本文整理汇总了C#中Subtext.Framework.Blog类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Blog类的具体用法?C# Blog怎么用?C# Blog使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: CanInsertNewMetaTag
public void CanInsertNewMetaTag(string content, string name, string httpEquiv, bool withEntry, string errMsg)
blog = UnitTestHelper.CreateBlogAndSetupContext();
int? entryId = null;
Entry e = UnitTestHelper.CreateEntryInstanceForSyndication("Steven Harman", "My Post", "Foo Bar Zaa!");
entryId = UnitTestHelper.Create(e);
MetaTag mt = UnitTestHelper.BuildMetaTag(content, name, httpEquiv, blog.Id, entryId, DateTime.Now);
// make sure there are no meta-tags for this blog in the data store
ICollection<MetaTag> tags = MetaTags.GetMetaTagsForBlog(blog, 0, 100);
Assert.AreEqual(0, tags.Count, "Should be zero MetaTags.");
// add the meta-tag to the data store
int tagId = MetaTags.Create(mt);
tags = MetaTags.GetMetaTagsForBlog(blog, 0, 100);
Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count, errMsg);
MetaTag newTag = tags.First();
// make sure all attributes of the meta-tag were written to the data store correctly.
Assert.AreEqual(tagId, newTag.Id, "Wrong Id");
Assert.AreEqual(mt.Content, newTag.Content, "Wrong content");
Assert.AreEqual(mt.Name, newTag.Name, "wrong name attribute");
Assert.AreEqual(mt.HttpEquiv, newTag.HttpEquiv, "Wrong http-equiv attriubte");
Assert.AreEqual(mt.BlogId, newTag.BlogId, "Wrong blogId");
Assert.AreEqual(mt.EntryId, newTag.EntryId, "Wrong entryId");
Assert.AreEqual(mt.DateCreated.Date, newTag.DateCreated.Date, "Wrong created date");
示例2: GetReturnsZeroWhenNoMetaTagsExistForBlog
public void GetReturnsZeroWhenNoMetaTagsExistForBlog()
var repository = new DatabaseObjectProvider();
blog = UnitTestHelper.CreateBlogAndSetupContext();
Assert.AreEqual(0, repository.GetMetaTagsForBlog(blog, 0, 100).Count,
"Shouldn't have found any MetaTags for this blog.");
示例3: GetArchiveCategories
protected ICollection<LinkCategory> GetArchiveCategories(Blog blog)
var linkCategories = new List<LinkCategory>();
// we want to make sure that the LinkCategory is NOT null before we add it to the collection.
LinkCategory category = Repository.Links(CategoryType.PostCollection, blog, Url);
if (category != null)
category = Repository.Links(CategoryType.StoryCollection, blog, Url);
if (category != null)
category = Repository.ArchiveMonth(Url, blog);
if (category != null)
category = Repository.Links(CategoryType.ImageCollection, blog, Url);
if (category != null)
return linkCategories;
示例4: NameValueCollection
public void RequestNotMatchingAnyBlog_ButWithASingleBlogInSystemWithLocalHostButNotMatchingSubfolder_ReturnsUpdatesItsHostThenRedirectsToSubfolder()
var onlyBlog = new Blog { Host = "localhost", Subfolder = "sub" };
var pagedCollection = new PagedCollection<Blog> { onlyBlog };
pagedCollection.MaxItems = 1;
var repository = new Mock<ObjectRepository>();
repository.Setup(r => r.GetBlog("example.com", It.IsAny<string>())).Returns((Blog)null);
repository.Setup(r => r.GetPagedBlogs(null, 0, It.IsAny<int>(), ConfigurationFlags.None)).Returns(
var appSettings = new NameValueCollection();
appSettings.Add("AggregateEnabled", "false");
var hostInfo = new HostInfo(appSettings);
var service = new BlogLookupService(repository.Object, new LazyNotNull<HostInfo>(() => hostInfo));
var blogRequest = new BlogRequest("example.com", string.Empty, new Uri("http://example.com/foo/bar"), false);
BlogLookupResult result = service.Lookup(blogRequest);
Assert.AreEqual("http://example.com/sub/foo/bar", result.AlternateUrl.ToString());
Assert.AreEqual("example.com", onlyBlog.Host);
repository.Verify(r => r.UpdateBlog(It.IsAny<Blog>()));
示例5: editPost_WithEntryHavingEnclosure_UpdatesEntryEnclosureWithNewEnclosure
public void editPost_WithEntryHavingEnclosure_UpdatesEntryEnclosureWithNewEnclosure()
var entry = new Entry(PostType.BlogPost) { Title = "Title 1", Body = "Blah", IsActive = true };
entry.DateCreatedUtc = entry.DatePublishedUtc = entry.DateModifiedUtc = DateTime.ParseExact("1975/01/23", "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var blog = new Blog { Id = 123, Host = "localhost", AllowServiceAccess = true, UserName = "username", Password = "password" };
var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Repository.GetEntry(It.IsAny<Int32>(), false, true)).Returns(entry);
var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
Entry publishedEntry = null;
entryPublisher.Setup(p => p.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Callback<Entry>(e => publishedEntry = e);
FrameworkEnclosure enclosure = UnitTestHelper.BuildEnclosure("<Digital Photography Explained (for Geeks) with Aaron Hockley/>",
"http://perseus.franklins.net/hanselminutes_0107.mp3", "audio/mp3", 123, 26707573, true, true);
entry.Enclosure = enclosure;
var post = new Post { title = "Title 2", description = "Blah", dateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow };
var postEnclosure = new Enclosure
url = "http://codeclimber.net.nz/podcast/mypodcastUpdated.mp3",
type = "audio/mp3",
length = 123456789
post.enclosure = postEnclosure;
var metaWeblog = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
// act
bool result = metaWeblog.editPost("123", "username", "password", post, true);
// assert
Assert.AreEqual("http://codeclimber.net.nz/podcast/mypodcastUpdated.mp3", entry.Enclosure.Url);
示例6: ConvertBlogPost
public Entry ConvertBlogPost(BlogMLPost post, BlogMLBlog blogMLBlog, Blog blog)
DateTime dateModified = blog != null ? blog.TimeZone.FromUtc(post.DateModified) : post.DateModified;
DateTime dateCreated = blog != null ? blog.TimeZone.FromUtc(post.DateCreated) : post.DateCreated;
var newEntry = new Entry((post.PostType == BlogPostTypes.Article) ? PostType.Story : PostType.BlogPost)
Title = GetTitleFromPost(post).Left(BlogPostTitleMaxLength),
DateCreated = dateCreated,
DateModified = dateModified,
DateSyndicated = post.Approved ? dateModified : DateTime.MaxValue,
Body = post.Content.UncodedText,
IsActive = post.Approved,
DisplayOnHomePage = post.Approved,
IncludeInMainSyndication = post.Approved,
IsAggregated = post.Approved,
AllowComments = true,
Description = post.HasExcerpt ? post.Excerpt.UncodedText: null
newEntry.EntryName = post.PostName;
SetEntryNameForBlogspotImport(post, newEntry);
SetEntryAuthor(post, newEntry, blogMLBlog);
SetEntryCategories(post, newEntry, blogMLBlog);
return newEntry;
示例7: CanGetHashCode
public void CanGetHashCode()
var blog = new Blog();
blog.Host = "http://subtextproject.com";
blog.Subfolder = "blog";
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, blog.GetHashCode());
示例8: CanSetFeedBurnerName
public void CanSetFeedBurnerName()
var blog = new Blog();
blog.RssProxyUrl = null;
blog.RssProxyUrl = "Subtext";
示例9: CommentRssWriterProducesValidEmptyFeed
public void CommentRssWriterProducesValidEmptyFeed()
var blogInfo = new Blog();
blogInfo.Host = "localhost";
blogInfo.Subfolder = "blog";
blogInfo.Email = "[email protected]";
blogInfo.RFC3229DeltaEncodingEnabled = true;
blogInfo.Title = "My Blog Rulz";
blogInfo.TimeZoneId = TimeZonesTest.PacificTimeZoneId;
Entry entry = UnitTestHelper.CreateEntryInstanceForSyndication(blogInfo, "haacked", "title of the post",
"Body of the post.");
entry.EntryName = "titleofthepost";
entry.DateCreatedUtc =
entry.DatePublishedUtc =
entry.DateModifiedUtc = DateTime.ParseExact("2006/04/01", "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var context = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
context.FakeSyndicationContext(blogInfo, "/", null);
Mock<BlogUrlHelper> urlHelper = Mock.Get(context.Object.UrlHelper);
urlHelper.Setup(url => url.EntryUrl(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Returns(
var writer = new CommentRssWriter(new StringWriter(), new List<FeedbackItem>(), entry, context.Object);
Assert.IsTrue(entry.HasEntryName, "This entry should have an entry name.");
string expected = @"<rss version=""2.0"" "
+ @"xmlns:dc=""http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"" "
+ @"xmlns:trackback=""http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/"" "
+ @"xmlns:wfw=""http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/"" "
+ @"xmlns:slash=""http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/"" "
+ @"xmlns:copyright=""http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss"" "
+ @"xmlns:image=""http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/image/"">" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent() + @"<channel>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(2) + @"<title>title of the post</title>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(2) + @"<link>http://localhost/blog/archive/2006/04/01/titleofthepost.aspx</link>" +
+ indent(2) + @"<description>Body of the post.</description>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(2) + @"<language>en-US</language>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(2) + @"<copyright>Subtext Weblog</copyright>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(2) + @"<generator>{0}</generator>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(2) + @"<image>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(3) + @"<title>title of the post</title>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(3) + @"<url>http://localhost/images/RSS2Image.gif</url>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(3) + @"<link>http://localhost/blog/archive/2006/04/01/titleofthepost.aspx</link>" +
+ indent(3) + @"<width>77</width>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(3) + @"<height>60</height>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(2) + @"</image>" + Environment.NewLine
+ indent(1) + @"</channel>" + Environment.NewLine
+ @"</rss>";
expected = string.Format(expected, VersionInfo.VersionDisplayText);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.Xml);
示例10: SetHeight
public void SetHeight()
Unit test = 100;
var blog = new Blog {Host = "localhost", Subfolder = "subfolder"};
var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
frtep.Height = test;
Assert.AreEqual(test, frtep.Height);
示例11: SetText
public void SetText()
var blog = new Blog {Host = "localhost", Subfolder = "subfolder"};
string test = "Lorem Ipsum";
var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
frtep.Text = test;
Assert.AreEqual(test, frtep.Text);
Assert.AreEqual(test, frtep.Xhtml);
示例12: SubtextContext
public SubtextContext(Blog blog, RequestContext requestContext, BlogUrlHelper urlHelper, ObjectRepository repository,
IPrincipal user, ICache cache, IDependencyResolver serviceLocator)
Blog = blog;
RequestContext = requestContext;
UrlHelper = urlHelper;
Repository = repository;
User = user ?? requestContext.HttpContext.User;
Cache = cache ?? new SubtextCache(requestContext.HttpContext.Cache);
ServiceLocator = serviceLocator;
示例13: CanGetLanguageAndLanguageCode
public void CanGetLanguageAndLanguageCode()
var blog = new Blog();
blog.Language = null;
Assert.AreEqual("en-US", blog.Language, "By default, the language is en-US");
Assert.AreEqual("en", blog.LanguageCode);
blog.Language = "fr-FR";
Assert.AreEqual("fr-FR", blog.Language, "The language should have changed.");
Assert.AreEqual("fr", blog.LanguageCode);
示例14: CanTestForEquality
public void CanTestForEquality()
var blog = new Blog();
blog.Id = 12;
Assert.IsFalse(blog.Equals(null), "Blog should not equal null");
Assert.IsFalse(blog.Equals("Something Not A Blog"), "Blog should not equal a string");
var blog2 = new Blog();
blog2.Id = 12;
示例15: CanGetMetaTagsForBlog
public void CanGetMetaTagsForBlog()
blog = UnitTestHelper.CreateBlogAndSetupContext();
InsertNewMetaTag("Adding description meta tag", "description", null, DateTime.Now, blog.Id, null);
InsertNewMetaTag("no-cache", null, "cache-control", DateTime.Now, blog.Id, null);
ICollection<MetaTag> tags = MetaTags.GetMetaTagsForBlog(blog, 0, 100);
Assert.AreEqual(2, tags.Count, "Should be two tags for this blog.");