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C# float3.Cross方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中float3.Cross方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# float3.Cross方法的具体用法?C# float3.Cross怎么用?C# float3.Cross使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在float3的用法示例。


示例1: InitializeCamera

        public void InitializeCamera( float3 _Position, float3 _Target, float3 _Up )
            // Build the camera matrix
            float3	At = _Target - _Position;
            if ( At.LengthSquared > 1e-2f )
            {	// Normal case
                m_CameraTargetDistance = At.Length;
                At /= m_CameraTargetDistance;
            {	// Special bad case
                m_CameraTargetDistance = 0.01f;
                At = new float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );

            float3		Ortho = _Up.Cross( At ).Normalized;

            float4x4	CameraMat = float4x4.Identity;
                        CameraMat.r3 = new float4( _Position, 1.0f );
                        CameraMat.r2 = new float4( At, 0.0f );
                        CameraMat.r0 = new float4( Ortho, 0.0f );
                        CameraMat.r1 = new float4( At.Cross( Ortho ), 0.0f );

            CameraTransform = CameraMat;

            // Setup the normalized target distance
            m_NormalizedTargetDistance = NormalizeTargetDistance( m_CameraTargetDistance );

示例2: BuildPrimitives

        void BuildPrimitives()
            {	// Post-process quad
                List<VertexPt4>	Vertices = new List<VertexPt4>();
                Vertices.Add( new VertexPt4() { Pt=new float4( -1, +1, 0, 1 ) } );
                Vertices.Add( new VertexPt4() { Pt=new float4( -1, -1, 0, 1 ) } );
                Vertices.Add( new VertexPt4() { Pt=new float4( +1, +1, 0, 1 ) } );
                Vertices.Add( new VertexPt4() { Pt=new float4( +1, -1, 0, 1 ) } );
                m_Prim_Quad = new Primitive( m_Device, 4, VertexPt4.FromArray( Vertices.ToArray() ), null, Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4 );

            {	// Sphere Primitive
                List<VertexP3N3G3T2>	Vertices = new List<VertexP3N3G3T2>();
                List<uint>				Indices = new List<uint>();

                const int		SUBDIVS_THETA = 80;
                const int		SUBDIVS_PHI = 160;
                for ( int Y=0; Y <= SUBDIVS_THETA; Y++ ) {
                    double	Theta = Y * Math.PI / SUBDIVS_THETA;
                    float	CosTheta = (float) Math.Cos( Theta );
                    float	SinTheta = (float) Math.Sin( Theta );
                    for ( int X=0; X <= SUBDIVS_PHI; X++ ) {
                        double	Phi = X * 2.0 * Math.PI / SUBDIVS_PHI;
                        float	CosPhi = (float) Math.Cos( Phi );
                        float	SinPhi = (float) Math.Sin( Phi );

                        float3	N = new float3( SinTheta*SinPhi, CosTheta, SinTheta*CosPhi );
                        float3	T = new float3( CosPhi, 0.0f, -SinPhi );
                        float2	UV = new float2( (float) X / SUBDIVS_PHI, (float) Y / SUBDIVS_THETA );
                        Vertices.Add( new VertexP3N3G3T2() { P=N, N=N, T=T, UV=UV } );

                for ( int Y=0; Y < SUBDIVS_THETA; Y++ ) {
                    int	CurrentLineOffset = Y * (SUBDIVS_PHI+1);
                    int	NextLineOffset = (Y+1) * (SUBDIVS_PHI+1);
                    for ( int X=0; X <= SUBDIVS_PHI; X++ ) {
                        Indices.Add( (uint) (CurrentLineOffset + X) );
                        Indices.Add( (uint) (NextLineOffset + X) );
                    if ( Y < SUBDIVS_THETA-1 ) {
                        Indices.Add( (uint) (NextLineOffset - 1) );	// Degenerate triangle to end the line
                        Indices.Add( (uint) NextLineOffset );		// Degenerate triangle to start the next line

                m_Prim_Sphere = new Primitive( m_Device, Vertices.Count, VertexP3N3G3T2.FromArray( Vertices.ToArray() ), Indices.ToArray(), Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3N3G3T2 );

            {	// Build the cube
                float3[]	Normals = new float3[6] {

                float3[]	Tangents = new float3[6] {

                VertexP3N3G3T2[]	Vertices = new VertexP3N3G3T2[6*4];
                uint[]		Indices = new uint[2*6*3];

                for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < 6; FaceIndex++ ) {
                    float3	N = Normals[FaceIndex];
                    float3	T = Tangents[FaceIndex];
                    float3	B = N.Cross( T );

                    Vertices[4*FaceIndex+0] = new VertexP3N3G3T2() {
                        P = N - T + B,
                        N = N,
                        T = T,
            //						B = B,
                        UV = new float2( 0, 0 )
                    Vertices[4*FaceIndex+1] = new VertexP3N3G3T2() {
                        P = N - T - B,
                        N = N,
                        T = T,
            //						B = B,
                        UV = new float2( 0, 1 )
                    Vertices[4*FaceIndex+2] = new VertexP3N3G3T2() {
                        P = N + T - B,
                        N = N,
                        T = T,
            //						B = B,
                        UV = new float2( 1, 1 )
                    Vertices[4*FaceIndex+3] = new VertexP3N3G3T2() {
                        P = N + T + B,
                        N = N,

示例3: CellPolygon

            public CellPolygon( float3 _P, float3 _N )
                m_P = _P;
                m_N = _N;
                m_T = (float3.UnitY.Cross( m_N )).Normalized;
                m_B = m_N.Cross( m_T );

                // Start with 4 vertices
                const float	R = 10.0f;
                m_Vertices = new float3[] {
                    m_P + R * (-m_T + m_B),
                    m_P + R * (-m_T - m_B),
                    m_P + R * ( m_T - m_B),
                    m_P + R * ( m_T + m_B),

示例4: BuildSurfaceFromTexture

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the surface texture from an actual image file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_textureFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="_pixelSize">Size of a pixel, assuming the maximum height is 1</param>
        public unsafe void BuildSurfaceFromTexture( string _textureFileName, float _pixelSize )
            if ( m_Tex_Heightfield != null )
                m_Tex_Heightfield.Dispose();	// We will create a new one so dispose of the old one...

            // Read the bitmap
            int			W, H;
            float4[,]	Content = null;
            using ( Bitmap BM = Bitmap.FromFile( _textureFileName ) as Bitmap ) {
                W = BM.Width;
                H = BM.Height;
                Content = new float4[W,H];

                BitmapData	LockedBitmap = BM.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0, 0, W, H ), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb );

                byte	R, G, B, A;
                for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                    byte*	pScanline = (byte*) LockedBitmap.Scan0.ToPointer() + Y*LockedBitmap.Stride;
                    for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {

                        // Read in shitty order
                        B = *pScanline++;
                        G = *pScanline++;
                        R = *pScanline++;
                        A = *pScanline++;

            // Use this if you really need RGBA data
            //						Content[X,Y].Set( R / 255.0f, G / 255.0f, B / 255.0f, A / 255.0f );

            // But assuming it's a height field, we only store one component into alpha
                        Content[X,Y].Set( 0, 0, 0, R / 255.0f );	// Use Red as height
                BM.UnlockBits( LockedBitmap );

            // Build normal (shitty version)
            float	Hx0, Hx1, Hy0, Hy1;
            float3	dNx = new float3( 2.0f * _pixelSize, 0, 0 );
            float3	dNy = new float3( 0, 2.0f * _pixelSize, 0 );
            float3	N;
            for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                int	pY = (Y+H-1) % H;
                int	nY = (Y+1) % H;
                for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                    int	pX = (X+W-1) % W;
                    int	nX = (X+1) % W;

                    Hx0 = Content[pX,Y].w;
                    Hx1 = Content[nX,Y].w;
                    Hy0 = Content[X,pY].w;
                    Hy1 = Content[X,nY].w;

                    dNx.z = Hx1 - Hx0;
                    dNy.z = Hy0 - Hy1;	// Assuming +Y is upward

                    N = dNx.Cross( dNy );
                    N = N.Normalized;

                    Content[X,Y].x = N.x;
                    Content[X,Y].y = N.y;
                    Content[X,Y].z = N.z;

            // Build the texture from the array
            PixelsBuffer	Buf = new PixelsBuffer( W*H*16 );
            using ( BinaryWriter Writer = Buf.OpenStreamWrite() )
                for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ )
                    for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                        float4	pixel = Content[X,Y];
                        Writer.Write( pixel.x );
                        Writer.Write( pixel.y );
                        Writer.Write( pixel.z );
                        Writer.Write( pixel.w );

            m_Tex_Heightfield = new Texture2D( m_Device, W, H, 1, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA32_FLOAT, false, false, new PixelsBuffer[] { Buf } );

示例5: Eval

        public double Eval( double[] _newParameters )
            double	lobeTheta = _newParameters[0];
            double	lobeRoughness = _newParameters[1];
            double	lobeGlobalScale = _newParameters[2];
            double	lobeFlatten = _newParameters[3];
            double	maskingImportance = _newParameters[4];

            // Flattening is not linear when using the anisotropic lobe model!
            if ( m_lobeType == LOBE_TYPE.MODIFIED_PHONG_ANISOTROPIC )
                lobeFlatten = Math.Pow( 2.0, 4.0 * (lobeFlatten - 1.0));	// in [2e-4, 2e4], log space

            double	invLobeFlatten = 1.0 / lobeFlatten;

            // Compute constant masking term due to incoming direction
             			double	maskingIncoming = Masking( m_direction.z, lobeRoughness );		// Masking( incoming )

            // Compute lobe's reflection vector and tangent space using new parameters
            double	cosTheta = Math.Cos( lobeTheta );
            double	sinTheta = Math.Sin( lobeTheta );

            float3	lobe_normal = new float3( (float) (sinTheta * m_incomingDirection_CosPhi), (float) (sinTheta * m_incomingDirection_SinPhi), (float) cosTheta );
            float3	lobe_tangent = new float3( (float) -m_incomingDirection_SinPhi, (float) m_incomingDirection_CosPhi, 0.0f );	// Always lying in the X^Y plane
            float3	lobe_biTangent = lobe_normal.Cross( lobe_tangent );

            // Compute sum
            double	phi, theta, cosPhi, sinPhi;
            double	outgoingIntensity_Simulated, length;
            double	outgoingIntensity_Analytical, lobeIntensity;
            double	difference;
            float3	wsOutgoingDirection = float3.Zero;
            float3	wsOutgoingDirection2 = float3.Zero;
            float3	lsOutgoingDirection = float3.Zero;
            double	maskingOutGoing = 0.0;
            double	maskingShadowing;

            double	sum = 0.0;
            double	sum_Simulated = 0.0;
            double	sum_Analytical = 0.0;
            double	sqSum_Simulated = 0.0;
            double	sqSum_Analytical = 0.0;
            for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {

            // Formerly used wrong stuff!
            // 				// Y = theta bin index = 2.0 * LOBES_COUNT_THETA * pow2( sin( 0.5 * theta ) )
            // 				// We need theta:
            //				theta = 2.0 * Math.Asin( Math.Sqrt( 0.5 * Y / H ) );

                // Y = theta bin index = LOBES_COUNT_THETA * (1 - cos( theta ) )
            // 				// We need theta:
                theta = Math.Acos( 1.0 - (float) Y / H );
                cosTheta = Math.Cos( theta );
                sinTheta = Math.Sin( theta );

                for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {

                    // X = phi bin index = LOBES_COUNT_PHI * X / (2PI)
                    // We need phi:
                    phi = 2.0 * Math.PI * X / W;
                    cosPhi = Math.Cos( phi );
                    sinPhi = Math.Sin( phi );

                    // Build simulated microfacet reflection direction in macro-surface space
                    outgoingIntensity_Simulated = m_histogramData[X,Y];
                    wsOutgoingDirection.Set( (float) (cosPhi * sinTheta), (float) (sinPhi * sinTheta), (float) cosTheta );

                    // Compute maksing term due to outgoing direction
                    maskingOutGoing = Masking( wsOutgoingDirection.z, lobeRoughness );		// Masking( outgoing )

                    // Compute projection of world space direction onto reflected direction
                    float	Vx = wsOutgoingDirection.Dot( lobe_tangent );
                    float	Vy = wsOutgoingDirection.Dot( lobe_biTangent );
                    float	Vz = wsOutgoingDirection.Dot( lobe_normal );

            //Vz = Math.Min( 0.99f, Vz );

                    float	cosTheta_M = Math.Max( 1e-6f, Vz );

                    // Compute the lobe intensity in local space
                    lobeIntensity = NDF( cosTheta_M, lobeRoughness );

                    maskingShadowing = 1.0 + maskingImportance * (maskingIncoming * maskingOutGoing - 1.0);	// = 1 when importance = 0, = masking when importance = 1
             					lobeIntensity *= maskingShadowing;	// * Masking terms

                    lobeIntensity *= lobeGlobalScale;

                    // Apply additional lobe scaling/flattening
                    length = m_flatteningEval( Vx, Vy, Vz, lobeFlatten, invLobeFlatten );

                    outgoingIntensity_Analytical = lobeIntensity * length;	// Lobe intensity was estimated in lobe space, account for scaling when converting back in world space

                    // Sum the difference between simulated intensity and lobe intensity
                    outgoingIntensity_Analytical *= m_oversizeFactor;	// Apply tolerance factor so we're always a bit smaller than the simulated lobe

                    if ( m_fitUsingCenterOfMass ) {
                        double	difference0 = outgoingIntensity_Simulated - outgoingIntensity_Analytical;

                        float3	wsLobePosition_Simulated = (float) outgoingIntensity_Simulated * wsOutgoingDirection;
                        float3	wsLobePosition_Analytical = (float) outgoingIntensity_Analytical * wsOutgoingDirection;
                        // Subtract center of mass

示例6: BuildPrimitives

        private void BuildPrimitives()
                VertexPt4[]	Vertices = new VertexPt4[4];
                Vertices[0] = new VertexPt4() { Pt = new float4( -1, +1, 0, 1 ) };	// Top-Left
                Vertices[1] = new VertexPt4() { Pt = new float4( -1, -1, 0, 1 ) };	// Bottom-Left
                Vertices[2] = new VertexPt4() { Pt = new float4( +1, +1, 0, 1 ) };	// Top-Right
                Vertices[3] = new VertexPt4() { Pt = new float4( +1, -1, 0, 1 ) };	// Bottom-Right

                ByteBuffer	VerticesBuffer = VertexPt4.FromArray( Vertices );

                m_Prim_Quad = new Primitive( m_Device, Vertices.Length, VerticesBuffer, null, Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.Pt4 );

                VertexP3N3G3B3T2[]	Vertices = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2[4];
                Vertices[0] = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2() { P = new float3( -1, +1, 0 ), N = new float3( 0, 0, 1 ), T = new float3( 1, 0, 0 ), B = new float3( 0, 1, 0 ), UV = new float2( 0, 0 ) };	// Top-Left
                Vertices[1] = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2() { P = new float3( -1, -1, 0 ), N = new float3( 0, 0, 1 ), T = new float3( 1, 0, 0 ), B = new float3( 0, 1, 0 ), UV = new float2( 0, 1 ) };	// Bottom-Left
                Vertices[2] = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2() { P = new float3( +1, +1, 0 ), N = new float3( 0, 0, 1 ), T = new float3( 1, 0, 0 ), B = new float3( 0, 1, 0 ), UV = new float2( 1, 0 ) };	// Top-Right
                Vertices[3] = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2() { P = new float3( +1, -1, 0 ), N = new float3( 0, 0, 1 ), T = new float3( 1, 0, 0 ), B = new float3( 0, 1, 0 ), UV = new float2( 1, 1 ) };	// Bottom-Right

                ByteBuffer	VerticesBuffer = VertexP3N3G3B3T2.FromArray( Vertices );

                m_Prim_Rectangle = new Primitive( m_Device, Vertices.Length, VerticesBuffer, null, Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3N3G3B3T2 );

            {	// Build the sphere
                const int	W = 41;
                const int	H = 22;
                VertexP3N3G3B3T2[]	Vertices = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2[W*H];
                for ( int Y=0; Y < H; Y++ ) {
                    double	Theta = Math.PI * Y / (H-1);
                    float	CosTheta = (float) Math.Cos( Theta );
                    float	SinTheta = (float) Math.Sin( Theta );
                    for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                        double	Phi = 2.0 * Math.PI * X / (W-1);
                        float	CosPhi = (float) Math.Cos( Phi );
                        float	SinPhi = (float) Math.Sin( Phi );

                        float3	N = new float3( SinTheta * SinPhi, CosTheta, SinTheta * CosPhi );
                        float3	T = new float3( CosPhi, 0.0f, -SinPhi );
                        float3	B = N.Cross( T );

                        Vertices[W*Y+X] = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2() {
                            P = N,
                            N = N,
                            T = T,
                            B = B,
                            UV = new float2( 2.0f * X / W, 1.0f * Y / H )

                ByteBuffer	VerticesBuffer = VertexP3N3G3B3T2.FromArray( Vertices );

                uint[]		Indices = new uint[(H-1) * (2*W+2)-2];
                int			IndexCount = 0;
                for ( int Y=0; Y < H-1; Y++ ) {
                    for ( int X=0; X < W; X++ ) {
                        Indices[IndexCount++] = (uint) ((Y+0) * W + X);
                        Indices[IndexCount++] = (uint) ((Y+1) * W + X);
                    if ( Y < H-2 ) {
                        Indices[IndexCount++] = (uint) ((Y+1) * W - 1);
                        Indices[IndexCount++] = (uint) ((Y+1) * W + 0);

                m_Prim_Sphere = new Primitive( m_Device, Vertices.Length, VerticesBuffer, Indices, Primitive.TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLE_STRIP, VERTEX_FORMAT.P3N3G3B3T2 );

            {	// Build the cube
                float3[]	Normals = new float3[6] {

                float3[]	Tangents = new float3[6] {

                VertexP3N3G3B3T2[]	Vertices = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2[6*4];
                uint[]		Indices = new uint[2*6*3];

                for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < 6; FaceIndex++ ) {
                    float3	N = Normals[FaceIndex];
                    float3	T = Tangents[FaceIndex];
                    float3	B = N.Cross( T );

                    Vertices[4*FaceIndex+0] = new VertexP3N3G3B3T2() {
                        P = N - T + B,
