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C# Binary.BinaryResponse类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Enyim.Caching.Memcached.Protocol.Binary.BinaryResponse的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BinaryResponse类的具体用法?C# BinaryResponse怎么用?C# BinaryResponse使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ReadResponse

		protected internal override IOperationResult ReadResponse(PooledSocket socket)
			var response = new BinaryResponse();
			var serverData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
			var retval = false;

			while (response.Read(socket) && response.KeyLength > 0)
				retval = true;

				var data = response.Data;
				var key = BinaryConverter.DecodeKey(data.Array, data.Offset, response.KeyLength);
				var value = BinaryConverter.DecodeKey(data.Array, data.Offset + response.KeyLength, data.Count - response.KeyLength);

				serverData[key] = value;

			this.result = serverData;
			this.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;

			var result = new BinaryOperationResult()
				StatusCode = StatusCode

			result.PassOrFail(retval, "Failed to read response");
			return result;

示例2: ProcessResponse

        protected override bool ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
            if (response.StatusCode == 0)
                int flags = BinaryConverter.DecodeInt32(response.Extra, 0);
                this.result = new CacheItem((ushort)flags, response.Data);
                this.Cas = response.CAS;

            #if EVEN_MORE_LOGGING
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.DebugFormat("Get succeeded for key '{0}'.", this.Key);

                return true;

            this.Cas = 0;

            #if EVEN_MORE_LOGGING
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.DebugFormat("Get failed for key '{0}'. Reason: {1}", this.Key, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response.Data.Array, response.Data.Offset, response.Data.Count));

            return false;

示例3: ProcessResponse

        protected override IOperationResult ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
            var status = response.StatusCode;
            var result = new BinaryOperationResult();

            this.StatusCode = status;

            if (status == 0)
                int flags = BinaryConverter.DecodeInt32(response.Extra, 0);
                this.result = new CacheItem((ushort)flags, response.Data);
                this.Cas = response.CAS;

            #if EVEN_MORE_LOGGING
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.DebugFormat("Get succeeded for key '{0}'.", this.Key);

                return result.Pass();

            this.Cas = 0;

            #if EVEN_MORE_LOGGING
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.DebugFormat("Get failed for key '{0}'. Reason: {1}", this.Key, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response.Data.Array, response.Data.Offset, response.Data.Count));

            var message = ResultHelper.ProcessResponseData(response.Data);
            return result.Fail(message);

示例4: ReadResponse

		protected internal override bool ReadResponse(PooledSocket socket)
			this.result = new Dictionary<string, CacheItem>();
			this.Cas = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();

			var response = new BinaryResponse();

			while (response.Read(socket))
				// found the noop, quit
				if (response.CorrelationId == this.noopId)
					return true;

				string key;

				// find the key to the response
				if (!this.idToKey.TryGetValue(response.CorrelationId, out key))
					// we're not supposed to get here tho
					log.WarnFormat("Found response with CorrelationId {0}, but no key is matching it.", response.CorrelationId);

				if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.DebugFormat("Reading item {0}", key);

				// deserialize the response
				int flags = BinaryConverter.DecodeInt32(response.Extra, 0);

				this.result[key] = new CacheItem((ushort)flags, response.Data);
				this.Cas[key] = response.CAS;

			// finished reading but we did not find the NOOP
			return false;

示例5: ReadResponse

        protected internal override bool ReadResponse(PooledSocket socket)
            var response = new BinaryResponse();
            var retval = response.Read(socket);
            this.Cas = response.CAS;

            return retval & this.ProcessResponse(response);

示例6: ReadResponse

        protected internal override bool ReadResponse(PooledSocket socket)
            var response = new BinaryResponse();
            var retval = response.Read(socket);

            this.StatusCode = StatusCode;

            return retval;

示例7: ProcessResponse

        protected override bool ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
            var r = base.ProcessResponse(response);

            if (this.locator != null &&
                !VBucketAwareOperationFactory.GuessResponseState(response, out this.state))
                return false;

            return r;

示例8: ProcessResponse

		protected override bool ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
			if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
				if (response.StatusCode == 0)
					log.DebugFormat("Delete succeeded for key '{0}'.", this.Key);
					log.DebugFormat("Delete failed for key '{0}'. Reason: {1}", this.Key, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response.Data.Array, response.Data.Offset, response.Data.Count));

			return true;

示例9: ReadResponseAsync

		protected internal override bool ReadResponseAsync(PooledSocket socket, Action<bool> next)
			this.result = new Dictionary<string, CacheItem>();
			this.Cas = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();

			this.currentSocket = socket;
			this.asyncReader = new BinaryResponse();
			this.asyncLoopState = null;
			this.afterAsyncRead = next;

			return this.DoReadAsync();

示例10: ProcessResponse

        protected override IOperationResult ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
            var r = base.ProcessResponse(response);
            var result = new BinaryOperationResult();

            if (this.locator != null &&
                !VBucketAwareOperationFactory.GuessResponseState(response, out this.state))
                return result.Fail("Failed to process response");

            return r;

示例11: ProcessResponse

        protected override IOperationResult ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
            var r = response.StatusCode == 0;
            var result = new BinaryOperationResult();

            if (this.locator != null &&
                !VBucketAwareOperationFactory.GuessResponseState(response, out this.state))
                return result.Fail("Process response failed");

            return result.PassOrFail(r, "Processing response failed");

示例12: ProcessResponse

        protected override bool ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
            if (response.StatusCode == 0)
                var data = response.Data;
                if (data.Count != 8)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("result must be 8 bytes long, received: " + data.Count);

                this.result = BinaryConverter.DecodeUInt64(data.Array, data.Offset);

                return true;

            return false;

示例13: ReadResponse

        protected internal override IOperationResult ReadResponse(IPooledSocket socket)
            var response = new BinaryResponse();
            var retval = response.Read(socket);

            this.StatusCode = StatusCode;
            var result = new BinaryOperationResult()
                Success = retval,
                StatusCode = this.StatusCode

            result.PassOrFail(retval, "Failed to read response");
            return result;

示例14: ReadResponse

		protected internal override IOperationResult ReadResponse(PooledSocket socket)
			var response = new BinaryResponse();

			var retval = response.Read(socket);

			this.StatusCode = response.StatusCode;
			this.Data = response.Data.Array;

			var result = new BinaryOperationResult
				StatusCode = this.StatusCode

			result.PassOrFail(retval, "Failed to read response");
			return result;

示例15: ProcessResponse

        protected override IOperationResult ProcessResponse(BinaryResponse response)
            var status = response.StatusCode;
            var result = new BinaryOperationResult();

            this.StatusCode = status;

            if (status == 0)
                this.Cas = response.CAS;
                return result.Pass();

            this.Cas = 0;
            var message = ResultHelper.ProcessResponseData(response.Data);
            return result.Fail(message);
