本文整理汇总了C#中Solid类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Solid类的具体用法?C# Solid怎么用?C# Solid使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: GetProfile
GetProfile(Solid solid, double offset, Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app)
CurveArray curveArray = app.Create.NewCurveArray();
EdgeArray edgeArray = GetEdgesOnPlaneAtOffset(solid.Edges, GeomUtils.kZAxis, offset);
curveArray = ToCurveArray(edgeArray, curveArray);
return curveArray;
示例2: Create
/// <summary>
/// Creates a SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer and computes the swept solid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="solid">The solid geometry.</param>
/// <param name="normal">The normal of the reference plane that a path might lie on. If it is null, try to guess based on the geometry.</param>
/// <returns>The analyzer.</returns>
public static SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer Create(Solid solid, XYZ normal)
if (solid == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
ICollection<Face> faces = new List<Face>();
foreach (Face face in solid.Faces)
return Create(faces, normal);
示例3: Create
/// <summary>
/// Creates a SweptSolidExporter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exporterIFC">The exporter.</param>
/// <param name="element">The element.</param>
/// <param name="solid">The solid.</param>
/// <param name="normal">The normal of the plane that the path lies on.</param>
/// <returns>The SweptSolidExporter.</returns>
public static SweptSolidExporter Create(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element element, Solid solid, XYZ normal)
SweptSolidExporter sweptSolidExporter = null;
SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer sweptAnalyzer = SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer.Create(element.Document.Application.Create, solid, normal);
if (sweptAnalyzer != null)
// TODO: support openings and recess for a swept solid
if (sweptAnalyzer.UnalignedFaces != null && sweptAnalyzer.UnalignedFaces.Count > 0)
return null;
IList<GeometryUtil.FaceBoundaryType> faceBoundaryTypes;
IList<CurveLoop> faceBoundaries = GeometryUtil.GetFaceBoundaries(sweptAnalyzer.ProfileFace, null, out faceBoundaryTypes);
string profileName = null;
if (element != null)
ElementType type = element.Document.GetElement(element.GetTypeId()) as ElementType;
if (type != null)
profileName = type.Name;
// is extrusion?
if (sweptAnalyzer.PathCurve is Line)
Line line = sweptAnalyzer.PathCurve as Line;
// invalid case
if (MathUtil.VectorsAreOrthogonal(line.Direction, sweptAnalyzer.ProfileFace.Normal))
return null;
sweptSolidExporter = new SweptSolidExporter();
sweptSolidExporter.m_IsExtrusion = true;
Plane plane = new Plane(sweptAnalyzer.ProfileFace.Normal, sweptAnalyzer.ProfileFace.Origin);
sweptSolidExporter.m_RepresentationItem = ExtrusionExporter.CreateExtrudedSolidFromCurveLoop(exporterIFC, profileName, faceBoundaries, plane,
line.Direction, line.Length * exporterIFC.LinearScale);
sweptSolidExporter = new SweptSolidExporter();
sweptSolidExporter.m_RepresentationItem = CreateSimpleSweptSolid(exporterIFC, profileName, faceBoundaries, normal, sweptAnalyzer.PathCurve);
return sweptSolidExporter;
catch (Exception)
return null;
示例4: TestCreate
public void TestCreate()
var solid = new Solid();
Assert.Equal(SolidFormat.Memory, solid.Format);
Assert.Equal(0, solid.Facets.Count);
solid = new Solid("Test", new Facet[] { new Facet(), new Facet() });
Assert.Equal("Test", solid.Name);
Assert.Equal(SolidFormat.Memory, solid.Format);
Assert.Equal(2, solid.Facets.Count);
示例5: Create
/// <summary>
/// Creates a SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer and computes the swept solid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="solid">The solid geometry.</param>
/// <param name="normal">The normal of the reference plane that a path might lie on.</param>
/// <returns>The analyzer.</returns>
public static SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer Create(Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application creation, Solid solid, XYZ normal)
if (solid == null || normal == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
m_appCreation = creation;
ICollection<Face> faces = new List<Face>();
foreach (Face face in solid.Faces)
return Create(faces, normal);
示例6: Clone
public static Solid Clone( /*this*/ Solid solid )
if( solid == null )
return null;
// Better than unioning the solid with itself:
// use a small cube contained within the original
// solid instead, e.g. a 1x1x1 cube at the origin
// or something.
return BooleanOperationsUtils
.ExecuteBooleanOperation( solid, solid,
BooleanOperationsType.Union );
示例7: Slicer
/// <summary>
/// creates slices using a curve as the spine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="solid">Solid: geometry that is to be parsed</param>
/// <param name="curve">Curve: defines the normal used to create cut planes perpendicular to parameter "plane".
/// If curve is too short, it will be extended using built-in extend function</param>
/// <param name="thickness">Thickness: the thickness of the slices, or the thickness of the material to be used for the assembly</param>
/// <param name="spacing">Spacing: the distance between each slice</param>
/// <returns>A newly-constructed Slicer object</returns>
internal Slicer(Solid solid, Curve curve, double thickness, double spacing, double origin)
Solid = solid;
Thickness = thickness;
Spacing = spacing;
Plane plane = Plane.ByOriginNormal(curve.StartPoint, curve.Normal);
Curve curvePlanar = curve;
plane = Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints(curve.ToNurbsCurve().ControlPoints());
curvePlanar = curve.PullOntoPlane(plane);
CutPlanesSecondary.AddRange(GenerateCutPlanes(curvePlanar, origin));
InitialGeometry = new List<Geometry>(1){curvePlanar};
示例8: CanExportAsSweptSolid
/// <summary>
/// Determines if we can create a swept solid from the passed in geometry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exporterIFC">The exporter.</param>
/// <param name="element">The element.</param>
/// <param name="solid">The solid.</param>
/// <param name="normal">The optional normal of the plane that the path lies on.</param>
/// <returns>If it is possible to create a swept solid, the SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer that contains the information, otherwise null.</returns>
public static SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer CanExportAsSweptSolid(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Solid solid, XYZ normal)
SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer sweptAnalyzer = SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer.Create(solid, normal);
if (sweptAnalyzer == null)
return null;
// TODO: support openings and recess for a swept solid
if (sweptAnalyzer.UnalignedFaces != null && sweptAnalyzer.UnalignedFaces.Count > 0)
return null;
return sweptAnalyzer;
catch (Exception)
return null;
示例9: WorldDraw
public override bool WorldDraw(Drawable drawable, WorldDraw wd)
if (wd.RegenAbort || wd.IsDragging)
return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
RebarPos pos = drawable as RebarPos;
if (pos == null || (pos.IncludeInBOQ && !pos.Detached))
return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
// Get geometry
Point3d minpt;
Point3d maxpt;
pos.TextBox(out minpt, out maxpt);
minpt = minpt.DivideBy(pos.Scale);
maxpt = maxpt.DivideBy(pos.Scale);
using (Solid solid = new Solid())
solid.SetPointAt(0, new Point3d(minpt.X - 0.15, minpt.Y - 0.15, 0));
solid.SetPointAt(1, new Point3d(maxpt.X + 0.15, minpt.Y - 0.15, 0));
solid.SetPointAt(2, new Point3d(minpt.X - 0.15, maxpt.Y + 0.15, 0));
solid.SetPointAt(3, new Point3d(maxpt.X + 0.15, maxpt.Y + 0.15, 0));
solid.Color = mColor;
solid.LayerId = PosUtility.DefpointsLayer;
Matrix3d trans = Matrix3d.AlignCoordinateSystem(
Point3d.Origin, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis,
pos.BasePoint, pos.DirectionVector, pos.UpVector, pos.NormalVector);
// Draw the entity over shading
return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
示例10: GetDifferenceFromWallJoins
private static bool GetDifferenceFromWallJoins(Document doc, ElementId wallId, Solid baseSolid, IList<IList<IFCConnectedWallData>> connectedWalls)
Options options = GeometryUtil.GetIFCExportGeometryOptions();
foreach (IList<IFCConnectedWallData> wallDataList in connectedWalls)
foreach (IFCConnectedWallData wallData in wallDataList)
ElementId otherWallId = wallData.ElementId;
if (otherWallId == wallId)
Element otherElem = doc.GetElement(otherWallId);
GeometryElement otherGeomElem = (otherElem != null) ? otherElem.get_Geometry(options) : null;
if (otherGeomElem == null)
SolidMeshGeometryInfo solidMeshInfo = GeometryUtil.GetSplitSolidMeshGeometry(otherGeomElem);
if (solidMeshInfo.GetMeshes().Count != 0)
return false;
IList<Solid> otherSolids = solidMeshInfo.GetSolids();
foreach (Solid otherSolid in otherSolids)
BooleanOperationsUtils.ExecuteBooleanOperationModifyingOriginalSolid(baseSolid, otherSolid, BooleanOperationsType.Difference);
return false;
return true;
示例11: TestTextWriter
public void TestTextWriter()
Solid solid1 = new Solid("test", new List<Facet>()
new Facet(new Vertex( 0.23f, 0, 1), new Vertex[]
new Vertex( 0, 0, 0),
new Vertex(-10.123f, -10, 0),
new Vertex(-10.123f, 0, 0)
}, 0)
byte[] data;
string dataString1;
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new StlTextWriter(stream))
data = stream.ToArray();
dataString1 = Consts.FileEncoding.GetString(data);
Solid solid2;
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data))
using (var reader = new StlReader(stream))
solid2 = reader.ReadSolid();
Assert.Equal(solid1.Name, solid2.Name);
Assert.Equal(solid1.Facets.Count, solid2.Facets.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < solid1.Facets.Count; i++)
示例12: TestBinaryWriter
public void TestBinaryWriter()
Solid solid1 = new Solid("test", new Facet[]
new Facet(new Vertex( 0, 0, 1), new Vertex[]
new Vertex( 0, 0, 0),
new Vertex(-10, -10, 0),
new Vertex(-10, 0, 0)
}, 0)
byte[] data;
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new StlBinaryWriter(stream))
data = stream.ToArray();
Solid solid2;
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data))
using (var reader = new StlReader(stream))
solid2 = reader.ReadSolid();
Assert.NotEqual(solid1.Name, solid2.Name);
Assert.Equal(solid1.Facets.Count, solid2.Facets.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < solid1.Facets.Count; i++)
示例13: getFaceNaos
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the planar face normal and origin
/// from all of the solid's planar faces and
/// insert them into the map mapping face normals
/// to a list of all origins of different faces
/// sharing this normal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="naos">Map mapping each normal vector
/// to a list of the origins of all planar faces
/// sharing this normal direction</param>
/// <param name="solid">Input solid</param>
void getFaceNaos(
Dictionary<XYZ, List<XYZ>> naos,
Solid solid)
foreach( Face face in solid.Faces )
PlanarFace planarFace = face as PlanarFace;
if( null != planarFace )
XYZ normal = planarFace.Normal;
XYZ origin = planarFace.Origin;
List<XYZ> normals = new List<XYZ>( naos.Keys );
int i = normals.FindIndex(
delegate( XYZ v )
return XyzParallel( v, normal );
} );
if( -1 == i )
"Face at {0} has new normal {1}",
Util.PointString( origin ),
Util.PointString( normal ) );
naos.Add( normal, new List<XYZ>() );
naos[normal].Add( origin );
"Face at {0} normal {1} matches {2}",
Util.PointString( origin ),
Util.PointString( normal ),
Util.PointString( normals[i] ) );
naos[normals[i]].Add( origin );
示例14: GetTopFace
/// <summary>
/// Return the uppermost horizontal face
/// of a given "horizontal" solid object
/// such as a floor slab. Currently only
/// supports planar faces.
/// </summary>
PlanarFace GetTopFace( Solid solid )
PlanarFace topFace = null;
FaceArray faces = solid.Faces;
foreach( Face f in faces )
PlanarFace pf = f as PlanarFace;
if( null != pf
&& Util.IsHorizontal( pf ) )
if( ( null == topFace )
|| ( topFace.Origin.Z < pf.Origin.Z ) )
topFace = pf;
return topFace;
示例15: CreateSimpleSweptSolid
/// <summary>
/// Creates a simple swept solid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exporterIFC">The exporter.</param>
/// <param name="element">The element.</param>
/// <param name="solid">The solid.</param>
/// <param name="normal">The normal of the plane that the path lies on.</param>
/// <returns>The swept solid representation handle.</returns>
public static IFCAnyHandle CreateSimpleSweptSolid(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element element, Solid solid, XYZ normal)
if (element == null || element.Document == null)
return null;
SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer sweptAnalyzer = SimpleSweptSolidAnalyzer.Create(element.Document.Application.Create, solid, normal);
if (sweptAnalyzer != null)
// TODO: support openings and recess for a swept solid
if (sweptAnalyzer.UnalignedFaces != null && sweptAnalyzer.UnalignedFaces.Count > 0)
return null;
IList<GeometryUtil.FaceBoundaryType> faceBoundaryTypes;
IList<CurveLoop> faceBoundaries = GeometryUtil.GetFaceBoundaries(sweptAnalyzer.ProfileFace, null, out faceBoundaryTypes);
string profileName = null;
if (element != null)
ElementType type = element.Document.GetElement(element.GetTypeId()) as ElementType;
if (type != null)
profileName = type.Name;
return CreateSimpleSweptSolid(exporterIFC, profileName, faceBoundaries, normal, sweptAnalyzer.PathCurve);
catch (Exception)
return null;
return null;