本文整理汇总了C#中TypeNode.SetOtherType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TypeNode.SetOtherType方法的具体用法?C# TypeNode.SetOtherType怎么用?C# TypeNode.SetOtherType使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类TypeNode
示例1: Visit
public override AstNode Visit(FunctionPrototype node)
MemberFlags callingConvention = node.GetFlags() & MemberFlags.LanguageMask;
bool isCdecl = callingConvention == MemberFlags.Cdecl;
bool isUnsafe = (node.GetFlags() & MemberFlags.SecurityMask) == MemberFlags.Unsafe;
// Use the unsafe scope.
// Generate a name for explicit contracts.
if(node.GetNameExpression() != null)
// Find an existing group.
ScopeMember oldGroup = currentContainer.FindMember(node.GetName());
if(oldGroup != null && (oldGroup.IsType() || !oldGroup.IsFunctionGroup()))
if(oldGroup.IsFunction() && isCdecl)
// TODO: Add additional checks.
Function oldDefinition = (Function)oldGroup;
oldGroup = null;
return node;
Error(node, "cannot override something without a function group.");
FunctionGroup functionGroup = null;
if(oldGroup != null) // Cast the group member.
functionGroup = (FunctionGroup)oldGroup;
// Make sure the destructor name is correct.
if(node.GetDestructorName() != null)
// Get the building scope.
Scope buildingScope = currentScope;
while(buildingScope != null && (buildingScope.IsFunction() || buildingScope.IsPseudoScope() || buildingScope.IsLexicalScope()))
buildingScope = buildingScope.GetParentScope();
// Make sure we are in a class.
if(buildingScope == null || !buildingScope.IsClass())
Error(node, "only classes can have finalizers.");
// Make sure the destructor and class name are the same.
if(node.GetDestructorName() != buildingScope.GetName())
Error(node, "finalizers must have the same name as their class.");
// Read the instance flag.
MemberFlags instanceFlags = node.GetFlags() & MemberFlags.InstanceMask;
// Don't allow overloading with cdecl.
if(isCdecl && functionGroup != null)
Error(node, "overloading and cdecl are incompatible.");
// Make sure static constructor doesn't have modifiers.
if(instanceFlags == MemberFlags.StaticConstructor &&
node.GetFlags() != MemberFlags.StaticConstructor)
Error(node, "static constructors cannot have modifiers.");
// Static constructors cannot have paraemeters.
if(instanceFlags == MemberFlags.StaticConstructor &&
node.GetArguments() != null)
Error(node, "static constructors cannot have parameters.");
// Add the this argument.
if(currentContainer.IsStructure() || currentContainer.IsClass() || currentContainer.IsInterface())
// Cast the scope.
Structure building = (Structure)currentContainer;
// Add the this argument.
if(instanceFlags != MemberFlags.Static &&
instanceFlags != MemberFlags.StaticConstructor)
// Instance the building.
building = building.GetSelfInstance();
// Use the structure type.
TypeNode thisType = new TypeNode(TypeKind.Reference, node.GetPosition());
// Create the this argument.
FunctionArgument thisArg = new FunctionArgument(thisType, "this",
// Add to the begin of the argument list.
// Parse the generic signature.
GenericSignature genericSign = node.GetGenericSignature();
GenericPrototype genProto = null;
PseudoScope protoScope = null;
示例2: Visit
public override AstNode Visit(ForEachStatement node)
// Create the foreach lexical scope.
LexicalScope scope = CreateLexicalScope(node);
// Push the lexical scope.
// Get the element type expression.
Expression typeExpr = node.GetTypeExpression();
// Visit the container expression.
Expression containerExpr = node.GetContainerExpression();
// Get the container expression type.
IChelaType containerType = containerExpr.GetNodeType();
Error(containerExpr, "expected an object reference.");
// Remove type references.
containerType = DeReferenceType(containerType);
containerType = DeReferenceType(containerType);
// Use primitives associated types.
if(!containerType.IsStructure() && !containerType.IsClass() && !containerType.IsInterface())
IChelaType assoc = currentModule.GetAssociatedClass(containerType);
if(assoc == null)
Error(containerExpr, "cannot iterate a container of type {0}", assoc.GetFullName());
containerType = assoc;
// Get the GetEnumerator method group.
Structure building = (Structure)containerType;
FunctionGroup getEnumeratorGroup = building.FindMemberRecursive("GetEnumerator") as FunctionGroup;
if(getEnumeratorGroup == null)
Error(containerExpr, "cannot find GetEnumerator method in {0}", containerType.GetName());
// Use the first no static member.
Function getEnumeratorFunction = null;
foreach(FunctionGroupName gname in getEnumeratorGroup.GetFunctions())
// Ignore static functions.
// Only one argument is supported.
if(gname.GetFunctionType().GetArgumentCount() == 1)
getEnumeratorFunction = gname.GetFunction();
// Make sure the function was found.
if(getEnumeratorFunction == null)
Error(containerExpr, "{0} doesn't have a no static GetEnumerator() method.", containerType.GetName());
// Get the enumerator type.
TokenPosition position = node.GetPosition();
TypeNode enumeratorTypeNode = new TypeNode(TypeKind.Other, position);
// Get the numerator.
Expression enumeratorExpr = new CallExpression(
new MemberAccess(node.GetContainerExpression(), "GetEnumerator", position),
null, position);
// Create a variable for the enumerator.
string enumeratorName = GenSym();
LocalVariablesDeclaration declEnum = new LocalVariablesDeclaration(enumeratorTypeNode,
new VariableDeclaration(enumeratorName, enumeratorExpr, position), position);
// Create a variable for the current object.
LocalVariablesDeclaration currentDecl =
new LocalVariablesDeclaration(node.GetTypeExpression(),
new VariableDeclaration(node.GetName(), null, position), position);
// Get the current member.
Expression currentProp = new MemberAccess(new VariableReference(enumeratorName, position),
"Current", position);
// Create the while job.
AstNode whileJob = new ExpressionStatement(
new AssignmentExpression(new VariableReference(node.GetName(), position),
new CastOperation(typeExpr, currentProp, position), position),
// Create the loop with MoveNext condition.
Expression moveNext = new CallExpression(
new MemberAccess(new VariableReference(enumeratorName, position), "MoveNext", position),
null, position);
WhileStatement whileStmnt = new WhileStatement(moveNext, whileJob, position);