本文整理汇总了C#中AForge.Math.Matrix3x3类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Matrix3x3类的具体用法?C# Matrix3x3怎么用?C# Matrix3x3使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: ApplyTransformToFrame
public static Skeleton ApplyTransformToFrame(Skeleton frame, Matrix3x3 trans)
Skeleton res = new Skeleton();
foreach (Joint j in frame.Joints)
Joint j2 = j;
j2.Position = MultiplyPositionMatrix(trans, j2.Position);
res.Joints[j2.JointType] = j2;
return res;
示例2: GetRotationMatrix
public static Matrix3x3 GetRotationMatrix(Skeleton mFrame, Skeleton rFrame)
Skeleton mFrameShift = ShiftFrame(mFrame, mFrame.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position);
Skeleton rFrameShift = ShiftFrame(rFrame, rFrame.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position);
Matrix3x3 rotMatrix = new Matrix3x3();
double bestDist = -1;
float bestR = 0;
for (float r = (float)-Math.PI / 2; r < Math.PI / 2; r = r + (float)(Math.PI / 100))
rotMatrix = Matrix3x3.CreateRotationX(r);
double dist = GetDistBetweenFrames(mFrameShift, ApplyTransformToFrame(rFrameShift, rotMatrix));
if (dist < bestDist || bestDist < 0)
bestR = r;
bestDist = dist;
float alpha = bestR;
rFrameShift = ApplyTransformToFrame(rFrameShift, Matrix3x3.CreateRotationX(bestR));
bestDist = -1;
bestR = 0;
for (float r = (float)-Math.PI / 2; r < Math.PI / 2; r = r + (float)(Math.PI / 100))
rotMatrix = Matrix3x3.CreateRotationY(r);
double dist = GetDistBetweenFrames(mFrameShift, ApplyTransformToFrame(rFrameShift, rotMatrix));
if (dist < bestDist || bestDist < 0)
bestR = r;
bestDist = dist;
float beta = bestR;
rFrameShift = ApplyTransformToFrame(rFrameShift, Matrix3x3.CreateRotationY(bestR));
bestDist = -1;
bestR = 0;
for (float r = (float)-Math.PI / 2; r < Math.PI / 2; r = r + (float)(Math.PI / 100))
rotMatrix = Matrix3x3.CreateRotationZ(r);
double dist = GetDistBetweenFrames(mFrameShift, ApplyTransformToFrame(rFrameShift, rotMatrix));
if (dist < bestDist || bestDist < 0)
bestR = r;
bestDist = dist;
float gamma = bestR;
return Matrix3x3.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(beta, alpha, gamma);
示例3: AddMatricesTest
public void AddMatricesTest( )
Matrix3x3 expectedResult = new Matrix3x3( );
expectedResult.V00 = 3;
expectedResult.V01 = 3;
expectedResult.V02 = 6;
expectedResult.V10 = 4;
expectedResult.V11 = 5;
expectedResult.V12 = 3;
expectedResult.V20 = 4;
expectedResult.V21 = 5;
expectedResult.V22 = 3;
Matrix3x3 result = a1 + a2;
Assert.AreEqual<bool>( true, ApproximateEquals( result, expectedResult ) );
示例4: ToArrayTest
public void ToArrayTest( )
Matrix3x3 matrix = new Matrix3x3( );
matrix.V00 = 1;
matrix.V01 = 2;
matrix.V02 = 3;
matrix.V10 = 4;
matrix.V11 = 5;
matrix.V12 = 6;
matrix.V20 = 7;
matrix.V21 = 8;
matrix.V22 = 9;
float[] array = matrix.ToArray( );
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
Assert.AreEqual<float>( array[i], (float) ( i + 1 ) );
示例5: CreateFromRotation
/// <summary>
/// Creates 4x4 tranformation matrix from 3x3 rotation matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rotationMatrix">Source 3x3 rotation matrix.</param>
/// <returns>Returns 4x4 rotation matrix.</returns>
/// <remarks><para>The source 3x3 rotation matrix is copied into the top left corner of the result 4x4 matrix,
/// i.e. it represents 0th, 1st and 2nd row/column. The <see cref="V33"/> element is set to 1 and the rest
/// elements of 3rd row and 3rd column are set to zeros.</para></remarks>
public static Matrix4x4 CreateFromRotation(Matrix3x3 rotationMatrix)
Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.Identity;
m.V00 = rotationMatrix.V00;
m.V01 = rotationMatrix.V01;
m.V02 = rotationMatrix.V02;
m.V10 = rotationMatrix.V10;
m.V11 = rotationMatrix.V11;
m.V12 = rotationMatrix.V12;
m.V20 = rotationMatrix.V20;
m.V21 = rotationMatrix.V21;
m.V22 = rotationMatrix.V22;
return m;
示例6: GetError
// Calculate average error between real angles of the specified quadrilateral and angles of the
// quadrilateral which is the projection of currently estimated pose
private float GetError( Point[] imagePoints, Matrix3x3 rotation, Vector3 translation )
Vector3 v1 = rotation * modelPoints[0] + translation;
v1.X = v1.X * focalLength / v1.Z;
v1.Y = v1.Y * focalLength / v1.Z;
Vector3 v2 = rotation * modelPoints[1] + translation;
v2.X = v2.X * focalLength / v2.Z;
v2.Y = v2.Y * focalLength / v2.Z;
Vector3 v3 = rotation * modelPoints[2] + translation;
v3.X = v3.X * focalLength / v3.Z;
v3.Y = v3.Y * focalLength / v3.Z;
Vector3 v4 = rotation * modelPoints[3] + translation;
v4.X = v4.X * focalLength / v4.Z;
v4.Y = v4.Y * focalLength / v4.Z;
Point[] modeledPoints = new Point[4]
new Point( v1.X, v1.Y ),
new Point( v2.X, v2.Y ),
new Point( v3.X, v3.Y ),
new Point( v4.X, v4.Y ),
float ia1 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( imagePoints[0], imagePoints[1], imagePoints[3] );
float ia2 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( imagePoints[1], imagePoints[2], imagePoints[0] );
float ia3 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( imagePoints[2], imagePoints[3], imagePoints[1] );
float ia4 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( imagePoints[3], imagePoints[0], imagePoints[2] );
float ma1 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( modeledPoints[0], modeledPoints[1], modeledPoints[3] );
float ma2 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( modeledPoints[1], modeledPoints[2], modeledPoints[0] );
float ma3 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( modeledPoints[2], modeledPoints[3], modeledPoints[1] );
float ma4 = GeometryTools.GetAngleBetweenVectors( modeledPoints[3], modeledPoints[0], modeledPoints[2] );
return (
System.Math.Abs( ia1 - ma1 ) +
System.Math.Abs( ia2 - ma2 ) +
System.Math.Abs( ia3 - ma3 ) +
System.Math.Abs( ia4 - ma4 )
) / 4;
示例7: Multiply
/// <summary>
/// Multiplies matrix by the specified factor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="matrix">Matrix to multiply.</param>
/// <param name="factor">Factor to multiple the specified matrix by.</param>
/// <returns>Returns new matrix with all components equal to corresponding components of the
/// specified matrix multiples by the specified factor.</returns>
public static Matrix3x3 Multiply( Matrix3x3 matrix, float factor )
return matrix * factor;
示例8: CompareMatrixWithArray
private void CompareMatrixWithArray( Matrix3x3 matrix, float[] array )
float[] matrixArray = matrix.ToArray( );
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
Assert.AreEqual<float>( matrixArray[i], array[i] );
示例9: SubtractMatricesTest
public void SubtractMatricesTest( )
Matrix3x3 expectedResult = new Matrix3x3( );
expectedResult.V00 = -1;
expectedResult.V01 = 1;
expectedResult.V02 = 0;
expectedResult.V10 = 2;
expectedResult.V11 = -1;
expectedResult.V12 = -1;
expectedResult.V20 = -2;
expectedResult.V21 = 1;
expectedResult.V22 = 1;
Matrix3x3 result = a1 - a2;
Assert.AreEqual<bool>( true, ApproximateEquals( result, expectedResult ) );
示例10: Equals
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the matrix equals to the specified one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="matrix">The matrix to test equality with.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the two matrices are equal or <see langword="false"/> otherwise.</returns>
public bool Equals( Matrix3x3 matrix )
return ( this == matrix );
示例11: TransRotateTrans
public static Skeleton TransRotateTrans(Skeleton frame, Matrix3x3 rot)
Skeleton frameShift = ShiftFrame(frame, frame.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position);
Skeleton frameRot = ApplyTransformToFrame(frameShift, rot);
return ShiftFrame(frameRot, NegativePosition(frame.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position));
示例12: EstimatePose
/// <summary>
/// Estimate pose of a model from it's projected 2D coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="points">4 2D points of the <see cref="Model">model's</see> projection.</param>
/// <param name="rotation">Gets object's rotation.</param>
/// <param name="translation">Gets object's translation.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">4 points must be be given for pose estimation.</exception>
public void EstimatePose( Point[] points, out Matrix3x3 rotation, out Vector3 translation )
if ( points.Length != 4 )
throw new ArgumentException( "4 points must be be given for pose estimation." );
float Z0 = 0, scale = 1;
Vector3 X0 = new Vector3( points[0].X );
Vector3 Y0 = new Vector3( points[0].Y );
Vector3 XI = new Vector3( points[1].X, points[2].X, points[3].X );
Vector3 YI = new Vector3( points[1].Y, points[2].Y, points[3].Y );
int count = 0;
Vector3 iVector = new Vector3( );
Vector3 jVector = new Vector3( );
Vector3 kVector = new Vector3( );
Vector3 imageXs = new Vector3( );
Vector3 imageYs = new Vector3( );
Vector3 eps = new Vector3( 1 );
for ( ; count < 100; count++ )
// calculate new scale orthographic projection (SOP)
imageXs = XI * eps - X0;
imageYs = YI * eps - Y0;
// calculate I and J vectors
iVector = modelPseudoInverse * imageXs;
jVector = modelPseudoInverse * imageYs;
// convert them to unit vectors i and j
float iNorm = iVector.Normalize( );
float jNorm = jVector.Normalize( );
// scale of projection
scale = ( iNorm + jNorm ) / 2;
// calculate n vector k
kVector = Vector3.Cross( iVector, jVector );
// z-coordinate Z0 of the translation vector
Z0 = focalLength / scale;
// calculate new epsilon values
Vector3 oldEps = eps;
eps = ( modelVectors * kVector ) / Z0 + 1;
// check if it is time to stop
if ( ( eps - oldEps ).Abs( ).Max < stop_epsilon )
// create rotation matrix
rotation = Matrix3x3.CreateFromRows( iVector, jVector, kVector );
// create translation vector
Vector3 temp = rotation * modelPoints[0];
translation = new Vector3(
points[0].X / scale - temp.X,
points[0].Y / scale - temp.Y,
focalLength / scale );
示例13: Posit
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Posit"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">Array of vectors containing coordinates of four real model's point (points
/// must not be on the same plane).</param>
/// <param name="focalLength">Effective focal length of the camera used to capture the model.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The model must have 4 points.</exception>
public Posit( Vector3[] model, float focalLength )
if ( model.Length != 4 )
throw new ArgumentException( "The model must have 4 points." );
this.focalLength = focalLength;
modelPoints = (Vector3[]) model.Clone( );
// compute model vectors
modelVectors = Matrix3x3.CreateFromRows(
model[1] - model[0],
model[2] - model[0],
model[3] - model[0] );
// compute pseudo inverse matrix
modelPseudoInverse = modelVectors.PseudoInverse( );
示例14: SVD
/// <summary>
/// Calculate Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix, such as A=U*E*V<sup>T</sup>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="u">Output parameter which gets 3x3 U matrix.</param>
/// <param name="e">Output parameter which gets diagonal elements of the E matrix.</param>
/// <param name="v">Output parameter which gets 3x3 V matrix.</param>
/// <remarks><para>Having components U, E and V the source matrix can be reproduced using below code:
/// <code>
/// Matrix3x3 source = u * Matrix3x3.Diagonal( e ) * v.Transpose( );
/// </code>
/// </para></remarks>
public void SVD( out Matrix3x3 u, out Vector3 e, out Matrix3x3 v )
double[,] uArray = new double[3, 3]
{ V00, V01, V02 },
{ V10, V11, V12 },
{ V20, V21, V22 }
double[,] vArray;
double[] eArray;
svd.svdcmp( uArray, out eArray, out vArray );
// build U matrix
u = new Matrix3x3( );
u.V00 = (float) uArray[0, 0];
u.V01 = (float) uArray[0, 1];
u.V02 = (float) uArray[0, 2];
u.V10 = (float) uArray[1, 0];
u.V11 = (float) uArray[1, 1];
u.V12 = (float) uArray[1, 2];
u.V20 = (float) uArray[2, 0];
u.V21 = (float) uArray[2, 1];
u.V22 = (float) uArray[2, 2];
// build V matrix
v = new Matrix3x3( );
v.V00 = (float) vArray[0, 0];
v.V01 = (float) vArray[0, 1];
v.V02 = (float) vArray[0, 2];
v.V10 = (float) vArray[1, 0];
v.V11 = (float) vArray[1, 1];
v.V12 = (float) vArray[1, 2];
v.V20 = (float) vArray[2, 0];
v.V21 = (float) vArray[2, 1];
v.V22 = (float) vArray[2, 2];
// build E Vector3
e = new Vector3( );
e.X = (float) eArray[0];
e.Y = (float) eArray[1];
e.Z = (float) eArray[2];
示例15: Adjugate
/// <summary>
/// Calculate adjugate of the matrix, adj(A).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns adjugate of the matrix.</returns>
public Matrix3x3 Adjugate( )
Matrix3x3 m = new Matrix3x3( );
m.V00 = V11 * V22 - V12 * V21;
m.V01 = -( V01 * V22 - V02 * V21 );
m.V02 = V01 * V12 - V02 * V11;
m.V10 = -( V10 * V22 - V12 * V20 );
m.V11 = V00 * V22 - V02 * V20;
m.V12 = -( V00 * V12 - V02 * V10 );
m.V20 = V10 * V21 - V11 * V20;
m.V21 = -( V00 * V21 - V01 * V20 );
m.V22 = V00 * V11 - V01 * V10;
return m;