本文整理汇总了C#中Gdk.Pixbuf.Fill方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Pixbuf.Fill方法的具体用法?C# Pixbuf.Fill怎么用?C# Pixbuf.Fill使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Gdk.Pixbuf
示例1: MakeThumbnail
/// <summary>
/// Crea una imagen mas pequeña a partir de otra.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image">
/// La imagen a la que se le quiere hacer una previsualización.
/// </param>
/// <param name="size">
/// El tamaño de la previsualización.
/// </param>
public static Gdk.Pixbuf MakeThumbnail(Gdk.Pixbuf image, int size)
float scale;
// La escalamos para que no se distorsione.
if(image.Width > image.Height)
scale = (float)(size)/image.Width;
scale = (float)(size)/image.Height;
int newWidth = (int)(scale*image.Width);
int newHeight = (int)(scale*image.Height);
Pixbuf res =
new Pixbuf(image.Colorspace, image.HasAlpha, image.BitsPerSample, size, size);
size, size,
(size -newWidth)/2,(size-newHeight)/2,
scale, scale,
Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear );
return res;
示例2: Process
protected override Pixbuf Process(Pixbuf input, Cms.Profile input_profile)
Pixbuf output = input.Copy ();
Pixbuf sub = new Pixbuf (output, State.Selection.X, State.Selection.Y,
State.Selection.Width, State.Selection.Height);
sub.Fill (0x00000000);
return output;
示例3: CreateEffect
unsafe static Pixbuf CreateEffect (int src_width, int src_height, ConvFilter filter, int radius, int offset, double opacity)
Pixbuf dest;
int x, y, i, j;
int src_x, src_y;
int suma;
int dest_width, dest_height;
int dest_rowstride;
byte* dest_pixels;
dest_width = src_width + 2 * radius + offset;
dest_height = src_height + 2 * radius + offset;
dest = new Pixbuf (Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, dest_width, dest_height);
dest.Fill (0);
dest_pixels = (byte*) dest.Pixels;
dest_rowstride = dest.Rowstride;
for (y = 0; y < dest_height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < dest_width; x++)
suma = 0;
src_x = x - radius;
src_y = y - radius;
/* We don't need to compute effect here, since this pixel will be
* discarded when compositing */
if (src_x >= 0 && src_x < src_width && src_y >= 0 && src_y < src_height)
for (i = 0; i < filter.size; i++)
for (j = 0; j < filter.size; j++)
src_y = -(radius + offset) + y - (filter.size >> 1) + i;
src_x = -(radius + offset) + x - (filter.size >> 1) + j;
if (src_y < 0 || src_y >= src_height ||
src_x < 0 || src_x >= src_width)
suma += (int) (((byte)0xFF) * filter.data [i * filter.size + j]);
byte r = (byte) (suma * opacity);
dest_pixels [y * dest_rowstride + x * 4 + 3] = r;
return dest;
示例4: CreateEmptyCursor
public static Cursor CreateEmptyCursor(Display display)
try {
Gdk.Pixbuf empty = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 1, 1);
empty.Fill (0x00000000);
return new Gdk.Cursor (display, empty, 0, 0);
} catch (Exception e){
Log.Exception (e);
return null;
示例5: ColorMenuItem
public ColorMenuItem(int markIndex, System.Drawing.Color color)
: base(color.Name)
this.markIndex = markIndex;
this.color = color;
int fillColor = (color.R << 24) + (color.G << 16) + (color.B << 8) + 255;
Pixbuf pixbuf = new Pixbuf(Colorspace.Rgb, false, 24, 120, 120);
pixbuf.Fill((uint) fillColor);
Gtk.Image markImage = new Gtk.Image(pixbuf);
this.Image = markImage;
示例6: Rating
public Rating(int rating, bool editable)
this.rating = rating;
this.editable = editable;
MouseOver = false;
EnterNotifyEvent += HandleMouseEnter;
LeaveNotifyEvent += HandleMouseLeave;
VisibleWindow = false;
CanFocus = true;
display_pixbuf = new Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, Width, Height);
display_pixbuf.Fill (0xffffff00);
DrawRating (DisplayPixbuf, Value);
Add (new Gtk.Image (display_pixbuf));
ShowAll ();
示例7: OnExposeEvent
protected override bool OnExposeEvent (EventExpose evnt)
if (evnt.Window != GdkWindow)
return true;
if (extendable && Allocation.Width >= BackgroundPixbuf.Width + (2 * x_offset) + BackgroundTile.Width)
BackgroundPixbuf = null;
if (extendable && Allocation.Width < BackgroundPixbuf.Width + (2 * x_offset))
BackgroundPixbuf = null;
int xpad = 0, ypad = 0;
if (Allocation.Width > BackgroundPixbuf.Width + (2 * x_offset))
xpad = (int) (x_align * (Allocation.Width - (BackgroundPixbuf.Width + (2 * x_offset))));
if (Allocation.Height > BackgroundPixbuf.Height + (2 * y_offset))
ypad = (int) (y_align * (Allocation.Height - (BackgroundPixbuf.Height + (2 * y_offset))));
GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf (Style.BackgroundGC (StateType.Normal), BackgroundPixbuf,
0, 0, x_offset + xpad, y_offset + ypad,
BackgroundPixbuf.Width, BackgroundPixbuf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
//drawing the icons...
start_indexes = new Hashtable ();
Pixbuf icon_pixbuf = new Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, BackgroundPixbuf.Width, thumb_size);
icon_pixbuf.Fill (0x00000000);
Pixbuf current = GetPixbuf ((int) Math.Round (Position));
int ref_x = (int)(icon_pixbuf.Width / 2.0 - current.Width * (Position + 0.5f - Math.Round (Position))); //xpos of the reference icon
int start_x = ref_x;
for (int i = (int) Math.Round (Position); i < selection.Collection.Count; i++) {
current = GetPixbuf (i, ActiveItem == i);
current.CopyArea (0, 0, Math.Min (current.Width, icon_pixbuf.Width - start_x) , current.Height, icon_pixbuf, start_x, 0);
start_indexes [start_x] = i;
start_x += current.Width + spacing;
if (start_x > icon_pixbuf.Width)
filmstrip_end_pos = start_x;
start_x = ref_x;
for (int i = (int) Math.Round (Position) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
current = GetPixbuf (i, ActiveItem == i);
start_x -= (current.Width + spacing);
current.CopyArea (Math.Max (0, -start_x), 0, Math.Min (current.Width, current.Width + start_x), current.Height, icon_pixbuf, Math.Max (start_x, 0), 0);
start_indexes [Math.Max (0, start_x)] = i;
if (start_x < 0)
GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf (Style.BackgroundGC (StateType.Normal), icon_pixbuf,
0, 0, x_offset + xpad, y_offset + ypad + thumb_offset,
icon_pixbuf.Width, icon_pixbuf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
icon_pixbuf.Dispose ();
return true;
示例8: RenderEventColor
private void RenderEventColor (Gtk.TreeViewColumn column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter)
if (model.GetValue (iter, 0) is CustomNotification) {
CustomNotification tevent = (CustomNotification)model.GetValue (iter, 0);
Gdk.Pixbuf pb = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, false, 8, 16, 16);
pb.Fill ((uint)(0xff + tevent.Color.R * 0x1000000 + tevent.Color.G * 0x10000 + tevent.Color.B * 0x100));
(cell as Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf).Pixbuf = pb;
示例9: PhotoView
public PhotoView (IBrowsableCollection query)
: base ()
this.query = query;
commit_delay = new FSpot.Delay (1000, new GLib.IdleHandler (CommitPendingChanges));
this.Destroyed += HandleDestroy;
Name = "ImageContainer";
Box vbox = new VBox (false, 6);
Add (vbox);
background = new EventBox ();
Frame frame = new Frame ();
background.Add (frame);
frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
vbox.PackStart (background, true, true, 0);
Box inner_vbox = new VBox (false , 2);
frame.Add (inner_vbox);
BrowsablePointer bp = new BrowsablePointer (query, -1);
photo_view = new FSpot.PhotoImageView (bp);
filmstrip = new Filmstrip (bp);
Gdk.Pixbuf bg = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 1, 69);
bg.Fill (0x00000000);
filmstrip.BackgroundTile = bg;
filmstrip.ThumbOffset = 1;
filmstrip.Spacing = 4;
inner_vbox.PackStart (filmstrip, false, false, 0);
photo_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged;
photo_view_scrolled = new ScrolledWindow (null, null);
photo_view_scrolled.SetPolicy (PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic);
photo_view_scrolled.ShadowType = ShadowType.None;
photo_view_scrolled.Add (photo_view);
photo_view_scrolled.Child.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent;
photo_view.AddEvents ((int) EventMask.KeyPressMask);
inner_vbox.PackStart (photo_view_scrolled, true, true, 0);
HBox inner_hbox = new HBox (false, 2);
//inner_hbox.BorderWidth = 6;
tag_view = new Widgets.TagView (MainWindow.ToolTips);
inner_hbox.PackStart (tag_view, false, true, 0);
Label comment = new Label (Catalog.GetString ("Comment:"));
inner_hbox.PackStart (comment, false, false, 0);
description_entry = new Entry ();
inner_hbox.PackStart (description_entry, true, true, 0);
description_entry.Changed += HandleDescriptionChanged;
rating = new Widgets.Rating();
inner_hbox.PackStart (rating, false, false, 0);
rating.Changed += HandleRatingChanged;
SetColors ();
inner_vbox.PackStart (inner_hbox, false, true, 0);
vbox.ShowAll ();
Realized += delegate (object o, EventArgs e) {SetColors ();};
示例10: DrawRating
public override void DrawRating(Pixbuf pbuf, int val)
// Clean pixbuf
pbuf.Fill (0xffffff00);
for (int i = 0; i < MaxRating; i ++)
if (i <= val - 1)
IconRated.CopyArea (0, 0, IconRated.Width, IconRated.Height,
pbuf, i * IconRated.Width, 0);
示例11: Empty
public Gdk.Cursor Empty ()
Gdk.Cursor cempty = null;
try {
Gdk.Pixbuf empty = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 1, 1);
empty.Fill (0x00000000);
cempty = new Gdk.Cursor (GdkWindow.Display, empty, 0, 0);
} catch (System.Exception e){
System.Console.WriteLine (e.ToString ());
return null;
return cempty;
示例12: GetPixbuf
protected virtual Pixbuf GetPixbuf(int i, bool highlighted)
Pixbuf current = null;
SafeUri uri = (selection.Collection [i]).DefaultVersion.Uri;
try {
var pixbuf = thumb_cache.Get (uri);
if (pixbuf != null)
current = pixbuf.ShallowCopy ();
} catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
current = null;
if (current == null) {
var pixbuf = XdgThumbnailSpec.LoadThumbnail (uri, ThumbnailSize.Large, null);
if (pixbuf == null) {
ThumbnailLoader.Default.Request (uri, ThumbnailSize.Large, 0);
current = FSpot.Core.Global.IconTheme.LoadIcon ("gtk-missing-image", ThumbSize, (IconLookupFlags)0);
} else {
if (SquaredThumbs) {
current = PixbufUtils.IconFromPixbuf (pixbuf, ThumbSize);
} else {
current = pixbuf.ScaleSimple (ThumbSize, ThumbSize, InterpType.Nearest);
pixbuf.Dispose ();
thumb_cache.Add (uri, current);
//FIXME: we might end up leaking a pixbuf here
Cms.Profile screen_profile;
if (ColorManagement.Profiles.TryGetValue (Preferences.Get<string> (Preferences.COLOR_MANAGEMENT_DISPLAY_PROFILE), out screen_profile)) {
Pixbuf t = current.Copy ();
current = t;
ColorManagement.ApplyProfile (current, screen_profile);
// Add a four pixel white border around the thumbnail
// for some reason we cannot use "using" here, it looks like the pixbuf copy is not done properly
Pixbuf whiteBorder = new Pixbuf (Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, current.Width, current.Height);
whiteBorder.Fill (0);
current.CopyArea (1, 1, current.Width - 8, current.Height - 8, whiteBorder, 4, 4);
current = whiteBorder;
if (!highlighted)
return current;
Pixbuf highlight = new Pixbuf (Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, current.Width, current.Height);
highlight.Fill (ColorToInt (Style.Light (StateType.Selected)));
// Add a two pixel highlight around the thumbnail
current.CopyArea (2, 2, current.Width - 4, current.Height - 4, highlight, 2, 2);
return highlight;
示例13: HandlePixbufLoaded
private void HandlePixbufLoaded(FSpot.PixbufCache Cache, FSpot.PixbufCache.CacheEntry entry)
Gdk.Pixbuf result = entry.ShallowCopyPixbuf ();
int order = (int) entry.Data;
if (result == null)
// We have to do the scaling here rather than on load because we need to preserve the
// Pixbuf option iformation to verify the thumbnail validity later
int width, height;
PixbufUtils.Fit (result, ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight, false, out width, out height);
if (result.Width > width && result.Height > height) {
// Log.Debug ("scaling");
Gdk.Pixbuf temp = PixbufUtils.ScaleDown (result, width, height);
result.Dispose ();
result = temp;
} else if (result.Width < ThumbnailWidth && result.Height < ThumbnailHeight) {
// FIXME this is a workaround to handle images whose actual size is smaller than
// the thumbnail size, it needs to be fixed at a different level.
Gdk.Pixbuf temp = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight);
temp.Fill (0x00000000);
result.CopyArea (0, 0,
result.Width, result.Height,
(temp.Width - result.Width)/ 2,
temp.Height - result.Height);
result.Dispose ();
result = temp;
Cache.Update (entry, result);
InvalidateCell (order);
示例14: HandleTagSelectionDragBegin
void HandleTagSelectionDragBegin (object sender, DragBeginArgs args)
Tag [] tags = tag_selection_widget.TagHighlight;
int len = tags.Length;
int size = 32;
int csize = size/2 + len * size / 2 + 2;
Pixbuf container = new Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, csize, csize);
container.Fill (0x00000000);
bool use_icon = false;;
while (len-- > 0) {
Pixbuf thumbnail = tags[len].Icon;
if (thumbnail != null) {
Pixbuf small = PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize (thumbnail, size, size);
int x = len * (size/2) + (size - small.Width)/2;
int y = len * (size/2) + (size - small.Height)/2;
small.Composite (container, x, y, small.Width, small.Height, x, y, 1.0, 1.0, Gdk.InterpType.Nearest, 0xff);
small.Dispose ();
use_icon = true;
if (use_icon)
Gtk.Drag.SetIconPixbuf (args.Context, container, 0, 0);
container.Dispose ();
示例15: BlackFade
private Pixbuf BlackFade (Pixbuf current, Pixbuf prev, Pixbuf next, double percent)
int width = Allocation.Width;
int height = Allocation.Height;
current.Fill (0);
if (percent < 0.5)
prev.Composite (current, 0,0, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1,
Gdk.InterpType.Nearest, (int)System.Math.Round (255 * (1 - percent * 2)));
next.Composite (current, 0,0, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1,
Gdk.InterpType.Nearest, (int)System.Math.Round (255 * (percent * 2 - 1)));
return current;