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C# Ekona.sFile类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Ekona.sFile的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# sFile类的具体用法?C# sFile怎么用?C# sFile使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Unpack

        public sFolder Unpack(sFile file)
            if (file.name == "archiveDBK.dsa")
                return Archive.Unpack_archiveDBK(pluginHost, file.path);

            return new sFolder();

示例2: Show_Info

        public Control Show_Info(sFile file)
            if (file.name.ToUpper().EndsWith(".BIN"))
                return new Bin(file.path, file.id, pluginHost, file.name).Get_Control();

            return new Control();

示例3: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            if (file.name.ToUpper() == "ROMFILE.BIN")
                return Format.Pack;

            return Format.Unknown;

示例4: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            if (gameCode == "YDNJ" && file.id == 0x1)
                return Format.Pack;

            return Format.Unknown;

示例5: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            if (file.id >= 0x2F && file.id <= 0x93)
                return Format.Pack;

            return Format.Unknown;

示例6: Unpack

        public sFolder Unpack(sFile file)
            if (file.name.ToUpper().EndsWith(".DPK"))
                return DPK.Unpack(file.path, pluginHost);

            return new sFolder();

示例7: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            if (file.id == 0x461 || file.id == 0x462 || file.id == 0x45D || file.id == 0x45F)
                return Format.Pack;

            return Format.Unknown;

示例8: Unpack

        public sFolder Unpack(sFile file)
            if (file.name.ToUpper().EndsWith(".PACK"))
                return PACK.Unpack(pluginHost, file.path);

            return new sFolder();

示例9: Pack

        public string Pack(ref sFolder unpacked, sFile file)
            string fileOut = pluginHost.Get_TempFile();
            PAC.Pack(file.path, fileOut, ref unpacked);

            return fileOut;

示例10: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            string ext = new String(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(magic));

            if (ext == "sadl")
                byte coding = pluginHost.Get_Bytes(file.path, (int)file.offset + 0x33, 1)[0];
                if ((coding & 0xF0) == 0x70 || (coding & 0xF0) == 0xB0)
                    return Format.Sound;

            if (file.name.ToUpper().EndsWith(".ADX"))
                if (magic[0] != 0x80 || magic[1] != 00)     // Constant
                    return Format.Unknown;

                byte[] checkBytes = pluginHost.Get_Bytes(file.path, (int)file.offset + 4, 0xF); // Version and encoding flags
                if (checkBytes[0] == 0x03 && (checkBytes[0xE] == 0x03 || checkBytes[0xE] == 0x04))
                    byte[] offset = { magic[3], magic[2] };
                    byte[] copyright = pluginHost.Get_Bytes(file.path, (int)file.offset + BitConverter.ToUInt16(offset, 0) - 2, 6);

                    if (new String(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(copyright)) == "(c)CRI")
                        return Format.Sound;

            return Format.Unknown;

示例11: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            if (file.name.EndsWith(".PACK"))
                return Format.Compressed;

            return Format.Unknown;

示例12: Decrypt

        public static sFolder Decrypt(sFile item, int blockSize, IPluginHost pluginHost)
            sFolder unpacked = new sFolder();
            unpacked.files = new List<sFile>();

            byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(item.path);
            int numBlocks = data.Length / blockSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++)
                byte[] block = new byte[blockSize];
                Array.Copy(data, i * blockSize, block, 0, blockSize);
                Decrypt(ref block);
                Array.Copy(block, 0, data, i * blockSize, blockSize);

            string fileout = pluginHost.Get_TempFile();
            File.WriteAllBytes(fileout, data);

            sFile newItem = new sFile();
            newItem.path = fileout;
            newItem.offset = 0;
            newItem.name = item.name;
            newItem.size = (uint)data.Length;

            return unpacked;

示例13: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(magic) == MagicStamp)
                return Format.Pack;

            return Format.Unknown;

示例14: Unpack

        public sFolder Unpack(sFile file)
            if (file.id == 0x3F)
                sFolder unpack = new sFolder();
                unpack.files = new List<sFile>();
                BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file.path));

                uint fat_size = br.ReadUInt32();
                uint num_files = fat_size / 4 - 1;  // Include a ptr to the fat section

                for (int i = 0; i < num_files; i++)
                    sFile cfile = new sFile();
                    cfile.name = "File" + i.ToString() + ".bin";
                    cfile.path = file.path;

                    br.BaseStream.Position = 8 + i * 4;
                    cfile.offset = br.ReadUInt32();
                    br.BaseStream.Position = cfile.offset;
                    cfile.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                    cfile.offset += 4;


                br = null;

                return unpack;

            return new sFolder();

示例15: Get_Format

        public Format Get_Format(sFile file, byte[] magic)
            if (file.name.ToUpper().EndsWith(".DPK"))
                return Format.Pack;

            return Format.Unknown;
