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C# TextEffects类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中TextEffects的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TextEffects类的具体用法?C# TextEffects怎么用?C# TextEffects使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Declare

		public override void Declare ()
			label = "Button";
			hotspotLabel = "";
			hotspotLabelID = -1;
			isVisible = true;
			isClickable = true;
			textEffects = TextEffects.None;
			buttonClickType = AC_ButtonClickType.RunActionList;
			simulateInput = SimulateInputType.Button;
			simulateValue = 1f;
			numSlots = 1;
			anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
			SetSize (new Vector2 (10f, 5f));
			doFade = false;
			switchMenuTitle = "";
			inventoryBoxTitle = "";
			shiftInventory = AC_ShiftInventory.ShiftLeft;
			loopJournal = false;
			actionList = null;
			inputAxis = "";
			clickTexture = null;
			clickAlpha = 0f;
			shiftAmount = 1;
			onlyShowWhenEffective = false;
			allowContinuousClick = false;

			base.Declare ();

示例2: ShowGUI

		public override void ShowGUI ()
			EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button");
			textEffects = (TextEffects) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Text effect:", textEffects);
			craftingType = (CraftingElementType) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Crafting element type:", craftingType);

			if (craftingType == CraftingElementType.Ingredients)
				numSlots = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider ("Number of slots:", numSlots, 1, 12);
				slotSpacing = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Slot spacing:", slotSpacing, 0f, 20f);
				orientation = (ElementOrientation) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Slot orientation:", orientation);
				if (orientation == ElementOrientation.Grid)
					gridWidth = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider ("Grid size:", gridWidth, 1, 10);
				categoryID = -1;
				numSlots = 1;

			isClickable = true;
			EditorGUILayout.EndVertical ();
			PopulateList ();
			base.ShowGUI ();

示例3: Declare

		public override void Declare ()
			isVisible = true;
			isClickable = true;
			numSlots = 4;
			SetSize (new Vector2 (6f, 10f));
			textEffects = TextEffects.None;
			craftingType = CraftingElementType.Ingredients;
			items = new List<InvItem>();

示例4: Show

 //static TextManager()
 //    _textEffects = GameObject.Find("Level").GetComponent<TextEffects>();
 public static void Show(
     string text, 
     TextEffects.Size size = TextEffects.Size.Medium, 
     TextEffects.Effect effect = TextEffects.Effect.Normal,
     Vector2 position = new Vector2())
     var o = new GameObject("Flashing_Text");
     o.transform.position = position;
     o.AddComponent<TextEffects>().Add(text, size, effect);
     Object.Destroy(o, 5);

示例5: ShowGUI

		public override void ShowGUI ()
			EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button");
			label = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Label text:", label);
			anchor = (TextAnchor) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Text alignment:", anchor);
			textEffects = (TextEffects) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Text effect:", textEffects);
			cycleType = (AC_CycleType) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Cycle type:", cycleType);
			if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.CustomScript || cycleType == AC_CycleType.Variable)
				int numOptions = optionsArray.Count;
				numOptions = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Number of choices:", optionsArray.Count);
				if (numOptions < 0)
					numOptions = 0;
				if (numOptions < optionsArray.Count)
					optionsArray.RemoveRange (numOptions, optionsArray.Count - numOptions);
				else if (numOptions > optionsArray.Count)
					if(numOptions > optionsArray.Capacity)
						optionsArray.Capacity = numOptions;
					for (int i=optionsArray.Count; i<numOptions; i++)
						optionsArray.Add ("");
				for (int i=0; i<optionsArray.Count; i++)
					optionsArray [i] = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Choice #" + i.ToString () + ":", optionsArray [i]);
				if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.CustomScript)
					if (optionsArray.Count > 0)
						selected = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Default option #:", selected);
					ShowClipHelp ();
				else if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.Variable)
					varID = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Global Variable ID:", varID);
			EditorGUILayout.EndVertical ();
			base.ShowGUI ();

示例6: Declare

		public override void Declare ()
			isVisible = true;
			isClickable = true;
			numSlots = 1;
			anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
			SetSize (new Vector2 (5f, 5f));
			iconID = -1;
			textEffects = TextEffects.None;
			base.Declare ();

示例7: Declare

  * Initialises the element when it is created within MenuManager.
 public override void Declare()
     uiSlots = null;
     isVisible = true;
     isClickable = true;
     numSlots = 4;
     SetSize (new Vector2 (6f, 10f));
     textEffects = TextEffects.None;
     craftingType = CraftingElementType.Ingredients;
     displayType = ConversationDisplayType.IconOnly;
     items = new List<InvItem>();

示例8: CopyButton

        public void CopyButton(MenuButton _element)
            uiButton = _element.uiButton;
            uiText = _element.uiText;
            label = _element.label;
            hotspotLabel = _element.hotspotLabel;
            hotspotLabelID = _element.hotspotLabelID;
            anchor = _element.anchor;
            textEffects = _element.textEffects;
            buttonClickType = _element.buttonClickType;
            simulateInput = _element.simulateInput;
            simulateValue = _element.simulateValue;
            doFade = _element.doFade;
            switchMenuTitle = _element.switchMenuTitle;
            inventoryBoxTitle = _element.inventoryBoxTitle;
            shiftInventory = _element.shiftInventory;
            loopJournal = _element.loopJournal;
            actionList = _element.actionList;
            inputAxis = _element.inputAxis;
            clickTexture = _element.clickTexture;
            clickAlpha = _element.clickAlpha;
            shiftAmount = _element.shiftAmount;
            onlyShowWhenEffective = _element.onlyShowWhenEffective;
            allowContinuousClick = _element.allowContinuousClick;
            parameterID = _element.parameterID;
            parameterValue = _element.parameterValue;

            base.Copy (_element);

示例9: CopyInteraction

		public void CopyInteraction (MenuInteraction _element)
			displayType = _element.displayType;
			anchor = _element.anchor;
			textEffects = _element.textEffects;
			iconID = _element.iconID;
			base.Copy (_element);

示例10: CopyCrafting

		public void CopyCrafting (MenuCrafting _element)
			isClickable = _element.isClickable;
			textEffects = _element.textEffects;
			numSlots = _element.numSlots;
			craftingType = _element.craftingType;
			PopulateList ();
			base.Copy (_element);

示例11: CopyDrag

        public void CopyDrag(MenuDrag _element)
            label = _element.label;
            anchor = _element.anchor;
            textEffects = _element.textEffects;
            dragRect = _element.dragRect;
            dragType = _element.dragType;
            elementName = _element.elementName;

            base.Copy (_element);

示例12: CopyInteraction

        public void CopyInteraction(MenuInteraction _element)
            uiButton = _element.uiButton;
            uiText = null;
            displayType = _element.displayType;
            anchor = _element.anchor;
            textEffects = _element.textEffects;
            iconID = _element.iconID;

            base.Copy (_element);

示例13: CopyInput

		public void CopyInput (MenuInput _element)
			label = _element.label;
			anchor = _element.anchor;
			textEffects = _element.textEffects;
			inputType = _element.inputType;
			characterLimit = _element.characterLimit;
			linkedButton = _element.linkedButton;
			allowSpaces = _element.allowSpaces;

			base.Copy (_element);

示例14: CopyProfilesList

        public void CopyProfilesList(MenuProfilesList _element)
            uiSlots = _element.uiSlots;

            textEffects = _element.textEffects;
            anchor = _element.anchor;
            maxSlots = _element.maxSlots;
            actionListOnClick = _element.actionListOnClick;
            showActive = _element.showActive;

            base.Copy (_element);

示例15: CopyCycle

		public void CopyCycle (MenuCycle _element)
			label = _element.label;
			textEffects = _element.textEffects;
			anchor = _element.anchor;
			selected = _element.selected;
			optionsArray = _element.optionsArray;
			cycleType = _element.cycleType;
			varID = _element.varID;
			base.Copy (_element);
