本文整理汇总了C#中UIComponent.AddUIComponent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# UIComponent.AddUIComponent方法的具体用法?C# UIComponent.AddUIComponent怎么用?C# UIComponent.AddUIComponent使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UIComponent
示例1: SetupBrushStrengthPanel
public static void SetupBrushStrengthPanel(UIComponent brushOptionsPanel)
var brushStrengthPanel = brushOptionsPanel.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
brushStrengthPanel.size = new Vector2(197, 49);
brushStrengthPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(17, 110);
brushStrengthPanel.name = "Strength";
var brushStrengthLabel = brushStrengthPanel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
brushStrengthLabel.localeID = "MAPEDITOR_BRUSHSTRENGTH";
brushStrengthLabel.size = new Vector2(131, 19);
brushStrengthLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(-5, 7);
var brushStrengthText = brushStrengthPanel.AddUIComponent<UITextField>();
brushStrengthText.name = "BrushStrength";
brushStrengthText.size = new Vector2(60, 18);
brushStrengthText.normalBgSprite = "TextFieldPanel";
brushStrengthText.relativePosition = new Vector3(125, 7, 0);
brushStrengthText.builtinKeyNavigation = true;
brushStrengthText.isInteractive = true;
brushStrengthText.readOnly = false;
brushStrengthText.selectionSprite = "EmptySprite";
brushStrengthText.selectionBackgroundColor = new Color32(0, 172, 234, 255);
var brushStrengthSlider = brushStrengthPanel.AddUIComponent<UISlider>();
brushStrengthSlider.name = "BrushStrength";
brushStrengthSlider.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, 30, 0);
brushStrengthSlider.backgroundSprite = "ScrollbarTrack";
brushStrengthSlider.size = new Vector2(171, 12);
brushStrengthSlider.minValue = 0;
brushStrengthSlider.maxValue = 1;
brushStrengthSlider.stepSize = 0.01f;
var brushStrengthSliderThumb = brushStrengthSlider.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite>();
brushStrengthSliderThumb.spriteName = "ScrollbarThumb";
brushStrengthSliderThumb.size = new Vector2(10, 20);
brushStrengthSlider.thumbObject = brushStrengthSliderThumb;
示例2: CreateCheckBox
public static UICheckBox CreateCheckBox(UIComponent parent)
UICheckBox checkBox = parent.AddUIComponent<UICheckBox>();
checkBox.width = parent.width;
checkBox.height = 20f;
checkBox.clipChildren = true;
UISprite sprite = checkBox.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
sprite.spriteName = "ToggleBase";
sprite.size = new Vector2(16f, 16f);
sprite.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
checkBox.checkedBoxObject = sprite.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
((UISprite)checkBox.checkedBoxObject).spriteName = "ToggleBaseFocused";
checkBox.checkedBoxObject.size = new Vector2(16f, 16f);
checkBox.checkedBoxObject.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
checkBox.label = checkBox.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
checkBox.label.text = " ";
checkBox.label.textScale = 0.9f;
checkBox.label.relativePosition = new Vector3(22f, 2f);
return checkBox;
示例3: CreateDropDown
public static UIDropDown CreateDropDown(UIComponent parent)
UIDropDown dropDown = parent.AddUIComponent<UIDropDown>();
dropDown.atlas = defaultAtlas;
dropDown.size = new Vector2(90f, 30f);
dropDown.listBackground = "GenericPanelLight";
dropDown.itemHeight = 30;
dropDown.itemHover = "ListItemHover";
dropDown.itemHighlight = "ListItemHighlight";
dropDown.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
dropDown.disabledBgSprite = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
dropDown.hoveredBgSprite = "ButtonMenuHovered";
dropDown.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
dropDown.listWidth = 90;
dropDown.listHeight = 500;
dropDown.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Stretch;
dropDown.popupColor = new Color32(45, 52, 61, 255);
dropDown.popupTextColor = new Color32(170, 170, 170, 255);
dropDown.zOrder = 1;
dropDown.textScale = 0.8f;
dropDown.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
dropDown.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
dropDown.selectedIndex = 0;
dropDown.textFieldPadding = new RectOffset(8, 0, 8, 0);
dropDown.itemPadding = new RectOffset(14, 0, 8, 0);
UIButton button = dropDown.AddUIComponent<UIButton>();
dropDown.triggerButton = button;
button.atlas = defaultAtlas;
button.text = "";
button.size = dropDown.size;
button.relativePosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f);
button.textVerticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
button.textHorizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
button.normalFgSprite = "IconDownArrow";
button.hoveredFgSprite = "IconDownArrowHovered";
button.pressedFgSprite = "IconDownArrowPressed";
button.focusedFgSprite = "IconDownArrowFocused";
button.disabledFgSprite = "IconDownArrowDisabled";
button.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Fill;
button.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Right;
button.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
button.zOrder = 0;
button.textScale = 0.8f;
dropDown.eventSizeChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler<Vector2>((c, t) =>
button.size = t; dropDown.listWidth = (int)t.x;
return dropDown;
示例4: CreateButton
// Figuring all this was a pain (no documentation whatsoever)
// So if your are using it for your mod consider thanking me (SamsamTS)
// Extended Public Transport UI's code helped me a lot so thanks a lot AcidFire
public static UIButton CreateButton(UIComponent parent)
UIButton button = (UIButton)parent.AddUIComponent<UIButton>();
button.atlas = defaultAtlas;
button.size = new Vector2(90f, 30f);
button.textScale = 0.9f;
button.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
button.hoveredBgSprite = "ButtonMenuHovered";
button.pressedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuPressed";
button.canFocus = false;
return button;
示例5: CreateButton
// Figuring all this was a pain (no documentation whatsoever)
// So if your are using it for your mod consider thanking me (SamsamTS)
// Extended Public Transport UI's code helped me a lot so thanks a lot AcidFire
public static UIButton CreateButton(UIComponent parent)
UIButton button = parent.AddUIComponent<UIButton>();
button.size = new Vector2(90f, 30f);
button.textScale = 0.9f;
button.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
button.hoveredBgSprite = "ButtonMenuHovered";
button.pressedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuPressed";
button.disabledBgSprite = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
button.disabledTextColor = new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255);
button.canFocus = false;
return button;
示例6: SetupTitle
public static void SetupTitle(string text, UIComponent parentPanel)
var title = parentPanel.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
title.size = new Vector2(parentPanel.width, 40);
title.canFocus = true;
title.isInteractive = true;
title.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
var dragHandle = title.AddUIComponent<UIDragHandle>();
dragHandle.size = title.size;
dragHandle.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
dragHandle.target = parentPanel;
var windowName = dragHandle.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
windowName.relativePosition = new Vector3(60, 13);
windowName.text = text;
示例7: SetupBrushSelectPanel
public static void SetupBrushSelectPanel(UIComponent brushOptionsPanel)
var brushSelectPanel = brushOptionsPanel.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
brushSelectPanel.size = new Vector2(255, 321);
brushSelectPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(3, 180);
brushSelectPanel.name = "Brushes";
var scrollablePanel = brushSelectPanel.AddUIComponent<UIScrollablePanel>();
scrollablePanel.name = "BrushesContainer";
scrollablePanel.size = new Vector2(219, 321);
scrollablePanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(3, 0);
scrollablePanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanel";
scrollablePanel.autoLayout = true;
scrollablePanel.autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Horizontal;
scrollablePanel.autoLayoutStart = LayoutStart.TopLeft;
scrollablePanel.autoLayoutPadding = new RectOffset(5, 5, 5, 5);
scrollablePanel.scrollPadding = new RectOffset(10, 10, 10, 10);
scrollablePanel.wrapLayout = true;
scrollablePanel.clipChildren = true;
scrollablePanel.freeScroll = false;
var verticalScrollbar = UIUtil.SetUpScrollbar(brushSelectPanel);
scrollablePanel.verticalScrollbar = verticalScrollbar;
verticalScrollbar.relativePosition = new Vector2(206, 0);
示例8: SetUpScrollbar
public static UIScrollbar SetUpScrollbar(UIComponent comp)
var scrollbar = comp.AddUIComponent<UIScrollbar>();
scrollbar.name = "Scrollbar";
scrollbar.width = 20f;
scrollbar.height = comp.height;
scrollbar.orientation = UIOrientation.Vertical;
scrollbar.pivot = UIPivotPoint.BottomLeft;
scrollbar.AlignTo(comp, UIAlignAnchor.TopRight);
scrollbar.minValue = 0;
scrollbar.value = 0;
scrollbar.incrementAmount = 50;
UISlicedSprite tracSprite = scrollbar.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite>();
tracSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
tracSprite.autoSize = true;
tracSprite.size = tracSprite.parent.size;
tracSprite.fillDirection = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
tracSprite.spriteName = "ScrollbarTrack";
tracSprite.name = "Track";
scrollbar.trackObject = tracSprite;
scrollbar.trackObject.height = scrollbar.height;
UISlicedSprite thumbSprite = tracSprite.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite>();
thumbSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
thumbSprite.fillDirection = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
thumbSprite.autoSize = true;
thumbSprite.width = thumbSprite.parent.width - 8;
thumbSprite.spriteName = "ScrollbarThumb";
thumbSprite.name = "Thumb";
scrollbar.thumbObject = thumbSprite;
scrollbar.isVisible = true;
scrollbar.isEnabled = true;
return scrollbar;
示例9: CreateTextField
public static UITextField CreateTextField(UIComponent parent)
UITextField textField = parent.AddUIComponent<UITextField>();
textField.size = new Vector2(90f, 20f);
textField.padding = new RectOffset(6, 6, 3, 3);
textField.builtinKeyNavigation = true;
textField.isInteractive = true;
textField.readOnly = false;
textField.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
textField.selectionSprite = "EmptySprite";
textField.selectionBackgroundColor = new Color32(0, 172, 234, 255);
textField.normalBgSprite = "TextFieldPanelHovered";
textField.disabledBgSprite = "TextFieldPanel";
textField.textColor = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
textField.disabledTextColor = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 128);
textField.color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
return textField;
示例10: CreateIconToggle
public static UICheckBox CreateIconToggle(UIComponent parent, string atlas, string checkedSprite, string uncheckedSprite)
UICheckBox checkBox = parent.AddUIComponent<UICheckBox>();
checkBox.width = 35f;
checkBox.height = 35f;
checkBox.clipChildren = true;
UIPanel panel = checkBox.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
panel.backgroundSprite = "IconPolicyBaseRect";
panel.size = checkBox.size;
panel.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
checkBox.eventCheckChanged += (c, b) =>
if (checkBox.isChecked)
panel.backgroundSprite = "IconPolicyBaseRect";
panel.backgroundSprite = "IconPolicyBaseRectDisabled";
checkBox.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) =>
panel.backgroundSprite = "IconPolicyBaseRectHovered";
checkBox.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) =>
if (checkBox.isChecked)
panel.backgroundSprite = "IconPolicyBaseRect";
panel.backgroundSprite = "IconPolicyBaseRectDisabled";
UISprite sprite = panel.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
sprite.atlas = GetAtlas(atlas);
sprite.spriteName = uncheckedSprite;
sprite.size = checkBox.size;
sprite.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
checkBox.checkedBoxObject = sprite.AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
((UISprite)checkBox.checkedBoxObject).atlas = sprite.atlas;
((UISprite)checkBox.checkedBoxObject).spriteName = checkedSprite;
checkBox.checkedBoxObject.size = checkBox.size;
checkBox.checkedBoxObject.relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
return checkBox;
示例11: SetupWaterCapacityPanel
public static void SetupWaterCapacityPanel(UIComponent waterOptionsPanel)
var waterCapacityPanel = waterOptionsPanel.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
waterCapacityPanel.size = new Vector2(231, 78);
waterCapacityPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(0, 40);
waterCapacityPanel.name = "Settings";
var waterCapacityLabel = waterCapacityPanel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
waterCapacityLabel.localeID = "MAPEDITOR_WATERCAPACITY";
waterCapacityLabel.size = new Vector2(137, 16);
waterCapacityLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, 16);
var waterCapacityText = waterCapacityPanel.AddUIComponent<UITextField>();
waterCapacityText.name = "Capacity";
waterCapacityText.size = new Vector2(64, 18);
waterCapacityText.normalBgSprite = "TextFieldPanel";
waterCapacityText.builtinKeyNavigation = true;
waterCapacityText.isInteractive = true;
waterCapacityText.readOnly = false;
waterCapacityText.selectionSprite = "EmptySprite";
waterCapacityText.selectionBackgroundColor = new Color32(0, 172, 234, 255);
waterCapacityText.relativePosition = new Vector3(150, 16, 0);
var waterCapacitySlider = waterCapacityPanel.AddUIComponent<UISlider>();
waterCapacitySlider.name = "Capacity";
waterCapacitySlider.relativePosition = new Vector3(28, 39, 0);
waterCapacitySlider.backgroundSprite = "ScrollbarTrack";
waterCapacitySlider.size = new Vector2(174, 12);
waterCapacitySlider.minValue = 0.0001f;
waterCapacitySlider.maxValue = 1;
waterCapacitySlider.stepSize = 0.0001f;
var waterCapacitySliderThumb = waterCapacitySlider.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite>();
waterCapacitySliderThumb.spriteName = "ScrollbarThumb";
waterCapacitySliderThumb.size = new Vector2(10, 20);
waterCapacitySlider.thumbObject = waterCapacitySliderThumb;
var resetButton = waterOptionsPanel.AddUIComponent<UIButton>();
resetButton.name = "Apply";
resetButton.localeID = "MAPEDITOR_RESET_WATER";
resetButton.size = new Vector2(191, 38);
resetButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(20, 132);
resetButton.eventClick += (component, eventParam) => { Singleton<TerrainManager>.instance.WaterSimulation.m_resetWater = true; };
resetButton.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu";
resetButton.hoveredBgSprite = "ButtonMenuHovered";
resetButton.pressedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuPressed";
resetButton.disabledBgSprite = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
resetButton.canFocus = false;
示例12: SetupLevelHeightPanel
public static void SetupLevelHeightPanel(UIComponent optionsBar)
if (GameObject.Find("LevelHeightPanel") != null)
var levelHeightPanel = optionsBar.AddUIComponent<UIPanel>();
levelHeightPanel.backgroundSprite = "MenuPanel2";
levelHeightPanel.isVisible = false;
levelHeightPanel.size = new Vector2(231, 108);
levelHeightPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(-256, -702);
levelHeightPanel.name = "LevelHeightPanel";
UIUtil.SetupTitle("", levelHeightPanel);
var heightLabel = levelHeightPanel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
heightLabel.name = "HeightLabel";
heightLabel.localeID = "MAPEDITOR_TERRAINLEVEL";
heightLabel.size = new Vector2(134, 18);
heightLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, 56);
var heightText = levelHeightPanel.AddUIComponent<UITextField>();
heightText.name = "Height";
heightText.size = new Vector2(52, 18);
heightText.normalBgSprite = "TextFieldPanel";
heightText.relativePosition = new Vector3(150, 56);
heightText.builtinKeyNavigation = true;
heightText.isInteractive = true;
heightText.readOnly = false;
heightText.selectionSprite = "EmptySprite";
heightText.selectionBackgroundColor = new Color32(0, 172, 234, 255);
var heightSlider = levelHeightPanel.AddUIComponent<UISlider>();
heightSlider.name = "Height";
heightSlider.relativePosition = new Vector3(28, 79);
heightSlider.backgroundSprite = "ScrollbarTrack";
heightSlider.size = new Vector2(174, 12);
heightSlider.minValue = 0.0f;
heightSlider.maxValue = 1024.0f;
heightSlider.stepSize = 0.01f;
var heightSliderThumb = heightSlider.AddUIComponent<UISlicedSprite>();
heightSliderThumb.spriteName = "ScrollbarThumb";
heightSliderThumb.size = new Vector2(10, 20);
heightSlider.thumbObject = heightSliderThumb;
示例13: CreateTextField
private static UITextField CreateTextField(UIComponent parent)
var textField = parent.AddUIComponent<UITextField>();
textField.size = new Vector2(90f, 20f);
textField.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 7, 0);
textField.builtinKeyNavigation = true;
textField.isInteractive = true;
textField.readOnly = false;
textField.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
textField.selectionSprite = "EmptySprite";
textField.selectionBackgroundColor = new Color32(0, 172, 234, 255);
textField.normalBgSprite = "TextFieldPanel";
textField.hoveredBgSprite = "TextFieldPanelHovered";
textField.focusedBgSprite = "TextFieldPanelHovered";
textField.textColor = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
textField.disabledTextColor = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 128);
textField.color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
textField.eventGotFocus += (component, param) => component.color = new Color32(253, 227, 144, 255);
textField.eventLostFocus += (component, param) => component.color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
return textField;
示例14: AddLabel
private static UILabel AddLabel(UIComponent parent, string text, float width, float dropDownHeight)
var label = parent.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
label.text = text;
label.textScale = .85f;
label.textColor = new Color32(200, 200, 200, 255);
label.autoSize = false;
label.autoHeight = true;
label.width = width;
label.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Right;
label.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Round((dropDownHeight - label.height) / 2));
return label;
示例15: DoToolTips
//case "Disable Machine Info":
// cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry sent for when you boot up the game exe.\n it includes information to id your specific computer spec & steamid or paradox login\n**Please Note: This setting does nothing atm, mods load too late to change this\n if you want to disable this you must use patched Assemembly-CSharp.dll";
// cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableMachineInfo);
// break;
case "Disable Custom Content":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry about what custom content you load with a map.\n It includes information such has counts of building,props,trees,vehicles,mods, and details about every enabled mod.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableCustomContent );
case "Disable Session Start":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry about what Session Starts(loading a map).\n it includes information such has mapname,mapfilename,loadmode,environment,inverted traffic and map guid.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableStartSession);
case "Disable Session Loaded":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry about a Loaded Session (map loading completed).\n it includes information such has current time, time in your map, and how long part of the load took to execute.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableSessionLoaded );
case "Disable Session End":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry about a Session End (map unloaded).\n it includes data that a session has ended, and of what type it was (map,game,asset).";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableEndSession);
case "Disable Exception Reporting":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry about an Exception Error occuring.\n This only sends the 'type' of error and the basic error message, it does not send a stack trace.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableExceptionReporting);
case "Disable OnAppQuit":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry sent when you exit the game.\n This includes data that you exited the game and a timestamp.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableOnQuit);
case "Disable Store Clicks":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry sent when you click on a store item.\n This only sends that you clicked on the store button.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableOnStoreClick);
case "Disable Feed Clicks":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry sent when you click on a workshop feed\\news item \n This sends that you clicked on one and the target steamAppID or url upon which you clicked.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableOnClicks);
case "Disable Paradox Login":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables telemetry sent when the game logs you into your paradox account \n This sends data that you were auto-logged in and a timestamp.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableParadoxLogin);
case "Enable All SendToFile Only":
cb[i].tooltip = "Enables all telemetry - but nothing will be sent to Paradox, only logged in your log file.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.EnableAllButLogToFileInstead);
case "DisableWorkshopAdPanel":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables the workshop 'feed' panel, does NOT disable Workshop in general.\n There is no telemetry directly associated with disabling this.\n I simply find the feeds a waste of bandwidth.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableWorkshopAdPanel);
case "NoOpThePush":
cb[i].tooltip = "This is a master overide to make Telemetry.Push() (function that sends the data) do absolutely nothing.\n If set nothing will be sent OR even logged (if not in verbose logging mode).";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.NoOpThePush);
case "SetURL To LocalHost":
cb[i].tooltip = "Sets the Paradox API URL to whatever you have in your config file.\n The default is 'https://localhost:49100/cities' if enabled.\n Can be used if you want to enable everything but send data your own web server.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.SetAPIUrlLocalHost);
case "Disable All Telemetry":
cb[i].tooltip = "Disables all telemetry - Nothing will be sent to Paradox.\nYou do NOT have to select the individual options if this is set.\n *Please see note at bottom of options page about the OnAppStartup and MachineInfo telemetry events.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.DisableAll);
case "Enable All Telemetry":
cb[i].tooltip = "Enables all telemetry - The game's default behavior.";
cb[i].isChecked = Helper.HasTelemFlag(Mod.config.TelemetryLevel, Helper.TelemOption.EnableAll);
List<UIButton> bb = new List<UIButton>();
component.GetComponentsInChildren<UIButton>(true, bb);
if ( bb.Count > 0)
bb[0].tooltip = "Press this after making changes to ensure all changes are activated.\n ";
if (!isMsgLabelSetup)
uiMsg = component.AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
isMsgLabelSetup = true;
uiMsg.name = "TelemetryMessageText";
uiMsg.text = UILABEL_MSG_TEXT;
uiMsg.width = 350f;
//uiMsg.wordWrap = true;
uiMsg.relativePosition = new Vector3(bb[0].relativePosition.x, bb[0].relativePosition.y + 30f);
if (Mod.DEBUG_LOG_ON) { Helper.dbgLog("Tooltips set"); }
catch(Exception ex)
Helper.dbgLog("", ex, true);
yield break;