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C# FlickrNet.PhotoSearchOptions类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中FlickrNet.PhotoSearchOptions的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# PhotoSearchOptions类的具体用法?C# PhotoSearchOptions怎么用?C# PhotoSearchOptions使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: GetImages

 public IEnumerable<FlickrImage> GetImages(string tags)
     Flickr.CacheDisabled = true;
     var flickr = new Flickr("340b341adedd9b2613d5c447c4541e0f");
     flickr.InstanceCacheDisabled = true;
     var options = new PhotoSearchOptions { Tags = tags, PerPage = 2  };
     var photos = flickr.PhotosSearch(options);
     return photos.Select(i =>
         using (var client = new WebClient())
             var data = client.DownloadData(i.Medium640Url);
             using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(data))
                 var bitmap = new Bitmap(memoryStream);
                 return new FlickrImage
                                Url = i.Medium640Url,
                                Image = new Bitmap(bitmap),
                                Encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray())

示例2: PhotosGeoPhotosForLocationBasicTest

        public void PhotosGeoPhotosForLocationBasicTest()
            var o = new PhotoSearchOptions
                                           UserId = Data.UserId,
                                           HasGeo = true,
                                           PerPage = 1,
                                           Extras = PhotoSearchExtras.Geo

            var photos = AuthInstance.PhotosSearch(o);
            var photo = photos[0];

            var photos2 = AuthInstance.PhotosGeoPhotosForLocation(photo.Latitude, photo.Longitude, photo.Accuracy, PhotoSearchExtras.All, 0, 0);

            Assert.IsNotNull(photos2, "PhotosGeoPhotosForLocation should not return null.");
            Assert.IsTrue(photos2.Count > 0, "Should return one or more photos.");

            foreach (var p in photos2)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, p.Longitude);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, p.Latitude);

示例3: Evaluate

        public void Evaluate(int spreadMax)
            FChanged = false;

            if (FUserIdInput.IsChanged || FTagsInput.IsChanged || FTagsInput.IsChanged || FPerPageInput.IsChanged)

                for (int i = 0; i < spreadMax; i++)
                    PhotoSearchOptions options = new PhotoSearchOptions();

                    string userId = FUserIdInput[i];
                    if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) options.UserId = userId;

                        options.Tags = FTagsInput[i];

                    options.PerPage = FPerPageInput[i];
                    options.TagMode = FTagModeInput[i];


                FChanged = true;

            FOptionsChangedOutput[0] = FChanged;

示例4: SearchButton_Click

        private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Flickr f = FlickrManager.GetAuthInstance();

            PhotoSearchOptions options = new PhotoSearchOptions();
            options.Tags = SearchTextBox.Text;
            options.Extras = PhotoSearchExtras.LargeSquareUrl;

            f.PhotosSearchAsync(options, r =>
                if (r.Error != null)
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                        MessageBox.Show("An error occurred talking to Flickr: " + r.Error.Message);

                PhotoCollection photos = r.Result;

                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                    ResultsListBox.ItemsSource = photos;

示例5: ShowPic

        public void ShowPic()
            if (CheckNetwork() == true)
                MessageBox.Show("A network connection can not be established.\r\nPlease press refresh or check your network settings.");
                picList.ItemsSource = "";

                    //to use Flickr go to Project-> Manage NuGet Packages-> Search "Flickr" -> install for windows phone 7

                    Flickr flickr = new Flickr("9a03824af501c318fec232146c6b1d05", "cd5cbd132cfbc60c"); // Authorise by api key and secret
                    PhotoSearchOptions options = new PhotoSearchOptions();
                    options.Tags = App.selectedCountryDetails.CountryCapital.ToString(); //give a key word to search

                    flickr.PhotosSearchAsync(options, (pictures) =>
                        picList.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate()
                            picList.ItemsSource = pictures.Result; //binding source to listbox
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBox.Show("An error occured. Please exit app and try again.\r\nError Details: " + e.Message.ToString());

示例6: GetPhotos

	public List<string[]> GetPhotos( string apiKey, string tags )
		FlickrNet.Flickr.CacheDisabled = true;
		FlickrNet.Flickr flickr = new FlickrNet.Flickr( apiKey );

		FlickrNet.PhotoSearchOptions options = new FlickrNet.PhotoSearchOptions();
		options.Tags = tags;
		options.Extras = FlickrNet.PhotoSearchExtras.All;
		options.PerPage = 343;
		options.Text = tags;
		options.TagMode = FlickrNet.TagMode.AllTags;

		List<string[]> photos = new List<string[]>();

		foreach ( FlickrNet.Photo photo in flickr.PhotosSearch( options ).PhotoCollection )
			photos.Add( new string[] {
                    System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToString( photo.DateTaken, System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc ),
                    photo.Longitude.ToString() } );
			//                try { photos.Add( new Photo( photo, "{0}" ) ); }
			//                catch { }

		return photos;

示例7: SearchDataFromFlickr

 public async void SearchDataFromFlickr(string query)
     ImagesUrls = new ObservableCollection<ThumbnailImage>();
     var o = new PhotoSearchOptions { Tags = query, Extras = PhotoSearchExtras.All };
     var results = await FlickrBase.Instance.PhotosSearchAsync(o);
     handleResults(results, ImagesUrls);

示例8: ShouldReturnSimpleSearchResultsAsync

        public async void ShouldReturnSimpleSearchResultsAsync()
            var o = new PhotoSearchOptions { Tags = "colorful" };

            var photos = await Instance.PhotosSearchAsync(o);
            Assert.IsNotNull(photos, "Photos should not be null");
            Assert.IsNotEmpty(photos, "Photos should not be empty");

示例9: FindUserButton_Click

        private void FindUserButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // First page of the users photos
            // Sorted by interestingness

            Flickr flickr = new Flickr(ApiKey.Text);
            FoundUser user;
                user = flickr.PeopleFindByUserName(Username.Text);
                OutputTextbox.Text = "User Id = " + user.UserId + "\r\n" + "Username = " + user.UserName + "\r\n";
            catch (FlickrException ex)
                OutputTextbox.Text = ex.Message;

            PhotoSearchOptions userSearch = new PhotoSearchOptions();
            userSearch.UserId = user.UserId;
            userSearch.SortOrder = PhotoSearchSortOrder.InterestingnessDescending;
            PhotoCollection usersPhotos = flickr.PhotosSearch(userSearch);
            // Get users contacts
            ContactCollection contacts = flickr.ContactsGetPublicList(user.UserId);
            // Get first page of a users favorites
            PhotoCollection usersFavoritePhotos = flickr.FavoritesGetPublicList(user.UserId);
            // Get a list of the users groups
            //PublicGroupInfoCollection usersGroups = flickr.PeopleGetPublicGroups(user.UserId);

            int i = 0;
            foreach (Contact contact in contacts)
                OutputTextbox.Text += "Contact " + contact.UserName + "\r\n";
                if (i++ > 10) break; // only list the first 10

            i = 0;
            //foreach (PublicGroupInfo group in usersGroups)
            //    OutputTextbox.Text += "Group " + group.GroupName + "\r\n";
            //    if (i++ > 10) break; // only list the first 10

            i = 0;
            foreach (Photo photo in usersPhotos)
                OutputTextbox.Text += "Interesting photo title is " + photo.Title + " " + photo.WebUrl + "\r\n";
                if (i++ > 10) break; // only list the first 10

            i = 0;
            foreach (Photo photo in usersFavoritePhotos)
                OutputTextbox.Text += "Favourite photo title is " + photo.Title + " " + photo.WebUrl + "\r\n";
                if (i++ > 10) break; // only list the first 10

示例10: ExcessiveTagsShouldNotThrowUriFormatException

        public void ExcessiveTagsShouldNotThrowUriFormatException()
            var list = Enumerable.Range(1, 9000).Select(i => "reallybigtag" + i).ToList();
            var options = new PhotoSearchOptions{
                Tags = string.Join(",", list)

            var photos = Instance.PhotosSearch(options);

示例11: PhotosSearchAuthRussianCharacters

        public void PhotosSearchAuthRussianCharacters()
            PhotoSearchOptions o = new PhotoSearchOptions();
            o.Tags = "снег";

            var photos = AuthInstance.PhotosSearch(o);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, photos.Count, "Search should return some results.");

示例12: ListPictures

 public IList<PictureInfo> ListPictures(string SearchString, string EventTag)
     var retVal = new List<PictureInfo>();
     PhotoSearchOptions options = new PhotoSearchOptions() { Tags = SearchString, TagMode= TagMode.AllTags, SortOrder = PhotoSearchSortOrder.Relevance, Extras = PhotoSearchExtras.Tags };
     retVal = (from a in _flickr.PhotosSearch(options) where a.Tags.Contains(EventTag) select new PictureInfo() { ID = a.PhotoId,
         FullSizeURL = a.MediumUrl.RemoveProtocol(), ThumbnailURL = a.ThumbnailUrl.RemoveProtocol(),
         Title = a.Title, URL = a.WebUrl.RemoveProtocol(), MediumURL = a.MediumUrl.RemoveProtocol() }).ToList();
     return retVal;

示例13: GetPhoto

        public void GetPhoto()
            Auth auth = flickr.AuthCheckToken(AuthToken);

            PhotoSearchOptions options = new PhotoSearchOptions();
            options.UserId = "[email protected]"; // Your NSID
            options.PerPage = 100; // 100 is the default anyway
            FlickrNet.PhotoCollection photos = flickr.PhotosSearch(options);

示例14: GetImages

        public IEnumerable<Image> GetImages(string tags)
            // Well yeah, this should probably be somewhere else ;)
            var options = new PhotoSearchOptions("[email protected]", tags);
            var photos = new Flickr("abc92b454fb23ccc2e4615df6cf780fa").PhotosSearch(options);

            return photos
                .Select(p => new Image(p.Small320Url, p.Medium640Url, p.Title))
                .OrderBy(r => r.Title);

示例15: button1_Click

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Flickr f = FlickrManager.GetInstance();

            PhotoSearchOptions o = new PhotoSearchOptions();
            o.Extras = PhotoSearchExtras.AllUrls | PhotoSearchExtras.Description | PhotoSearchExtras.OwnerName;
            o.SortOrder = PhotoSearchSortOrder.Relevance;
            o.Tags = textBox1.Text;

            bindingSource1.DataSource = f.PhotosSearch(o);
