本文整理汇总了C#中Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.SignedInGamer.GetProfile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# SignedInGamer.GetProfile方法的具体用法?C# SignedInGamer.GetProfile怎么用?C# SignedInGamer.GetProfile使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.SignedInGamer
示例1: Update
/// <summary>
/// Updates the state of the game. This method checks the GameScreen.IsActive
/// property, so the game will stop updating when the pause menu is active,
/// or if you tab away to a different application.
/// </summary>
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus,
bool coveredByOtherScreen)
//BEGIN NEW XBOX LIVE GamerPicture code etc
//You just need to get the GamerCard info if you don't have it already
if (gamer == null && SignedInGamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0)
//Get info for the 1st player
gamer = SignedInGamer.SignedInGamers[0];
profile = gamer.GetProfile();
//place to draw the gamer picture (in the middle of the screen)
GamerPictureRectangle = new Rectangle(
//place to write some info
gamerTagVector = new Vector2(GamerPictureRectangle.X, 0);
//END NEW XBOX LIVE GamerPicture code etc
//Get the current state of the keyboard (what keys are and are not being pressed)
KeyboardState aKeyboard = Keyboard.GetState();
if (aKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.P))
//pause the game
paused = !paused;
if (paused)
// TODO: Add your update logic here
//The time since Update was called last
float elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
//Update the game objects
//Lets rotate both ways
//Only Math.PI / 2( one quarter turn)
const float quarterturn = (float)Math.PI / 2;
if (rotation < quarterturn)
// The grid is currently rotateing
// Just Draw
if (rotation > Math.PI / 2 && rotation_direction != 0)
{//Rotation completed
if (rotation_direction > 0) mPlayfield.Rotate_Grid();
else mPlayfield.Rotate_Grid_Clockwise();
rotation_direction = 0;
rotation = 3.14f;
if (mPlayfield.CheckCollision(mCurrentShape) == true && mCurrentShape.PositionY < 4)
gameover = true;
UpdateGameObjects(elapsed, aKeyboard);
base.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen);
if (IsActive)
示例2: Update
/// <summary>
/// Updates the state of the game. This method checks the GameScreen.IsActive
/// property, so the game will stop updating when the pause menu is active,
/// or if you tab away to a different application.
/// </summary>
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus,
bool coveredByOtherScreen)
//You just need to get the GamerCard info if you don't have it already
if (gamer == null && SignedInGamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0)
//Get info for the 1st player
gamer = SignedInGamer.SignedInGamers[0];
profile = gamer.GetProfile();
//place to draw the gamer picture (in the middle of the screen)
GamerPictureRectangle = new Rectangle(
//place to write some info
gamerTagVector = new Vector2(GamerPictureRectangle.X, 0);
//=======OLD CODE HERE===============
// CheckForRumble(gameTime);
// TODO: Add your update logic here
//The time since Update was called last
elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
// //Get the current state of the keyboard (what keys are and are not being pressed)
// KeyboardState aKeyboard = Keyboard.GetState();
if (mPlayfield.CheckCollision(mCurrentShape) == true && mCurrentShape.PositionY < 4)
gameover = true;
//==========OLD CODE END HERE===================
base.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen);
示例3: PlayerHUD
public PlayerHUD( Player player, SignedInGamer gamer )
GameplayScreen screen = player.Screen;
if ( gamer != null )
profile = gamer.GetProfile();
Name = gamer.Gamertag;
else Name = "CPU";
Player = player;
Score = 0;
Boost = 1f;
Rectangle safeRect = ScreenRects.SafeRegion;
screenScale = GameCore.Instance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 1080f;
float ss = screenScale;
// base hud object
hudCageTexture = screen.Content.Load<Texture2D>( "Textures/playerHUDCage" );
hudTexture = screen.Content.Load<Texture2D>( "Textures/playerHUD" );
int hudWidth = (int)( hudTexture.Width * screenScale );
int hudHeight = (int)( hudTexture.Height * screenScale );
int x0 = xPadding + safeRect.X + Player.PlayerNumber * ( safeRect.Width - hudWidth - 2 * xPadding ) / 3;
int y0 = -(int)( yPadding * screenScale + .5f ) + safeRect.Y + safeRect.Height - hudHeight;
hudRect = new Rectangle( x0, y0, hudWidth, hudHeight );
// profile picture
profileRect = new Rectangle( x0 + (int)( 88 * ss + .5f ),
y0 + (int)( 26 * ss + .5f ),
(int)( 60 * ss + .5f ),
(int)( 60 * ss + .5f ) );
// boost meter
boostRect = new Rectangle( x0 + (int)( 90 * ss + .5f ),
y0 + (int)( 111 * ss + .5f ),
(int)( 142 * ss + .5f ),
(int)( 18 * ss + .5f ) );
boostEffect = screen.Content.Load<Effect>( "Effects/meterEffect" );
boostEffect.CurrentTechnique = boostEffect.Techniques[0];
boostEffectParamBoost = boostEffect.Parameters["Boost"];
boostEffectParamBoosting = boostEffect.Parameters["Boosting"];
boostEffectParamTime = boostEffect.Parameters["Time"];
boostTexture = new Texture2D( screen.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, boostRect.Width, boostRect.Height );
// name
namePos = new Vector2( x0 + 162 * ss, y0 + 12 * ss );
nameFont = screen.Content.Load<SpriteFont>( "Fonts/HUDNameFont" );
nameOrigin = nameFont.MeasureString( Name ) / 2;
float nameLength = nameOrigin.X * 2;
nameScale = ss * Math.Min( 150f / nameLength, 1f );
// score
scorePos = new Vector2( x0 + 230 * ss, y0 + 100 * ss );
scoreFont = screen.Content.Load<SpriteFont>( "Fonts/HUDScoreFont" );
scoreSpring = new SpringInterpolater( 1, 700f, .25f * SpringInterpolater.GetCriticalDamping( 700f ) );
scoreSpring.SetSource( 1f );
scoreSpring.SetDest( 1f );
scoreSpring.Active = true;
scoreString = new StringBuilder( 1 );
//// score popup
//scorePopup = new PopupText( ss, scorePos + new Vector2( -25f, -120f ) * screenScale,
// scorePos + new Vector2( -15f, -15f ) * screenScale, 1f );
// score popup
//float yMax = GameCore.Instance.DisplayGamertags ? -50f : -10f;
//float yMin = GameCore.Instance.DisplayGamertags ? 0f : 40f;
float yMax = -50f;
float yMin = 0f;
scorePopup = new PopupText( ss, new Vector2( 0f, yMax ) * screenScale,
new Vector2( 0, yMin ) * screenScale, 1f );
// place
placePos = new Vector2( x0 + 36 * ss, y0 + 91 * ss );
placeFont = screen.Content.Load<SpriteFont>( "Fonts/HUDPlaceFont" );
placeSmallFont = screen.Content.Load<SpriteFont>( "Fonts/HUDPlaceTagFont" );
placeNumber = new StringBuilder( "0" );
placeSpring = new SpringInterpolater( 1, 700f, .25f * SpringInterpolater.GetCriticalDamping( 700f ) );
placeSpring.SetSource( 1f );
placeSpring.SetDest( 1f );
placeSpring.Active = true;
Place = 1;
示例4: Update
/// <summary>
/// Updates the state of the game. This method checks the GameScreen.IsActive
/// property, so the game will stop updating when the pause menu is active,
/// or if you tab away to a different application.
/// </summary>
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus,
bool coveredByOtherScreen)
//BEGIN NEW XBOX LIVE GamerPicture code etc
//You just need to get the GamerCard info if you don't have it already
if (gamer == null && SignedInGamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0)
//Get info for the 1st player
gamer = SignedInGamer.SignedInGamers[0];
profile = gamer.GetProfile();
//place to draw the gamer picture (in the middle of the screen)
GamerPictureRectangle = new Rectangle(
//place to write some info
gamerTagVector = new Vector2(GamerPictureRectangle.X, 0);
//END NEW XBOX LIVE GamerPicture code etc
// TODO: Add your update logic here
//The time since Update was called last
float elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
//Get the current state of the keyboard (what keys are and are not being pressed)
KeyboardState aKeyboard = Keyboard.GetState();
//Update the game objects
if (rotation < Math.PI / 2)
if (rotation > Math.PI / 2 && rotation != 3.14f)
rotation = 3.14f;
if (mPlayfield.CheckCollision(mCurrentShape) == true && mCurrentShape.PositionY < 4)
{gameover = true;}
UpdateGameObjects(elapsed, aKeyboard);
base.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen);
if (IsActive)
// Apply some random jitter to make the enemy move around.
const float randomization = 10;
enemyPosition.X += (float)(random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * randomization;
enemyPosition.Y += (float)(random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * randomization;
// Apply a stabilizing force to stop the enemy moving off the screen.
Vector2 targetPosition = new Vector2(200, 200);
enemyPosition = Vector2.Lerp(enemyPosition, targetPosition, 0.05f);
// TODO: this game isn't very fun! You could probably improve
// it by inserting something more interesting in this space :-)