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C# HttpContent.ReadAsAsync方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Net.Http.HttpContent.ReadAsAsync方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# HttpContent.ReadAsAsync方法的具体用法?C# HttpContent.ReadAsAsync怎么用?C# HttpContent.ReadAsAsync使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Net.Http.HttpContent的用法示例。


示例1: Extract

        public static Object Extract( HttpContent content, Type commandType )
            var read = content.ReadAsAsync( commandType );

            //reset the internal stream position to allow the WebAPI pipeline to read it again.
                .ContinueWith( t =>
                    if( t.Result.CanSeek )
                        t.Result.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                } )

            return read.Result;

示例2: GetJobDetailsFromServerResponse

        //This code is tightly coupled to Templeton. If parsing fails, we capture the full json payload, the error
        //then log it upstream. I've left the constants here, since this is A) The only place they are used and B) there are a lot of them. 
        //In the future, if we see this being something that is reused, they could be moved.
        //For a sample response see the large comment at the end of this file. 
        internal async Task<JobDetails> GetJobDetailsFromServerResponse(HttpContent content)
            const string userArgsSection = "userargs";
            const string defineSection = "define";
            const string statusSection = "status";

            const string jobNameKey = "hdInsightJobName=";
            const string statusDirectory = "statusdir";
            const string exitCodeValue = "exitValue";
            const string startTimeValue = "startTime";
            const string jobStatusValue = "runState";
            const string hiveQueryValue = "execute";

            const string outputFile = "/stdout";
            const string errorFile = "/stderr";

           Contract.AssertArgNotNull(content, "content");
            JObject result = null;
                result = await content.ReadAsAsync<JObject>();
                Contract.Assert(result != null);

                var outputAsvPath = (string)result[userArgsSection][statusDirectory];
                var outputFolderUri = GetOutputFolderUri(outputAsvPath);

                var defines = result[userArgsSection][defineSection].ToArray();
                var jobNameItem = (string)defines.First(s => ((string)s).Contains(jobNameKey));
                var jobName = jobNameItem.Split('=')[1];

                var details = new JobDetails
                        ExitCode = (int)result[exitCodeValue],
                        SubmissionTime = result[statusSection][startTimeValue].ToString(),
                        Name = jobName,
                        StatusCode = (JobStatusCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(JobStatusCode), result[statusSection][jobStatusValue].ToString()),
                        PhysicalOutputPath = new Uri(outputFolderUri + outputFile),
                        LogicalOutputPath = outputAsvPath + outputFile,
                        ErrorOutputPath = outputFolderUri + errorFile,
                        Query = (string)result[userArgsSection][hiveQueryValue],
                return details;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var rawJson = string.Empty;
                if(result != null)
                    rawJson = result.ToString();
                    if (rawJson.Length > 4000)
                        //truncating the response if its large then 4000 char, in order to prevent large data in the logs
                        rawJson = rawJson.Substring(0, 4000);
                throw new HttpParseException(string.Format(JobSubmissionConstants.UnableToParseJobDetailsLogMessage, ex.Message, rawJson));

示例3: GetJobIdFromServerResponse

 //This code is tightly coupled to Templeton. If parsing fails, we capture the full json payload, the error
 //then log it upstream.
 internal async Task<string> GetJobIdFromServerResponse(HttpContent content)
         var result = await content.ReadAsAsync<JObject>();
         Contract.Assert(result != null);
         JToken jobId;
         Contract.Assert(result.TryGetValue(JobSubmissionConstants.JobIdPropertyName,out jobId));
         Contract.Assert(jobId != null);
         return jobId.ToString();
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new HttpParseException(ex.Message);

示例4: GetJobIdListFromServerResponse

        //This code is tightly coupled to Templeton. If parsing fails, we capture the full json payload, the error
        //then log it upstream.
        internal async Task<List<string>> GetJobIdListFromServerResponse(HttpContent content)
            Contract.AssertArgNotNull(content, "content");
                var result = await content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>();

                if (result == null || !result.HasValues)
                    return new List<string>();
                var ret = result.Values<string>();
                return ret.ToList();

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new HttpParseException(ex.Message);

示例5: ReadAsAsyncCore

 private static async Task<NameValueCollection> ReadAsAsyncCore(HttpContent content, MediaTypeFormatter[] formatters,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     FormDataCollection formData = await content.ReadAsAsync<FormDataCollection>(formatters, cancellationToken);
     return formData == null ? null : formData.ReadAsNameValueCollection();
