本文整理汇总了C#中Specification.OutputC方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Specification.OutputC方法的具体用法?C# Specification.OutputC怎么用?C# Specification.OutputC使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Specification
示例1: WriteAddSubHpFunction
/// <summary>
/// Writes any addition or subtraction function for general multivectors,
/// based on CASN parts code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="S"></param>
/// <param name="cgd"></param>
/// <param name="FT"></param>
/// <param name="FAI"></param>
/// <param name="F"></param>
/// <param name="comment"></param>
/// <param name="funcType">ADD, SUB or HP</param>
/// <returns>Full name of generated function.</returns>
public static string WriteAddSubHpFunction(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, G25.fgs F,
Comment comment, G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.ADD_SUB_HP_TYPE funcType)
// setup instructions
System.Collections.Generic.List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new System.Collections.Generic.List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
int nbTabs = 1;
// write this function:
string code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetAddSubtractHpCode(S, cgd, FT, funcType, FAI, fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME);
// add one instruction (verbatim code)
I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, code));
// because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(S, FT, F, FAI);
// setup return type and argument:
string returnTypeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, S.m_GMV.Name);
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
if (S.OutputC())
returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, CF, -1, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, false); // false = compute value
string funcName = CF.OutputName;
//if (S.OutputC())
// funcName = FT.GetMangledName(S, funcName);
// write function
bool inline = false; // never inline GMV functions
bool staticFunc = Functions.OutputStaticFunctions(S);
G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, inline, staticFunc, returnTypeName, funcName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment);
return funcName;
示例2: GetDualCodeCppOrC
private static string GetDualCodeCppOrC(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.Metric M, G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, string resultName, bool dual)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
// allocate memory to store result:
SB.AppendLine("int idx = 0;");
bool resultIsScalar = false;
bool initResultToZero = true; // must init to zero because of compression
SB.Append(GPparts.GetExpandCode(S, cgd, FT, null, resultIsScalar, initResultToZero));
// get number of groups:
int nbGroups = gmv.NbGroups;
// for each combination of groups, check if the dual goes from one to the other
for (int gi = 0; gi < nbGroups; gi++)
SB.AppendLine("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << gi) + ") {");
for (int go = 0; go < nbGroups; go++)
string funcName = (dual) ? GetDualPartFunctionName(S, FT, M, gi, go) : GetUndualPartFunctionName(S, FT, M, gi, go);
Tuple<string, string, string> key = new Tuple<string, string, string>(FT.type, M.m_name, funcName);
if (cgd.m_gmvDualPartFuncNames.ContainsKey(key) &&
cgd.m_gmvDualPartFuncNames[key]) {
SB.AppendLine("\t" + funcName + "(" + ac + " + idx, c + " + gmv.GroupStartIdx(go) +");");
if (gi < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\tidx += " + gmv.Group(gi).Length + ";");
// compress result
SB.Append(GPparts.GetCompressCode(S, FT, FAI, resultName, resultIsScalar));
return SB.ToString();
示例3: GetCompressCode
public static string GetCompressCode(Specification S, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, string resultName, bool resultIsScalar, string GUstr)
if ((GUstr == null) || (GUstr.Length == 0))
GUstr = ((1 << S.m_GMV.NbGroups) - 1).ToString();
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
if (resultIsScalar)
SB.AppendLine("return c[0];");
string funcName = (S.OutputC())
? FT.GetMangledName(S, "compress")
: FT.GetMangledName(S, S.m_GMV.Name) + "_compress";
if (S.m_outputLanguage != OUTPUT_LANGUAGE.C)
SB.Append("return ");
SB.Append(funcName + "(c, ");
if (S.OutputC())
SB.Append(resultName + "->c, &(" + resultName + "->gu), ");
SB.AppendLine(FT.DoubleToString(S, 0.0) + ", " + GUstr + ");");
return SB.ToString();
示例4: GetDiagonalMetricNormCode
private static string GetDiagonalMetricNormCode(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.Metric M, bool squared,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, G25.SMV returnType, string returnName)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
if (S.OutputCSharpOrJava())
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + "[] c = new " + FT.type + "[1];");
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + "[][] ac = " + FAI[0].Name + ".to_" + FAI[0].MangledTypeName + "().c();");
else SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " c[1];");
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " n2 = " + FT.DoubleToString(S, 0.0) + ";");
if (S.OutputCppOrC())
SB.AppendLine("int idx = 0;");
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
for (int g = 0; g < gmv.NbGroups; g++)
// get function name
string funcName = GetGPpartFunctionName(S, FT, M, g, g, 0); // grade 0 part of gp(g, g)
// get multiplier
double m = gmv.Group(g)[0].Reverse().scale / gmv.Group(g)[0].scale;
if (S.OutputCSharpOrJava())
SB.Append("if (ac[" + g + "] != null) {");
else SB.Append("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine(" /* group " + g + " (grade " + gmv.Group(g)[0].Grade() + ") */");
// check if funcName (gp part) exists)
Tuple<string, string, string> key = new Tuple<string, string, string>(FT.type, M.m_name, funcName);
if (cgd.m_gmvGPpartFuncNames.ContainsKey(key) && cgd.m_gmvGPpartFuncNames[key])
SB.AppendLine("\tc[0] = " + FT.DoubleToString(S, 0.0) + ";");
if (S.OutputCSharpOrJava())
SB.AppendLine("\t" + funcName + "(ac[" + g + "], ac[ " + g + "], c);");
else SB.AppendLine("\t" + funcName + "(" + ac + " + idx, " + ac + " + idx, c);");
if (m == 1.0) SB.AppendLine("\tn2 += c[0];");
else if (m == -1.0) SB.AppendLine("\tn2 -= c[0];");
else SB.AppendLine("\tn2 += " + FT.DoubleToString(S, m) + " * c[0];");
if ((g < (gmv.NbGroups - 1)) && S.OutputCppOrC())
SB.AppendLine("\tidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
string returnVal;
{ // get return value
if (squared) returnVal = "n2";
string sqrtFuncName = G25.CG.Shared.CodeUtil.OpNameToLangString(S, FT, RefGA.Symbolic.UnaryScalarOp.SQRT);
if (M.m_metric.IsPositiveDefinite()) // if PD, then negative values are impossible
returnVal = sqrtFuncName + "(n2)";
else returnVal = "((n2 < " + FT.DoubleToString(S, 0.0) + ") ? " + sqrtFuncName + "(-n2) : " + sqrtFuncName + "(n2))";
if ((returnType == null) || (returnName == null))
SB.AppendLine("return " + returnVal + ";");
if (S.OutputC())
// get assign code, assign it
bool mustCast = false;
bool dstPtr = true;
int nbTabs = 0;
bool writeZeros = true;
SB.Append(CodeUtil.GenerateSMVassignmentCode(S, FT, mustCast,
returnType, returnName, dstPtr, new RefGA.Multivector(returnVal), nbTabs, writeZeros));
bool mustCast = false;
int nbTabs = 0;
new ReturnInstruction(nbTabs, returnType, FT, mustCast, new RefGA.Multivector(returnVal)).Write(SB, S, cgd);
return SB.ToString();
示例5: GetVersorApplicationCode
/// <summary>
/// Returns the code for applying a versor <c>V</c>to some multivector <c>M</c> (V M / V).
/// The code is composed of calls to functions generated by <c>WriteGmvGpParts()</c>.
/// This function does not explicitly use the geometric product parts code, but makes calls
/// to the geometric product and the reverse/versor inverse. As such it generates dependencies
/// on <c>gp</c>, <c>reverse</c>, <c>versorInverse</c> and <c>grade</c>.
/// Three types of code can be generated, depending on the value of
/// argument <c>T</c>:
/// - <c>REVERSE</c>: the versor is unit, so the reverse can be used.
/// - <c>INVERSE</c>: the versor inverse is used to compute the inverse.
/// - <c>EXPLICIT_INVERSE</c>: the inverse is explicitly provided.
/// The returned code is only the body. The function declaration is not included.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="S">Specification of algebra (used for output language).</param>
/// <param name="cgd">Used for resolving dependencies.</param>
/// <param name="FT">Floating point type.</param>
/// <param name="M">Metric type used in the geometric products.</param>
/// <param name="T">The product (e.g., geometric, outer, etc).</param>
/// <param name="FAI">Info about function arguments. All arguments must be general multivectors.</param>
/// <param name="resultName">Name of variable where the result goes (in the generated code).</param>
/// <returns>code for the requested product type.</returns>
public static string GetVersorApplicationCode(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd,
G25.FloatType FT, G25.Metric M, ApplyVersorTypes T,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, String resultName)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
// get geometric product function
string gpFuncName = G25.CG.Shared.Dependencies.GetDependency(S, cgd, "gp", new String[] { gmv.Name, gmv.Name }, FT, M.m_name);
// get reverse or inverse function
string invFuncName = null;
if ((T == ApplyVersorTypes.INVERSE) || (T == ApplyVersorTypes.REVERSE))
string inputFuncName = (T == ApplyVersorTypes.INVERSE) ? "versorInverse" : "reverse";
invFuncName = G25.CG.Shared.Dependencies.GetDependency(S, cgd,
inputFuncName, new string[] { gmv.Name }, FT, (T == ApplyVersorTypes.INVERSE) ? M.m_name : null);
// get grade function
string gradeFuncName = G25.CG.Shared.Dependencies.GetDependency(S, cgd, G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EXTRACT_GRADE, new String[] { gmv.Name, G25.GroupBitmapType.GROUP_BITMAP }, FT, null);
// get string to be used for grade extraction
string gradeUsageString;
string bgu;
if (S.OutputC()) {
bgu = FAI[1].Name + "->gu";
else if (S.OutputCSharpOrJava()) {
bgu = FAI[1].Name + ".to_" + FAI[1].MangledTypeName + "().gu()";
else {
bgu = FAI[1].Name + ".gu()";
string groupBitmapType = (S.OutputCSharp() ? "GroupBitmap" : "int");
if (!gmv.IsGroupedByGrade(S.m_dimension))
SB.AppendLine(groupBitmapType + " gradeUsageBitmap;");
gradeUsageString = "gradeUsageBitmap";
gradeUsageString = bgu;
/*if (S.OutputC())
gradeUsageString = FAI[1].Name + "->gu";
else gradeUsageString = FAI[1].Name + ".gu()";*/
// select grade parts!
StringBuilder gradeUsageCode = new StringBuilder();
if (!gmv.IsGroupedByGrade(S.m_dimension))
string groupBitmapStr = (S.OutputCSharpOrJava() ? ("GroupBitmap.") : "");
gradeUsageCode.Append(gradeUsageString + " = ");
for (int g = 0; g <= S.m_dimension; g++)
if (g > 0) gradeUsageCode.Append(" | ");
gradeUsageCode.Append("(((" + bgu + " & " + groupBitmapStr + "GRADE_" + g + ") != 0) ? " + groupBitmapStr + "GRADE_" + g + " : 0)");
if (S.OutputC())
// get name of inverse, decl tmp variable for inverse if required
string inverseInputName;
if (T == ApplyVersorTypes.EXPLICIT_INVERSE) inverseInputName = FAI[2].Name;
else if (T == ApplyVersorTypes.INVERSE)
inverseInputName = "&inv";
SB.AppendLine(FT.GetMangledName(S, gmv.Name) + " inv; /* temp space for reverse */");
else // (T == ApplyVersorTypes.REVERSE)
示例6: WriteSetVectorImages
/// <summary>
/// Writes a function to set a GOM struct according to vector images, for all floating point types.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
/// <param name="cgd">Results go here. Also intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
/// <param name="FT">Float type.</param>
/// <param name="matrixMode">When true, generates code for setting from matrix instead of vector images.</param>
/// <param name="transpose">When this parameter is true and <c>matrixMode</c> is true, generates code for setting from transpose matrix.</param>
public static void WriteSetVectorImages(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, bool matrixMode, bool transpose)
G25.GOM gom = S.m_GOM;
// get the 'plan' on how to initialize all domain basis blades efficiently:
uint[][][] plan = G25.CG.Shared.OMinit.ComputeOmInitFromVectorsPlan(S, gom);
double[][] signs = G25.CG.Shared.OMinit.ComputeOmInitFromVectorsSigns(S, gom, plan);
// get range vector type
G25.SMV rangeVectorType = G25.CG.Shared.OMinit.GetRangeVectorType(S, FT, cgd, gom);
// setup array of arguments, function specification, etc
int NB_ARGS = (matrixMode) ? 1 : gom.DomainVectors.Length;
string[] argTypes = new string[NB_ARGS], argNames = new string[NB_ARGS];
RefGA.Multivector[] symbolicBBvalues = new RefGA.Multivector[1 << S.m_dimension]; // symbolic basis blade values go here
if (matrixMode)
argTypes[0] = FT.type;
argNames[0] = "M";
// convert matrix columns to symbolic Multivector values
for (int d = 0; d < gom.DomainVectors.Length; d++)
RefGA.BasisBlade[] IV = new RefGA.BasisBlade[gom.RangeVectors.Length];
for (int r = 0; r < gom.RangeVectors.Length; r++)
int matrixIdx = (transpose) ? (d * gom.RangeVectors.Length + r) : (r * gom.DomainVectors.Length + d);
string entryName = argNames[0] + "[" + matrixIdx + "]";
IV[r] = new RefGA.BasisBlade(gom.RangeVectors[r].bitmap, 1.0, entryName);
symbolicBBvalues[gom.DomainVectors[d].bitmap] = new RefGA.Multivector(IV);
for (int d = 0; d < NB_ARGS; d++)
argTypes[d] = rangeVectorType.Name;
argNames[d] = "i" + gom.DomainVectors[d].ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames);
bool ptr = S.OutputC();
symbolicBBvalues[gom.DomainVectors[d].bitmap] = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, rangeVectorType, argNames[d], ptr);
// generate function names for all grades (basis blade names not included)
string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, gom.Name);
string[] funcNames = GetSetFromLowerGradeFunctionNames(S, FT, matrixMode);
// setup instructions (for main function, and subfunctions for grades)
List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> mainI = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>[] bladeI = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>[1 << S.m_dimension];
bool mustCast = false;
int nbTabs = 1;
string dstName = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
bool dstPtr = S.OutputCppOrC();
bool declareDst = false;
for (int g = 1; g < gom.Domain.Length; g++)
for (int d = 0; d < gom.DomainForGrade(g).Length; d++)
G25.SMVOM smvOM = gom.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[d];
RefGA.BasisBlade domainBlade = gom.DomainForGrade(g)[d];
if (g > 1)
bladeI[domainBlade.bitmap] = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
string funcCallCode = funcNames[g] + "_" + d + "(";
if (S.OutputC()) funcCallCode += G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME;
funcCallCode += ");";
mainI.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, funcCallCode));
// follow the plan
RefGA.Multivector value = new RefGA.Multivector(signs[g][d]);
uint[] P = plan[g][d];
for (int p = 0; p < P.Length; p++)
value = RefGA.Multivector.op(value, symbolicBBvalues[P[p]]);
// add instructions
List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = (g == 1) ? mainI : bladeI[domainBlade.bitmap];
I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Set image of " + domainBlade.ToString(S.m_basisVectorNames)));
I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, value, dstName, dstPtr, declareDst));
// store symbolic value
symbolicBBvalues[domainBlade.bitmap] = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smvOM, dstName, dstPtr);
示例7: WriteEqualsOrZeroOrGradeBitmapFunction
/// <summary>
/// Writes a zero or equality test function for general multivectors,
/// based on CASN parts code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="S"></param>
/// <param name="cgd"></param>
/// <param name="FT"></param>
/// <param name="FAI"></param>
/// <param name="F"></param>
/// <param name="comment"></param>
/// <param name="writeZero">When true, a function to test for zero is written.</param>
/// <returns>full (mangled) name of generated function</returns>
public static string WriteEqualsOrZeroOrGradeBitmapFunction(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, G25.fgs F,
Comment comment, G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EQUALS_ZERO_GRADEBITMAP_TYPE funcType)
// setup instructions
System.Collections.Generic.List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new System.Collections.Generic.List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
int nbTabs = 1;
// write this function:
string code = "";
code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetEqualsCode(S, cgd, FT, FAI);
else if (funcType == G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EQUALS_ZERO_GRADEBITMAP_TYPE.ZERO)
code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetZeroCode(S, cgd, FT, FAI);
code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetGradeBitmapCode(S, cgd, FT, FAI);
// add one instruction (verbatim code)
I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, code));
// because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(S, FT, F, FAI);
// setup return type and argument:
string returnTypeName = null;
if (S.OutputC())
returnTypeName = G25.IntegerType.INTEGER;
else {
returnTypeName = G25.IntegerType.INTEGER;
else returnTypeName = CodeUtil.GetBoolType(S);
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
// write function
bool inline = false; // never inline GMV functions
bool staticFunc = Functions.OutputStaticFunctions(S);
G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, inline, staticFunc, returnTypeName, CF.OutputName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment);
return CF.OutputName;
示例8: GetZeroCodeCppOrC
private static string GetZeroCodeCppOrC(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
SB.AppendLine("int idx = 0;");
// get number of groups:
int nbGroups = gmv.NbGroups;
// for each group
// test if present, then code / negate, etc
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
string falseStr = CodeUtil.GetFalseValue(S);
string trueStr = CodeUtil.GetTrueValue(S);
for (int g = 0; g < nbGroups; g++)
string funcName = GetZeroPartFunctionName(S, FT, g);
SB.AppendLine("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\tif (!" + funcName + "(" + ac + " + idx, " + FAI[1].Name + ")) return " + falseStr + ";");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\tidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
SB.AppendLine("return " + trueStr + ";");
return SB.ToString();
示例9: GetIncrementCode
/// <summary>
/// Returns the code for <c>gmv + scalar</c>
/// The code is NOT composed of calls to functions generated by <c>WriteCANSparts()</c>.
/// The returned code is only the body. The function declaration is not included.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="S">Specification of algebra (used for output language).</param>
/// <param name="cgd">Currently not used.</param>
/// <param name="FT">Floating point type.</param>
/// <param name="FAI">Info about function arguments</param>
/// <param name="resultName">Name of variable where the result goes (in the generated code).</param>
/// <param name="increment">Whether write increment or decrement function.</param>
/// <returns>code for the requested function.</returns>
public static string GetIncrementCode(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, string resultName, bool increment)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
if (S.OutputC())
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " val" + " = " +
FAI[0].MangledTypeName + "_" + gmv.Group(0)[0].ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames) + "(" + FAI[0].Name + ")" +
((increment) ? " + " : " - ") + FT.DoubleToString(S, 1.0) + ";");
SB.AppendLine(FAI[0].MangledTypeName + "_copy(" + resultName + ", " + FAI[0].Name + ");");
SB.AppendLine(FAI[0].MangledTypeName + "_set_" + gmv.Group(0)[0].ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames) + "(" + resultName + ", val);");
string convertMvIfCode = (S.OutputCSharpOrJava()) ? (".to_" + FAI[0].MangledTypeName + "()") : "";
if (S.OutputCpp())
SB.AppendLine(FAI[0].MangledTypeName + " " + resultName + "(" + FAI[0].Name + ");");
else SB.AppendLine(FAI[0].MangledTypeName + " " + resultName + " = new " + FAI[0].MangledTypeName + "(" + FAI[0].Name + convertMvIfCode + ");");
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " val" + " = " + resultName + ".get_" + gmv.Group(0)[0].ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames) + "()" +
((increment) ? " + " : " - ") + FT.DoubleToString(S, 1.0) + ";");
SB.AppendLine(resultName + ".set_" + gmv.Group(0)[0].ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames) + "(val);");
SB.AppendLine("return " + resultName + ";");
return SB.ToString();
示例10: GetSAScodeCppOrC
private static string GetSAScodeCppOrC(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, string resultName)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
SB.AppendLine("int idxa = 0, idxc = 0;");
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
string resultCoordPtr = (S.OutputC()) ? resultName + "->c" : "C";
// copy group usage / allocate memory for result
if (S.OutputC())
SB.AppendLine(resultName + "->gu = " + agu + " | ((" + FAI[2].Name + " != 0.0) ? GRADE_0 : 0); /* '| GRADE_0' to make sure the scalar part is included */");
SB.AppendLine("int gu = " + agu + " | ((" + FAI[2].Name + " != 0.0) ? GRADE_0 : 0); // '| GRADE_0' to make sure the scalar part is included");
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " C[" + (1 << S.m_dimension) + "];");
int nbGroups = gmv.NbGroups;
for (int g = 0; g < nbGroups; g++)
// get func name
string funcName = GetCopyMulPartFunctionName(S, FT, g);
SB.AppendLine("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\t" + funcName + "(" + ac + " + idxa, " + resultCoordPtr + " + idxc, " + FAI[1].Name + ");");
if (g == 0)
{ // also add scalar
SB.AppendLine("\tif (" + FAI[2].Name + " != 0.0) " + resultCoordPtr + "[idxc] += " + FAI[2].Name + ";");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1))
SB.AppendLine("\tidxa += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
SB.AppendLine("\tidxc += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
if (g == 0)
{ // always add the scalar:
SB.AppendLine("else if (" + FAI[2].Name + " != 0.0) {");
SB.AppendLine("\t" + resultCoordPtr + "[idxc] = " + FAI[2].Name + ";");
SB.AppendLine("\tidxc += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
// return result
if (S.m_outputLanguage != OUTPUT_LANGUAGE.C)
SB.AppendLine("return " + FT.GetMangledName(S, gmv.Name) + "(gu, C);");
return SB.ToString();
示例11: GetUnaryToggleSignCodeCppOrC
private static string GetUnaryToggleSignCodeCppOrC(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
UnaryToggleSignType T,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, string resultName)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB= new StringBuilder();
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
string resultCoordPtr = (S.OutputC()) ? resultName + "->c" : "c";
SB.AppendLine("int idx = 0;");
if (S.OutputC())
SB.AppendLine(resultName + "->gu = " + agu + ";");
SB.AppendLine("int gu = " + agu + ";");
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " c[" + (1 << S.m_dimension) + "];");
// get number of groups:
int nbGroups = gmv.NbGroups;
// for each group
// test if present, then code / negate, etc
for (int g = 0; g < nbGroups; g++)
// do we need to negate this group?
bool neg = NeedToNegate(gmv, g, T);
string funcName = (neg) ? GetNegPartFunctionName(S, FT, g) : GetCopyPartFunctionName(S, FT, g);
SB.AppendLine("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\t" + funcName + "(" + ac + " + idx, " + resultCoordPtr + " + idx);");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\tidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
// return result
if (S.m_outputLanguage != OUTPUT_LANGUAGE.C)
SB.AppendLine("return " + FT.GetMangledName(S, gmv.Name) + "(gu, c);");
return SB.ToString();
示例12: GetGradeCodeCppOrC
private static string GetGradeCodeCppOrC(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
int gradeIdx,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, string resultName, string groupBitmapName)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
if (gradeIdx >= 0)
{ // if a specific grade is requested, convert it into a group bitmap, and call the grade(A, groupBitmap) function
// get name of grade function
//bool returnTrueName = false;
string gradeFuncName = G25.CG.Shared.Dependencies.GetDependency(S, cgd, EXTRACT_GRADE, new string[] { gmv.Name, G25.GroupBitmapType.GROUP_BITMAP }, FT, null);
// turn grade into group
int groupBitmap = gmv.GradeToGroupBitmap(gradeIdx);
if (S.OutputC())
return gradeFuncName + "(" + resultName + ", " + FAI[0].Name + ", " + groupBitmap + ");";
return "return " + gradeFuncName + "(" + FAI[0].Name + ", " + groupBitmap + ");";
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
// get indices into coordinates for input and output
SB.AppendLine("int aidx = 0, cidx = 0;");
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
if (S.OutputC())
SB.AppendLine(resultName + "->gu = " + agu +" & " + groupBitmapName + ";");
SB.AppendLine("int gu = " + agu + " & " + groupBitmapName + ";");
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " c[" + (1 << S.m_dimension) + "];");
string resultCoordPtr = (S.OutputC()) ? resultName + "->c" : "c";
// for each group, test if present
int nbGroups = gmv.NbGroups;
for (int g = 0; g < nbGroups; g++)
string funcName = GetCopyPartFunctionName(S, FT, g);
SB.AppendLine("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\tif (" + groupBitmapName + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\t\t" + funcName + "(" + ac + " + aidx, " + resultCoordPtr + " + cidx);");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\t\tcidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\taidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
// return result
if (S.m_outputLanguage != OUTPUT_LANGUAGE.C)
SB.AppendLine("return " + FT.GetMangledName(S, gmv.Name) + "(gu, c);");
return SB.ToString();
示例13: GetEqualsCodeCppOrC
private static string GetEqualsCodeCppOrC(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
SB.AppendLine("int aidx = 0, bidx = 0;");
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
string bgu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[1].Name + "->gu" : FAI[1].Name + ".gu()";
string bc = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[1].Name + "->c" : FAI[1].Name + ".getC()";
// get number of groups, and possible assurances that a group is always present:
int nbGroups = gmv.NbGroups;
string falseStr = CodeUtil.GetFalseValue(S);
string trueStr = CodeUtil.GetTrueValue(S);
// for each group
// test if present in both-> then add both, etc
for (int g = 0; g < nbGroups; g++)
string equalsFuncName = GetEqualsPartFunctionName(S, FT, g);
string zeroFuncName = GetZeroPartFunctionName(S, FT, g);
SB.AppendLine("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\tif (" + bgu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\t\tif (!" + equalsFuncName + "(" + ac + " + aidx, " + bc + " + bidx, " + FAI[2].Name + ")) return " + falseStr + ";");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\t\tbidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
SB.AppendLine("\telse if (!" + zeroFuncName + "(" + ac + " + bidx, " + FAI[2].Name + ")) return " + falseStr + ";");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\taidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
SB.AppendLine("else if (" + bgu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\tif (!" + zeroFuncName + "(" + bc + " + bidx, " + FAI[2].Name + ")) return " + falseStr + ";");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\tbidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
SB.AppendLine("return " + trueStr + ";");
return SB.ToString();
示例14: GetDivCodeCppOrC
private static string GetDivCodeCppOrC(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT,
G25.Metric M, G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, string resultName, DIVCODETYPE funcType)
G25.GMV gmv = S.m_GMV;
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
string normFuncName = G25.CG.Shared.Dependencies.GetDependency(S, cgd, (funcType == DIVCODETYPE.UNIT) ? "norm" : "norm2", new String[] { gmv.Name }, FT, M.m_name);
string normVarName = (funcType == DIVCODETYPE.UNIT) ? "n" : "n2";
string agu = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->gu" : FAI[0].Name + ".gu()";
string ac = (S.OutputC()) ? FAI[0].Name + "->c" : FAI[0].Name + ".getC()";
string resultCoordPtr = (S.OutputC()) ? resultName + "->c" : "c";
SB.AppendLine("int idx = 0;");
// compute norm
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " " + normVarName + " = " + normFuncName + G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.RETURNS_SCALAR + "(" + FAI[0].Name + ");");
// copy group usage
if (S.OutputC())
SB.AppendLine(resultName + "->gu = " + agu + ";");
SB.AppendLine("int gu = " + agu + ";");
SB.AppendLine(FT.type + " c[" + (1 << S.m_dimension) + "];");
// for each group present, copy and scale (for versor inverse, modulate with reverse)
// for each group, test if present
int nbGroups = gmv.NbGroups;
for (int g = 0; g < nbGroups; g++)
// get func name
string funcName = GetCopyDivPartFunctionName(S, FT, g);
// get multiplier, normVarName string (depends on whether this is unit or versor inverse)
string normString;
double m = (funcType == DIVCODETYPE.UNIT) ? 1 : gmv.Group(g)[0].Reverse().scale / gmv.Group(g)[0].scale;
normString = ((m < 0) ? "-" : "") + normVarName;
else normString = FAI[1].Name;
SB.AppendLine("if (" + agu + " & " + (1 << g) + ") {");
SB.AppendLine("\t" + funcName + "(" + ac + " + idx, " + resultCoordPtr + " + idx, " + normString + ");");
if (g < (nbGroups - 1)) SB.AppendLine("\tidx += " + gmv.Group(g).Length + ";");
// return result
if (S.m_outputLanguage != OUTPUT_LANGUAGE.C)
SB.AppendLine("return " + FT.GetMangledName(S, gmv.Name) + "(gu, c);");
return SB.ToString();
示例15: WriteSetIdentity
/// <summary>
/// Writes a function to set an SOM struct/class to identity
/// </summary>
/// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
/// <param name="cgd">Results go here. Also intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
/// <param name="FT"></param>
/// <param name="som"></param>
public static void WriteSetIdentity(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, G25.SOM som)
StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;
if (S.OutputC())
string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, som.Name);
string funcName = GetFunctionName(S, typeName, "setIdentity", "_setIdentity");
bool mustCast = false;
G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", null, null, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
if (S.OutputC())
returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, som.Name, computeMultivectorValue);
// setup instructions
List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
int nbTabs = 1;
mustCast = false;
string valueName = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
bool valuePtr = S.OutputCppOrC();
bool declareValue = false;
for (int g = 1; g < som.Domain.Length; g++)
for (int c = 0; c < som.DomainForGrade(g).Length; c++)
G25.SMVOM smvOM = som.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[c];
I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, new RefGA.Multivector(som.DomainForGrade(g)[c]), valueName, valuePtr, declareValue));
Comment comment = new Comment("Sets " + typeName + " to identity.");
bool writeDecl = S.OutputC();
bool staticFunc = false;
G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", funcName, returnArgument, new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[0], I, comment, writeDecl);