本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3f.Normalize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3f.Normalize方法的具体用法?C# Vector3f.Normalize怎么用?C# Vector3f.Normalize使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector3f
示例1: RotateBetween
public static Matrix3f RotateBetween( Vector3f from, Vector3f to )
var crossProduct = Vector3f.Cross( from, to );
var normalizedAxis = crossProduct.Normalized();
float sinTheta = crossProduct.Norm();
float cosTheta = Vector3f.Dot( from, to );
float x = normalizedAxis.x;
float y = normalizedAxis.y;
float z = normalizedAxis.z;
var m = new Matrix3f();
m[ 0, 0 ] = x * x * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) + cosTheta;
m[ 0, 1 ] = y * x * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) - z * sinTheta;
m[ 0, 2 ] = z * x * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) + y * sinTheta;
m[ 1, 0 ] = x * y * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) + z * sinTheta;
m[ 1, 1 ] = y * y * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) + cosTheta;
m[ 1, 2 ] = z * y * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) - x * sinTheta;
m[ 2, 0 ] = x * z * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) - y * sinTheta;
m[ 2, 1 ] = y * z * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) + x * sinTheta;
m[ 2, 2 ] = z * z * ( 1.0f - cosTheta ) + cosTheta;
return m;
示例2: ConvertClickToLine
/// <summary>
/// Converts a pixel into a ray for object intersection.
/// pixel (0,0) is the top left corner
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pixel"></param>
/// <param name="origin"></param>
/// <param name="direction"></param>
public void ConvertClickToLine( Vector2i pixel, out Vector3f origin, out Vector3f direction )
origin = Vector3f.Zero;
direction = Vector3f.Zero;
switch( CameraType )
case CameraType.PERSPECTIVE:
origin = Position;
direction = new Vector3f
( float )
( ( ( 2.0 * pixel.x / ScreenSize.x ) - 1.0 ) * Math.Tan( 0.5 * FieldOfView ) * AspectRatio ),
( float )
( ( ( 2.0 * ( ScreenSize.y - pixel.y ) / ScreenSize.y ) - 1.0 ) * Math.Tan( 0.5 * FieldOfView ) ),
direction = WorldCoordinatesOf( direction ) - origin;
case CameraType.ORTHOGRAPHIC:
Vector2f wh = GetOrthoWidthHeight();
origin = new Vector3f
( float ) ( ( 2.0 * pixel.x / ScreenSize.x - 1.0 ) * wh.x ),
( float ) ( -( 2.0 * pixel.y / ScreenSize.y - 1.0 ) * wh.y ),
origin = WorldCoordinatesOf( origin );
direction = ViewDirection;
示例3: Build
public static Terrain Build(IOpenGL33 gl, int columns, int rows, float width, float depth)
var noise = new PerlinNoise();
var noise2 = new PerlinNoise();
var vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer<PositionNormalTexCoord>((columns + 1) * (rows + 1), gl);
var indexBuffer = new ElementBuffer<uint>(columns * rows * 6 , gl);
float fx = - width / 2;
float fy = -depth / 2;
float dx = width / columns;
float dy = depth / rows;
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < (rows + 1); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < (columns + 1); x++, i++)
float ix = fx + x * dx;
float iy = fy + y * dy;
const float detail = 0.25f;
const float detailScale = 0.2f;
const float macro = 0.008f;
const float macroScale = 4f;
var fUp = (float)((noise.Noise(x * detail, 0, (y + 1) * detail) - noise2.Noise(x * detail, 0, (y + 1) * detail) * 0.25f) * detailScale + noise.Noise(x * macro, 0, (y + 1) * macro) * macroScale) ;
var fDown = (float)((noise.Noise(x * detail, 0, (y - 1) * detail) - noise2.Noise(x * detail, 0, (y - 1) * detail) * 0.25f) * detailScale + noise.Noise(x * macro, 0, (y - 1) * macro) * macroScale) ;
var fLeft = (float)((noise.Noise((x - 1) * detail, 0, y * detail) - noise2.Noise((x - 1) * detail, 0, y * detail) * 0.25f) * detailScale + noise.Noise((x - 1) * macro, 0, y * macro) * macroScale);
var fRight = (float)((noise.Noise((x + 1) * detail, 0, y * detail) - noise2.Noise((x + 1) * detail, 0, y * detail) * 0.25f) * detailScale + noise.Noise((x + 1) * macro, 0, y * macro) * macroScale);
var fThis = (float)((noise.Noise(x * detail, 0, y * detail) - noise2.Noise(x * detail, 0, y * detail) * 0.25f) * detailScale + noise.Noise(x * macro, 0, y * macro) * macroScale);
var vUp = new Vector3f(ix, fUp, iy - dy);
var vDown = new Vector3f(ix, fDown, iy + dy);
var vLeft = new Vector3f(ix - 1, fLeft, iy);
var vRight = new Vector3f(ix + 1, fRight, iy);
var vThis = new Vector3f(ix, fThis, iy);
var upperLeft = CalculateNormal(vLeft, vUp, vThis);
var upperRight = CalculateNormal(vUp, vRight, vThis);
var lowerRight = CalculateNormal(vRight, vDown, vThis);
var lowerLeft = CalculateNormal(vDown, vLeft, vThis);
var normal = upperLeft + upperRight + lowerLeft + lowerRight;
normal = new Vector3f(normal.X * 0.25f, normal.Y * 0.25f, normal.Z * 0.25f);
vertexBuffer[i] = new PositionNormalTexCoord { Normal = normal.Normalize(), Position = vThis, TexCoord = new Vector2f(vThis.X, vThis.Z)};
int offset = 0;
foreach(var index in Enumerable.Range(0, columns * rows + columns).Where(index => (index % (columns + 1)) != columns))
indexBuffer[offset] = (uint)index;
indexBuffer[offset + 1] = (uint)(index + (columns + 1) + 1);
indexBuffer[offset + 2] = (uint)index + 1;
indexBuffer[offset + 3] = (uint)index;
indexBuffer[offset + 4] = (uint)(index + (columns + 1));
indexBuffer[offset + 5] = (uint)(index + (columns + 1) + 1);
offset += 6;
var vertexArray = new VertexArray(gl, new[] {vertexBuffer}, new[] {PositionNormalTexCoord.Descriptor});
var shader = new TerrainShader(gl);
return new Terrain(gl, vertexArray, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, shader);