本文整理汇总了C#中CocosSharp.CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce类的具体用法?C# CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce怎么用?C# CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: LabelFNTOldNew
public LabelFNTOldNew()
// CCLabel Bitmap Font
label1 = new CCLabel("Bitmap Font Label Test", "fonts/arial-unicode-26.fnt");
label1.Scale = 2;
label1.Color = CCColor3B.White;
label2 = new CCLabelBMFont("Bitmap Font Label Test", "fonts/arial-unicode-26.fnt");
label2.Scale = 2;
label2.Color = CCColor3B.Red;
drawNode = new CCDrawNode();
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = (touches, touchEvent) =>
var location = touches[0].Location;
if (label1.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld.ContainsPoint(location))
示例2: GameLayer
//^Each character needed it's own CCSprite to go with a weapon, only one instance of a CCSprite shows in game
public GameLayer() : base("level_" + CCRandom.GetRandomInt(3, numLevels) + ".tmx"/*"level_5.tmx"*/) // get a random level and load it on initialization
character.map = this;
//touch listener - calles tileHandler to handle tile touches
touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = handleEndTouches;
//Schedule the main game loop
enemiesList = placeEnemiesRandomly();
foreach (character enemy in enemiesList)
//Add labels to the upper left hand corner
//Might be better to have a bar with width based on a percentage of health/maxhealth
userInfo = new CCLabel
("Health: " + user.health + "/" + user.maxHealth + " Attack : " + user.weapon.attack,"arial",12);
userInfo.Position = new CCPoint(70, VisibleBoundsWorldspace.UpperRight.Y + 5);
userInfo.IsAntialiased = true;
//run main game loop - frames happen every 1 second
示例3: GameScene
public GameScene(CCWindow mainWindow) : base(mainWindow)
mainLayer = new CCLayer ();
AddChild (mainLayer);
paddleSprite = new CCSprite ("paddle");
paddleSprite.PositionX = 100;
paddleSprite.PositionY = 100;
mainLayer.AddChild (paddleSprite);
ballSprite = new CCSprite ("ball");
ballSprite.PositionX = 320;
ballSprite.PositionY = 600;
mainLayer.AddChild (ballSprite);
scoreLabel = new CCLabel ("Score: 0", "arial", 22);
scoreLabel.PositionX = mainLayer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.MinX + 20;
scoreLabel.PositionY = mainLayer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.MaxY - 20;
scoreLabel.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorUpperLeft;
mainLayer.AddChild (scoreLabel);
Schedule (RunGameLogic);
touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce ();
touchListener.OnTouchesMoved = HandleTouchesMoved;
AddEventListener (touchListener, this);
示例4: GameOverLayer
public GameOverLayer (int score)
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = (touches, ccevent) => CCDirector.SharedDirector.ReplaceScene (GameLayer.Scene);
EventDispatcher.AddEventListener(touchListener, this);
string scoreMessage = String.Format ("Game Over. You collected {0} bananas!", score);
var scoreLabel = new CCLabelTtf (scoreMessage, "MarkerFelt", 22) {
Position = new CCPoint( CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize.Center.X, CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize.Center.Y + 50),
Color = new CCColor3B (CCColor4B.Yellow),
HorizontalAlignment = CCTextAlignment.Center,
VerticalAlignment = CCVerticalTextAlignment.Center,
Dimensions = ContentSize
AddChild (scoreLabel);
var playAgainLabel = new CCLabelTtf ("Tap to Play Again", "MarkerFelt", 22) {
Position = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize.Center,
Color = new CCColor3B (CCColor4B.Green),
HorizontalAlignment = CCTextAlignment.Center,
VerticalAlignment = CCVerticalTextAlignment.Center,
Dimensions = ContentSize
AddChild (playAgainLabel);
Color = new CCColor3B (CCColor4B.Black);
Opacity = 255;
示例5: LabelSFOldNew
public LabelSFOldNew()
// CCLabel SpriteFont
label1 = new CCLabel("SpriteFont Label Test", "arial", 48, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont);
label2 = new CCLabelTtf("SpriteFont Label Test", "arial", 48);
label2.Color = CCColor3B.Red;
label2.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;
drawNode = new CCDrawNode();
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = (touches, touchEvent) =>
var location = touches[0].Location;
if (label1.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld.ContainsPoint(location))
示例6: AddedToScene
protected override void AddedToScene()
// Use the bounds to layout the positioning of our drawable assets
var bounds = VisibleBoundsWorldspace;
ContentManager content = Application.Game.Content;
content.RootDirectory = Application.ContentRootDirectory;
SpriteFont font = content.Load<SpriteFont>("fonts/Segoe_UI_10_Regular");
FontManager.DefaultFont = Engine.Instance.Renderer.CreateFont(font);
root = new BasicUI((int)bounds.Size.Width, (int)bounds.Size.Height);
debug = new DebugViewModel(root);
root.DataContext = new BasicUIViewModel();
SoundManager.Instance.LoadSounds(content, "sounds");
FontManager.Instance.LoadFonts(content, "fonts");
// Register for touch events
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
AddEventListener(touchListener, this);
示例7: GameLayer
public GameLayer()
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce ();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
AddEventListener (touchListener, this);
Color = new CCColor3B (CCColor4B.White);
Opacity = 255;
visibleBananas = new List<CCSprite> ();
hitBananas = new List<CCSprite> ();
// batch node for physics balls
ballsBatch = new CCSpriteBatchNode ("balls", 100);
ballTexture = ballsBatch.Texture;
AddChild (ballsBatch, 1, 1);
AddGrass ();
AddSun ();
AddMonkey ();
CCSimpleAudioEngine.SharedEngine.PlayBackgroundMusic ("Sounds/backgroundMusic", true);
示例8: AddedToScene
protected override void AddedToScene()
var tilemap = new CCTileMap("tilemaps/iso-test-zorder.tmx");
// Uncomment this to test loading from a stream reader with Release >
// Note: the application.ContentSearchPaths.Add("tilemaps"); in AppDelegate.cs module
// Without a TileMapFileName there is no way to determine the relative offset of the backing
// graphic asset so this will have to set in the tile map definition or use a search path added
// to the application ContentSearchPaths ex.. application.ContentSearchPaths.Add("images");
// using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(CCFileUtils.GetFileStream("tilemaps/iso-test-zorder.tmx")))
// {
// var tileMap = new CCTileMap(streamReader);
// AddChild(tileMap);
// }
// Use the bounds to layout the positioning of our drawable assets
var bounds = VisibleBoundsWorldspace;
// position the label on the center of the screen
label.Position = bounds.Center;
// Register for touch events
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
AddEventListener(touchListener, this);
示例9: StartScene
public StartScene(CCWindow mainWindow)
: base(mainWindow)
mainLayer = new CCLayer ();
AddChild (mainLayer);
PlayButton = new CCSprite ("logo");
NameLabel = new CCLabel ("Map Knight - Alpha", "arial", 22);
CreatorLabel = new CCLabel ("Created by tipfom and Exo", "arial", 22);
VersionLabel = new CCLabel ("Version unspecified", "arial", 22);
InfoLabel = new CCLabel ("Click to play", "arial", 22);
PlayButton.ScaleX = mainWindow.WindowSizeInPixels.Width / PlayButton.ContentSize.Width;
PlayButton.ScaleY = mainWindow.WindowSizeInPixels.Height / PlayButton.ContentSize.Height;
PlayButton.Position = new CCPoint (PlayButton.ScaledContentSize.Width / 2, PlayButton.ScaledContentSize.Height / 2);
NameLabel.Position = new CCPoint (mainWindow.WindowSizeInPixels.Width / 4 * 3, mainWindow.WindowSizeInPixels.Height / 2 - NameLabel.ContentSize.Height);
CreatorLabel.Position = new CCPoint (mainWindow.WindowSizeInPixels.Width / 4 * 3, NameLabel.PositionY - CreatorLabel.ContentSize.Height - 30);
VersionLabel.Position = new CCPoint (mainWindow.WindowSizeInPixels.Width / 4 * 3, CreatorLabel.PositionY - VersionLabel.ContentSize.Height - 30);
InfoLabel.Position = new CCPoint (mainWindow.WindowSizeInPixels.Width / 4 * 3, VersionLabel.PositionY - InfoLabel.ContentSize.Height - 30);
mainLayer.AddChild (PlayButton);
mainLayer.AddChild (NameLabel);
mainLayer.AddChild (CreatorLabel);
mainLayer.AddChild (VersionLabel);
mainLayer.AddChild (InfoLabel);
touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce ();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = HandleTouchesEnded;
AddEventListener (touchListener, this);
示例10: RubeBasicLayer
public RubeBasicLayer(string jsonfile)
AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0, 0);
HasWheel = true;
JSON_FILE = jsonfile;
TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.Pinch | GestureType.PinchComplete;
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesBegan = OnTouchesBegan;
touchListener.OnTouchesMoved = OnTouchesMoved;
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
touchListener.OnTouchesCancelled = OnTouchesCancelled;
AddEventListener(touchListener, this);
var mouseListener = new CCEventListenerMouse();
mouseListener.OnMouseScroll = OnMouseScroll;
AddEventListener(mouseListener, this);
// set the starting scale and offset values from the subclass
Position = InitialWorldOffset();
Scale = InitialWorldScale();
// load the world from RUBE .json file (this will also call afterLoadProcessing)
示例11: GameLayer
public GameLayer ()
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
EventDispatcher.AddEventListener(touchListener, this);
Color = new CCColor3B (CCColor4B.White);
Opacity = 255;
visibleBananas = new List<CCSprite> ();
hitBananas = new List<CCSprite> ();
monkey = new CCSprite ("Monkey");
monkey.Position = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize.Center;
AddChild (monkey);
Schedule ((t) => {
visibleBananas.Add (AddBanana ());
dt += t;
if(ShouldEndGame ()){
var gameOverScene = GameOverLayer.SceneWithScore(hitBananas.Count);
CCTransitionFadeDown transitionToGameOver = new CCTransitionFadeDown(1.0f, gameOverScene);
CCDirector.SharedDirector.ReplaceScene (transitionToGameOver);
}, 1.0f);
Schedule ((t) => {
CheckCollision ();
示例12: AddedToScene
protected override void AddedToScene()
// Use the bounds to layout the positioning of our drawable assets
var bounds = VisibleBoundsWorldspace;
// position the label on the center of the screen
label.Position = bounds.LowerLeft;
//Ubicar las 6 sillas al inicio
//TODO hallar el centro de la pantalla
CCSize tamaño = Scene.Window.WindowSizeInPixels;
CCPoint centro = tamaño.Center;
double cx = centro.X;
double cy = centro.Y;
double radio = 200;
for (int i = 0; i < sillas.Count; i++)
double xpos = cx + radio * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI / 6 * i);
double ypos = cy + radio * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI / 6 * i);
CCPoint position = new CCPoint((float)xpos, (float)ypos);
sillas[i].Position = position;
sillas[i].Rotation = (float)(180 + 360 / 6 * i);
// Register for touch events
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
AddEventListener(touchListener, this);
示例13: CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce
internal CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce (CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce eventListener)
: this()
OnTouchesBegan = eventListener.OnTouchesBegan;
OnTouchesMoved = eventListener.OnTouchesMoved;
OnTouchesEnded = eventListener.OnTouchesEnded;
OnTouchesCancelled = eventListener.OnTouchesCancelled;
示例14: TouchScreenInput
public TouchScreenInput(CCLayer owner)
this.owner = owner;
touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce ();
touchListener.OnTouchesMoved = HandleTouchesMoved;
touchListener.OnTouchesBegan = HandleTouchesBegan;
owner.AddEventListener (touchListener);
示例15: TouchScreenInput
public TouchScreenInput(CCLayer Owner,PhysicsEntity controledEntity)
this.owner = Owner;
mControledEntity = controledEntity;
touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce ();
touchListener.OnTouchesMoved = HandleTouchesMoved;
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
owner.AddEventListener (touchListener);