本文整理汇总了C#中Cocos2D.CCPoint类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# CCPoint类的具体用法?C# CCPoint怎么用?C# CCPoint使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: updateSize
public void updateSize(CCPoint touchLocation)
CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
CCSize newSize = new CCSize(Math.Abs(touchLocation.X - s.Width / 2) * 2, Math.Abs(touchLocation.Y - s.Height / 2) * 2);
CCLayerColor l = (CCLayerColor)GetChildByTag(kTagLayer);
l.ContentSize = newSize;
示例2: ParallaxScrollTest
public ParallaxScrollTest()
CCSize screen = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
parallax = new CCParallaxScrollNode();
CCSprite land1 = new CCSprite("Images/land_green");
CCSprite land2 = new CCSprite("Images/land_green");
parallax.AddInfiniteScrollXWithZ(0, new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.2f), CCPoint.Zero, new CCSprite[] { land1, land2 });
CCSprite land3 = new CCSprite("Images/land_grey");
CCSprite land4 = new CCSprite("Images/land_grey");
parallax.AddInfiniteScrollXWithZ(-2, new CCPoint(0.05f, 0.2f), new CCPoint(0f, 60f), new CCSprite[] { land3, land4 });
CCSprite clouds1 = new CCSprite("Images/clouds");
CCSprite clouds2 = new CCSprite("Images/clouds");
parallax.AddInfiniteScrollXWithZ(1, new CCPoint(0.1f, 0.1f), new CCPoint(0f, screen.Height - clouds1.ContentSize.Height), new CCSprite[] { clouds1, clouds2 });
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
CCSprite mountain = new CCSprite("Images/mountain_grey");
CCPoint pos = new CCPoint(CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1() * land1.ContentSize.Width * 2f, (0.1f + 0.24f * CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1()) * screen.Height);
float speedMountainX = 0.15f + CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1() * 0.1f;
parallax.AddChild(mountain, -1, new CCPoint(speedMountainX, .015f), pos, new CCPoint(land1.ContentSize.Width * 2f, 0));
mountain.Scale = 0.6f + CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1() * 0.4f;
CCSprite sky = new CCSprite("Images/sky_evening");
sky.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorLowerLeft;
AddChild(sky, -1);
示例3: Update
public override void Update(float time)
int i, j;
CCPoint c = m_positionInPixels;
for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.X + 1); ++i)
for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.Y + 1); ++j)
CCVertex3F v = OriginalVertex(new CCGridSize(i, j));
var avg = new CCPoint(i - (m_sGridSize.X / 2.0f), j - (m_sGridSize.Y / 2.0f));
var r = (float) Math.Sqrt((avg.X * avg.X + avg.Y * avg.Y));
float amp = 0.1f * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate;
float a = r * (float) Math.Cos((float) Math.PI / 2.0f + time * (float) Math.PI * m_nTwirls * 2) *
float dx = (float) Math.Sin(a) * (v.Y - c.Y) + (float) Math.Cos(a) * (v.X - c.X);
float dy = (float) Math.Cos(a) * (v.Y - c.Y) - (float) Math.Sin(a) * (v.X - c.X);
v.X = c.X + dx;
v.Y = c.Y + dy;
SetVertex(new CCGridSize(i, j), ref v);
示例4: StackObject
public StackObject(b2World world,
CCPoint location,
string spriteFileName,
bool breaksOnGround,
bool breaksFromNinja,
bool hasAnimatedBreakFrames,
bool damagesEnemy,
float density,
CreationMethod createHow,
int angleChange,
bool makeImmovable,
int points,
BreakEffect simpleScoreVisualFXType)
示例5: addNewSpriteWithCoords
public void addNewSpriteWithCoords(CCPoint p)
CCSpriteBatchNode BatchNode = (CCSpriteBatchNode)GetChildByTag((int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);
int idx = (int)(CCRandom.NextDouble() * 1400 / 100);
int x = (idx % 5) * 85;
int y = (idx / 5) * 121;
CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite(BatchNode.Texture, new CCRect(x, y, 85, 121));
sprite.Position = (new CCPoint(p.X, p.Y));
CCActionInterval action = null;
float random = (float)CCRandom.NextDouble();
if (random < 0.20)
action = new CCScaleBy(3, 2);
else if (random < 0.40)
action = new CCRotateBy (3, 360);
else if (random < 0.60)
action = new CCBlink (1, 3);
else if (random < 0.8)
action = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
action = new CCFadeOut (2);
CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse();
CCActionInterval seq = (CCActionInterval)(new CCSequence(action, action_back));
sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq));
示例6: Transform
public static CCPoint Transform(CCPoint point, CCAffineTransform t)
return new CCPoint(
t.a * point.X + t.c * point.Y + t.tx,
t.b * point.X + t.d * point.Y + t.ty
示例7: DrawPoints
public static void DrawPoints(CCPoint[] points, int numberOfPoints, float size, CCColor4B color)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
DrawPoint(points[i], size, color);
示例8: GameMenu
public GameMenu ()
var screenSize = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
voiceButtonName = "VoiceFX";
voiceButtonNameDim = "VoiceFX";
soundButtonName = "SoundFX";
soundButtonNameDim = "SoundFX";
ambientButtonName = "AmbientFX";
ambientButtonNameDim = "AmbientFX";
SoundFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint( 110, 55 );
VoiceFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint( 230, 55 );
AmbientFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint(355, 55 );
TouchEnabled = true;
IsSoundFXMenuItemActive = !GameData.SharedData.AreSoundFXMuted;
IsVoiceFXMenuActive = !GameData.SharedData.AreVoiceFXMuted;
IsAmbientFXMenuActive = !GameData.SharedData.AreAmbientFXMuted;
示例9: DrawLine
public static void DrawLine(CCPoint origin, CCPoint destination, CCColor4B color)
var c = new Color(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
m_Batch.AddVertex(new Vector2(origin.X, origin.Y), c, PrimitiveType.LineList);
m_Batch.AddVertex(new Vector2(destination.X, destination.Y), c, PrimitiveType.LineList);
示例10: better
bool enemyCantBeDamagedForShortInterval; // after damage occurs the enemy gets a moment of un-damage-abilty, which should play better ( I think)
public Enemy (b2World world,
CCPoint location,
string spriteFileName,
bool isTheRotationFixed,
bool getsDamageFromGround,
bool doesGetDamageFromDamageEnabledStackObjects,
int breaksFromHowMuchContact,
bool hasDifferentSpritesForDamage,
int numberOfFramesToAnimateOnBreak,
float density,
CreationMethod createHow,
int points,
BreakEffect simpleScoreVisualFXType )
InitWithWorld( world,
simpleScoreVisualFXType );
示例11: addNewSpriteWithCoords
public void addNewSpriteWithCoords(CCPoint p)
int idx = (int)(CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1() * 1400.0f / 100.0f);
int x = (idx % 5) * 85;
int y = (idx / 5) * 121;
CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(x, y, 85, 121));
sprite.Position = p;
CCActionInterval action;
float random = CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1();
if (random < 0.20)
action = new CCScaleBy(3, 2);
else if (random < 0.40)
action = new CCRotateBy (3, 360);
else if (random < 0.60)
action = new CCBlink (1, 3);
else if (random < 0.8)
action = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
action = new CCFadeOut (2);
object obj = action.Reverse();
CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse();
CCActionInterval seq = (CCActionInterval)(new CCSequence(action, action_back));
sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq));
示例12: Update
public override void Update(float time)
if (m_pTarget != null)
float xa = 0;
float xb = m_sConfig.ControlPoint1.X;
float xc = m_sConfig.ControlPoint2.X;
float xd = m_sConfig.EndPosition.X;
float ya = 0;
float yb = m_sConfig.ControlPoint1.Y;
float yc = m_sConfig.ControlPoint2.Y;
float yd = m_sConfig.EndPosition.Y;
float x = CCSplineMath.CubicBezier(xa, xb, xc, xd, time);
float y = CCSplineMath.CubicBezier(ya, yb, yc, yd, time);
CCPoint currentPos = m_pTarget.Position;
CCPoint diff = currentPos - m_previousPosition;
m_startPosition = m_startPosition + diff;
CCPoint newPos = m_startPosition + new CCPoint(x, y);
m_pTarget.Position = newPos;
m_previousPosition = newPos;
示例13: InitWithTarget
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a CCMenuItem with a target/selector
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selector"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool InitWithTarget(SEL_MenuHandler selector)
AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);
m_pfnSelector = selector;
m_bIsEnabled = true;
m_bIsSelected = false;
return true;
示例14: resetAndScoreBallForPlayer
public void resetAndScoreBallForPlayer(int player)
m_ballStartingVelocity = new CCPoint(m_ballStartingVelocity.X * -1.1f, m_ballStartingVelocity.Y * -1.1f);
m_ball.Velocity = m_ballStartingVelocity;
m_ball.Position = new CCPoint(160.0f, 240.0f);
// TODO -- scoring
示例15: InitWithTarget
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a CCMenuItem with a target/selector
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selector"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool InitWithTarget(Action<object> selector)
AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);
m_pfnSelector = selector;
m_bIsEnabled = true;
m_bIsSelected = false;
return true;