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C# Gtk.ActionGroup类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Gtk.ActionGroup的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ActionGroup类的具体用法?C# ActionGroup怎么用?C# ActionGroup使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Initialize

		public override void Initialize ()
			action_group = new Gtk.ActionGroup ("RemoveBrokenLinks");
			action_group.Add (new Gtk.ActionEntry [] {
				new Gtk.ActionEntry ("ToolsMenuAction", null,
				Catalog.GetString ("_Tools"), null, null, null),
				new Gtk.ActionEntry ("RemoveBrokenLinksAction", null,
				Catalog.GetString ("_Remove broken links"), null, null,
				delegate {
					OnRemoveBrokenLinksActivated ();
			rblUi = Tomboy.ActionManager.UI.AddUiFromString (@"
			                <menubar name='MainWindowMenubar'>
			                <placeholder name='MainWindowMenuPlaceholder'>
			                <menu name='ToolsMenu' action='ToolsMenuAction'>
			                <menuitem name='RemoveBrokenLinks' action='RemoveBrokenLinksAction' />
			Tomboy.ActionManager.UI.InsertActionGroup (action_group, 0);			
			initialized = true;

示例2: EntityListView

        public EntityListView()
            SizeRequested += delegate(object o, SizeRequestedArgs args) {
                if (Child != null)
                    args.Requisition = Child.SizeRequest ();

            SizeAllocated += delegate(object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) {
                if (Child != null)
                    Child.Allocation = args.Allocation;

            VBox vBox = new VBox();
            ScrolledWindow scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow();
            scrolledWindow.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
            treeView = new TreeView();

            scrolledWindow.Add (treeView);
            vBox.Add (scrolledWindow);
            Add (vBox);

            ShowAll ();

            actionGroup = new ActionGroup("entityListView");

示例3: getUi

 private string getUi(ActionGroup actionGroup)
     string uiItems = "";
     foreach (Gtk.Action action in actionGroup.ListActions())
         uiItems = uiItems + String.Format (uiItem, action.Name);
     return prefix + uiItems + sufix;

示例4: MainUIManager

        public MainUIManager(ViewGui viewGui)
            this.viewGui = viewGui;

            actions = new ActionGroup ("Actions");

            ActionEntry actionEntryQuit;
            actionEntryQuit = new ActionEntry("Quitter", Gtk.Stock.Quit,  null, "<control>Q", "Quitter l'environnement Sofia", new EventHandler (Quit));

            ActionEntry[] entries = new ActionEntry [] {
                new ActionEntry ("Fichier", null,	"_Fichier", null, null, null),
                new ActionEntry ("Editer", null,	"Editio_n", null, null, null),
                new ActionEntry ("Rechercher", null,	"Recher_cher", null, null, null),
                new ActionEntry ("Aide", null, "_Aide",  null, null, null),
                new ActionEntry ("Préférences", Gtk.Stock.Preferences, null, null, "Préférences", new EventHandler (Preferences)),
                new ActionEntry ("RubriquesAide", Gtk.Stock.Help,  "Rubriques d'_aide",	 "F1", "Aide - Rubriques d'aide", new EventHandler (Help)),
                new ActionEntry ("APropos", Gtk.Stock.About, null, null, "A propos de l'environnement Sofia", new EventHandler (About))
            actions.Add (entries);

            InsertActionGroup(actions, 0);
            uint id = 0;
            try {
                id = AddUiFromFile("MainUIDef.xml");
            catch {

示例5: Shell

    public Shell()
        : base("Mono Heap Profiler")
        entries = new ActionEntry[] {
            new ActionEntry ("FileMenu", null, "_File", null, null, null),
            new ActionEntry ("OpenAction", Stock.Open, null, "<control>O", "Open a profile...", new EventHandler (OnOpen)),
            new ActionEntry ("QuitAction", Stock.Quit, null, "<control>Q", "Quit the application", delegate { Application.Quit (); }),

        DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (700, 700);
        DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit (); };

        main_box = new VBox (false, 0);
        Add (main_box);

        shell_commands = new ActionGroup ("TestActions");
        shell_commands.Add (entries);

        uim = new UIManager ();
        uim.AddWidget += delegate (object obj, AddWidgetArgs args) {
            args.Widget.Show ();
            main_box.PackStart (args.Widget, false, true, 0);

        uim.ConnectProxy += OnProxyConnect;
        uim.InsertActionGroup (shell_commands, 0);
        uim.AddUiFromResource ("shell-ui.xml");
        AddAccelGroup (uim.AccelGroup);

        sb = new Statusbar ();
        main_box.PackEnd (sb, false, true, 0);

        pager = new ShellPager (this);
        main_box.PackEnd (pager, true, true, 0);

示例6: Navbar

		public Navbar (Gtk.IconSize size)
			address = new Entry ("address");
			// FIXME: this doesnt't seem to work yet
			// address.Completion = new EntryCompletion ();
			address.WidthChars = 50;
			address.Activated += new EventHandler (OnGoUrl);

			ActionEntry[] actions = new ActionEntry[]
				new ActionEntry ("back", Gtk.Stock.GoBack, null, null, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Go back"), new EventHandler (OnBackClicked)),
				new ActionEntry ("forward", Gtk.Stock.GoForward, null, null, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Go forward"), new EventHandler (OnForwardClicked)),
				new ActionEntry ("stop", Gtk.Stock.Stop, null, null, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Stop loading"), new EventHandler (OnStopClicked)),
				new ActionEntry ("reload", Gtk.Stock.Refresh, null, null, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Address"), new EventHandler (OnReloadClicked)),
				new ActionEntry ("go", Gtk.Stock.Ok, null, null, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Load address"), new EventHandler (OnGoUrl))

			ActionGroup ag = new ActionGroup ("navbarGroup");
			ag.Add (actions);

			UIManager uim = new UIManager ();
			uim.InsertActionGroup (ag, 0);
			uim.AddWidget += new AddWidgetHandler (OnAddWidget);
			uim.AddUiFromString (uiInfo);

			ToolItem item = new ToolItem ();
			item.Add (address);
			Toolbar tb = uim.GetWidget ("/ui/toolbar") as Toolbar;
			tb.IconSize = size;
			tb.Add (item);
			this.ShowAll ();

示例7: MainWindow

    public MainWindow()
        : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
        Build ();

        UiManagerHelper uiManagerHelper = new UiManagerHelper(UIManager);

        ActionGroup actionGroup1 = new ActionGroup("pageActionGroup");
        Gtk.Action newAction = new Gtk.Action("newAction", null, null, Stock.New);
        actionGroup1.Add (newAction);
        Gtk.Action editAction = new Gtk.Action("editAction", null, null, Stock.Edit);
        actionGroup1.Add (editAction);

        ActionGroup actionGroup2 = new ActionGroup("pageActionGroup");
        Gtk.Action deleteAction = new Gtk.Action("deleteAction", null, null, Stock.Delete);
        actionGroup2.Add (deleteAction);

        ActionGroup currentActionGroup = actionGroup1;
        uiManagerHelper.SetActionGroup (currentActionGroup);

        executeAction.Activated += delegate {
            if (currentActionGroup == actionGroup1)
                currentActionGroup = actionGroup2;
                currentActionGroup = actionGroup1;

示例8: Window

        public Window(Inventory inventory)
            : this(new Builder("window.ui"))
            Inventory = inventory;

            // load the menues and toolbars
            uiManager = new UIManager();

            // create the file actions
            Gtk.Action saveInventoryAction = new Gtk.Action("saveFile","Save","Save the active inventory",Stock.Save);
            saveInventoryAction.Activated += OnSaveInventory;
            Gtk.Action printLabelsAction = new Gtk.Action("printLabels","Print Labels","Print labels for items.",Stock.Print);
            printLabelsAction.Activated += OnPrintLabels;
            Gtk.Action quitAction = new Gtk.Action("quit","Quit","Quit the application",Stock.Quit);
            quitAction.Activated += OnQuit;
            Gtk.Action fileAction = new Gtk.Action("file","File");
            ActionGroup fileActionGroup = new ActionGroup("file");

            // create items box
            itemsBox = new ItemsBox(inventory.Items, uiManager);
            itemsBox.DrawDescriptionEntry += OnDrawDescriptionEntry;
            itemsBox.ShowMe += OnShowItemsBox;

            // create locations box
            locationsBox = new LocationsBox(inventory.Locations, uiManager);
            locationsBox.DrawDescriptionEntry += OnDrawDescriptionEntry;
            locationsBox.ShowMe += OnShowLocationsBox;
            locationsBox.GotoItem += OnGotoLocationsItem;

            // create tags box
            tagsBox = new TagsBox(inventory.Tags, uiManager);
            tagsBox.ShowMe += OnShowTagsBox;

            // create tool and menubar
            menuBar = (MenuBar) uiManager.GetWidget("/menuBar");
            toolbar = (Toolbar) uiManager.GetWidget("/toolbar");
            toolbar.IconSize = IconSize.LargeToolbar;
            toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.Both;


            // laod category icons
            itemsTabImage.Pixbuf = ((GtkSettings)Inventory.Settings).ItemsTabIcon;
            locationsTabImage.Pixbuf = ((GtkSettings)Inventory.Settings).LocationsTabIcon;
            tagsTabImage.Pixbuf = ((GtkSettings)Inventory.Settings).TagsTabIcon;

            this.Icon = ((GtkSettings)Inventory.Settings).WindowIcon;

示例9: MainWindow

		public MainWindow (): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
			// this window
			this.Title= "Supos";
			this.DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent;
			// main vbox
			mainBox = new VBox(false, 0);
			// actiongroup and uimanager stuff (menubar)
			actgroup = new ActionGroup ("TestActions");
			uim = new UIManager ();
			uim.InsertActionGroup (actgroup, 0);
			Gtk.Widget menubar = uim.GetWidget("/MenuBar");
			mainBox.PackStart(menubar, false, false, 0);
			// main panned view
			mainPaned = new HPaned();
			mainPaned.Sensitive = false;
			mainPaned.Name = "toucharea";			
			mainBox.PackStart(mainPaned, true, true, 0);
			// order editing view
			orderview = new ViewOrderEdit();
			mainPaned.Pack2(orderview, false, false);
			// categories product paned view
			HPaned hpan2;
			hpan2 = new HPaned();
			mainPaned.Pack1(hpan2, true, false);
			// categories view	
			catview = new ViewNameIcon();
			catview.SelectionChanged += this.OnCatSelectionChanged;
			catview.WidthRequest= 200;
			hpan2.Pack1(catview, false, false);
			// products view
			prodview = new ViewNameIcon();
			prodview.DataMember = "Products";
			prodview.RowActivated += this.OnProdRowActivated;			
			prodview.WidthRequest= 400;
			hpan2.Pack2(prodview, true, false);
			// status bar
			Statusbar statusbar;
			statusbar = new Statusbar();
			mainBox.PackStart(statusbar, false, false, 0);
			// clock
			Clock clock;
			clock = new Clock();
			clock.BorderWidth = 6;			
			statusbar.PackStart(clock, false, false, 0);
			// END build interface

示例10: AddActionGroup

        public void AddActionGroup (ActionGroup group)
            lock (this) {
                if (action_groups.ContainsKey (group.Name)) {
                    throw new ApplicationException ("Group already exists");

                InnerAddActionGroup (group);

示例11: Initialize

		public override void Initialize ()
			Logger.Debug ("TasksApplicationAddin.Initialize ()");

			if (manager == null) {
				lock (locker) {
					if (manager == null) {
						manager = new TaskManager (
						        Path.Combine (Tomboy.DefaultNoteManager.NoteDirectoryPath, "Tasks"));

				/// Add a "To Do List" to Tomboy's Tray Icon Menu
				action_group = new Gtk.ActionGroup ("Tasks");
				action_group.Add (new Gtk.ActionEntry [] {
					new Gtk.ActionEntry ("ToolsMenuAction", null,
					Catalog.GetString ("_Tools"), null, null, null),
					new Gtk.ActionEntry ("OpenToDoListAction", null,
					Catalog.GetString ("To Do List"), null, null,
					delegate { OnOpenToDoListAction (); })

				//    tray_icon_ui = Tomboy.ActionManager.UI.AddUiFromString (@"
				//     <ui>
				//      <popup name='TrayIconMenu' action='TrayIconMenuAction'>
				//       <menuitem name='OpenToDoList' action='OpenToDoListAction' />
				//      </popup>
				//     </ui>
				//    ");

				tools_menu_ui = Tomboy.ActionManager.UI.AddUiFromString (@"
				                <menubar name='MainWindowMenubar'>
				                <placeholder name='MainWindowMenuPlaceholder'>
				                <menu name='ToolsMenu' action='ToolsMenuAction'>
				                <menuitem name='OpenToDoList' action='OpenToDoListAction' />

				Tomboy.ActionManager.UI.InsertActionGroup (action_group, 0);

				Tomboy.DefaultNoteManager.NoteDeleted += OnNoteDeleted;

				tomboy_tray_menu = GetTomboyTrayMenu ();
				tomboy_tray_menu.Shown += OnTomboyTrayMenuShown;
				tomboy_tray_menu.Hidden += OnTomboyTrayMenuHidden;

				initialized = true;

示例12: TaskUIHandler

        public TaskUIHandler()
            m_Actions = new ActionGroup ("Task");
            this.AddTaskActions (m_Actions);

            var guiService = ServiceManager.Get<GuiService> ();
            guiService.Window.Planning.TasksTreeView.Selection.Changed += delegate {
                int count = guiService.Window.Planning.TasksTreeView.Selection.CountSelectedRows ();
                m_removeTask.Sensitive = count > 0;

示例13: ShowWindow

		public void ShowWindow ()
			Application.Init ();
			gxml = new Glade.XML ("contactviewer.glade", "MainWindow");
			gxml.Autoconnect (this);
			ActionEntry[] entries = new ActionEntry [] {
				new ActionEntry ("FileMenuAction", null, "_File", null, null, null),
				new ActionEntry ("OpenAction", Gtk.Stock.Open,
					"_Open", "<control>O", Catalog.GetString ("Open..."), new EventHandler (OnOpenDatabase)),
				new ActionEntry ("QuitAction", Gtk.Stock.Quit,
					"_Quit", "<control>Q", Catalog.GetString ("Quit"), new EventHandler (OnQuit)),
				new ActionEntry ("HelpMenuAction", null, "_Help", null, null, null),
				new ActionEntry ("AboutAction", Gnome.Stock.About,
					"_About", null, Catalog.GetString ("About"), new EventHandler (OnAbout))
			ActionGroup grp = new ActionGroup ("MainGroup");
			grp.Add (entries);
			ui_manager = new UIManager ();
			ui_manager.InsertActionGroup(grp, 0);
			ui_manager.AddUiFromResource ("menu.xml");
			MenubarHolder.Add (ui_manager.GetWidget ("/MainMenu"));
			// Fix the TreeView that will contain all contacts
			contact_store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string));
			ContactList.Model = contact_store;
			ContactList.RulesHint = true;
			ContactList.AppendColumn (Catalog.GetString ("Contacts"), new CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
			ContactList.ButtonReleaseEvent += OnContactSelected;
			// This ListStore will let the user choose what to see in the contact list
			contact_show_type_store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string));
			contact_show_type_store.AppendValues ("DisplayName", Catalog.GetString ("Display name"));
			contact_show_type_store.AppendValues ("PrimaryEmail", Catalog.GetString ("Primary E-mail"));
			contact_show_type_store.AppendValues ("SecondEmail", Catalog.GetString ("Secondary E-mail"));
			contact_show_type_store.AppendValues ("NickName", Catalog.GetString ("Nickname"));
			CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText ();
			ListIdentifier.PackStart (cell, false);
			ListIdentifier.AddAttribute (cell, "text", 1);
			ListIdentifier.Model = contact_show_type_store;
			ListIdentifier.Active = 0;
			ListIdentifier.Changed += OnContactListTypeChanged;
			MainWindow.Icon = Beagle.Images.GetPixbuf ("contact-icon.png");
			MainWindow.DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent;
			LoadDatabase ();
			Application.Run ();

示例14: SetActionGroup

 public void SetActionGroup(ActionGroup actionGroup)
     if (this.actionGroup != null) { //this.actionGroup es el anterior
     this.actionGroup = actionGroup;
     if (actionGroup == null)
     uIManager.InsertActionGroup(actionGroup, 0);
     mergeId = uIManager.AddUiFromString (getUi(actionGroup));

示例15: EditUIHandler

        public EditUIHandler()
            m_Actions = new ActionGroup ("Edit");
            this.AddEditActions (m_Actions);

            var cmdService = ServiceManager.Get<CommandService> ();

            cmdService.Commands.Changed += delegate {
                undo.Sensitive = cmdService.Commands.CanUndo;
                redo.Sensitive = cmdService.Commands.CanRedo;
                undo.Label = String.Format ("Undo {0}", cmdService.Commands.UndoText);
                redo.Label = String.Format ("Redo {0}", cmdService.Commands.RedoText);
