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C# RichTextBox.GetPositionFromCharIndex方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox.GetPositionFromCharIndex方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# RichTextBox.GetPositionFromCharIndex方法的具体用法?C# RichTextBox.GetPositionFromCharIndex怎么用?C# RichTextBox.GetPositionFromCharIndex使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox的用法示例。


示例1: BuildSyntaxView

        /// <summary>
        ///  Uses Roslyn technology to build a syntax tree from, and acquire
        ///  diagnostics about, the source code. 
        ///  Diagnostics are rendered into the rich text box. If the compiler
        ///  has highlighted a non-empty span then it is highlighted otherwise
        ///  a red X is display at the error pixel point of an empty span.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tbSource">Text box with C# source code.</param>
        /// <param name="richResult">Rich text box to render syntax highlighting into.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only the first source code syntax error is highlighted. 
        /// </remarks>
        static void BuildSyntaxView(TextBox tbSource, RichTextBox richResult)
            richResult.Text = tbSource.Text;

            // Roslyn!! - SyntaxTree.*
            var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.ParseText(tbSource.Text);

            var diags = syntaxTree.GetDiagnostics();

            // Display all compiler diagnostics in console
            Console.WriteLine("Compiler has {0} diagnostic messages.", diags.Count());
            // Roslyn again!!
            foreach (var d in diags)
                Console.WriteLine("> {0}", d.Info.GetMessage());

            List<Point> issuePoints = new List<Point>();
            picX.Visible = false;

            foreach (var d in diags)
                // More Roslyn !! - d.*
                if (d.Location.IsInSource)
                    var origFore = Console.ForegroundColor;
                    var origBack = Console.BackgroundColor;

                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.Write(tbSource.Text.Substring(d.Location.SourceSpan.Start, d.Location.SourceSpan.Length));

                    // Hey Roslyn !! - d.*
                    int lineEndOffset = d.Location.GetLineSpan(true).StartLinePosition.Line;
                    // Note: line endings in rich text box use one character where textbox input source uses two
                    richResult.Select(d.Location.SourceSpan.Start - lineEndOffset, d.Location.SourceSpan.Length);
                    richResult.SelectionColor = Color.Yellow;
                    richResult.SelectionBackColor = Color.Red;
                    if (d.Location.SourceSpan.Length == 0)

                    Console.BackgroundColor = origBack;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = origFore;

                    Console.WriteLine(tbSource.Text.Substring(d.Location.SourceSpan.Start + d.Location.SourceSpan.Length));
                    break; // Stop after first error is highlighted
                    // No dealing with multiple errors or overlaps in this sample.

            // Put the X on the first error
            if (issuePoints.Count != 0)
                picX.Location = issuePoints[0];
                picX.Visible = true;


示例2: GetCharWidthInTwips

        int GetCharWidthInTwips()
            using (RichTextBox rtb = new RichTextBox())
                rtb.Font = Font;
                rtb.WordWrap = false;
                rtb.Text = "XX";

                Point p0 = rtb.GetPositionFromCharIndex(0);
                Point p1 = rtb.GetPositionFromCharIndex(1);
                using (Graphics g = rtb.CreateGraphics())
                    return (p1.X - p0.X) * 72 * 20 / Convert.ToInt32(g.DpiX);

示例3: GetCorrection

        private static int GetCorrection(RichTextBox e, int index)
            Point pt1 = Point.Empty;
            GetCaretPos(ref pt1);
            Point pt2 = e.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index);

            // ocotber 23 2008 - not sure what this function
            // was meant to do so added this code to catch null situations
            if (pt1 == null || pt2 == null)
                return 0;

            if (pt1 != pt2)
                return 1;
                return 0;

示例4: Column

        public static int Column(RichTextBox e, int index1)
            int correction = GetCorrection(e, index1);
            Point p = e.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index1 - correction);

            if (p.X == 1)
                return 1;

            p.X = 0;
            int index2 = e.GetCharIndexFromPosition(p);

            int col = index1 - index2 + 1;

            return col;

示例5: GetClippingRectangle

 private Rectangle GetClippingRectangle(RichTextBox rtbText)
     int index = rtbText.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine();
     Point point = rtbText.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index);
     return new Rectangle(point, new Size(200, 119));

示例6: DrawRTFstring

		///<summary>We need this special function to draw strings just like the RichTextBox control does, because sheet text is displayed using RichTextBoxes within FormSheetFillEdit.
		///Graphics.DrawString() uses a different font spacing than the RichTextBox control does.</summary>
		private void DrawRTFstring(int index,string str,Font font,Brush brush,Graphics g) {
			str=str.Replace("\r","");//For some reason '\r' throws off character position calculations.  \n still handles the CRs.
			SheetFieldDef field=SheetDefCur.SheetFieldDefs[index];
			//Font spacing is different for g.DrawString() as compared to RichTextBox and TextBox controls.
			//We create a RichTextBox here in the same manner as in FormSheetFillEdit, but we only use it to determine where to draw text.
			//We do not add the RichTextBox control to this form, because its background will overwrite everything behind that we have already drawn.
			bool doCalc=true;
			object[] data=(object[])HashRtfStringCache[index.ToString()];
			if(data!=null) {//That field has been calculated
				//If any of the following factors change, then that could potentially change text positions.
				if(field.FontName.CompareTo(data[1])==0//Has font name changed since last pass?
					&& field.FontSize.CompareTo(data[2])==0//Has font size changed since last pass?
					&& field.FontIsBold.CompareTo(data[3])==0//Has font boldness changed since last pass?
					&& field.Width.CompareTo(data[4])==0//Has field width changed since last pass?
					&& field.Height.CompareTo(data[5])==0//Has field height changed since last pass?
					&& str.CompareTo(data[6])==0//Has field text changed since last pass?
					&& field.TextAlign.CompareTo(data[7])==0)//Has field text align changed since last pass?
					doCalc=false;//Nothing has changed. Do not recalculate.
			if(doCalc) { //Data has not yet been cached for this text field, or the field has changed and needs to be recalculated.
				//All of these textbox fields are set using the same logic as in FormSheetFillEdit, so that text in this form matches exaclty.
				RichTextBox textbox=new RichTextBox();
				textbox.Location=new Point(field.XPos,field.YPos);
				if(field.Height<textbox.Font.Height+2) {//Same logic as FormSheetFillEdit.
				else {
				Point[] positions=new Point[str.Length];
				for(int j=0;j<str.Length;j++) {
					positions[j]=textbox.GetPositionFromCharIndex(j);//This line is slow, so we try to minimize calling it by chaching positions each time there are changes.
				data=new object[] { positions,field.FontName,field.FontSize,field.FontIsBold,field.Width,field.Height,str,field.TextAlign };
			Point[] charPositions=(Point[])data[0];
			for(int j=0;j<charPositions.Length;j++) { //This will draw text below the bottom line if the text is long. This is by design, so the user can see that the text is too big.

示例7: PaintNoSpaceAfterPeriod

        void PaintNoSpaceAfterPeriod(PaintEventArgs e, int Start, int End, RichTextBox RichText)
            Graphics g;

            g = RichText.CreateGraphics ();
            //Pen myPen = null;// new Pen (Color.FromArgb (60, Color.Yellow)); // Alpha did not seem to work this way

            // this gets tricky. The loop is just to find all the [[~scenes]] on the note
            // even if offscreen.
            // OK: but with th eoptimization to only show on screen stuff, do we need this anymore???
            // august 10 - settting it back

            // now trying regex
            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex =
                new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ("\\.\\w|\\.  \\w|\\?\\w|\\?  \\w|\\!\\w|\\!  \\w|\\;\\w|\\;  \\w|\\:\\w|\\:  \\w|\\,\\w|\\,  \\w",
                                                                                                   System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled|
            System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches (RichText.Text, Start);

            foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in matches) {
                if (match.Index > End)
                    break; // we exit if already at end

                Point pos = RichText.GetPositionFromCharIndex (match.Index);

                if (pos.X > -1 && pos.Y > -1) {

                    int testpos = match.Index + 2;

                    Color colorToUse = Color.FromArgb(175, Color.Red);

                    // default is [[facts]] and stuff
                    //	pos = CoreUtilities.General.BuildLocationForOverlayText (pos, DockStyle.Bottom, "  ");
                    //	System.Drawing.SolidBrush brush1 = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush( colorToUse);
                    System.Drawing.Pen pen1 = new Pen(colorToUse);
                    //myPen.Width = 1;
                    //myPen.Color = Color.Red;
                    //		int scaler = BuildScaler(RichText.ZoomFactor);

                    Rectangle rec = GetRectangleForSmallRectangle(g, pos, RichText, match.Index, match.Value, true);// new Rectangle (new Point (pos.X+(int)(scaler*1.5), pos.Y -(5+scaler)), new Size ((int)(scaler * 1.5), (int)(scaler * 1.5)));

                    //Rectangle rec = new Rectangle (new Point (pos.X+scaler, pos.Y-15), new Size ((int)(scaler * 1.5), (int)(scaler * 0.75)));
                    //	Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle (new Point (pos.X+20, pos.Y - 25), new Size ((int)(scaler * 1), (int)(scaler * 0.65)));
                    //g.DrawLine(myPen, pos.X, pos.Y -10, pos.X + 50, pos.Y-10);
                    //g.FillRectangle (brush1, rec);
                    //g.FillEllipse(brush1, rec);
                    rec.Height = 1;

                    g.DrawRectangle(pen1, rec);
                    //	g.FillEllipse(brush1, rec2);


                            locationInText = locationInText + sParam.Length;

                            if (locationInText > end)
                                // don't search past visible end
                                pos = emptyPoint;
                                pos = GetPositionForFoundText(sParam, ref locationInText);*/
            // regex matches
            g.Dispose ();
            //myPen.Dispose ();

示例8: PaintHeadings

        void PaintHeadings(PaintEventArgs e, int Start, int End, RichTextBox RichText, System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex2, Color color, string text, Font f)
            //string exp = ".*\\=([^)]+?)\\=";

            // this one was fast but inaccurate (very)
            //string exp = String.Format (".*?\\=\\w([^)]+?)\\w\\={0}?", Environment.NewLine); // added lazy operations to attempt a speed improvement
                Graphics g = e.Graphics;//RichText.CreateGraphics ();

            System.Drawing.Pen pen1 = new Pen(color);

            System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection matches = regex2.Matches (RichText.Text, Start);

            foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in matches) {
                if (match.Index > End)
                    break; // we exit if already at end

                Point pos = RichText.GetPositionFromCharIndex (match.Index);

                if (pos.X > -1 && pos.Y > -1) {

                    pen1.Width = 8;
                    string stext = text+match.Value+text;
                    //pos = CoreUtilities.General.BuildLocationForOverlayText (pos, DockStyle.Right,match.Value );
                    int newWidth = Convert.ToInt32 (g.MeasureString (stext, f).Width * RichText.ZoomFactor);
                    pos =  new Point(pos.X + (newWidth), pos.Y + 10);
                    g.DrawLine (pen1, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X + 500, pos.Y);

            //					Rectangle rec = GetRectangleForSmallRectangle(g, pos, RichText, match.Index, match.Value, true);// new Rectangle (new Point (pos.X+(int)(scaler*1.5), pos.Y -(5+scaler)), new Size ((int)(scaler * 1.5), (int)(scaler * 1.5)));
            //				rec.Height = 2;
            //				g.DrawRectangle(pen1, rec);
            //	g.Dispose (); don't dispose what we are borrowing

示例9: DoPaint

        public void DoPaint(PaintEventArgs e, int Start, int End, RichTextBox RichText)
            try {
                PaintDoubleSpaces(e, Start, End, RichText);
                PaintNoSpaceAfterPeriod(e, Start, End, RichText);
                PaintLink(e, Start, End, RichText);

                bool doheadings = true;
                if (doheadings)
                    Font f = new Font(RichText.Font.FontFamily, RichText.Font.Size, RichText.Font.Style, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, Convert.ToByte(0), false);
                    Color newColor = TextUtils.InvertColor(RichText.BackColor);

                    Color colorToUse = Color.FromArgb(175, ControlPaint.Dark(newColor));
                    PaintHeadings(e, Start, End, RichText, Mainheading, colorToUse,"=",f);

                    colorToUse = Color.FromArgb(175,ControlPaint.Light(newColor));
                    PaintHeadings(e, Start, End, RichText, Mainheading2, colorToUse,"==",f);

                    colorToUse = Color.FromArgb(175, ControlPaint.LightLight(newColor));
                    PaintHeadings(e, Start, End, RichText, Mainheading3, colorToUse,"===",f);
                //  int locationInText = GetCharIndexFromPosition(new Point(0, 0));
                string sParam = "[[~scene]]";

                // assuming function only being used for [[~scene]] delimiters

                // I've moved this position up to core function as an optimization
                // instead of being used in each call to GetPositionForFoundText
                //    int start =
                //    if (locationInText < start)
                //    {
                //        locationInText = start;
                //    }

                // The loop is what makes this

                // Point pos = GetPositionForFoundText(sParam, ref locationInText);
                Graphics g;

                //g = RichText.CreateGraphics ();
                g = e.Graphics;
                Pen myPen = new Pen (Color.FromArgb (255, ControlPaint.LightLight (TextUtils.InvertColor(RichText.BackColor))));

                // this gets tricky. The loop is just to find all the [[~scenes]] on the note
                // even if offscreen.
                // OK: but with th eoptimization to only show on screen stuff, do we need this anymore???
                // august 10 - settting it back

                // now trying regex
                // This worked for = match but it was WAAY too slow
            //				System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex (".*\\=([^)]+)\\=",
            //				                                                                   System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                // this works just experimenting
                System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ("\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]",
                                                                                                      System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |
                System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches (RichText.Text, Start);

                foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in matches) {
                    if (match.Index > End)
                        break; // we exit if already at end

                    Point pos = RichText.GetPositionFromCharIndex (match.Index);

                    if (pos.X > -1 && pos.Y > -1) {
                        // but we only draw the line IF we are onscreen
                        //if (pos.X > -1 && pos.Y > -1)

                        //if (sParam == "[[~scene]]")
                        //test instead to see if pos + 2 is a ~

                        int testpos = match.Index + 2;

                        /// November 2012 - only want this to appear for ~scene
                        if (RichText.Text.Length > (testpos + 1) && RichText.Text [testpos] == '~' && RichText.Text [testpos + 1] == 's') {

                            if (g != null) {
                                //myPen.Color = Color.Yellow;
                            //	myPen = new Pen (Color.FromArgb (225, Color.Yellow));
                                myPen.Width = 8;
                                pos = CoreUtilities.General.BuildLocationForOverlayText (pos, DockStyle.Right, sParam);
                                g.DrawLine (myPen, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X + 500, pos.Y);
                        } else {
                            Color colorToUse = Color.FromArgb (255, ControlPaint.LightLight (TextUtils.InvertColor(RichText.BackColor)));//Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Green);

                            // November 2012 - testing to see if there's a period right before which means it will count)
                            if (match.Index > 0) {
                                if ('.' == RichText.Text [match.Index - 1]) {
                                    // we have a period so the code .[[f]] will not do anything
                                    // show in a different color
                                    colorToUse = Color.Red;// Alpha worked but because not all areas are redrawn at same time did not look right (May 2013) Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Red);

                            // default is [[facts]] and stuff
                            //pos = CoreUtilities.General.BuildLocationForOverlayText (pos, DockStyle.Bottom, sParam);
                        //	if (e.Graphics. .Contains(pos))

示例10: RebuildBottomFxPanelContent

        private void RebuildBottomFxPanelContent()
            _noParamsLabel.Visible = _selectedSub.Children.Count() == 0;

            if (_selectedSub.Children.Count() == 0)
                _bottomPanels = new List<Panel>();
                var labels = new List<Label>();
                _selectedSub.Children.Cast<Expression>().ForEach((e, i) =>
                    var index = String.Format(Resources.ParameterFormat, i + 1);
                    var text = e.RenderPublicText(_rctx);

                    var p = new Panel();
                    p.Padding = new Padding(3, 3, 3, 3);
                    var l = new Label();
                    l.Name = "lbot " + i;
                    l.Width = 57;
                    l.Text = index;
                    l.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
//                    l.Padding = new Padding(3, 3, 0, 0);
                    l.AutoSize = false;
                    l.DoubleClick += (o, args) => SelectedSub = e;
                    l.KeyDown += (o, args) => { if (args.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { SelectedSub = e; } };
                    var t = new RichTextBox();
                    t.ReadOnly = true;
                    t.Name = "tbot " + i;
                    t.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                    t.Height = 25;
                    t.WordWrap = true;
                    t.AutoSize = true;
                    t.Text = text;
                    t.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
                    t.DoubleClick += (o, args) => SelectedSub = e;
                    t.Select(0, 0);
                    t.Width = this.Width - 25; // scrollbar
                    var pt = t.GetPositionFromCharIndex(text.Length - 1);
                    p.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
                    p.Height = pt.Y + 30 + 5;

                ((IEnumerable<Panel>)_bottomPanels).Reverse().ForEach(p => _fxArgumentsPanel.Controls.Add(p));

                var width = labels.Count == 0 ? 0 : labels.Max(l => l.PreferredWidth);
                labels.ForEach(l => { l.AutoSize = false; l.Width = width; });


示例11: RebuildTopPanelContent

        private void RebuildTopPanelContent()

            var ddr = _lineOfCodeButton.DropDownItems.Add(Resources.LineOfCode_NoCodeSelected);
            ddr.Click += (o, args) => SelectedLine = null;

            _topPanels = new List<Panel>();
            var labels = new List<Label>();

            Lines.ForEach((e, i) =>
                var index = (i + 1).ToString(new string('0', (_root.Children.Count() - 1).ToString().Length)) + ":";
                var text = e.RenderPublicText(_rctx);

                var p = new Panel();
                p.Padding = new Padding(3, 3, 3, 3);
                var l = new Label();
                l.Name = "ltop " + i;
                l.Text = index;
                l.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
//                l.Padding = new Padding(3, 3, 0, 0);
                l.DoubleClick += (o, args) => { SelectedLineIndex = i; };
                l.KeyDown += (o, args) => { if (args.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { SelectedLineIndex = i; } };
                var t = new RichTextBox();
                t.ReadOnly = true;
                t.Name = "ttop " + i;
                t.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                t.WordWrap = true;
                t.AutoSize = true;
                t.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
                t.Text = text;
                t.DoubleClick += (o, args) => { SelectedLineIndex = i; };
                t.Select(0, 0);
                t.Width = this.Width - 25; // scrollbar
                var pt = t.GetPositionFromCharIndex(text.Length - 1);
                p.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
                p.Height = pt.Y + 30 + 5;

                var ddi = _lineOfCodeButton.DropDownItems.Add(index + " " + text);
                ddi.Click += (o, args) => SelectedLine = e;

            ((IEnumerable<Panel>)_topPanels).Reverse().ForEach(p => _elfCodePanel.Controls.Add(p));

            var width = labels.Count == 0 ? 0 : labels.Max(l => l.PreferredWidth);
            labels.ForEach(l => { l.AutoSize = false; l.Width = width + 2; }); // 2 extra pixels for bold

示例12: GetCurrentPos

 public static void GetCurrentPos(RichTextBox rtfMain, ref int line, ref int col)
     Point pt;
     int index;
     index = rtfMain.SelectionStart;
     line = rtfMain.GetLineFromCharIndex(index);
     pt = rtfMain.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index);
     pt.X = 0;
     col = index - rtfMain.GetCharIndexFromPosition(pt);
     line ++;
     col ++;
