本文整理汇总了C#中System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform.Transform方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# RotateTransform.Transform方法的具体用法?C# RotateTransform.Transform怎么用?C# RotateTransform.Transform使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform
示例1: ArrangeOverride
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
if (GetValues(this) != null)
double total = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < InternalChildren.Count; i++)
total += (double)(GetValues(this)[i]);
double offsetAngle = 0.0;
double radius = finalSize.Width < finalSize.Height ? finalSize.Width / 2 : finalSize.Height / 2;
//radius -= 2;
Point beginFigure = new Point(finalSize.Width / 2, finalSize.Height / 2);
Point lineToBeforeTransform = new Point(beginFigure.X + radius, beginFigure.Y);
for (int i = 0; i < InternalChildren.Count; i++)
ContentControl container = InternalChildren[i] as ContentControl;
double wedgeAngle = (double)(GetValues(this)[i]) * 360 / total;
RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(offsetAngle, beginFigure.X, beginFigure.Y);
container.SetValue(PiePanel.BeginFigurePointProperty, beginFigure);
container.SetValue(PiePanel.LineToPointProperty, rt.Transform(lineToBeforeTransform));
container.SetValue(PiePanel.WedgeAngleProperty, wedgeAngle);
offsetAngle += wedgeAngle;
Rect r = new Rect(finalSize);
return finalSize;
示例2: GetClipGeometry
public StreamGeometry GetClipGeometry(Size arrangeBounds)
StreamGeometry clip = new StreamGeometry();
StreamGeometryContext clipGC = clip.Open();
clipGC.BeginFigure(BeginFigurePoint, true, true);
clipGC.LineTo(LineToPoint, false, true);
Vector v = LineToPoint - BeginFigurePoint;
RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(WedgeAngle, BeginFigurePoint.X, BeginFigurePoint.Y);
bool isLargeArc = WedgeAngle >180.0;
clipGC.ArcTo(rt.Transform(LineToPoint), new Size(v.Length, v.Length), WedgeAngle, isLargeArc, SweepDirection.Clockwise, false, true);
return clip;
示例3: OnRender
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
Rect rect = new Rect(0.0, 0.0, base.ActualWidth, base.ActualHeight);
JapaneseTextSource source = new JapaneseTextSource();
source.Text = this.Text;
JapaneseTextParagraphProperties textParagraphProperties = this.MakeTextProperties();
source.JapaneseTextRunProperties = (JapaneseTextRunProperties)textParagraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties;
source.IsVarticalWriting = textParagraphProperties.IsVerticalWriting;
if (textParagraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.BackgroundBrush != null)
drawingContext.DrawRectangle(textParagraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.BackgroundBrush, null, rect);
Rect paddingRect = new Rect(this.Padding.Left, this.Padding.Top, Math.Max(0.0, base.ActualWidth - this.Padding.Left - this.Padding.Right), Math.Max(0.0, base.ActualHeight - this.Padding.Top - this.Padding.Bottom));
Point center = new Point((paddingRect.Left + paddingRect.Right) / 2.0, (paddingRect.Top + paddingRect.Bottom) / 2.0);
Point startPosition;
double paragraphWidth;
if (textParagraphProperties.IsVerticalWriting)
Point origin = paddingRect.TopRight;
Transform transOrigin = new RotateTransform(-90.0, center.X, center.Y);
startPosition = transOrigin.Transform(origin);
paragraphWidth = Math.Abs(paddingRect.Height);
Transform trans = new RotateTransform(90.0, center.X, center.Y);
startPosition = paddingRect.TopLeft;
paragraphWidth = Math.Abs(paddingRect.Width);
startPosition.Y += textParagraphProperties.JapaneseTextRunProperties.FontRenderingEmSize;
int textStorePosition = 0;
Point linePosition = startPosition;
TextFormatter formatter = TextFormatter.Create();
while (textStorePosition < source.Text.Length)
using (TextLine textLine = formatter.FormatLine(source, textStorePosition, paragraphWidth, textParagraphProperties, null))
foreach (IndexedGlyphRun indexedrun in textLine.GetIndexedGlyphRuns())
if (textParagraphProperties.IsVerticalWriting)
Rect runRect;
if (source.GlyphCount != 0 && source.Glyphs[0] != 0)
Point ansiLinePosition = linePosition;
ansiLinePosition.Y -= textParagraphProperties.JapaneseTextRunProperties.FontRenderingEmSize / 2.0;
runRect = this.DrawIndexedGlyphRun(drawingContext, indexedrun, ansiLinePosition, source, true);
Point ansiLinePosition = linePosition;
ansiLinePosition.Y -= textParagraphProperties.JapaneseTextRunProperties.FontRenderingEmSize / 10.0;
runRect = this.DrawIndexedGlyphRun(drawingContext, indexedrun, ansiLinePosition, source, false);
linePosition.X += runRect.Width;
Rect runRect = this.DrawIndexedGlyphRun(drawingContext, indexedrun, linePosition, source, false);
linePosition.X += runRect.Width;
textStorePosition += textLine.Length;
linePosition.X = startPosition.X;
linePosition.Y += textLine.Height;
if (textParagraphProperties.IsVerticalWriting)
示例4: DrawLineArrowInternal
private static Point DrawLineArrowInternal(DrawingContext dc, double half, Pen pen, Brush brush, double x, double y, double angle, ArrowStyle style)
Point pt;
bool doRectTransform = angle % 90.0 != 0.0;
var rt = new RotateTransform(angle, x, y);
double rx = style.RadiusX;
double ry = style.RadiusY;
double sx = 2.0 * rx;
double sy = 2.0 * ry;
switch (style.ArrowType)
case ArrowType.None:
pt = new Point(x, y);
case ArrowType.Rectangle:
pt = rt.Transform(new Point(x - sx, y));
var rect = new Rect(x - sx, y - ry, sx, sy);
if (doRectTransform)
DrawRectangleInternal(dc, half, brush, pen, style.IsStroked, style.IsFilled, ref rect);
var bounds = rt.TransformBounds(rect);
DrawRectangleInternal(dc, half, brush, pen, style.IsStroked, style.IsFilled, ref bounds);
case ArrowType.Ellipse:
pt = rt.Transform(new Point(x - sx, y));
var c = new Point(x - rx, y);
DrawEllipseInternal(dc, half, brush, pen, style.IsStroked, style.IsFilled, ref c, rx, ry);
case ArrowType.Arrow:
pt = rt.Transform(new Point(x, y));
var p11 = rt.Transform(new Point(x - sx, y + sy));
var p21 = rt.Transform(new Point(x, y));
var p12 = rt.Transform(new Point(x - sx, y - sy));
var p22 = rt.Transform(new Point(x, y));
DrawLineInternal(dc, half, pen, style.IsStroked, ref p11, ref p21);
DrawLineInternal(dc, half, pen, style.IsStroked, ref p12, ref p22);
return pt;
示例5: RotatedRectContains
public bool RotatedRectContains(Rectangle rect, System.Windows.Point location)
var rectCorner = new System.Windows.Point(Canvas.GetLeft(rect), Canvas.GetTop(rect));
var rectRotation = (RotateTransform)rect.RenderTransform;
var transform = new RotateTransform(-rectRotation.Angle, rectCorner.X + rectRotation.CenterX, rectCorner.Y + rectRotation.CenterY);
var rotated = transform.Transform(location);
return rotated.X > rectCorner.X && rotated.X < rectCorner.X + rect.Width && rotated.Y > rectCorner.Y
&& rotated.Y < rectCorner.Y + rect.Height;
示例6: FindOppositePoint
/// <summary>
/// Intersects a line with a geometry to return the point of intersection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
/// <param name="p"></param>
/// <param name="centerVector"></param>
/// <param name="t"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static Point FindOppositePoint(PathGeometry node, Point p, Vector centerVector, Transform t)
Vector xaxis = new Point(1, 0) - new Point(0, 0);
double angleBetween = Vector.AngleBetween(centerVector, xaxis);
RotateTransform r = new RotateTransform(angleBetween, p.X, p.Y);
SortedList pointList = new SortedList();
for (int i = 0; i < node.Figures.Count; i++)
PathFigure pf = node.Figures[i];
Point lastPathFigurePoint = r.Transform(pf.StartPoint);
for (int j = 0; j < pf.Segments.Count; j++)
if (pf.Segments[j] is PolyLineSegment)
PolyLineSegment pls = (PolyLineSegment)pf.Segments[j];
for (int k = 0; k < pls.Points.Count; k++)
Point point1 = r.Transform(pls.Points[k]);
CheckLineSegmentForIntersection(p, point1, lastPathFigurePoint, pointList);
lastPathFigurePoint = point1;
else if (pf.Segments[j] is LineSegment)
LineSegment ls = (LineSegment)pf.Segments[j];
Point p1 = r.Transform(ls.Point);
Point p2 = lastPathFigurePoint;
lastPathFigurePoint = p1;
CheckLineSegmentForIntersection(p, p1, p2, pointList);
if (pointList.Count < 1)
return centerVector + p;
Point returnPt = new Point((double)pointList.GetByIndex(0), p.Y);
r.Angle = -1 * angleBetween;
returnPt = r.Transform(returnPt);
Vector finalVector = returnPt - p;
if (finalVector.Length > centerVector.Length)
return centerVector + p;
return returnPt;
示例7: ShowSortedItemsInGraph
private void ShowSortedItemsInGraph(List<ItemSize> SortedItemList)
bool hasBoundary = true;
Brush boundaryBrush = Brushes.Black;
double boundaryThickness = 0.5;
Point pieCenter = new Point(PIE_RADIUS, PIE_RADIUS);
Point startPoint = new Point(PIE_RADIUS, 0);
//Set bitmap effect for the pie graph
#pragma warning disable 0618
PieGraph.BitmapEffect = new BevelBitmapEffect();
#pragma warning restore 0618
//Move the center of the pie view to the origin of the canvas (canvas origin is located at the center of the view)
ScaleTransform scale = new ScaleTransform(absScaleFactor, absScaleFactor);
TransformGroup trasfm = new TransformGroup();
trasfm.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(-PIE_RADIUS, -PIE_RADIUS));
PieGraph.RenderTransform = trasfm;
for (int i = 0; i < SortedItemList.Count; i++)
var item = SortedItemList[i];
double angle = 360 * item.Percentage;
if (angle >= 360) angle = 360 - 1e-5;
RotateTransform rotate = new RotateTransform(angle, pieCenter.X, pieCenter.Y);
Point endPoint = rotate.Transform(startPoint);
//Draw a fan shape
PathFigure fig = new PathFigure();
fig.StartPoint = pieCenter;
fig.IsClosed = hasBoundary;
fig.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(startPoint, hasBoundary));
fig.Segments.Add(new ArcSegment(endPoint, new Size(PIE_RADIUS, PIE_RADIUS), 0, angle > 180, SweepDirection.Clockwise, hasBoundary));
fig.Segments[0].IsSmoothJoin = fig.Segments[1].IsSmoothJoin = true;
PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry();
//Set color and boundary line for current fan shape
System.Windows.Shapes.Path fan = new System.Windows.Shapes.Path();
fan.Fill = PieColors[i % PieColors.Length];
fan.Stroke = boundaryBrush;
fan.StrokeThickness = boundaryThickness;
fan.Data = geo;
//Add tooptip for current fan shape
ToolTip tip = new ToolTip();
//A colored rectangle used as an icon of the tooltip
Rectangle tipIcon = new Rectangle();
tipIcon.Width = tipIcon.Height = 40;
tipIcon.Fill = fan.Fill;
tipIcon.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 4, 0);
//Tooltip message
TextBox tipMsg = new TextBox();
string name = (item.IsFolder) ? "[" + item.Name + "]" : item.Name;
tipMsg.Text = String.Format("{0}\n{1} Bytes\n{2}%", name, item.Size.ToString("n0"), (item.Percentage * 100).ToString("n2"));
//Assembly tooltip icon and message into a panel and set it to the fan shape tooltip
StackPanel tipPanel = new StackPanel();
tipPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
tip.Content = tipPanel;
fan.ToolTip = tip;
//Add a trigger to current fan so that it is highlighted when mouse is over it
Trigger trigger = new Trigger();
trigger.Property = System.Windows.Shapes.Path.IsMouseOverProperty;
trigger.Value = true;
trigger.Setters.Add(new Setter(System.Windows.Shapes.Path.OpacityProperty, 0.6));
Style style = new Style();
fan.Style = style;
//Add current fan to the graph
startPoint = endPoint;
示例8: Draw
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dc"></param>
/// <param name="line"></param>
/// <param name="dx"></param>
/// <param name="dy"></param>
/// <param name="db"></param>
/// <param name="r"></param>
public void Draw(object dc, XLine line, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray<ShapeProperty> db, Record r)
var _dc = dc as DrawingContext;
var style = line.Style;
if (style == null)
double zoom = _state.Zoom;
double thicknessLine = style.Thickness / zoom;
double halfLine = thicknessLine / 2.0;
double thicknessStartArrow = style.StartArrowStyle.Thickness / zoom;
double halfStartArrow = thicknessStartArrow / 2.0;
double thicknessEndArrow = style.EndArrowStyle.Thickness / zoom;
double halfEndArrow = thicknessEndArrow / 2.0;
// line style
Tuple<Brush, Pen> lineCache = null;
Brush fillLine;
Pen strokeLine;
if (_enableStyleCache
&& _styleCache.TryGetValue(style, out lineCache))
fillLine = lineCache.Item1;
strokeLine = lineCache.Item2;
fillLine = CreateBrush(style.Fill);
strokeLine = CreatePen(style, thicknessLine);
if (_enableStyleCache)
_styleCache.Add(style, Tuple.Create(fillLine, strokeLine));
// start arrow style
Tuple<Brush, Pen> startArrowCache = null;
Brush fillStartArrow;
Pen strokeStartArrow;
if (_enableArrowStyleCache
&& _arrowStyleCache.TryGetValue(style.StartArrowStyle, out startArrowCache))
fillStartArrow = startArrowCache.Item1;
strokeStartArrow = startArrowCache.Item2;
fillStartArrow = CreateBrush(style.StartArrowStyle.Fill);
strokeStartArrow = CreatePen(style.StartArrowStyle, thicknessStartArrow);
if (_enableArrowStyleCache)
_arrowStyleCache.Add(style.StartArrowStyle, Tuple.Create(fillStartArrow, strokeStartArrow));
// end arrow style
Tuple<Brush, Pen> endArrowCache = null;
Brush fillEndArrow;
Pen strokeEndArrow;
if (_enableArrowStyleCache
&& _arrowStyleCache.TryGetValue(style.EndArrowStyle, out endArrowCache))
fillEndArrow = endArrowCache.Item1;
strokeEndArrow = endArrowCache.Item2;
fillEndArrow = CreateBrush(style.EndArrowStyle.Fill);
strokeEndArrow = CreatePen(style.EndArrowStyle, thicknessEndArrow);
if (_enableArrowStyleCache)
_arrowStyleCache.Add(style.EndArrowStyle, Tuple.Create(fillEndArrow, strokeEndArrow));
// line max length
double x1 = line.Start.X + dx;
double y1 = line.Start.Y + dy;
double x2 = line.End.X + dx;
double y2 = line.End.Y + dy;
XLine.SetMaxLength(line, ref x1, ref y1, ref x2, ref y2);
// arrow transforms
var sas = style.StartArrowStyle;
var eas = style.EndArrowStyle;
double a1 = Math.Atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
double a2 = Math.Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
bool doRectTransform1 = a1 % 90.0 != 0.0;
bool doRectTransform2 = a2 % 90.0 != 0.0;
var t1 = new RotateTransform(a1, x1, y1);
var t2 = new RotateTransform(a2, x2, y2);
Point pt1;
Point pt2;
示例9: GetIcon_Equipment
private static DrawingImage GetIcon_Equipment(Brush brushPrimary, Brush brushSecondary)
DrawingGroup group = new DrawingGroup();
GeometryDrawing drawing = null;
#region circle
drawing = new GeometryDrawing()
Pen = new Pen()
Thickness = 5,
DashCap = PenLineCap.Flat,
StartLineCap = PenLineCap.Flat,
EndLineCap = PenLineCap.Flat,
LineJoin = PenLineJoin.Miter,
MiterLimit = 10,
Brush = brushPrimary,
Geometry = new EllipseGeometry()
Center = new Point(50, 50),
RadiusX = 40,
RadiusY = 40,
#region center dot
drawing = new GeometryDrawing()
Brush = brushPrimary,
Geometry = new EllipseGeometry()
Center = new Point(50, 50),
RadiusX = 4,
RadiusY = 4,
#region spokes
Pen pen = new Pen()
Thickness = 10,
DashCap = PenLineCap.Flat,
StartLineCap = PenLineCap.Triangle,
EndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
LineJoin = PenLineJoin.Miter,
MiterLimit = 10,
Brush = brushSecondary,
Point start = new Point(62.9735178272456, 42.420594688);
Point end = new Point(73.7538857402056, 36.26268532736);
RotateTransform rotate = new RotateTransform(0, 50, 50);
for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 6; cntr++)
rotate.Angle = 60 * cntr;
drawing = new GeometryDrawing()
Pen = pen,
Geometry = new LineGeometry(rotate.Transform(start), rotate.Transform(end)),
DrawingImage retVal = new DrawingImage();
retVal.Drawing = group;
return retVal;
示例10: GetMarkerGeometry
public static Geometry GetMarkerGeometry(MarkerType markerType, Point markerOrigin, Size markerSize, double startAngle = 0.0, double sweepAngle = 0.0)
switch (markerType)
case MarkerType.Circle:
return (Geometry)new EllipseGeometry()
Center = new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
RadiusX = (markerSize.Width / 2.0),
RadiusY = (markerSize.Height / 2.0)
case MarkerType.Star4:
case MarkerType.Star5:
case MarkerType.Star10:
PointCollection points1 = new PointCollection();
RotateTransform rotateTransform1 = new RotateTransform();
rotateTransform1.CenterX = markerSize.Width / 2.0;
rotateTransform1.CenterY = markerSize.Height / 2.0;
int num1 = 4;
if (markerType == MarkerType.Star5)
num1 = 5;
else if (markerType == MarkerType.Star10)
num1 = 10;
for (int index = 0; index < num1 * 2; ++index)
Point point = new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0, index % 2 == 0 ? 0.0 : markerSize.Height / 3.0);
rotateTransform1.Angle = (double)index * 360.0 / ((double)num1 * 2.0);
point = rotateTransform1.Transform(point);
point.X -= markerOrigin.X;
point.Y -= markerOrigin.Y;
return VisualUtilities.CreatePolyLineGeometry(points1);
case MarkerType.Triangle:
return VisualUtilities.CreatePolyLineGeometry(new PointCollection()
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, 0.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(0.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height - markerOrigin.Y)
case MarkerType.Square:
case MarkerType.Rectangle:
return (Geometry)new RectangleGeometry()
Rect = new Rect(0.0 - markerOrigin.X, 0.0 - markerOrigin.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)
case MarkerType.Diamond:
return VisualUtilities.CreatePolyLineGeometry(new PointCollection()
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, 0.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(0.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y)
case MarkerType.Cross:
case MarkerType.CrossRotated:
Size size1 = new Size(markerSize.Width / 4.0, markerSize.Height / 4.0);
Point[] pointArray = new Point[12]
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, 0.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 + size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, 0.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 + size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 - size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 - size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 + size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 + size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 + size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 + size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 + size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(0.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 + size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(0.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 - size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width / 2.0 - size1.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height / 2.0 - size1.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y)
PointCollection points2 = new PointCollection();
if (markerType == MarkerType.CrossRotated)
RotateTransform rotateTransform2 = new RotateTransform();
rotateTransform2.Angle = 45.0;
rotateTransform2.CenterX = markerSize.Width / 2.0 - markerOrigin.X;
rotateTransform2.CenterY = markerSize.Height / 2.0 - markerOrigin.Y;
for (int index = 0; index < pointArray.Length; ++index)
for (int index = 0; index < pointArray.Length; ++index)
return VisualUtilities.CreatePolyLineGeometry(points2);
case MarkerType.Trapezoid:
Size size2 = new Size(markerSize.Width / 3.0, markerSize.Height / 3.0);
return VisualUtilities.CreatePolyLineGeometry(new PointCollection()
new Point(size2.Width - markerOrigin.X, 0.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width - size2.Width - markerOrigin.X, 0.0 - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(markerSize.Width - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height - markerOrigin.Y),
new Point(0.0 - markerOrigin.X, markerSize.Height - markerOrigin.Y)
case MarkerType.Pentagon:
PointCollection points3 = new PointCollection();
RotateTransform rotateTransform3 = new RotateTransform();
示例11: DrawCar
private void DrawCar(Map map)
if (lastCar != null)
const double CAR_WIDTH = 55;
const double CAR_HEIGHT = 25;
const double FRONT_SHOWER_LENTH = 10;
System.Windows.Shapes.Polyline car = new Polyline();
car.StrokeThickness = 7;
car.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
car.Points = new PointCollection() {
new Point(map.car.x + CAR_WIDTH / 2, map.car.y + CAR_HEIGHT / 2),
new Point(map.car.x - CAR_WIDTH / 2, map.car.y + CAR_HEIGHT / 2),
new Point(map.car.x - CAR_WIDTH / 2, map.car.y - CAR_HEIGHT / 2),
new Point(map.car.x + CAR_WIDTH / 2, map.car.y - CAR_HEIGHT / 2),
new Point(map.car.x + CAR_WIDTH / 2, map.car.y),
new Point(map.car.x + CAR_WIDTH + FRONT_SHOWER_LENTH / 2, map.car.y),
new Point(map.car.x + CAR_WIDTH / 2, map.car.y),
new Point(map.car.x + CAR_WIDTH / 2, map.car.y + CAR_HEIGHT / 2)};
RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(map.car.angle, map.car.x, map.car.y);
car.Points = new PointCollection(car.Points.Select(x => rt.Transform(x)));
lastCar = car;
示例12: Measure
public XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureResult Measure(double angle, bool staggered, bool tryLabelWrap, double gap)
double offset = 0.0;
double marginLeft = 0.0;
double marginRight = 0.0;
bool hasCollisions = false;
bool flag = false;
double availableLenght = this.Parent.AvailableSizeInMeasureCycle.Width;
if (staggered)
List<AxisLabelControl> firstLevel = new List<AxisLabelControl>();
List<AxisLabelControl> secondLevel = new List<AxisLabelControl>();
EnumerableFunctions.ForEachWithIndex<AxisLabelControl>((IEnumerable<AxisLabelControl>)this.Elements, (Action<AxisLabelControl, int>)((label, index) =>
if (index % 2 > 0)
XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureInfo labelMeasureInfo1 = new XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureInfo(this.Parent, this.Level, (IList<AxisLabelControl>)firstLevel);
XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureInfo labelMeasureInfo2 = new XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureInfo(this.Parent, this.Level, (IList<AxisLabelControl>)secondLevel);
XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureResult firstInfo = labelMeasureInfo1.Measure(0.0, false, false, gap * 2.0);
XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureResult labelMeasureResult = labelMeasureInfo2.Measure(0.0, false, false, gap * 2.0);
secondLevel.ForEach((Action<AxisLabelControl>)(label => XYLabelsPanel.SetLevelOffset((UIElement)label, firstInfo.Offset)));
offset = firstInfo.Offset + labelMeasureResult.Offset;
marginLeft = Math.Max(firstInfo.MarginLeft, labelMeasureResult.MarginLeft);
marginRight = Math.Max(firstInfo.MarginRight, labelMeasureResult.MarginRight);
hasCollisions = firstInfo.HasCollisions || labelMeasureResult.HasCollisions || firstInfo.StaggeredCollisions || labelMeasureResult.StaggeredCollisions || marginRight + marginLeft > availableLenght * 0.35;
angle = 0.0;
if (angle == 0.0 && tryLabelWrap)
if (this.ClientRectangles.Count > 0)
offset = Enumerable.Max(Enumerable.Select<Rect, double>((IEnumerable<Rect>)this.ClientRectangles, (Func<Rect, double>)(r => r.Height)));
List<Rect> list1 = this.AdjustRectanglesToAvailableLength(this.ClientRectangles, this.AngleOffsets, availableLenght, gap);
if (!this.Parent.Presenter.IsScaleZoomed)
list1.ForEach((Action<Rect>)(r =>
marginLeft = Math.Max(Math.Max(0.0, marginLeft), -r.Left);
marginRight = Math.Max(Math.Max(0.0, marginRight), r.Right - availableLenght);
marginLeft = Math.Ceiling(double.IsNaN(marginLeft) ? 0.0 : marginLeft);
marginRight = Math.Ceiling(double.IsNaN(marginRight) ? 0.0 : marginRight);
else if (!(this.Parent.Axis.Scale is CategoryScale))
list1.ForEach((Action<Rect>)(r => marginLeft = Math.Max(Math.Max(0.0, marginLeft), r.Width / 2.0)));
marginLeft = Math.Ceiling(double.IsNaN(marginLeft) ? 0.0 : marginLeft);
marginRight = marginLeft;
double availableLenght1 = Math.Max(0.0, availableLenght - (marginRight + marginLeft));
List<Rect> list2;
if (!DoubleHelper.EqualsWithPrecision(Math.Abs(angle % 90.0), 0.0))
List<Rect> list3 = this.AdjustRectanglesToAvailableLength(this.ContentRectangles, (IList<Point>)null, availableLenght1, gap);
RotateTransform transform = new RotateTransform()
Angle = angle
list2 = Enumerable.ToList<Rect>(Enumerable.Select<Rect, Rect>((IEnumerable<Rect>)list3, (Func<Rect, Rect>)(r =>
Point point = transform.Transform(new Point(r.X + r.Width / 2.0, r.Y + r.Height / 2.0));
return new Rect(point.X, point.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
list2 = this.AdjustRectanglesToAvailableLength(this.ClientRectangles, this.AngleOffsets, availableLenght1, gap);
hasCollisions = this.TextWrapFlagResult != TextWrapping.Wrap && this.HasCollisions((IList<Rect>)list2, angle != 0.0);
if (!DoubleHelper.EqualsWithPrecision(Math.Abs(angle % 90.0), 0.0))
hasCollisions = hasCollisions || marginRight + marginLeft > availableLenght * 0.35;
flag = hasCollisions || angle != 0.0;
if (!flag && list2.Count > 1)
double distance = Enumerable.Min(Enumerable.Zip<Rect, Rect, double>((IEnumerable<Rect>)list2, Enumerable.Skip<Rect>((IEnumerable<Rect>)list2, 1), (Func<Rect, Rect, double>)((prev, next) => Math.Abs(next.X + next.Width / 2.0 - (prev.X + prev.Width / 2.0)))));
flag = Enumerable.Any<Rect>((IEnumerable<Rect>)list2, (Func<Rect, bool>)(r => r.Width > distance));
return new XYLabelsPanel.LabelMeasureResult(offset, marginLeft, marginRight, hasCollisions, angle, staggered)
StaggeredCollisions = flag