本文整理汇总了C#中Transaction.SetName方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Transaction.SetName方法的具体用法?C# Transaction.SetName怎么用?C# Transaction.SetName使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Transaction
示例1: Import
/// <summary>
/// Collect the parameters and import
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool Import()
Transaction t = new Transaction(m_activeDoc);
Document doc =m_commandData.Application.Application.OpenBuildingComponentDocument(m_importFileFullName);
return doc == null ? false : true;
示例2: Import
/// <summary>
/// Collect the parameters and export
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool Import()
bool imported = false;
//parameter: GBXMLImportOptions
GBXMLImportOptions options = new GBXMLImportOptions();
Transaction t = new Transaction(m_activeDoc);
t.SetName("Import GBXML");
imported = m_activeDoc.Import(m_importFileFullName, options);
return imported;
示例3: Import
/// <summary>
/// Collect the parameters and export
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool Import()
bool imported = false;
//parameter: ImageImportOptions
ImageImportOptions options = new ImageImportOptions();
options.Placement = Autodesk.Revit.DB.BoxPlacement.Center;
//parameter: Element
Element element = null;
Transaction t = new Transaction(m_activeDoc);
imported = m_activeDoc.Import(m_importFileFullName, options, CommandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView, out element);
return imported;
示例4: UpdateWhileIdling
/// <summary>
/// The idling callback which adds data to the AVF results.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
public void UpdateWhileIdling(object sender, IdlingEventArgs e)
UIApplication uiApp = sender as UIApplication;
// Get SpatialFieldManager
SpatialFieldManager sfm = SpatialFieldManager.GetSpatialFieldManager(uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView);
if (sfm == null) sfm = SpatialFieldManager.CreateSpatialFieldManager(uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView, 1);
// If stopping, clear results and unset event.
if (m_stop)
lock (results)
uiApp.Idling -= UpdateWhileIdling;
// If document was closed and new document opened, do not run the update.
if (uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.PathName == m_docName)
// Lock access to current calculated results
lock (results)
if (results.Count == 0) return;
// Turn each result to an AVF ValueAtPoint
foreach (ResultsData rData in results)
uvPts.Add(new UV(rData.UV.U, rData.UV.V));
IList<double> doubleList = new List<double>();
valList.Add(new ValueAtPoint(doubleList));
FieldDomainPointsByUV pntsByUV = new FieldDomainPointsByUV(uvPts);
FieldValues fieldValues = new FieldValues(valList);
// Update with calculated values
Transaction t = new Transaction(uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document);
if (!m_stop)
sfm.UpdateSpatialFieldPrimitive(s_spatialFieldId, pntsByUV, fieldValues);
// Clear results already processed.
// If no more results to process, remove the idling event
if (m_uvToCalculateCount == 0)
uiApp.Idling -= UpdateWhileIdling;
s_oldViewId = s_activeViewId;
s_oldSpatialFieldId = s_spatialFieldId;
示例5: Import
/// <summary>
/// Collect the parameters and export
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool Import()
bool imported = false;
//parameter: DWGImportOptions
DWGImportOptions dwgImportOption = new DWGImportOptions();
dwgImportOption.ColorMode = m_importColorMode;
dwgImportOption.CustomScale = m_importCustomScale;
dwgImportOption.OrientToView = m_importOrientToView;
dwgImportOption.Placement = m_importPlacement;
dwgImportOption.ThisViewOnly = m_importThisViewOnly;
View view = null;
if (!m_importThisViewOnly)
view = m_importView;
view = m_activeDoc.ActiveView;
dwgImportOption.Unit = m_importUnit;
dwgImportOption.VisibleLayersOnly = m_importVisibleLayersOnly;
//parameter: ElementId
ElementId elementId = null;
Transaction t = new Transaction(m_activeDoc);
imported = m_activeDoc.Import(m_importFileFullName, dwgImportOption, view, out elementId);
return imported;
示例6: SlopedWallTest
public static void SlopedWallTest(
ExternalCommandData revit)
Document massDoc = revit.Application.Application.NewFamilyDocument(
@"C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RAC 2012\Family Templates\English_I\Conceptual Mass\Mass.rft" );
Transaction transaction = new Transaction( massDoc );
transaction.SetName( "TEST" );
ExternalCommandData cdata = revit;
Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = revit.Application.Application;
app = revit.Application.Application;
// Create one profile
ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();
Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptA = new XYZ( 0, 0, 0 );
XYZ ptB = new XYZ( 0, 30, 0 );
ModelCurve modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
ptA = new XYZ( 0, 30, 0 );
ptB = new XYZ( 2, 30, 0 );
modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
ptA = new XYZ( 2, 30, 0 );
ptB = new XYZ( 2, 0, 0 );
modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
ptA = new XYZ( 2, 0, 0 );
ptB = new XYZ( 0, 0, 0 );
modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
// The extrusion form direction
XYZ direction = new XYZ( -6, 0, 50 );
Form form = massDoc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm( true, ref_ar, direction );
if( File.Exists( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" ) )
File.Delete( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" );
massDoc.SaveAs( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" );
if( !revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.LoadFamily( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" ) )
throw new Exception( "DID NOT LOAD FAMILY" );
Family family = null;
foreach( Element el in new FilteredElementCollector(
revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document ).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements() )
if( el is Family )
if( ( (Family) el ).Name.ToUpper().Trim().StartsWith( "TEST" ) )
family = (Family) el;
FamilySymbol fs = null;
foreach( FamilySymbol sym in family.Symbols )
fs = sym;
// Create a family instance.
new XYZ( 0, 0, 0 ), fs, revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView.Level,
StructuralType.NonStructural );
WallType wallType = null;
foreach( WallType wt in revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.WallTypes )
if( FaceWall.IsWallTypeValidForFaceWall( revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document, wt.Id ) )
wallType = wt;
foreach( Element el in new FilteredElementCollector(
revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document ).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements() )
if( el is FamilyInstance )
if( ( (FamilyInstance) el ).Symbol.Family.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith( "TEST" ) )
Options options = revit.Application.Application.Create.NewGeometryOptions();
options.ComputeReferences = true;
options.View = revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView;
GeometryElement geoel = el.get_Geometry( options );
// Attempt to create a slopped wall from the geometry.
for( int i = 0; i < geoel.Objects.Size; i++ )
if( geoel.Objects.get_Item( i ) is Solid )
Solid solid = (Solid) geoel.Objects.get_Item( i );
for( int j = 0; j < solid.Faces.Size; j++ )