本文整理汇总了C#中SIPSorcery.Entities.SIPSorceryEntities类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# SIPSorceryEntities类的具体用法?C# SIPSorceryEntities怎么用?C# SIPSorceryEntities使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: ExecuteQuery
public static void ExecuteQuery(string query)
using (var sipSorceryEntities = new SIPSorceryEntities())
sipSorceryEntities.ExecuteStoreCommand(query, null);
示例2: GetLookups
public List<SIPDialplanLookup> GetLookups(string dialplanName)
using (var ssEntities = new SIPSorceryEntities())
if (!dialplanName.IsNullOrBlank())
return (from lookup in ssEntities.SIPDialplanLookups
join dialplan in ssEntities.SIPDialPlans on lookup.DialPlanID equals dialplan.ID
where lookup.Owner == m_owner && dialplan.DialPlanName.Contains(dialplanName)
select lookup).ToList();
return (from lookup in ssEntities.SIPDialplanLookups
where lookup.Owner == m_owner
select lookup).ToList();
catch (Exception excp)
logger.Error("Exception GetLookups. " + excp.Message);
return null;
示例3: SIPProviderDeleted
public static void SIPProviderDeleted(SIPProvider sipProvider)
logger.Debug("SIPProviderBindingSynchroniser SIPProviderDeleted for " + sipProvider.Owner + " and " + sipProvider.ProviderName + ".");
using (SIPSorceryEntities sipSorceryEntities = new SIPSorceryEntities())
SIPProviderBinding existingBinding = (from binding in sipSorceryEntities.SIPProviderBindings
where binding.ProviderID == sipProvider.ID
select binding).FirstOrDefault();
if (existingBinding != null)
if (existingBinding.IsRegistered)
// Let the registration agent know the existing binding should be expired.
existingBinding.BindingExpiry = 0;
existingBinding.NextRegistrationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o");
catch (Exception excp)
logger.Error("Exception SIPProviderBindingSynchroniser SIPProviderDeleted. " + excp.Message);
示例4: SIPProviderAdded
public static void SIPProviderAdded(SIPProvider sipProvider)
logger.Debug("SIPProviderBindingSynchroniser SIPProviderAdded for " + sipProvider.Owner + " and " + sipProvider.ProviderName + " (Provider ID=" + sipProvider.ID + ").");
if (sipProvider.RegisterEnabled)
using (SIPSorceryEntities sipSorceryEntities = new SIPSorceryEntities())
SIPProvider existingProvider = (from provider in sipSorceryEntities.SIPProviders
where provider.ID == sipProvider.ID
select provider).FirstOrDefault();
if (existingProvider != null)
AddNewBindingForProvider(sipSorceryEntities, existingProvider);
logger.Warn("The SIP provider entry was not in the database when attempting to add a provider binding.");
catch (Exception excp)
logger.Error("Exception SIPProviderBindingSynchroniser SIPProviderAdded. " + excp.Message);
示例5: Add
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new customer account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerAccount">The customer account to add.</param>
public void Add(CustomerAccount customerAccount)
using (var sipSorceryEntities = new SIPSorceryEntities())
customerAccount.AccountCode = Crypto.GetRandomString(ACCOUNT_CODE_RANDOM_STRING_PREFIX_LENGTH) + Crypto.GetRandomInt(ACCOUNT_CODE_RANDOM_NUMBER_SUFFIX_LENGTH).ToString();
customerAccount.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
customerAccount.Inserted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("o");
示例6: GetForFTPPrefix
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to retrieve a customer record based on the FTP prefix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ftpPrefix">The FTP prefix to retrieve the customer for.</param>
/// <returns>If found the matching Customer record otherwise null.</returns>
public Customer GetForFTPPrefix(string ftpPrefix)
if (ftpPrefix.IsNullOrBlank())
return null;
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
string ftpPrefixLower = ftpPrefix.ToLower();
return (from cu in db.Customers
cu.FTPPrefix.ToLower() == ftpPrefixLower
select cu).SingleOrDefault();
示例7: Add
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new rate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rate">The rate record to add.</param>
public void Add(Rate rate)
using (var sipSorceryEntities = new SIPSorceryEntities())
if ((from rt in sipSorceryEntities.Rates where rt.Prefix == rate.Prefix select rt).Any())
throw new ApplicationException("The rate prefix is already in use.");
rate.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
rate.Inserted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("o");
示例8: ChangeSIPDialPlanName
public void ChangeSIPDialPlanName(string authUser, string sipDialPlanID, string name)
if (authUser.IsNullOrBlank())
throw new ArgumentException("An authenticated user is required for ChangeSIPDialPlanName.");
else if (name.IsNullOrBlank())
throw new ArgumentNullException("The new name cannot be empty in ChangeSIPDialPlanName.");
using (var sipSorceryEntities = new SIPSorceryEntities())
SIPDialPlan existingAccount = (from dp in sipSorceryEntities.SIPDialPlans where dp.ID == sipDialPlanID && dp.Owner.ToLower() == authUser.ToLower() select dp).FirstOrDefault();
if (existingAccount == null)
throw new ApplicationException("The SIP Dial Plan to change the name for could not be found.");
else if (existingAccount.Owner != authUser.ToLower())
logger.Warn("User " + authUser + " was not authorised to change dial plan " + existingAccount.DialPlanName + " belonging to " + existingAccount.Owner + ".");
throw new ApplicationException("Not authorised to change the SIP Dial Plan name.");
else if (existingAccount.IsReadOnly)
throw new ApplicationException("This Dial Plan is read-only. Please upgrade to a Premium service to enable it.");
logger.Debug("Changing the SIP dialplan " + existingAccount.DialPlanName + " for " + existingAccount.Owner + " to " + name + ".");
if (sipSorceryEntities.SIPDialPlans.Any(x => x.DialPlanName.ToLower() == name.ToLower() && x.Owner.ToLower() == authUser.ToLower()))
throw new ApplicationException("There is already a dialplan with the same name. Please choose something different.");
// Need to update any SIP accounts that are using the old dialplan name.
UpdateSIPAccountsDialPlanName(sipSorceryEntities, authUser, existingAccount.DialPlanName, name);
existingAccount.DialPlanName = name;
示例9: CheckAccountCode
/// <summary>
/// Checks the account code is valid and if not will also check the account number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="owner">The owner of the customer accounts to check.</param>
/// <param name="accountNumber">The account code to check.</param>
/// <returns>If a matching accountcode or number is found the account code will be returned otherwise null.</returns>
public CustomerAccount CheckAccountCode(string owner, string accountCode)
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
var account = (from ca in db.CustomerAccounts
ca.Owner.ToLower() == owner.ToLower() &&
(ca.AccountCode.ToLower() == accountCode.ToLower() || ca.AccountNumber == accountCode)
select ca).SingleOrDefault();
return (account != null) ? account : null;
示例10: SetCDRIsHangingUp
public void SetCDRIsHangingUp(string cdrID)
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
var callCDR = (from cdr in db.CDRs where cdr.ID == cdrID select cdr).SingleOrDefault();
if (callCDR == null)
logger.Debug("CDR could not be found for " + cdrID + " when attemping to set the IsHangingUp flag.");
callCDR.IsHangingUp = true;
示例11: Update
/// <summary>
/// Updates an existing customer account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerAccount">The customer account to update.</param>
public void Update(CustomerAccount customerAccount)
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
var existingAccount = (from ca in db.CustomerAccounts where ca.ID == customerAccount.ID select ca).SingleOrDefault();
if (existingAccount == null)
throw new ApplicationException("The customer account to update could not be found");
else if (existingAccount.Owner.ToLower() != customerAccount.Owner.ToLower())
throw new ApplicationException("You are not authorised to update this customer account.");
logger.Debug("Updating customer account " + existingAccount.AccountName + " for " + existingAccount.Owner + ".");
existingAccount.AccountName = customerAccount.AccountName;
existingAccount.AccountNumber = customerAccount.AccountNumber;
existingAccount.Credit = customerAccount.Credit;
existingAccount.PIN = customerAccount.PIN;
示例12: ReserveInitialCredit
/// <summary>
/// This method attempts to reserve a the initial amount of credit for a call.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="accountCode">The accountCode the credit should be reserved against.</param>
/// <param name="amount">The amount of credit to reserve.</param>
/// <param name="rate">The rate for the call destination and the values that will be used for subsequent credit reservations.</param>
/// <param name="initialSeconds">IF the reservation is successful this parameter will hold the number of seconds that were reserved for the initial reservation.</param>
/// <returns>True if there was enough credit for the reservation otherwise false.</returns>
public decimal ReserveInitialCredit(string accountCode, decimal rate, out int initialSeconds)
logger.Debug("ReserveInitialCredit for " + accountCode + ", rate " + rate + ".");
initialSeconds = 0;
if (accountCode.IsNullOrBlank() || rate <= 0)
return Decimal.MinusOne;
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
var customerAccount = db.CustomerAccounts.Where(x => x.AccountCode == accountCode).SingleOrDefault();
if (customerAccount == null)
logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + " failed due to the no matching accountcode.");
return Decimal.MinusOne;
// Get the owning customer's RTCC billing increment.
int rtccIncrement = (from cust in db.Customers where cust.Name.ToLower() == customerAccount.Owner.ToLower() select cust.RTCCBillingIncrement).Single();
decimal reservationCost = (decimal)initialSeconds / (decimal)60 * rate;
if (customerAccount.Credit < reservationCost)
logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + ", duration " + initialSeconds + "s and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " failed due to lack of credit.");
return Decimal.MinusOne;
//var callCDR = (from cdr in db.CDRs where cdr.ID == cdrID select cdr).SingleOrDefault();
//if (callCDR == null)
// logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + " and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " failed due to the no matching CDR for " + cdrID + ".");
// return false;
//else if (callCDR.HungupTime != null)
// logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + " and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " failed due to the CDR already being hungup.");
// return false;
// The credit is available deduct it from the customer account balance and place it on the CDR.
customerAccount.Credit = customerAccount.Credit - reservationCost;
// Set the fields on the CDR.
//callCDR.Rate = rate;
//callCDR.SecondsReserved = seconds;
//callCDR.AccountCode = accountCode;
//callCDR.Cost = reservationCost;
logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + ", duration " + initialSeconds + "s and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " was successful.");
return reservationCost;
示例13: ReturnUnusedCredit
/// <summary>
/// This method should be called once a billable call has been completed. It will calcualte the final cost of the call and return
/// any usused credit back to the customer account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cdrID">The ID of the CDR the credit is being returned for.</param>
public void ReturnUnusedCredit(string cdrID)
logger.Debug("ReturnUnusedCredit for CDR ID " + cdrID + ".");
if (cdrID.NotNullOrBlank())
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
var callCDR = (from cdr in db.CDRs where cdr.ID == cdrID select cdr).SingleOrDefault();
if (callCDR == null)
logger.Error("The unused credit could not be returned for " + cdrID + " due to the no matching CDR.");
string reconciliationError = null;
if (callCDR.Duration == null)
reconciliationError = "Error, the call duration was null.";
logger.Warn("The unused credit could not be returned for " + cdrID + " the CDR has not been hungup.");
else if (callCDR.Cost == null)
reconciliationError = "Error, the call cost was null.";
logger.Warn("The unused credit could not be returned for " + cdrID + " the call cost was empty.");
else if (callCDR.AccountCode.IsNullOrBlank())
reconciliationError = "Error, the accountcode was null.";
logger.Warn("The unused credit could not be returned for " + cdrID + " due to the CDR having a blank accountcode.");
else if (callCDR.Rate <= 0)
reconciliationError = "Error, the rate was not set.";
logger.Warn("The unused credit could not be returned for " + cdrID + " due to the CDR having no rate.");
if (reconciliationError != null)
callCDR.ReconciliationResult = reconciliationError;
string accountCode = callCDR.AccountCode;
var customerAccount = db.CustomerAccounts.Where(x => x.AccountCode == accountCode).SingleOrDefault();
if (customerAccount == null)
logger.Debug("The unused credit could not be returned for " + cdrID + " due to the no matching accountcode.");
callCDR.ReconciliationResult = "Error, no matching customer for " + accountCode + ".";
// Get the owning customer's RTCC billing increment.
int rtccIncrement = (from cust in db.Customers where cust.Name.ToLower() == callCDR.Owner.ToLower() select cust.RTCCBillingIncrement).Single();
int billableDuration = (callCDR.Duration.Value % rtccIncrement == 0) ? callCDR.Duration.Value : (callCDR.Duration.Value / rtccIncrement + 1) * rtccIncrement;
decimal actualCallCost = (Convert.ToDecimal(billableDuration) / SECONDS_FOR_RATE) * callCDR.Rate.Value;
logger.Debug("RTCC billable duration " + billableDuration + " (increment " + rtccIncrement + "), actual call cost calculated at " + actualCallCost.ToString("0.#####") + " for call with cost of " + callCDR.Cost + ".");
if (Math.Round(actualCallCost, 5) < Math.Round(callCDR.Cost.Value, 5))
decimal returnCredit = Math.Round(callCDR.Cost.Value, 5) - Math.Round(actualCallCost, 5);
if (returnCredit > 0)
// There is some credit to return to the customer account.
callCDR.Cost = callCDR.Cost.Value - returnCredit;
callCDR.ReconciliationResult = "ok";
callCDR.PostReconciliationBalance = customerAccount.Credit + returnCredit;
customerAccount.Credit = customerAccount.Credit + returnCredit;
// An error has occurred and the credit reserved was less than the cost of the call.
callCDR.ReconciliationResult = "Error: Actual call cost calculated as " + actualCallCost.ToString("0.#####");
callCDR.PostReconciliationBalance = customerAccount.Credit + returnCredit;
customerAccount.Credit = customerAccount.Credit + returnCredit;
else if (Math.Round(actualCallCost, 5) > Math.Round(callCDR.Cost.Value, 5) && Math.Abs(callCDR.Duration.Value - callCDR.SecondsReserved.Value) <= SECONDS_LENIENCY_FOR_RECONCILIATION)
logger.Debug("The billed call duration was in +/- " + SECONDS_LENIENCY_FOR_RECONCILIATION + " of actual call duration so a a bille call cost of " + callCDR.Cost.Value.ToString("0.#####") + " was accepted for an actual call cost of " + actualCallCost.ToString("0.#####") + ".");
callCDR.ReconciliationResult = "ok";
callCDR.PostReconciliationBalance = customerAccount.Credit;
示例14: UpdateRealTimeCallControlCDRID
public void UpdateRealTimeCallControlCDRID(string oldCDRID, SIPCDR newCDR)
logger.Debug("UpdateRealTimeCallControlCDRID old CDR ID " + oldCDRID + ", new CDR ID " + newCDR.CDRId.ToString() + ".");
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
var realTimeCallControl = (from rtcc in db.RTCCs1 where rtcc.CDRID == oldCDRID select rtcc).FirstOrDefault();
if (realTimeCallControl == null)
logger.Error("No RTCC record could be found for CDR ID " + oldCDRID + ".");
realTimeCallControl.CDRID = newCDR.CDRId.ToString();
示例15: MonitorCDRs
/// <summary>
/// Monitors the CDRs table for records that are using real-time call control and are within the limit that requires them to
/// re-reserve credit.
/// </summary>
private void MonitorCDRs()
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = RTCC_THREAD_NAME;
logger.Debug("RTCC Core Starting Monitor CDRs thread.");
while (!m_exit)
using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
// Try and reserve credit on in progress calls.
DateTime reservationDue = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(m_reserveDueSeconds);
var cdrsReservationDue = (from cdr in db.CDRs
where cdr.AccountCode != null && cdr.HungupTime == null && cdr.AnsweredAt != null && cdr.SecondsReserved != null && cdr.SecondsReserved > 0 &&
cdr.AnsweredStatus >= 200 && cdr.AnsweredStatus <= 299 && EntityFunctions.AddSeconds(cdr.AnsweredAt, cdr.SecondsReserved) <= reservationDue && cdr.ReservationError == null
orderby cdr.AnsweredAt
while (cdrsReservationDue.Count() > 0)
foreach (CDR cdr in cdrsReservationDue)
Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.RTCC, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Reserving credit for call " + cdr.Dst + ".", cdr.Owner));
// Attempt to re-reserve the next chunk of credit for the call.
m_customerAccountDataLayer.ReserveCredit(m_reservationAmountSeconds, cdr.ID);
//catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// foreach (Exception exSub in ex.LoaderExceptions)
// {
// sb.AppendLine(exSub.Message);
// if (exSub is FileNotFoundException)
// {
// FileNotFoundException exFileNotFound = exSub as FileNotFoundException;
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exFileNotFound.FusionLog))
// {
// sb.AppendLine("Fusion Log:");
// sb.AppendLine(exFileNotFound.FusionLog);
// }
// }
// sb.AppendLine();
// }
// string errorMessage = sb.ToString();
// logger.Error(errorMessage);
catch (Exception monitorExcp)
logger.Error("Exception MonitorCDRs Credit Reservation. " + monitorExcp);
logger.Error("InnerException MonitorCDRs Credit Reservation. " + monitorExcp.InnerException);
// Terminate any calls that have reached their time limit.
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
var cdrsTerminationDue = (from cdr in db.CDRs
where !cdr.IsHangingUp && cdr.AccountCode != null && cdr.HungupTime == null && cdr.AnsweredAt != null && cdr.SecondsReserved != null &&
cdr.AnsweredStatus >= 200 && cdr.AnsweredStatus <= 299 && EntityFunctions.AddSeconds(cdr.AnsweredAt, cdr.SecondsReserved) <= now && !cdr.IsHangingUp
orderby cdr.AnsweredAt
while (cdrsTerminationDue.Count() > 0)
foreach (CDR cdr in cdrsTerminationDue)
Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.RTCC, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Terminating call due to reservation limit being reached " + cdr.Dst + ".", cdr.Owner));
var dialogue = m_sipDialoguePersistor.Get(x => x.CDRId == cdr.ID, null, 0, 1).FirstOrDefault();
if (dialogue != null)
m_sipDialogueManager.CallHungup(dialogue.SIPDialogue, "RTCC time limit reached", true);
Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.RTCC, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.Warn, "A dialogue could not be found when terminating a call due to reservation limit being reached.", cdr.Owner));
catch (Exception monitorExcp)
logger.Error("Exception RTCCCore MonitorCDRs Call Termination. " + monitorExcp.Message);