本文整理汇总了C#中System.Data.Query.InternalTrees.Node类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Node类的具体用法?C# Node怎么用?C# Node使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Match
private bool Match(Node pattern, Node original)
if (pattern.Op.OpType
== OpType.Leaf)
return true;
if (pattern.Op.OpType
!= original.Op.OpType)
return false;
if (pattern.Children.Count
!= original.Children.Count)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < pattern.Children.Count; i++)
if (!Match(pattern.Children[i], original.Children[i]))
return false;
return true;
示例2: ProcessSimplifyCase
/// <summary>
/// We perform the following simple transformation for CaseOps. If every single
/// then/else expression in the CaseOp is equivalent, then we can simply replace
/// the Op with the first then/expression. Specifically,
/// case when w1 then t1 when w2 then t2 ... when wn then tn else e end
/// => t1
/// assuming that t1 is equivalent to t2 is equivalent to ... to e
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">Rule Processing context</param>
/// <param name="caseOpNode">The current subtree for the CaseOp</param>
/// <param name="newNode">the (possibly) modified subtree</param>
/// <returns>true, if we performed any transformations</returns>
private static bool ProcessSimplifyCase(RuleProcessingContext context, Node caseOpNode, out Node newNode)
var caseOp = (CaseOp)caseOpNode.Op;
newNode = caseOpNode;
// Can I collapse the entire case-expression into a single expression - yes,
// if all the then/else clauses are the same expression
if (ProcessSimplifyCase_Collapse(caseOpNode, out newNode))
return true;
// Can I remove any unnecessary when-then pairs ?
if (ProcessSimplifyCase_EliminateWhenClauses(context, caseOp, caseOpNode, out newNode))
return true;
// Nothing else I can think of
return false;
示例3: VisitChildrenReverse
/// <summary>
/// Visit the children of this Node. but in reverse order
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">The current node</param>
protected virtual void VisitChildrenReverse(Node n)
for (var i = n.Children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
示例4: VisitChildren
/// <summary>
/// Visit the children of this Node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">The Node that references the Op</param>
protected virtual void VisitChildren(Node n)
foreach (var chi in n.Children)
示例5: Copy
internal static Node Copy(Command cmd, Node n, out VarMap varMap)
OpCopier oc = new OpCopier(cmd);
Node newNode = oc.CopyNode(n);
varMap = oc.m_varMap;
return newNode;
示例6: Visit
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the var or a property of the var (if the var is defined as a NewRecord)
/// is defined exclusively over a single group aggregate. If so, it registers it as such with the
/// group aggregate var info manager.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="op"></param>
/// <param name="n"></param>
public override void Visit(VarDefOp op, Node n)
var definingNode = n.Child0;
var definingNodeOp = definingNode.Op;
GroupAggregateVarInfo referencedVarInfo;
Node templateNode;
bool isUnnested;
if (GroupAggregateVarComputationTranslator.TryTranslateOverGroupAggregateVar(
definingNode, true, _command, _groupAggregateVarInfoManager, out referencedVarInfo, out templateNode, out isUnnested))
_groupAggregateVarInfoManager.Add(op.Var, referencedVarInfo, templateNode, isUnnested);
else if (definingNodeOp.OpType
== OpType.NewRecord)
var newRecordOp = (NewRecordOp)definingNodeOp;
for (var i = 0; i < definingNode.Children.Count; i++)
var argumentNode = definingNode.Children[i];
if (GroupAggregateVarComputationTranslator.TryTranslateOverGroupAggregateVar(
argumentNode, true, _command, _groupAggregateVarInfoManager, out referencedVarInfo, out templateNode, out isUnnested))
_groupAggregateVarInfoManager.Add(op.Var, referencedVarInfo, templateNode, isUnnested, newRecordOp.Properties[i]);
示例7: PatternMatchRule
/// <summary>
/// Basic constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pattern">The pattern to look for</param>
/// <param name="processDelegate">The callback to invoke when such a pattern is identified</param>
internal PatternMatchRule(Node pattern, ProcessNodeDelegate processDelegate)
: base(pattern.Op.OpType, processDelegate)
Debug.Assert(pattern != null, "null pattern");
Debug.Assert(pattern.Op != null, "null pattern Op");
m_pattern = pattern;
示例8: ProcessDistinctOpOfKeys
/// <summary>
/// If the DistinctOp includes all all the keys of the input, than it is unnecessary.
/// Distinct (X, distinct_keys) -> Project( X, distinct_keys) where distinct_keys includes all keys of X.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">Rule processing context</param>
/// <param name="n">current subtree</param>
/// <param name="newNode">transformed subtree</param>
/// <returns>transformation status</returns>
private static bool ProcessDistinctOpOfKeys(RuleProcessingContext context, Node n, out Node newNode)
var command = context.Command;
var nodeInfo = command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(n.Child0);
var op = (DistinctOp)n.Op;
//If we know the keys of the input and the list of distinct keys includes them all, omit the distinct
if (!nodeInfo.Keys.NoKeys
&& op.Keys.Subsumes(nodeInfo.Keys.KeyVars))
var newOp = command.CreateProjectOp(op.Keys);
//Create empty vardef list
var varDefListOp = command.CreateVarDefListOp();
var varDefListNode = command.CreateNode(varDefListOp);
newNode = command.CreateNode(newOp, n.Child0, varDefListNode);
return true;
//Otherwise return the node as is
newNode = n;
return false;
示例9: ApplyRulesToNode
private static bool ApplyRulesToNode(RuleProcessingContext context, ReadOnlyCollection<ReadOnlyCollection<InternalTrees.Rule>> rules, Node currentNode, out Node newNode)
newNode = currentNode;
// Apply any pre-rule delegates
foreach (Rule r in rules[(int)currentNode.Op.OpType])
if (!r.Match(currentNode))
// Did the rule modify the subtree?
if (r.Apply(context, currentNode, out newNode))
// The node has changed; don't try to apply any more rules
context.PostProcess(newNode, r);
return true;
Debug.Assert(newNode == currentNode, "Liar! This rule should have returned 'true'");
context.PostProcess(currentNode, null);
return false;
示例10: HasKeyReferences
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether any var from a given list of keys is referenced by any of defining node's right relatives,
/// with the exception of the relatives brunching at the given targetJoinNode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="keys">A list of vars to check for</param>
/// <param name="definingNode">The node considered to be the defining node</param>
/// <param name="targetJoinNode">The relatives branching at this node are skipped</param>
/// <returns>False, only it can determine that not a single var from a given list of keys is referenced by any
/// of defining node's right relatives, with the exception of the relatives brunching at the given targetJoinNode. </returns>
internal bool HasKeyReferences(VarVec keys, Node definingNode, Node targetJoinNode)
Node currentChild = definingNode;
Node parent;
bool continueUp = true;
while (continueUp & m_nodeToParentMap.TryGetValue(currentChild, out parent))
if (parent != targetJoinNode)
// Check the parent
if (HasVarReferencesShallow(parent, keys, m_nodeToSiblingNumber[currentChild], out continueUp))
return true;
//Check all the siblings to the right
for (int i = m_nodeToSiblingNumber[currentChild] + 1; i < parent.Children.Count; i++)
if (parent.Children[i].GetNodeInfo(m_command).ExternalReferences.Overlaps(keys))
return true;
currentChild = parent;
return false;
示例11: ComputeHashValue
/// <summary>
/// Compute the hash value for this node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmd"></param>
/// <param name="n"></param>
internal override void ComputeHashValue(Command cmd, Node n)
base.ComputeHashValue(cmd, n);
m_hashValue = (m_hashValue << 4) ^ GetHashValue(Definitions);
m_hashValue = (m_hashValue << 4) ^ GetHashValue(Keys.KeyVars);
示例12: ReMap
internal Node ReMap(Node node, Dictionary<Var, Node> varMap)
PlanCompiler.Assert(node.Op.IsScalarOp, "Expected a scalarOp: Found " + Dump.AutoString.ToString(node.Op.OpType));
// Replace varRefOps by the corresponding expression in the map, if any
if (node.Op.OpType
== OpType.VarRef)
var varRefOp = node.Op as VarRefOp;
Node newNode = null;
if (varMap.TryGetValue(varRefOp.Var, out newNode))
newNode = Copy(newNode);
return newNode;
return node;
// Simply process the result of the children.
for (var i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++)
node.Children[i] = ReMap(node.Children[i], varMap);
// We may have changed something deep down
return node;
示例13: ProcessSingleRowOpOverAnything
/// <summary>
/// Convert a
/// SingleRowOp(X) => X
/// if X produces at most one row
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">Rule Processing context</param>
/// <param name="singleRowNode">Current subtree</param>
/// <param name="newNode">transformed subtree</param>
/// <returns>Transformation status</returns>
private static bool ProcessSingleRowOpOverAnything(RuleProcessingContext context, Node singleRowNode, out Node newNode)
newNode = singleRowNode;
var trc = (TransformationRulesContext)context;
var childNodeInfo = context.Command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(singleRowNode.Child0);
// If the input to this Op can produce at most one row, then we don't need the
// singleRowOp - simply return the input
if (childNodeInfo.MaxRows
<= RowCount.One)
newNode = singleRowNode.Child0;
return true;
// if the current node is a FilterOp, then try and determine if the FilterOp
// produces one row at most
if (singleRowNode.Child0.Op.OpType
== OpType.Filter)
var predicate = new Predicate(context.Command, singleRowNode.Child0.Child1);
if (predicate.SatisfiesKey(childNodeInfo.Keys.KeyVars, childNodeInfo.Definitions))
childNodeInfo.MaxRows = RowCount.One;
newNode = singleRowNode.Child0;
return true;
// we couldn't do anything
return false;
示例14: IsRowTypeCaseOpWithNullability
/// <summary>
/// Utility method that determines whether a given CaseOp subtree can be optimized.
/// Called by both PreProcessor and NominalTypeEliminator.
/// If the case statement is of the shape:
/// case when X then NULL else Y, or
/// case when X then Y else NULL,
/// where Y is of row type, and the types of the input CaseOp, the NULL and Y are the same,
/// return true
/// </summary>
/// <param name="op"></param>
/// <param name="n"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static bool IsRowTypeCaseOpWithNullability(CaseOp op, Node n, out bool thenClauseIsNull)
thenClauseIsNull = false; //any default value will do
if (!TypeSemantics.IsRowType(op.Type))
return false;
if (n.Children.Count != 3)
return false;
//All three types must be equal
if (!n.Child1.Op.Type.EdmEquals(op.Type) || !n.Child2.Op.Type.EdmEquals(op.Type))
return false;
//At least one of Child1 and Child2 needs to be a null
if (n.Child1.Op.OpType == OpType.Null)
thenClauseIsNull = true;
return true;
if (n.Child2.Op.OpType == OpType.Null)
// thenClauseIsNull stays false
return true;
return false;
示例15: ProcessSetOpOverEmptySet
/// <summary>
/// Process a SetOp when one of the inputs is an emptyset.
/// An emptyset is represented by a Filter(X, ConstantPredicate)
/// where the ConstantPredicate has a value of "false"
/// The general rules are
/// UnionAll(X, EmptySet) => X
/// UnionAll(EmptySet, X) => X
/// Intersect(EmptySet, X) => EmptySet
/// Intersect(X, EmptySet) => EmptySet
/// Except(EmptySet, X) => EmptySet
/// Except(X, EmptySet) => X
/// These rules then translate into
/// UnionAll: return the non-empty input
/// Intersect: return the empty input
/// Except: return the "left" input
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">Rule processing context</param>
/// <param name="setOpNode">the current setop tree</param>
/// <param name="filterNodeIndex">Index of the filter node in the setop</param>
/// <param name="newNode">transformed subtree</param>
/// <returns>transformation status</returns>
private static bool ProcessSetOpOverEmptySet(RuleProcessingContext context, Node setOpNode, out Node newNode)
var leftChildIsEmptySet = context.Command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(setOpNode.Child0).MaxRows == RowCount.Zero;
var rightChildIsEmptySet = context.Command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(setOpNode.Child1).MaxRows == RowCount.Zero;
if (!leftChildIsEmptySet
&& !rightChildIsEmptySet)
newNode = setOpNode;
return false;
int indexToReturn;
var setOp = (SetOp)setOpNode.Op;
if (!rightChildIsEmptySet && setOp.OpType == OpType.UnionAll
!leftChildIsEmptySet && setOp.OpType == OpType.Intersect)
indexToReturn = 1;
indexToReturn = 0;
newNode = setOpNode.Children[indexToReturn];
var trc = (TransformationRulesContext)context;
foreach (var kv in setOp.VarMap[indexToReturn])
trc.AddVarMapping(kv.Key, kv.Value);
return true;