
        shader.Dispatch(kernel, 32, 32, 1);

        Individual[] tes = new Individual[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < tes.Length; i++)
            Debug.Log(tes[i].genome + " " + tes[i].fitness);

        // Selection..
        /*kernel = shader.FindKernel("AllOnesFitness");
        DebugAux.Assert(kernel >= 0, "Couldn't find kernel: " + "AllOnesFitness " + kernel);
        shader.SetBuffer(kernel, "Population", testing);
        shader.Dispatch(kernel, 32, 32, 1);*/


示例2: RunMultiplyShader

    public void RunMultiplyShader() {
        VecMatPair[] data = new VecMatPair[5];
        VecMatPair[] output = new VecMatPair[5];
        // Init Data here!!!
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) {
            data[i].point = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere;
            data[i].matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere, UnityEngine.Random.rotation, UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere);
            Debug.Log("PreShader! Pos: " + data[i].point.ToString() + ", Matrix: " + data[i].matrix.ToString());

        ComputeBuffer buffer = new ComputeBuffer(data.Length, 76);
        int kernelHandle = shader.FindKernel("Multiply");
        shader.SetBuffer(kernelHandle, "dataBuffer", buffer);
        shader.Dispatch(kernelHandle, data.Length, 1, 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++) {            
            Debug.Log("PostShader! Pos: " + output[i].point.ToString() + ", Matrix: " + output[i].matrix.ToString());


        /*public ComputeShader compute;
        public ComputeBuffer buffer;
        public int[] cols;
        void Start () {
        var mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
        int n = mesh.vertexCount;
        buffer = new ComputeBuffer (n, 16);
        cols = new int[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
             cols[i] = 0;      
        buffer.SetData (cols); 
        compute.SetBuffer(compute.FindKernel ("CSMain"),"bufColors", buffer);
        Debug.Log (cols[0]); 

示例3: BuildMesh

    public void BuildMesh() {
        float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        // NOISE VOLUME!
        RenderTexture DensityVolume = new RenderTexture(16, 16, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat, RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB);
        DensityVolume.volumeDepth = 16;
        DensityVolume.isVolume = true;
        DensityVolume.enableRandomWrite = true;
        DensityVolume.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        DensityVolume.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
        int mgen_id = CShaderSimplex.FindKernel("FillEmpty");
        // uses renderTexture rather than StructuredBuffer?
        CShaderSimplex.SetTexture(mgen_id, "Result", DensityVolume);  // Links RenderTexture to the "Result" RWTexture in the compute shader?	
        CShaderSimplex.Dispatch(mgen_id, 1, 1, 16);  // run computeShader "FillEmpty" with 1 x 1 x 31 threadGroups?      
        mgen_id = CShaderSimplex.FindKernel("Simplex3d");
        CShaderSimplex.SetTexture(mgen_id, "Result", DensityVolume);
        CShaderSimplex.Dispatch(mgen_id, 1, 1, 16);  // Fill shared RenderTexture with GPU simplex Noise

        ComputeBuffer cBufferSegmentTransform = new ComputeBuffer(critterSegmentTransforms.Length, sizeof(float) * (3 + 3 + 4));
        int kernelID = CShaderBuildMC.FindKernel("CSMain");
        CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(kernelID, "segmentTransformBuffer", cBufferSegmentTransform);
        CShaderBuildMC.SetTexture(kernelID, "noise_volume", DensityVolume);  // Noise 3D texture

        // Figure out how many chunks are needed:
        int numChunksX = Mathf.CeilToInt(GlobalBoundingBoxDimensions.x / (cellResolution * 8f));
        int numChunksY = Mathf.CeilToInt(GlobalBoundingBoxDimensions.y / (cellResolution * 8f));
        int numChunksZ = Mathf.CeilToInt(GlobalBoundingBoxDimensions.z / (cellResolution * 8f));
        //Debug.Log("numChunks: (" + numChunksX.ToString() + ", " + numChunksY.ToString() + ", " + numChunksZ.ToString() + ")");

        int totalNumChunks = numChunksX * numChunksY * numChunksZ;
        Poly[][] PolyArrayArray = new Poly[totalNumChunks][];  // This will hold the mesh data from the chunks calculated on the GPU
        int[] numPolysArray = new int[totalNumChunks];
        int totalNumPolys = 0;

        // Get each chunk!
        int chunkIndex = 0;
        for(int x = 0; x < numChunksX; x++) {
            for(int y = 0; y < numChunksY; y++) {
                for(int z = 0; z < numChunksZ; z++) {
                    // Figure out chunk offset amount:
                    Vector3 chunkOffset = new Vector3(cellResolution * 8f * x, cellResolution * 8f * y, cellResolution * 8f * z) + GlobalBoundingBoxOffset - (GlobalBoundingBoxDimensions / 2f);

                    int[] numPolys = new int[1];
                    ComputeBuffer cBufferNumPoly = new ComputeBuffer(1, sizeof(int));

                    int id = CShaderBuildMC.FindKernel("CSMain");
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetInt("_CalcNumPolys", 1); // only calculate how many tris so I can correctly size the poly buffer
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_GlobalOffsetX", chunkOffset.x);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_GlobalOffsetY", chunkOffset.y);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_GlobalOffsetZ", chunkOffset.z);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_CellSize", cellResolution);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetVector("_ColorPrimary", colorPrimary);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetVector("_ColorSecondary", colorSecondary);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_ColorNoiseScale", colorNoiseScale);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_ColorSmlAmplitude", colorSmlAmplitude);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_ColorMedAmplitude", colorMedAmplitude);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_ColorLrgAmplitude", colorLrgAmplitude);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_ColorContrast", colorContrast);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_ColorThreshold", colorThreshold);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetVector("_SkinNoiseScale", skinNoiseScale);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_SkinNoiseAmplitude", skinNoiseAmplitude);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetVector("_SkinLocalTaper", skinLocalTaper);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetVector("_SkinLocalSinFreq", skinLocalSinFreq);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetVector("_SkinLocalSinAmp", skinLocalSinAmp);
                    // Local Segment-space modifications, sin, taper, etc.

                    CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(id, "numPolyBuffer", cBufferNumPoly);
                    CShaderBuildMC.Dispatch(id, 1, 1, 1);  // calc num polys      
                    cBufferNumPoly.GetData(numPolys);  // get numPolys
                    //Debug.Log("Chunk: " + (z + (numChunksZ * y) + (numChunksZ * numChunksY * x)).ToString() + ", cBufferNumPoly.GetData(numPolys): " + numPolys[0].ToString() + ", chunkOffset: " + chunkOffset.ToString());
                    totalNumPolys += numPolys[0];
                    numPolysArray[chunkIndex] = numPolys[0];
                    if(numPolys[0] > 0) {   // only do this if there was at least 1 triangle in the test pass
                        Poly[] polyArray = new Poly[numPolys[0]];
                        int cBufferStride = sizeof(float) * (18 + 9 + 6) + sizeof(int) * (6);
                        ComputeBuffer cBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(numPolys[0], cBufferStride);  // 18 floats x 4 bytes/float = 72   + COLORS! 9 x 4 = 36  = 108   + BONES! 6x4 = 24 + 6 xint...
                        CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(id, "buffer", cBuffer);
                        CShaderBuildMC.SetInt("_CalcNumPolys", 0);  // Actually calc tris        
                        CShaderBuildMC.Dispatch(id, 1, 1, 1);
                        cBuffer.GetData(polyArray);  // return data from GPU

                        PolyArrayArray[chunkIndex] = polyArray;




示例4: InitTerrain

    private void InitTerrain() {
        int meshGridSize = 16;
        int numTerrainMeshVertices = meshGridSize * meshGridSize;
        terrainMeshBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(numTerrainMeshVertices, sizeof(float) * (3 + 3 + 2 + 4));
        int numStrokesPerVertX = 16;
        int numStrokesPerVertZ = 16;
        int numTerrainStrokes = meshGridSize * meshGridSize * numStrokesPerVertX * numStrokesPerVertZ;
        terrainStrokesBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(numTerrainStrokes, sizeof(float) * (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2) + sizeof(int) * 1);

        //terrainGeneratorCompute = new ComputeShader();
        int kernel_id = terrainGeneratorCompute.FindKernel("CSMain");
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetFloat("_GridSideLength", terrainSize);
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetFloat("_NoiseFrequency", terrainNoiseFrequency);
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetFloat("_NoiseAmplitude", terrainNoiseAmplitude);
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetFloat("_GroundHeight", terrainAltitude);
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetInt("_NumGroupsX", numStrokesPerVertX);
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetInt("_NumGroupsZ", numStrokesPerVertZ);
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetBuffer(kernel_id, "buf_StrokeData", terrainStrokesBuffer);
        terrainGeneratorCompute.SetBuffer(kernel_id, "buf_MeshData", terrainMeshBuffer);

        meshData[] meshDataArray = new meshData[numTerrainMeshVertices];  // memory to receive data from computeshader
        terrainGeneratorCompute.Dispatch(kernel_id, numStrokesPerVertX, 1, numStrokesPerVertZ);  // fill buffers

        terrainMeshBuffer.GetData(meshDataArray);  // download mesh Data

        // generate Mesh from data:
        //Construct mesh using received data         
        // Why same number of tris as vertices?  == // because all triangles have duplicate verts - no shared vertices?
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[numTerrainMeshVertices];
        Color[] colors = new Color[numTerrainMeshVertices];
        int[] tris = new int[2 * (meshGridSize - 1) * (meshGridSize - 1) * 3];
        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[numTerrainMeshVertices];
        Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[numTerrainMeshVertices];

        for(int i = 0; i < numTerrainMeshVertices; i++) {
            vertices[i] = meshDataArray[i].pos;
            normals[i] = meshDataArray[i].normal;
            uvs[i] = meshDataArray[i].uv;
            colors[i] = meshDataArray[i].color;            
        // Figure out triangles:
        int index = 0;
        int numSquares = meshGridSize - 1;
        for (int y = 0; y < numSquares; y++) {
            for(int x = 0; x < numSquares; x++) {
                // counterclockwise winding order:
                tris[index] = ((y + 1) * meshGridSize) + x;
                tris[index + 1] = (y * meshGridSize) + x + 1;
                tris[index + 2] = (y * meshGridSize) + x;

                tris[index + 3] = ((y + 1) * meshGridSize) + x;
                tris[index + 4] = ((y + 1) * meshGridSize) + x + 1;
                tris[index + 5] = (y * meshGridSize) + x + 1;

                index = index + 6;

        Mesh terrainMesh = new Mesh();
        terrainMesh.vertices = vertices;
        terrainMesh.uv = uvs; //Unwrapping.GeneratePerTriangleUV(NewMesh);
        terrainMesh.triangles = tris;
        terrainMesh.normals = normals; //NewMesh.RecalculateNormals();        
        terrainMesh.colors = colors;

        trainerTerrainManager.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = terrainMesh;
        trainerTerrainManager.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = terrainMesh;


示例5: BuildMesh

    public void BuildMesh() {
        float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        int[] numPolys = new int[1];        
        ComputeBuffer cBufferNumPoly = new ComputeBuffer(1, sizeof(int));        

        int id = CShaderBuildMC.FindKernel("CSMain");        
        CShaderBuildMC.SetInt("_CalcNumPolys", 1); // only calculate how many tris so I can correctly size the poly buffer
        CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(id, "numPolyBuffer", cBufferNumPoly);        
        CShaderBuildMC.Dispatch(id, 1, 1, 1);  // calc num polys      
        cBufferNumPoly.GetData(numPolys);  // get numPolys
        Debug.Log("cBufferNumPoly.GetData(numPolys): " + numPolys[0].ToString());

        _MaxBufferSize = numPolys[0];
        Poly[] polyArray = new Poly[_MaxBufferSize];
        ComputeBuffer cBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(_MaxBufferSize, 72);  // 18 floats x 4 bytes/float = 72

        CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(id, "buffer", cBuffer);
        CShaderBuildMC.SetInt("_CalcNumPolys", 0);  // Actually calc tris        
        CShaderBuildMC.Dispatch(id, 1, 1, 1);
        cBuffer.GetData(polyArray);  // return data from GPU
        //Construct mesh using received data
        Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();

        int vindex = 0;
        //int count = 0;

        //Count real data length   --- Looks like there might be wasted data??? -- investigate how to Optimize
        /*for (count = 0; count < _MaxBufferSize; count++) {
            if (polyArray[count].A1 == 0.0f && polyArray[count].B1 == 0.0f && polyArray[count].C1 == 0.0 &&
                polyArray[count].A2 == 0.0f && polyArray[count].B2 == 0.0f && polyArray[count].C2 == 0.0 &&
                polyArray[count].A3 == 0.0f && polyArray[count].B3 == 0.0f && polyArray[count].C3 == 0.0) {

        //Debug.Log(count+" triangles got");
        // Why same number of tris as vertices?  == // because all triangles have duplicate verts - no shared vertices?
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[_MaxBufferSize * 3];
        int[] tris = new int[_MaxBufferSize * 3];
        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[_MaxBufferSize * 3];
        Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[_MaxBufferSize * 3];

        //Parse triangles
        for (int ix = 0; ix < _MaxBufferSize; ix++) {

            Vector3 vPos;
            Vector3 vOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);   //???  offsets all vertices by this amount, but why 30?? 
            vPos = new Vector3(polyArray[ix].A1, polyArray[ix].A2, polyArray[ix].A3) + vOffset;
            vertices[vindex] = vPos * _Scale;
            normals[vindex] = new Vector3(polyArray[ix].NA1, polyArray[ix].NA2, polyArray[ix].NA3);
            tris[vindex] = vindex;
            uvs[vindex] = new Vector2(vertices[vindex].z, vertices[vindex].x);


            vPos = new Vector3(polyArray[ix].B1, polyArray[ix].B2, polyArray[ix].B3) + vOffset;
            vertices[vindex] = vPos * _Scale;
            normals[vindex] = new Vector3(polyArray[ix].NB1, polyArray[ix].NB2, polyArray[ix].NB3);
            tris[vindex] = vindex;
            uvs[vindex] = new Vector2(vertices[vindex].z, vertices[vindex].x);


            vPos = new Vector3(polyArray[ix].C1, polyArray[ix].C2, polyArray[ix].C3) + vOffset;
            vertices[vindex] = vPos * _Scale;
            normals[vindex] = new Vector3(polyArray[ix].NC1, polyArray[ix].NC2, polyArray[ix].NC3);
            tris[vindex] = vindex;
            uvs[vindex] = new Vector2(vertices[vindex].z, vertices[vindex].x);


        //We have got all data and are ready to setup a new mesh!


        newMesh.vertices = vertices;
        newMesh.uv = uvs; //Unwrapping.GeneratePerTriangleUV(NewMesh);
        newMesh.triangles = tris;
        newMesh.normals = normals; //NewMesh.RecalculateNormals();


        this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = newMesh;

示例6: BuildMesh

    public void BuildMesh() {
        float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        // CritterSegmentTransforms!!
        SegmentTransform[] critterSegmentTransforms = new SegmentTransform[2];
        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(55f, 12f, -230f);
        Quaternion rot2 = Quaternion.Euler(-35f, 112f, -67f);
        SegmentTransform segmentTransform;
        segmentTransform.PX = 10f;
        segmentTransform.PY = 8f;
        segmentTransform.PZ = 13f;
        segmentTransform.RX = rot.x;
        segmentTransform.RY = rot.y;
        segmentTransform.RZ = rot.z;
        segmentTransform.RW = rot.w;
        segmentTransform.SX = 6f;
        segmentTransform.SY = 7f;
        segmentTransform.SZ = 2.5f;
        SegmentTransform segmentTransform2;
        segmentTransform2.PX = 22f;
        segmentTransform2.PY = 11f;
        segmentTransform2.PZ = 15f;
        segmentTransform2.RX = rot2.x;
        segmentTransform2.RY = rot2.y;
        segmentTransform2.RZ = rot2.z;
        segmentTransform2.RW = rot2.w;
        segmentTransform2.SX = 9f;
        segmentTransform2.SY = 3f;
        segmentTransform2.SZ = 7f;
        critterSegmentTransforms[0] = segmentTransform;
        critterSegmentTransforms[1] = segmentTransform2;

        ComputeBuffer cBufferSegmentTransform = new ComputeBuffer(critterSegmentTransforms.Length, sizeof(float) * (3 + 3 + 4));
        int kernelID = CShaderBuildMC.FindKernel("CSMain");
        CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(kernelID, "segmentTransformBuffer", cBufferSegmentTransform);

        // Figure out how many chunks are needed:
        int numChunksX = Mathf.CeilToInt(GlobalBoundingBoxDimensions.x * cellResolution / 8f);
        int numChunksY = Mathf.CeilToInt(GlobalBoundingBoxDimensions.y * cellResolution / 8f);
        int numChunksZ = Mathf.CeilToInt(GlobalBoundingBoxDimensions.z * cellResolution / 8f);
        Debug.Log("numChunks: (" + numChunksX.ToString() + ", " + numChunksY.ToString() + ", " + numChunksZ.ToString() + ")");

        int totalNumChunks = numChunksX * numChunksY * numChunksZ;
        Poly[][] PolyArrayArray = new Poly[totalNumChunks][];  // This will hold the mesh data from the chunks calculated on the GPU
        int[] numPolysArray = new int[totalNumChunks];
        int totalNumPolys = 0;

        // Get each chunk!
        int chunkIndex = 0;
        for(int x = 0; x < numChunksX; x++) {
            for(int y = 0; y < numChunksY; y++) {
                for(int z = 0; z < numChunksZ; z++) {
                    // Figure out chunk offset amount:
                    Vector3 chunkOffset = new Vector3(cellResolution * 8f * x, cellResolution * 8f * y, cellResolution * 8f * z);

                    int[] numPolys = new int[1];
                    ComputeBuffer cBufferNumPoly = new ComputeBuffer(1, sizeof(int));

                    int id = CShaderBuildMC.FindKernel("CSMain");
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetInt("_CalcNumPolys", 1); // only calculate how many tris so I can correctly size the poly buffer
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_GlobalOffsetX", chunkOffset.x);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_GlobalOffsetY", chunkOffset.y);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetFloat("_GlobalOffsetZ", chunkOffset.z);
                    CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(id, "numPolyBuffer", cBufferNumPoly);
                    CShaderBuildMC.Dispatch(id, 1, 1, 1);  // calc num polys      
                    cBufferNumPoly.GetData(numPolys);  // get numPolys
                    Debug.Log("Chunk: " + (z + (numChunksZ * y) + (numChunksZ * numChunksY * x)).ToString() + ", cBufferNumPoly.GetData(numPolys): " + numPolys[0].ToString() + ", chunkIndex: " + chunkIndex.ToString());
                    totalNumPolys += numPolys[0];
                    numPolysArray[chunkIndex] = numPolys[0];

                    //_MaxBufferSize = numPolys[0];
                    if(numPolys[0] > 0) {   // only do this if there was at least 1 triangle in the test pass
                        Poly[] polyArray = new Poly[numPolys[0]];
                        ComputeBuffer cBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(numPolys[0], 72);  // 18 floats x 4 bytes/float = 72

                        CShaderBuildMC.SetBuffer(id, "buffer", cBuffer);
                        CShaderBuildMC.SetInt("_CalcNumPolys", 0);  // Actually calc tris        
                        CShaderBuildMC.Dispatch(id, 1, 1, 1);
                        cBuffer.GetData(polyArray);  // return data from GPU

                        PolyArrayArray[chunkIndex] = polyArray;



        //Construct mesh using received data        
        Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();

        int vindex = 0;
        // Why same number of tris as vertices?  == // because all triangles have duplicate verts - no shared vertices?

示例7: ApplyCustomKernel

    /// <summary>
    /// Applies a custom kernel to an image.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source">The texture to apply the kernel to.</param>
    /// <param name="destination">The texture to contain the result of the kernel operation.</param>
    /// <param name="kernel">The kernel to apply. ( Must be n x n size, 1D represented as row by row, bottom to top. )</param>
    /// <param name="filterFactor">The amount to divide the result of the kernel operation with. ( if left empty, will assume division by sum. )</param>
    public void ApplyCustomKernel(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination, int[] kernel, int filterFactor = -1)
        // Declares a compute buffer to hold the kernel and other needed parameters. Its the size of the array
        // plus 3 other variables, the strie is the size of an int and its a standard structured buffer.

        ComputeBuffer buf = new ComputeBuffer(kernel.Length + 3, sizeof(int), ComputeBufferType.Default);

        // Create a new array and put in all the needed variables.
        int[] newArray = new int[kernel.Length + 3];
        // Find out if its an equal or non-equal kernel.
        newArray[0] = kernel.Length % 2;
        // Put in the filter factor. If default use the sum of the kernel, otherwise use specified filterFactor.
        if (filterFactor == -1)
            newArray[1] = kernel.Sum();
            newArray[1] = filterFactor;
        // Lenght of the kernel
        newArray[2] = (int)Math.Sqrt(kernel.Length);
        // Copy in the kernel to the new array
        Array.Copy(kernel, 0, newArray, 3, kernel.Length);

        // Put the new array into the buffer.

        // Call the compute shader function with the needed parameters.
        CustomKernelCall(source, destination, buf);
        // Discard the compute buffer to avoid memleak
