本文整理汇总了C#中System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix.Invert方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Matrix.Invert方法的具体用法?C# Matrix.Invert怎么用?C# Matrix.Invert使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix
示例1: DrawRect
public override void DrawRect(System.Drawing.RectangleF dirtyRect)
Graphics g = new Graphics();
int offset = 20;
// Invert matrix:
Matrix m = new Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0);
g.DrawString("Original Matrix:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10);
DrawMatrix(m, g, 10, 10 + offset);
g.DrawString("Inverted Matrix:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 2*offset);
DrawMatrix(m, g, 10, 10 + 3 * offset);
// Matrix multiplication - MatrixOrder.Append:
Matrix m1 = new Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1);
Matrix m2 = new Matrix(0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1);
g.DrawString("Original Matrices:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 4 * offset);
DrawMatrix(m1, g, 10, 10 + 5 * offset);
DrawMatrix(m2, g, 10 + 130, 10 + 5 * offset);
m1.Multiply(m2, MatrixOrder.Append);
g.DrawString("Resultant Matrix - Append:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 6 * offset);
DrawMatrix(m1, g, 10, 10 + 7 * offset);
// Matrix multiplication - MatrixOrder.Prepend:
m1 = new Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1);
m1.Multiply(m2, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
g.DrawString("Resultant Matrix - Prepend:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 8 * offset);
DrawMatrix(m1, g, 10, 10 + 9 * offset);
示例2: SurfaceBackgroundChangeMemento
public SurfaceBackgroundChangeMemento(Surface surface, Matrix matrix) {
_surface = surface;
_image = surface.Image;
_matrix = matrix.Clone();
// Make sure the reverse is applied
示例3: getAffineTransformMatrix
private static Matrix getAffineTransformMatrix(PointF p01, PointF p02, PointF p03,
PointF p11, PointF p12, PointF p13)
Matrix a = new Matrix(p02.X - p01.X,
p02.Y - p01.Y,
p03.X - p01.X,
p03.Y - p01.Y,
Matrix b = new Matrix(p12.X - p11.X,
p12.Y - p11.Y,
p13.X - p11.X,
p13.Y - p11.Y,
if (!a.IsInvertible)
return null;
a.Multiply(b, MatrixOrder.Append);
return a;
示例4: TransformPoints
static public void TransformPoints(PointF[] points, PointF origin, bool diagonal, bool horizontal, bool vertical)
Matrix translate = new Matrix();
Matrix rotate = new Matrix();
// Put the points into origin/local space
translate.Translate(-origin.X, -origin.Y);
// Apply the flips/rotations (order matters)
if (horizontal)
Matrix h = new Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
if (vertical)
Matrix v = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
if (diagonal)
Matrix d = new Matrix(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
// Apply the combined flip/rotate transformation
// Put points back into world space
示例5: Draw
public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
Graphics g = Graphics.FromCurrentContext ();
int offset = 20;
// Invert matrix:
var m = new Matrix (1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0);
g.DrawString ("Original Matrix:", Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10);
DrawMatrix (m, g, 10, 10 + offset);
g.DrawString ("Inverted Matrix:", Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 2 * offset);
m.Invert ();
DrawMatrix (m, g, 10, 10 + 3 * offset);
// Matrix multiplication - MatrixOrder.Append:
var m1 = new Matrix (1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1);
var m2 = new Matrix (0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1);
g.DrawString ("Original Matrices:", Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 4 * offset);
DrawMatrix (m1, g, 10, 10 + 5 * offset);
DrawMatrix (m2, g, 10 + 130, 10 + 5 * offset);
m1.Multiply (m2, MatrixOrder.Append);
g.DrawString ("Resultant Matrix - Append:", Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 6 * offset);
DrawMatrix (m1, g, 10, 10 + 7 * offset);
// Matrix multiplication - MatrixOrder.Prepend:
m1 = new Matrix (1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1);
m1.Multiply (m2, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
g.DrawString ("Resultant Matrix - Prepend:", Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 8 * offset);
DrawMatrix (m1, g, 10, 10 + 9 * offset);
示例6: SetupTransform
private void SetupTransform()
//world points
float x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 100, y2 = 100;
//device points
Rectangle crect = this.ClientRectangle;
float x1d = (float)5 * crect.Width / 14;//up left corner
float y1d = 0.1f * crect.Height;//up left corner
float x2d = (float)13 * crect.Width / 14;//bottom rigth corner
float y2d = 0.9f * crect.Height;//bottom right corner
//calcutae the scalling
s1 = (x1d - x2d) / (x1 - x2);
s2 = (y1d - y2d) / (y1 - y2);
t1 = (x1 * x2d - x2 * x1d) / (x1 - x2);
t2 = (y1 * y2d - y2 * y1d) / (y1 - y2);
m = new Matrix();
m.Translate(t1, t2);//transalation
m.Scale(s1, s2);//scaling
//get the inverse
minv = m.Clone();
示例7: DrawGraph
// Draw the graph.
private void DrawGraph(Graphics gr)
// Map to turn right-side up and center at the origin.
const float wxmin = -10;
const float wymin = -10;
const float wxmax = 10;
const float wymax = 10;
RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(wxmin, wymin, wxmax - wxmin, wymax - wymin);
PointF[] pts =
new PointF(0, graphPictureBox.ClientSize.Height),
new PointF(graphPictureBox.ClientSize.Width, graphPictureBox.ClientSize.Height),
new PointF(0, 0),
Matrix transform = new Matrix(rect, pts);
gr.Transform = transform;
// See how far it is between horizontal pixels in world coordinates.
pts = new PointF[] { new PointF(1, 0) };
float dx = pts[0].X;
// Generate points on the curve.
List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
for (float x = wxmin; x <= wxmax; x += dx)
points.Add(new PointF(x, TheFunction(x)));
// Use a thin pen.
using (Pen thin_pen = new Pen(Color.Gray, 0))
// Draw the coordinate axes.
gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, wxmin, 0, wxmax, 0);
gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, 0, wymin, 0, wymax);
for (float x = wxmin; x <= wxmax; x++)
gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, x, -0.5f, x, 0.5f);
for (float y = wymin; y <= wymax; y++)
gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, -0.5f, y, 0.5f, y);
// Draw the graph.
thin_pen.Color = Color.Red;
//thin_pen.Color = Color.Black;
gr.DrawLines(thin_pen, points.ToArray());
示例8: Draw
pts[1].X - 1.5f * width2 - this.secondPointDistance,
pts[1].Y + width2);
GraphicsPath firstArrow = new GraphicsPath();
GraphicsPath secondArrow = new GraphicsPath();
new PointF[]
new PointF[]
PointF[] firstPts = firstArrow.PathPoints;
PointF[] secondPts = secondArrow.PathPoints;
if ((this.ShapeDrawAction & ShapeDrawAction.Fill) == ShapeDrawAction.Fill)
if (width1 > 0)
graphics.FillPath(this.Brush, firstArrow);
if (width2 > 0)
graphics.FillPath(this.Brush, secondArrow);
if ((this.ShapeDrawAction & ShapeDrawAction.Edge) == ShapeDrawAction.Edge)
if (width1 > 0)
graphics.DrawPath(this.Pen, firstArrow);
if (width2 > 0)
graphics.DrawPath(this.Pen, secondArrow);
示例9: ClientSizeToLogical
public Size ClientSizeToLogical(Size clientSize)
Point[] pts = new Point[] { new Point(clientSize) };
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.Scale(this.ScaleZoomFactor, this.ScaleZoomFactor);
return new Size(pts[0]);
示例10: CalculateMatrix
protected void CalculateMatrix()
_cachedForwardMatrix.Translate(_cachedLayerPosition.X, _cachedLayerPosition.Y);
_cachedForwardMatrix.Scale((float)_location.Scale, (float)_location.Scale);
_cachedReverseMatrix = _cachedForwardMatrix.Clone();
示例11: matrix
You can use this matrix as follows:
1 - Create new object with identity matrix (empty constructor)
2 - Apply a set of transformations that you want to this matrix
3 - Transform the four corners of the original image to calculate
4 - The min X and min Y of the transformed image
5 - The width & height of the new image buffer
6 - Translate this matrix by (- min X, - min Y)
7 - Invert the matrix
8 - Use the inverted version to reverse transform all new locations in the new image buffer
public BufferedImage perform_concat_matrices_operations(BufferedImage _src_img, TextBox _console, float _shear_x = (float)0, float _shear_y = (float)0, float _scale_x = (float)1, float _scale_y = (float)1, float _rotate_theta = (float)0)
BufferedImage ret;
// 1 - Create new object with identity matrix (empty constructor)
Matrix transformations_matrix = new Matrix();
// 2 - Apply a set of transformations that you want to this matrix
transformations_matrix.Scale(_scale_x, _scale_y);
transformations_matrix.Shear(_shear_x, _shear_y);
// 3 - Transform the four corners of the original image to calculate
* To get the size of the new (destination) image,
* apply the forward mapping to the four corners of the original image
* ([0,0], [W-1,0], [0,H-1], [W-1,H-1])
* to get their new locations.
* Then use these new four locations to get the width and height of the destination image
* (e.g. to get new width:
* find min X & max X of the four new points and subtract them,
* do the same for Y to get the new height)
Point[] corner_points = {
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(_src_img.width - 1, 0),
new Point(0, _src_img.height - 1),
new Point(_src_img.width - 1, _src_img.height - 1)
int min_x = find_min_x(corner_points);
int min_y = find_min_y(corner_points);
int max_x = find_max_x(corner_points);
int max_y = find_max_y(corner_points);
int new_width = max_x - min_x;
int new_height = max_y - min_y;
_console.Text += "Min X = ";
_console.Text += min_x;
_console.Text += Environment.NewLine;
_console.Text += "Min Y = ";
_console.Text += min_y;
_console.Text += Environment.NewLine;
_console.Text += "Max X = ";
_console.Text += max_x;
_console.Text += Environment.NewLine;
_console.Text += "Max Y = ";
_console.Text += max_y;
_console.Text += Environment.NewLine;
_console.Text += "New Width = ";
_console.Text += new_width;
_console.Text += Environment.NewLine;
_console.Text += "New Height = ";
_console.Text += new_height;
_console.Text += Environment.NewLine;
// 4 - The min X and min Y of the transformed image
* To make the transformed image totally fit inside the buffer, a translation with (- min X, - min Y) should be appended to the original transformation matrix (W) before inverting it.
// 6 - Translate this matrix by (- min X, - min Y)
transformations_matrix.Translate(-min_x, -min_y);
// 7 - Invert the matrix
// 8 - Use the inverted version to reverse transform all new locations in the new image buffer
ret = apply_transformation_matrix_to_bitmap_or_buffer(transformations_matrix, _src_img, new_width, new_height, _console);
return ret;
示例12: BitmapTransform
// Computer the transform from coordinates of the bitmap to world coordinates
Matrix BitmapTransform()
// (worldcoord in mm) / 25.4F * dpi = pixels
float scaleFactor = bitmapDpi / 25.4F;
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.Translate(0, bitmap.PixelHeight);
matrix.Scale(scaleFactor, -scaleFactor);
return matrix;
示例13: Transform
public void Transform(Matrix transform_matrix, Interpolation _interpolation = Interpolation.Bilinear)
PointF[] ps = new PointF[4];
ps[0].X = 0; ps[0].Y = 0;
ps[1].X = width; ps[1].Y = 0;
ps[2].X = 0; ps[2].Y = height;
ps[3].X = width; ps[3].Y = height;
float MinX = ps[0].X, MinY = ps[0].Y,
MaxX = ps[0].X, MaxY = ps[0].Y;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (ps[i].X < MinX) MinX = ps[i].X;
if (ps[i].Y < MinY) MinY = ps[i].Y;
if (ps[i].X > MaxX) MaxX = ps[i].X;
if (ps[i].Y > MaxY) MaxY = ps[i].Y;
int new_width = (int)(MaxX - MinX);
int new_height = (int)(MaxY - MinY);
transform_matrix.Translate(-MinX, -MinY, MatrixOrder.Append);
bitmap = new Bitmap(new_width, new_height);
Color[,] new_buffer2d = new Color[new_width, new_height];
PointF[] pt = new PointF[1];
for (int y = 0; y < new_height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < new_width; x++)
pt[0].X = x; pt[0].Y = y;
if (pt[0].X < width - 1 && pt[0].Y < height - 1 && pt[0].X > 0 && pt[0].Y > 0)
Color color = Bilinear_Interpolate(pt[0]);
switch (_interpolation)
case Interpolation.None:
new_buffer2d[x, y] = buffer2d[(Int32)pt[0].X, (Int32)pt[0].Y];
case Interpolation.Bilinear:
new_buffer2d[x, y] = color;
new_buffer2d[x, y] = buffer2d[(Int32)pt[0].X, (Int32)pt[0].Y];
new_buffer2d[x, y] = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, new_buffer2d[x, y]);
width = new_width;
height = new_height;
buffer2d = new_buffer2d;
示例14: BackTrackMouse
/// <summary>
/// Back Track the Mouse to return accurate coordinates regardless of zoom or pan effects.
/// Courtesy of BobPowell.net <seealso cref="http://www.bobpowell.net/backtrack.htm"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">Point to backtrack</param>
/// <returns>Backtracked point</returns>
public Point BackTrackMouse(Point p)
// Backtrack the mouse...
Point[] pts = new Point[] { p };
Matrix mx = new Matrix();
mx.Translate(-this.ClientSize.Width / 2, -this.ClientSize.Height / 2, MatrixOrder.Append);
mx.Rotate(_rotation, MatrixOrder.Append);
mx.Translate(this.ClientSize.Width / 2 + _panX, this.ClientSize.Height / 2 + _panY, MatrixOrder.Append);
mx.Scale(_zoom, _zoom, MatrixOrder.Append);
return pts[0];
示例15: TransFormPoints
/// <summary>
/// use matrix to transform point
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pts">contain the points to be transform</param>
private void TransFormPoints(Point[] pts)
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix matrix = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(
1, 0, 0, 1, this.openingPictureBox.Width / 2, this.openingPictureBox.Height / 2);