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C# Client.SourceLocation类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Mono.Debugging.Client.SourceLocation的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# SourceLocation类的具体用法?C# SourceLocation怎么用?C# SourceLocation使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: SoftEvaluationContext

        public SoftEvaluationContext(SoftDebuggerSession session, StackFrame frame, DC.EvaluationOptions options)
            : base(options)
            Frame = frame;
            Thread = frame.Thread;
            Domain = frame.Domain;

            string method = frame.Method.Name;
            if (frame.Method.DeclaringType != null)
                method = frame.Method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method;
            var location = new DC.SourceLocation (method, frame.FileName, frame.LineNumber, frame.ColumnNumber, frame.EndLineNumber, frame.EndColumnNumber, frame.Location.SourceFileHash);
            string language;

            if (frame.Method != null) {
                language = frame.IsNativeTransition ? "Transition" : "Managed";
            } else {
                language = "Native";

            Evaluator = session.GetEvaluator (new DC.StackFrame (frame.ILOffset, location, language, session.IsExternalCode (frame), true));
            Adapter = session.Adaptor;
            this.session = session;
            stackVersion = session.StackVersion;
            sourceAvailable = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (frame.FileName) && System.IO.File.Exists (frame.FileName);

示例2: ResolveType

		static string ResolveType (string identifier, SourceLocation location)
			switch (identifier) {
			case "SomeClassInNamespace":
				return "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp.SomeClassInNamespace";
			case "ParentNestedClass":
				return "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp.TestEvaluationParent.ParentNestedClass";
			case "NestedClass":
				return "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp.TestEvaluation.NestedClass";
			case "TestEvaluation":
				return "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp.TestEvaluation";
			case "NestedGenericClass`2":
				return "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp.TestEvaluation.NestedGenericClass";
			case "Dictionary`2":
				return "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary";
			case "Thing`1":
				return "Thing";
			case "A":
				return "A";
			case "B":
				return "B";
			case "C":
				return "C";
			case "System":
				return "System";
			case "MonoDevelop":
				return "MonoDevelop";
			case "SomeEnum":
				return "SomeEnum";
			return null;

示例3: StackFrame

		public StackFrame (long address, SourceLocation location, string language, bool isExternalCode, bool hasDebugInfo)
			this.address = address;
			this.location = location;
			this.language = language;
			this.isExternalCode = isExternalCode;
			this.hasDebugInfo = hasDebugInfo;

示例4: CreateStackFrame

		DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame (MDB.StackFrame frame)
			string method = frame.Method.Name;
			if (frame.Method.DeclaringType != null)
				method = frame.Method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method;
			var location = new DC.SourceLocation (method, frame.FileName, frame.LineNumber);
			var lang = frame.Method != null? "Managed" : "Native";
			return new DC.StackFrame (frame.ILOffset, frame.Method.FullName, location, lang, session.IsExternalCode (frame), true);

示例5: CreateStackFrame

		DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame (MDB.StackFrame frame)
			MDB.MethodMirror method = frame.Method;
			MDB.TypeMirror type = method.DeclaringType;
			string methodName = method.Name;
			if (type != null)
				methodName = type.FullName + "." + methodName;
			var location = new DC.SourceLocation (methodName, SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath (frame.FileName), frame.LineNumber);
			var lang = frame.Method != null ? "Managed" : "Native";
			return new DC.StackFrame (frame.ILOffset, method.FullName, location, lang, session.IsExternalCode (frame), true, type.Module.FullyQualifiedName, type.FullName);

示例6: StackFrame

		public StackFrame (long address, string addressSpace, SourceLocation location, string language, bool isExternalCode, bool hasDebugInfo, string fullModuleName, string fullTypeName)
			this.address = address;
			this.addressSpace = addressSpace;
			this.location = location;
			this.language = language;
			this.isExternalCode = isExternalCode;
			this.hasDebugInfo = hasDebugInfo;
			this.fullModuleName = fullModuleName;
			this.fullTypeName = fullTypeName;

示例7: SoftEvaluationContext

		public SoftEvaluationContext (SoftDebuggerSession session, StackFrame frame, DC.EvaluationOptions options): base (options)
			Frame = frame;
			Thread = frame.Thread;

			string method = frame.Method.Name;
			if (frame.Method.DeclaringType != null)
				method = frame.Method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method;
			var location = new DC.SourceLocation (method, frame.FileName, frame.LineNumber);
			var lang = frame.Method != null? "Managed" : "Native";
			Evaluator = session.GetEvaluator (new DC.StackFrame (frame.ILOffset, location, lang, session.IsExternalCode (frame), true));
			Adapter = session.Adaptor;
			this.session = session;
			this.stackVersion = session.StackVersion;
			sourceAvailable = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (frame.FileName) && System.IO.File.Exists (frame.FileName);

示例8: Start

		protected void Start (string test)
			TargetRuntime runtime;

			switch (EngineId) {
			case "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Win32":
				runtime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetRuntime ("MS.NET");
			case "Mono.Debugger.Soft":
				runtime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetRuntimes ()
					.OfType<MonoTargetRuntime> ()
					.OrderByDescending(o => o.Version)
					.FirstOrDefault ();
				runtime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.DefaultRuntime;

			if (runtime == null) {
				Assert.Ignore ("Runtime not found for: {0}", EngineId);

			Console.WriteLine ("Target Runtime: " + runtime.DisplayRuntimeName + " " + runtime.Version);

			// main/build/tests
			FilePath path = Path.GetDirectoryName (GetType ().Assembly.Location);
			var exe = Path.Combine (path, "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp.exe");

			var cmd = new DotNetExecutionCommand ();
			cmd.TargetRuntime = runtime;
			cmd.Command = exe;
			cmd.Arguments = test;

			if (Platform.IsWindows) {
				var monoRuntime = runtime as MonoTargetRuntime;
				if (monoRuntime != null) {
					var psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo (Path.Combine (monoRuntime.Prefix, "bin", "pdb2mdb.bat"), cmd.Command);
					psi.UseShellExecute = false;
					psi.CreateNoWindow = true;
					System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (psi).WaitForExit ();

			var dsi = engine.CreateDebuggerStartInfo (cmd);
			var soft = dsi as SoftDebuggerStartInfo;

			if (soft != null) {
				var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (exe);

				soft.UserAssemblyNames = new List<AssemblyName> ();
				soft.UserAssemblyNames.Add (assemblyName);

			Session = engine.CreateSession ();
			var ops = new DebuggerSessionOptions ();
			ops.EvaluationOptions = EvaluationOptions.DefaultOptions;
			ops.EvaluationOptions.AllowTargetInvoke = AllowTargetInvokes;
			ops.EvaluationOptions.EvaluationTimeout = 100000;

			path = path.ParentDirectory.ParentDirectory.Combine ("src", "addins", "MonoDevelop.Debugger", "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp", test + ".cs").FullPath;
			SourceFile = TextFile.ReadFile (path);
			TestName = test;
			AddBreakpoint ("break");
			var done = new ManualResetEvent (false);
			Session.OutputWriter = (isStderr, text) => Console.WriteLine ("PROC:" + text);

			Session.TargetHitBreakpoint += (sender, e) => {
				done.Set ();
				Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame (0);
				lastStoppedPosition = Frame.SourceLocation;
				targetStoppedEvent.Set ();

			Session.TargetExceptionThrown += (sender, e) => {
				Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame (0);
				for (int i = 0; i < e.Backtrace.FrameCount; i++) {
					if (!e.Backtrace.GetFrame (i).IsExternalCode) {
						Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame (i);
				lastStoppedPosition = Frame.SourceLocation;
				targetStoppedEvent.Set ();

			Session.TargetStopped += (sender, e) => {
				Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame (0);
				lastStoppedPosition = Frame.SourceLocation;
				targetStoppedEvent.Set ();

			var targetExited = new ManualResetEvent (false);
			Session.TargetExited += delegate {
				targetExited.Set ();


示例9: Resolve

		public abstract string Resolve (DebuggerSession session, SourceLocation location, string exp);

示例10: OnResolveExpression

		/// <summary>
		/// Called when an expression needs to be resolved
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='expression'>
		/// The expression
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='location'>
		/// The source code location
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The resolved expression
		/// </returns>
		protected virtual string OnResolveExpression (string expression, SourceLocation location)
			return defaultResolver.Resolve (this, location, expression);

示例11: UpdateSourceFile

 public void UpdateSourceFile(string newFilePath)
     location = new SourceLocation (location.MethodName, newFilePath, location.Line, location.Column, location.EndLine, location.EndColumn, location.FileHash);

示例12: CreateStackFrame

		DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame (MDB.StackFrame frame)
			MDB.MethodMirror method = frame.Method;
			MDB.TypeMirror type = method.DeclaringType;
			string fileName = frame.FileName;
			string typeFullName = null;
			string typeFQN = null;
			string methodName;
			if (fileName != null)
				fileName = SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath (fileName);
			if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast (2, 12) && method.IsGenericMethod) {
				StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder (method.Name);
				name.Append ('<');
				if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast (2, 15)) {
					bool first = true;
					foreach (var argumentType in method.GetGenericArguments ()) {
						if (!first)
							name.Append (", ");
						name.Append (session.Adaptor.GetDisplayTypeName (argumentType.FullName));
						first = false;
				name.Append ('>');
				methodName = name.ToString ();
			} else {
				methodName = method.Name;
			// Compiler generated anonymous/lambda methods
			bool special_method = false;
			if (methodName [0] == '<' && methodName.Contains (">m__")) {
				int nidx = methodName.IndexOf (">m__") + 2;
				methodName = "AnonymousMethod" + methodName.Substring (nidx, method.Name.Length - nidx);
				special_method = true;
			if (type != null) {
				string typeDisplayName = session.Adaptor.GetDisplayTypeName (type.FullName);
				if (SoftDebuggerAdaptor.IsGeneratedType (type)) {
					// The user-friendly method name is embedded in the generated type name
					var mn = SoftDebuggerAdaptor.GetNameFromGeneratedType (type);
					// Strip off the generated type name
					int dot = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf ('.');
					var tname = typeDisplayName.Substring (0, dot);

					// Keep any type arguments
					int targs = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf ('<');
					if (targs > dot + 1)
						mn += typeDisplayName.Substring (targs, typeDisplayName.Length - targs);
					typeDisplayName = tname;
					if (special_method)
						typeDisplayName += "." + mn;
						methodName = mn;
				methodName = typeDisplayName + "." + methodName;
				typeFQN = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName;
				typeFullName = type.FullName;
			var location = new DC.SourceLocation (methodName, fileName, frame.LineNumber);
			var external = session.IsExternalCode (frame);
			return new SoftDebuggerStackFrame (frame, method.FullName, location, "Managed", external, true, typeFQN, typeFullName);

示例13: CreateFrame

		internal static StackFrame CreateFrame (MicroFrameworkDebuggerSession session, CorDebugFrame frame)
			string file = "";
			int line = 0;
			string method = "";
			string lang = "";

			if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.ILFrame) {
				if (frame.Function != null) {
					uint tk = TinyCLR_TypeSystem.SymbollessSupport.TinyCLRTokenFromMethodDefToken (frame.Function.Token);
					uint md = TinyCLR_TypeSystem.ClassMemberIndexFromTinyCLRToken (tk, frame.Function.Assembly);
					method = session.Engine.GetMethodName (md, true);
					var reader = frame.Function.Assembly.DebugData;
					if (reader != null) {
						var sim = new MethodSymbols (new Mono.Cecil.MetadataToken (frame.Function.Token));
						//Ugliest hack ever
						if(reader is Mono.Cecil.Mdb.MdbReader) {
							for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
								sim.Variables.Add(new VariableDefinition(null));
						reader.Read (sim);
						InstructionSymbol prevSp = new InstructionSymbol (-1, null);
						foreach (var sp in sim.Instructions) {
							if (sp.Offset > frame.IP)
							prevSp = sp;
						if (prevSp.Offset != -1) {
							line = prevSp.SequencePoint.StartLine;
							file = prevSp.SequencePoint.Document.Url;
				lang = "Managed";
//			else if(frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.NativeFrame)
//			{
//				frame.GetNativeIP(out address);
//				method = "<Unknown>";
//				lang = "Native";
//			}
			else if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.InternalFrame) {
				switch (((CorDebugInternalFrame)frame).FrameInternalType) {
				case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_M2U:
					method = "[Managed to Native Transition]";
				case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_U2M:
					method = "[Native to Managed Transition]";
				case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_LIGHTWEIGHT_FUNCTION:
					method = "[Lightweight Method Call]";
				case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_APPDOMAIN_TRANSITION:
					method = "[Application Domain Transition]";
				case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_FUNC_EVAL:
					method = "[Function Evaluation]";
			if (method == null)
				method = "<Unknown>";
			var loc = new SourceLocation (method, file, line);
			return new StackFrame ((long)0, loc, lang);

示例14: Resolve

		public override string Resolve (DebuggerSession session, SourceLocation location, string exp)
			return Resolve (session, location, exp, false);

示例15: NRefactoryExpressionResolverVisitor

 public NRefactoryExpressionResolverVisitor(DebuggerSession session, SourceLocation location, string expression)
     this.expression = expression.Replace ("\n", "").Replace ("\r", "");
     this.session = session;
     this.location = location;
