本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3I类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3I类的具体用法?C# Vector3I怎么用?C# Vector3I使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: BlockUpdate
public BlockUpdate( Player origin, Vector3I coord, Block blockType ) {
Origin = origin;
X = (short)coord.X;
Y = (short)coord.Y;
Z = (short)coord.Z;
BlockType = blockType;
示例2: AssertRangeIsInside
private void AssertRangeIsInside(int lodIndex, ref Vector3I globalMin, ref Vector3I globalMax)
var leafMinInLod = m_leafMin >> lodIndex;
var leafMaxInLod = m_leafMax >> lodIndex;
Debug.Assert(globalMin.IsInsideInclusive(ref leafMinInLod, ref leafMaxInLod));
Debug.Assert(globalMax.IsInsideInclusive(ref leafMinInLod, ref leafMaxInLod));
示例3: VoxelChunk
public VoxelChunk(Vector3I coords)
Coords = coords;
Material = new byte[TotalVolume];
Content = new byte[TotalVolume];
示例4: Prepare
public override bool Prepare( Vector3I[] marks )
if( Player.World == null ) PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld( Player );
if( !base.Prepare( marks ) ) return false;
BlocksTotalEstimate = Bounds.Volume;
Coords = Bounds.MinVertex;
// remember dimensions and orientation
CopyState copyInfo = new CopyState( marks[0], marks[1] );
for( int x = Bounds.XMin; x <= Bounds.XMax; x++ ) {
for( int y = Bounds.YMin; y <= Bounds.YMax; y++ ) {
for( int z = Bounds.ZMin; z <= Bounds.ZMax; z++ ) {
copyInfo.Buffer[x - Bounds.XMin, y - Bounds.YMin, z - Bounds.ZMin] = Map.GetBlock( x, y, z );
copyInfo.OriginWorld = Player.World.Name;
copyInfo.CopyTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
Player.SetCopyInformation( copyInfo );
Player.Message( "{0} blocks cut into slot #{1}. You can now &H/Paste",
Bounds.Volume, Player.CopySlot + 1 );
Player.Message( "Origin at {0} {1}{2} corner.",
(copyInfo.Orientation.X == 1 ? "bottom" : "top"),
(copyInfo.Orientation.Y == 1 ? "south" : "north"),
(copyInfo.Orientation.Z == 1 ? "east" : "west") );
Context |= BlockChangeContext.Cut;
return true;
示例5: BreakBlockEffect
public void BreakBlockEffect( Vector3I position, byte block )
Vector3 startPos = new Vector3( position.X, position.Y, position.Z );
int texLoc = game.BlockInfo.GetTextureLoc( block, TileSide.Left );
TextureRec rec = game.TerrainAtlas.GetTexRec( texLoc );
float invSize = TerrainAtlas2D.invElementSize;
int cellsCountX = (int)( 0.25f / invSize );
int cellsCountY = (int)( 0.25f / invSize );
float elementXSize = invSize * 0.25f;
float elementYSize = invSize * 0.25f;
Random rnd = new Random();
for( int i = 0; i < 25; i++ ) {
double velX = ( rnd.NextDouble() * 0.8/*5*/ ) - 0.4/*0.25*/;
double velZ = ( rnd.NextDouble() * 0.8/*5*/ ) - 0.4/*0.25*/;
double velY = ( rnd.NextDouble() + 0.25 ) * game.BlockInfo.Height[block];
Vector3 velocity = new Vector3( (float)velX, (float)velY, (float)velZ );
double xOffset = rnd.NextDouble() - 0.125;
double yOffset = rnd.NextDouble() - 0.125;
double zOffset = rnd.NextDouble() - 0.125;
Vector3 pos = startPos + new Vector3( (float)xOffset, (float)yOffset, (float)zOffset );
TextureRec particleRec = rec;
particleRec.U1 = (float)( rec.U1 + rnd.Next( 0, cellsCountX ) * elementXSize );
particleRec.V1 = (float)( rec.V1 + rnd.Next( 0, cellsCountY ) * elementYSize );
particleRec.U2 = particleRec.U1 + elementXSize;
particleRec.V2 = particleRec.V1 + elementYSize;
double life = 1.5 - rnd.NextDouble();
particles.Add( new TerrainParticle( game, pos, velocity, life, particleRec ) );
示例6: CopyState
public CopyState( Vector3I mark1, Vector3I mark2 ) {
BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox( mark1, mark2 );
Orientation = new Vector3I( mark1.X <= mark2.X ? 1 : -1,
mark1.Y <= mark2.Y ? 1 : -1,
mark1.Z <= mark2.Z ? 1 : -1 );
Buffer = new Block[box.Width, box.Length, box.Height];
示例7: CopyTo
/// <summary>
/// Copies part of skeleton to other skeleton, both positions are inclusive
/// </summary>
public void CopyTo(MyGridSkeleton target, Vector3I fromGridPosition, Vector3I toGridPosition)
Vector3I baseBonePos = fromGridPosition * BoneDensity;
Vector3I max = (toGridPosition - fromGridPosition + Vector3I.One) * BoneDensity;
Vector3I boneOffset;
for (boneOffset.X = 0; boneOffset.X <= max.X; boneOffset.X++)
for (boneOffset.Y = 0; boneOffset.Y <= max.Y; boneOffset.Y++)
for (boneOffset.Z = 0; boneOffset.Z <= max.Z; boneOffset.Z++)
Vector3I bonePos = baseBonePos + boneOffset;
Vector3 bone;
if (Bones.TryGetValue(bonePos, out bone))
target.Bones[bonePos] = bone;
示例8: Prepare
public override bool Prepare( Vector3I[] marks )
if ( !base.Prepare( marks ) )
return false;
// center of the torus
center = marks[0];
Vector3I radiusVector = ( marks[1] - center ).Abs();
// tube radius is figured out from Z component of the mark vector
tubeR = radiusVector.Z;
// torus radius is figured out from length of vector's X-Y components
bigR = Math.Sqrt( radiusVector.X * radiusVector.X +
radiusVector.Y * radiusVector.Y + .5 );
// tube + torus radius, rounded up. This will be the maximum extend of the torus.
int combinedRadius = ( int )Math.Ceiling( bigR + tubeR );
// vector from center of torus to the furthest-away point of the bounding box
Vector3I combinedRadiusVector = new Vector3I( combinedRadius, combinedRadius, tubeR + 1 );
// adjusted bounding box
Bounds = new BoundingBox( center - combinedRadiusVector, center + combinedRadiusVector );
BlocksTotalEstimate = ( int )( 2 * Math.PI * Math.PI * bigR * ( tubeR * tubeR + Bias ) );
coordEnumerator = BlockEnumerator().GetEnumerator();
return true;
示例9: BlockEnumerator
IEnumerable<Vector3I> BlockEnumerator(Vector3I min, Vector3I max)
for( int x = min.X; x <= max.X; x++ ) {
for( int y = min.Y; y <= max.Y; y++ ) {
yield return new Vector3I( x, y, min.Z );
if( min.Z != max.Z ) {
yield return new Vector3I( x, y, max.Z );
if((max.Z - min.Z + 1) > 2) {
for( int x = min.X; x <= max.X; x++ ) {
for( int z = min.Z + 1; z < max.Z; z++ ) {
yield return new Vector3I( x, min.Y, z );
if( min.Y != max.Y ) {
yield return new Vector3I( x, max.Y, z );
for( int y = min.Y + 1; y < max.Y; y++ ) {
for( int z = min.Z + 1; z < max.Z; z++ ) {
yield return new Vector3I( min.X, y, z );
if( min.X != max.X ) {
yield return new Vector3I( max.X, y, z );
示例10: ReadMaterialRange
public override void ReadMaterialRange(MyStorageDataCache target, ref Vector3I writeOffset, int lodIndex, ref Vector3I minInLod, ref Vector3I maxInLod, float lodVoxelSizeHalf)
float lodVoxelSize = 2f * lodVoxelSizeHalf;
byte defaultMaterial = m_material.Index;
Vector3I v = new Vector3I();
for (v.Z = minInLod.Z; v.Z <= maxInLod.Z; ++v.Z)
for (v.Y = minInLod.Y; v.Y <= maxInLod.Y; ++v.Y)
for (v.X = minInLod.X; v.X <= maxInLod.X; ++v.X)
var write = v - minInLod + writeOffset;
byte slope = target.Material(ref write);
if (slope == 0) continue;
Vector3 localPos = v * lodVoxelSize;
var mat = GetMaterialForPosition(ref localPos, lodVoxelSize);
target.Material(ref write, mat.Index);
示例11: BlockFloat
public BlockFloat(World world, Vector3I position, Block Type)
: base(world)
_pos = position;
_nextPos = position.Z + 1;
type = Type;
示例12: Unregister
public override void Unregister(MyEntity entity, Vector3I forwardVector)
base.Unregister(entity, forwardVector);
var thrust = entity as MyThrust;
if (thrust == null)
thrust.EnabledChanged -= thrust_EnabledChanged;
thrust.SlimBlock.ComponentStack.IsFunctionalChanged -= ComponentStack_IsFunctionalChanged;
// Need to recalculate the slowdown factor. Maybe save different levels of the factors and just revert back to previous one
SlowdownFactor = 0f;
foreach (var direction in Base6Directions.IntDirections)
foreach (var dataByType in m_dataByFuelType)
foreach (var entityInDirection in dataByType.ThrustsByDirection[direction])
var thrustInDirection = entityInDirection as MyThrust;
if (thrustInDirection == null)
SlowdownFactor = Math.Max(thrustInDirection.BlockDefinition.SlowdownFactor, SlowdownFactor);
示例13: AddSelection
public void AddSelection( byte id, Vector3I p1, Vector3I p2, FastColour col )
RemoveSelection( id );
SelectionBox selection = new SelectionBox( p1, p2, col );
selection.ID = id;
selections.Add( selection );
示例14: Prepare
public override bool Prepare( Vector3I[] marks )
if( !base.Prepare( marks ) ) return false;
BlocksTotalEstimate = Bounds.Volume;
Coords = Bounds.MinVertex;
return true;
示例15: Start
/// <summary>
/// Executes the drawer on a separate thread. The bool is there if the user finds a need to stop the drawing.
/// (This happens when CancelDrawer() is called.)
/// </summary>
public void Start(ClassicBot main, ref bool Aborted, Vector3I[] points, byte blocktype, ref int sleeptime)
Vector3I Coords = Vector3I.Min(points[0], points[1]);
Vector3I MinVertex = Vector3I.Min(points[0], points[1]);
Vector3I MaxVertex = Vector3I.Max(points[0], points[1]);
double rx = (MaxVertex.X - MinVertex.X + 1) / 2d;
double ry = (MaxVertex.Y - MinVertex.Y + 1) / 2d;
double rz = (MaxVertex.Z - MinVertex.Z + 1) / 2d;
radius.X = (float)(1 / (rx * rx));
radius.Y = (float)(1 / (ry * ry));
radius.Z = (float)(1 / (rz * rz));
// find center points
center.X = (float)((MinVertex.X + MaxVertex.X) / 2d);
center.Y = (float)((MinVertex.Y + MaxVertex.Y) / 2d);
center.Z = (float)((MinVertex.Z + MaxVertex.Z) / 2d);
Coords = MinVertex;
main.SendPositionPacket((short)Coords.X, (short)Coords.Y, (short)Coords.Z);
IEnumerator<Vector3I> coordEnumerator = BlockEnumerator(MinVertex, MaxVertex).GetEnumerator();
if (Aborted == true) {
Coords = coordEnumerator.Current;
main.SendPositionPacket((short)Coords.X, (short)Coords.Y, (short)Coords.Z);
main.SendBlockPacket((short)Coords.X, (short)Coords.Y, (short)Coords.Z, 1, blocktype);