本文整理汇总了C#中Vec3类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vec3类的具体用法?C# Vec3怎么用?C# Vec3使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: SceneData
public SceneData(Enigma.D3.Scene scene)
scene_id = scene.x000_Id;
scene_sno_id = scene.x0E8_SceneSnoId;
area_sno_id = scene.x018_LevelAreaSnoId;
min = new Vec3(scene.x0FC_MeshMinX, scene.x100_MeshMinY, scene.x104_MeshMinZ);
max = new Vec3(scene.x174_MeshMaxX, scene.x178_MeshMaxY, scene.x104_MeshMinZ); //there is no max z, so consider all grid cells flat
示例2: JetPackTick
static void JetPackTick() {
if (JetPackCtl) {
float rotz = Mem.ReadFloat(ADDRESSES.DISPLAY.CAMERA_Z_ROT);
var xVal = Math.Abs((float)Math.Cos(rotz)) * (rotz > 0 && rotz < HALF_PI || (rotz > (PI * 2 - HALF_PI) && rotz < PI * 2) ? -1 : 1);
var yVal = Math.Abs((float)Math.Sin(rotz)) * (rotz > PI && rotz < PI * 2 ? 1 : -1);
var coords = new Vec3(Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.COORDS_X_OFFSET));
coords.X += xVal * JetPackSpeed;
coords.Y += yVal * JetPackSpeed;
if ((bool)Config.jetPackCtlEnableZ.Value) {
float rotx = Mem.ReadFloat(ADDRESSES.DISPLAY.CAMERA_X_ROT);
coords.Z += rotx / HALF_PI * JetPackSpeed;
new Vec3(0, 0, 0.0066016f).MemWrite(Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.X_MOVE_SPEED));
if (JetPackUp)
: Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.Z_MOVE_SPEED), JetPackSpeed * PI * 2);
else if (JetPackDown)
: Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.Z_MOVE_SPEED), -JetPackSpeed * PI * 2);
示例3: OnGetCameraTransform
protected override void OnGetCameraTransform( out Vec3 position, out Vec3 forward,
out Vec3 up, ref Degree cameraFov )
position = Vec3.Zero;
forward = Vec3.XAxis;
up = Vec3.ZAxis;
Unit unit = GetPlayerUnit();
if( unit == null )
PlayerIntellect.Instance.FPSCamera = false;
//To use data about orientation the camera if the cut scene is switched on
if( IsCutSceneEnabled() )
if( CutSceneManager.Instance.GetCamera( out position, out forward, out up, out cameraFov ) )
float distance = 25;
position = unit.GetInterpolatedPosition() + new Vec3( 0, -distance, 0 );
forward = Vec3.YAxis;
up = Vec3.ZAxis;
示例4: Vertex
public Vertex(Vec3 position, Vec3 normal, Vec2 texCoord, Vec3 tangent)
this.position = position;
this.normal = normal;
this.texCoord = texCoord;
this.tangent = tangent;
示例5: AttackTask
public AttackTask(Weapon weapon, Vec3 target)
this.taskTime = 0f;
this.weapon = weapon;
this.targetPosition = target;
this.targetEntity = null;
示例6: ExploreCell
public ExploreCell(AABB aabb, List<Cell> cells, Vec3 position, int id = -1)
: base(aabb.Min.X, aabb.Min.Y, 0, aabb.Max.X, aabb.Max.Y, 0, MovementFlag.None, id)
Position = position;
Cells = cells;
示例7: CellsContains2D
public bool CellsContains2D(Vec3 p)
if (!Contains2D(p))
return false;
return Cells.Exists(c => c.Contains2D(p));
示例8: GetIllumination
public override float GetIllumination( Vec3 position, Vec3 normal )
float normalCoef = Vec3.Dot( normal, -lightDirection );
MathFunctions.Saturate( ref normalCoef );
return normalCoef;
示例9: Initialize
public static unsafe extern IntPtr Initialize(
ref Vec3 bmin, ref Vec3 bmax,
float tileSize, float cellSize, float cellHeight,
int minRegionSize, int mergeRegionSize, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U1 )] bool monotonePartitioning,
float maxEgdeLength, float maxEdgeError,
int vertsPerPoly, float detailSampleDistance, float detailMaxSampleError,
float agentHeight, float agentRadius, float agentMaxClimb, float agentMaxSlope );
示例10: DirectionalLight
public DirectionalLight(SceneGraph graph, Vec3 intensity, Vec3 direction, float maxShadowDepth)
: base(graph)
Intensity = intensity;
MaxShadowDepth = maxShadowDepth;
Direction = direction.Normalized;
示例11: Mat33
public Mat33(float exx, float exy, float exz, float eyx, float eyy, float eyz, float ezx,
float ezy, float ezz)
ex = new Vec3(exx, exy, exz);
ey = new Vec3(eyx, eyy, eyz);
ez = new Vec3(ezx, ezy, ezz);
示例12: TransformNode
public TransformNode(SceneGraph graph, SceneNode node, Vec3 offset, Vec3 orientation, Vec3 scale)
: base(graph, node)
_offset = offset;
_orientation = orientation;
_scale = scale;
UpdateTransform ();
示例13: myPositionCallback
// Position callback
public static void myPositionCallback(Object sender, TimeValue timestamp, Int32 sensor, Vec3 report)
Console.WriteLine("Got POSITION report: Position = ({0}, {1}, {2}), Sensor = ({3})",
示例14: GetCheckVisibilityRay
public override Ray GetCheckVisibilityRay( Vec3 position )
Vec3 dataPosition = position - lightDirection * 10000.0f;
Vec3 diff = position - dataPosition;
Vec3 dir = diff.GetNormalize();
return new Ray( dataPosition, diff - dir * .01f );
示例15: SetForceFireRotationLookTo
public void SetForceFireRotationLookTo( Vec3 lookTo )
setForceFireRotation = true;
Vec3 diff = lookTo - Position;
//Vec3 diff = lookTo - GetFirePosition( false );
forceFireRotation = Quat.FromDirectionZAxisUp( diff );