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C# WebControls.PropertyEditorEventArgs类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PropertyEditorEventArgs的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# PropertyEditorEventArgs类的具体用法?C# PropertyEditorEventArgs怎么用?C# PropertyEditorEventArgs使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: UpdateValue

        public virtual bool UpdateValue( PropertyEditorEventArgs e )
            string key;
            string name = e.Name;
            object oldValue = e.OldValue;
            object newValue = e.Value;
            object stringValue = e.StringValue;
            bool _IsDirty = Null.NullBoolean;

            Hashtable settings = (Hashtable)DataSource;
            IDictionaryEnumerator settingsEnumerator = settings.GetEnumerator();
            while (settingsEnumerator.MoveNext())
                key = Convert.ToString(settingsEnumerator.Key);
                //Do we have the item in the Hashtable being changed
                if (key == name)
                    //Set the Value property to the new value
                    if (!(newValue == oldValue))
                        settings[key] = newValue;
                        _IsDirty = true;

            return _IsDirty;

示例2: ctlSkin_ItemDeleted

 protected void ctlSkin_ItemDeleted(object sender, PropertyEditorEventArgs e)
     if (e.Key != null)

示例3: OnDataChanged

 protected override void OnDataChanged(EventArgs e)
     var args = new PropertyEditorEventArgs(Name);
     args.Value = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(StringValue);
     args.OldValue = OldStringValue;
     args.StringValue = StringValue;

示例4: OnDataChanged

 /// <Summary>
 /// OnDataChanged runs when the PostbackData has changed.  It raises the ValueChanged
 /// Event
 /// </Summary>
 protected override void OnDataChanged( EventArgs e )
     PropertyEditorEventArgs args = new PropertyEditorEventArgs( Name );
     args.Value = StringValue;
     args.OldValue = OldStringValue;
     args.StringValue = StringValue;
     base.OnValueChanged( args );

示例5: ctlSkin_ItemAdded

 protected void ctlSkin_ItemAdded(object sender, PropertyEditorEventArgs e)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.StringValue))
         SkinPackageInfo skin = SkinController.GetSkinByPackageID(PackageID);
         SkinController.AddSkin(skin.SkinPackageID, e.StringValue);

示例6: OnDataChanged

        /// <Summary>
        /// OnDataChanged runs when the PostbackData has changed.  It raises the ValueChanged
        /// Event
        /// </Summary>
        protected override void OnDataChanged( EventArgs e )
            int intValue = Convert.ToInt32(Value);
            int intOldValue = Convert.ToInt32(OldValue);

            PropertyEditorEventArgs args = new PropertyEditorEventArgs(Name);
            args.Value = Enum.ToObject(EnumType, intValue);
            args.OldValue = Enum.ToObject(EnumType, intOldValue);


示例7: OnDataChanged

        /// <Summary>
        /// OnDataChanged runs when the PostbackData has changed.  It raises the ValueChanged
        /// Event
        /// </Summary>
        protected override void OnDataChanged( EventArgs e )
            string strValue = Convert.ToString(Value);
            string strOldValue = Convert.ToString(OldValue);

            PropertyEditorEventArgs args = new PropertyEditorEventArgs(Name);
            args.Value = this.Page.Server.HtmlEncode(strValue);
            args.OldValue = this.Page.Server.HtmlEncode(strOldValue);
            args.StringValue = this.Page.Server.HtmlEncode(StringValue);


示例8: UpdateValue

        public bool UpdateValue(PropertyEditorEventArgs e)
            string NameDataField = Convert.ToString(FieldNames["Name"]);
            string ValueDataField = Convert.ToString(FieldNames["Value"]);
            PropertyInfo objProperty;
            string PropertyName = "";
            bool changed = e.Changed;
            string name = e.Name;
            object oldValue = e.OldValue;
            object newValue = e.Value;
            object stringValue = e.StringValue;
            bool _IsDirty = Null.NullBoolean;
			//Get the Name Property
            objProperty = DataSource.GetType().GetProperty(NameDataField);
            if (objProperty != null)
                PropertyName = Convert.ToString(objProperty.GetValue(DataSource, null));
				//Do we have the item in the IEnumerable Collection being changed
                PropertyName = PropertyName.Replace(" ", "_");
                if (PropertyName == name)
					//Get the Value Property
                    objProperty = DataSource.GetType().GetProperty(ValueDataField);
					//Set the Value property to the new value
                    if ((!(ReferenceEquals(newValue, oldValue))) || changed)
                        if (objProperty.PropertyType.FullName == "System.String")
                            objProperty.SetValue(DataSource, stringValue, null);
                            objProperty.SetValue(DataSource, newValue, null);
                        _IsDirty = true;
            return _IsDirty;

示例9: UpdateValue

 public bool UpdateValue(PropertyEditorEventArgs e)
     bool changed = e.Changed;
     object oldValue = e.OldValue;
     object newValue = e.Value;
     bool _IsDirty = Null.NullBoolean;
     if (DataSource != null)
         PropertyInfo objProperty = DataSource.GetType().GetProperty(e.Name);
         if (objProperty != null)
             if ((!(ReferenceEquals(newValue, oldValue))) || changed)
                 objProperty.SetValue(DataSource, newValue, null);
                 _IsDirty = true;
     return _IsDirty;

示例10: OnItemChanged

 void OnItemChanged(object sender, PropertyEditorEventArgs e)
     var regionContainer = ControlUtilities.FindControl<Control>(Parent, "Region", true);
     if (regionContainer != null)
         var regionControl = ControlUtilities.FindFirstDescendent<DNNRegionEditControl>(regionContainer);
         if (regionControl != null)
             var listController = new ListController();
             var countries = listController.GetListEntryInfoItems("Country");
             foreach (var checkCountry in countries)
                 if (checkCountry.Text == e.StringValue)
                     var attributes = new object[1];
                     attributes[0] = new ListAttribute("Region", "Country." + checkCountry.Value, ListBoundField.Text, ListBoundField.Text);
                     regionControl.CustomAttributes = attributes;

示例11: OnDataChanged

 /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// OnDataChanged runs when the PostbackData has changed.  It raises the ValueChanged
 /// Event
 /// </summary>
 /// <history>
 ///     [cnurse]	02/05/2008	created
 /// </history>
 /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 protected override void OnDataChanged(EventArgs e)
     var args = new PropertyEditorEventArgs(Name);
     args.Value = DictionaryValue;
     args.OldValue = OldDictionaryValue;
     args.StringValue = "";
     args.Changed = true;

示例12: UpdateVisibility

        public virtual bool UpdateVisibility( PropertyEditorEventArgs e )
            string NameDataField = Convert.ToString(FieldNames["Name"]);
            string VisibilityDataField = Convert.ToString(FieldNames["Visibility"]);
            PropertyInfo objProperty;
            string PropertyName = "";
            string name = e.Name;
            object newValue = e.Value;
            bool _IsDirty = Null.NullBoolean;

            //Get the Name Property
            objProperty = DataSource.GetType().GetProperty(NameDataField);
            if (objProperty != null)
                PropertyName = Convert.ToString(objProperty.GetValue(DataSource, null));

                //Do we have the item in the IEnumerable Collection being changed
                if (PropertyName == name)
                    //Get the Visibility Property
                    objProperty = DataSource.GetType().GetProperty(VisibilityDataField);

                    //Set the Visibility property to the new value
                    objProperty.SetValue(DataSource, newValue, null);
                    _IsDirty = true;

            return _IsDirty;

示例13: OnValueChanged

 /// <Summary>
 /// OnValueChanged runs when the Value has changed.  It raises the ValueChanged
 /// Event
 /// </Summary>
 protected virtual void OnValueChanged( PropertyEditorEventArgs e )
     if (ValueChangedEvent != null)
         ValueChangedEvent(this, e);

示例14: RaisePostDataChangedEvent

		/// <summary>
		/// RaisePostDataChangedEvent runs when the PostBackData has changed.  It triggers
		/// a ValueChanged Event
		/// </summary>
		/// <history>
		///     [cnurse]	05/03/2006	created
		/// </history>
		public void RaisePostDataChangedEvent()
			//Raise the VisibilityChanged Event
		    var args = new PropertyEditorEventArgs(Name) {Value = Value};

示例15: OnVisibilityChanged

		/// <summary>
		/// OnVisibilityChanged runs when the Visibility has changed.  It raises the VisibilityChanged
		/// Event
		/// </summary>
		/// <history>
		///     [cnurse]	05/03/2006	created
		/// </history>
		protected virtual void OnVisibilityChanged(PropertyEditorEventArgs e)
			if (VisibilityChanged != null)
				VisibilityChanged(this, e);
