本文整理汇总了C#中XlsFile.SetRowHeight方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# XlsFile.SetRowHeight方法的具体用法?C# XlsFile.SetRowHeight怎么用?C# XlsFile.SetRowHeight使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类XlsFile
示例1: TaoTieuDe
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
ColFmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
xls.SetColFormat(7, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(8, 4059); //(15.11 + 0.75) * 256
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(8));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
ColFmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
xls.SetColFormat(8, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(9, 4059); //(15.11 + 0.75) * 256
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(9));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
ColFmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
xls.SetColFormat(9, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
#region set độ rộng cột
for (int c = 0; c < TongSoCot + SoTrang; c++)
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(c + TuCot));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
ColFmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
xls.SetColFormat(c + TuCot, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(c + TuCot + 1, 4059);
xls.DefaultRowHeight = 300;
xls.SetRowHeight(7, 1545);
xls.SetRowHeight(8, 360);
#region //Merged Cells
xls.MergeCells(6, 1, 7, 1);
xls.MergeCells(6, 3, 7, 3);
xls.MergeCells(6, 4, 6, 9);
xls.MergeCells(5, 1, 5, 2);
xls.MergeCells(1, 1, 1, 2);
xls.MergeCells(1, 3, 1, 9);
xls.MergeCells(2, 3, 2, 9);
for (int t = 0; t < SoTrang; t++)
xls.MergeCells(6, _C, 6, _C + SoCotCuaMotTrang-1);
_C = _C + SoCotCuaMotTrang;
//Set the cell values
TFlxFormat fmt;
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(1, 1);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;
xls.SetCellFormat(1, 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
xls.SetCellValue(1, 1, "BỘ QUỐC PHÒNG");
示例2: TaoTieuDe
int SoCotDu = (DenCotCua_DT - TuCotCua_DT - SoCotTrang1) % SoCotTrangLonHon1;
int SoCotCanThem = 0;
SoCotCanThem = SoCotTrangLonHon1 - SoCotDu;
TongSoCot = (DenCotCua_DT - TuCotCua_DT) + SoCotCanThem;
SoTrang = 1 + (TongSoCot - SoCotTrang1) / SoCotTrangLonHon1;
#region //Set up rows and columns
//Set up rows and columns
xls.DefaultColWidth = 2340;
xls.SetColWidth(1, 1170); //(3.82 + 0.75) * 256
TFlxFormat ColFmt;
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(1));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(1, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(2, 4827); //(18.11 + 0.75) * 256
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(2));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(2, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(3, 3657); //(13.54 + 0.75) * 256
for (int i = 0; i < TongSoCot; i++)
xls.SetColWidth(_TuCot + i, 3600);
xls.SetRowHeight(4, 800);
xls.DefaultRowHeight = 300;
#region MagerCell
#region //Set the cell values
#region set tieu de cot tinh
TFlxFormat fmt;
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(4, 1);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.center;
fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
fmt.WrapText = true;
xls.SetCellFormat(4, 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
xls.SetCellValue(4, 1, "STT");
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(4, 2);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
示例3: TaoTieuDe
xls.SetColFormat(250, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(251));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(251, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(252));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(252, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(253));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(253, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(254));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(254, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(255));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(255, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(256));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(256, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.DefaultRowHeight = 300;
xls.SetRowHeight(1, 330); //16.50 * 20
xls.SetRowHeight(2, 315); //15.75 * 20
xls.SetRowHeight(4, 390); //19.50 * 20
//Merged Cells
xls.MergeCells(3, 3, 3, 5);
xls.MergeCells(1, 1, 1, 6);
xls.MergeCells(2, 1, 2, 6);
xls.MergeCells(2, 3, 2, 5);
//Set the cell values
TFlxFormat fmt;
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(1, 1);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Size20 = 280;
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.Font.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.center;
fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
xls.SetCellFormat(1, 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
xls.SetCellValue(1, 1, "DANH SÁCH CHI TRẢ CÁ NHÂN");
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(1, 2);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Size20 = 240;
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;
fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
xls.SetCellFormat(1, 2, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(1, 3);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Size20 = 260;
示例4: Filldata
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Dotted;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;
fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
fmt.Format = "_(* #,###_);_(* \\(#,###\\);_(* \"\"??_);_(@_)";
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Size20 = 160;
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Dotted;
fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;
fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
fmt.WrapText = true;
xls.AutofitRow(i + TuHang, true, 1);
GiaTriO = null;
if (c < arrCot_DT.Length)
GiaTriO = dt.Rows[i][Convert.ToInt16(arrCot_DT[c])];
if (c < arrCot_Excel.Length)
xls.SetCellFormat(i + TuHang, Convert.ToInt16(arrCot_Excel[c]), xls.AddFormat(fmt));
xls.SetCellValue(i + TuHang, Convert.ToInt16(arrCot_Excel[c]), GiaTriO);
_TuCot = TuCot;
//set tiêu đề cho hàng tổng số
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(TongSoHang + TuHang + 2, 1);
fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.center;
fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
xls.SetCellFormat(TongSoHang + TuHang, 2, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
xls.SetRowHeight(TongSoHang + TuHang, 400);
for (int i = 1; i < TongSoCot + TuCotCua_DT; i++)
xls.SetCellFormat(TongSoHang + TuHang, i, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
for (int i = 0; i <= TongSoCot + 2; i++)
xls.SetCellValue(TongSoHang + TuHang, 2, "Tổng Cộng: ");
fmt = xls.GetStyle(xls.GetBuiltInStyleName(TBuiltInStyle.Comma, 0), true);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Family = 1;
fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
fmt.Font.Size20 = 180;
fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.right;
fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
fmt.Format = "#,##0;-#,##0;;@";
fmt.Font.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
xls.SetCellFormat(TongSoHang + TuHang, _TuCot - 3 + i, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
KyTu1 = HamChung.ExportExcel_MaCot(_TuCot - 3 + i);
if (TongSoHang > 1)
strSum = String.Format("=SUMIF(C{1}:C{3},\"<>\"&\"\",{0}{1}:{2}{3})", KyTu1, TuHang, KyTu1, TongSoHang + TuHang - 1);
xls.SetCellFormat(TongSoHang + TuHang, _TuCot - 3 + i, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
xls.SetCellValue(TongSoHang + TuHang, _TuCot - 3 + i, new TFormula(strSum));
示例5: TaoTieuDe_A3
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(3, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(4, 1000); //(2.82 + 0.75) * 256
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(4));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(4, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(5, 900); //(2.82 + 0.75) * 256
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(5));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(5, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(6, 800); //(2.39 + 0.75) * 256
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(6));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(6, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(7, 8000); //(27.68 + 0.75) * 256
ColFmt = xls.GetFormat(xls.GetColFormat(7));
ColFmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
ColFmt.Font.Family = 1;
xls.SetColFormat(7, xls.AddFormat(ColFmt));
xls.SetColWidth(8, 3400); //(12.39 + 0.75) * 256
for (int i = 0; i < TongSoCot; i++)
xls.SetColWidth(_TuCot + i, 3400);
xls.SetRowHeight(4, 600);
xls.SetRowHeight(5, 600);
xls.DefaultRowHeight = 300;
#region//Merged Cells
xls.MergeCells(4, 1, 5, 6);
xls.MergeCells(4, 7, 5, 7);
xls.MergeCells(4, 8, 5, 8);
_TuCot = TuCot;
if (SoTrang == 1)
xls.MergeCells(4, _TuCot, 4, _TuCot + SoCotTrang1 - 1);
xls.MergeCells(4, _TuCot, 4, _TuCot + SoCotTrang1 - 1);
_TuCot = _TuCot + SoCotTrang1;
for (int i = 1; i < SoTrang; i++)
xls.MergeCells(4, _TuCot, 4, _TuCot + SoCotTrangLonHon1 - 1);
_TuCot = _TuCot + SoCotTrangLonHon1;
#region //Set the cell values
#region set tieu de cot tinh
TFlxFormat fmt;
fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(1, 1);
fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
fmt.Font.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
fmt.Font.Family = 1;