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C# ScrollDirection类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中ScrollDirection的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ScrollDirection类的具体用法?C# ScrollDirection怎么用?C# ScrollDirection使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: MouseScrolledEventArgs

		public MouseScrolledEventArgs (long timestamp, double x, double y, ScrollDirection direction)
			X = x;
			Y = y;
			Timestamp  = timestamp;
			Direction = direction;

示例2: LScrollView

 public LScrollView()
     direction = ScrollDirection.BOTH;
     lastMovePoint = Vector2.zero;
     bounceable = true;
     scrollDistance = Vector2.zero;
     dragable = true;
     maxOffset = Vector2.zero;
     minOffset = Vector2.zero;

示例3: HandleKeyPress

 public override bool HandleKeyPress(KeyInput e)
     switch (e.KeyName)
         case "up": Keyboard = Keyboard.Set(ScrollDirection.Up, (e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down)); return true;
         case "down": Keyboard = Keyboard.Set(ScrollDirection.Down, (e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down)); return true;
         case "left": Keyboard = Keyboard.Set(ScrollDirection.Left, (e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down)); return true;
         case "right": Keyboard = Keyboard.Set(ScrollDirection.Right, (e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down)); return true;
     return false;

示例4: GetScrollCursor

        public static string GetScrollCursor(Widget w, ScrollDirection edge, int2 pos)
            if (!Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScroll || Ui.MouseOverWidget != w)
                return null;

            var blockedDirections = Game.viewport.GetBlockedDirections();

            foreach (var dir in directions)
                if (edge.Includes(dir.Key))
                    return dir.Value + (blockedDirections.Includes(dir.Key) ? "-blocked" : "");

            return null;

示例5: ConvertScrollDirection

 public static Gdk.ScrollDirection ConvertScrollDirection(ScrollDirection d)
     switch (d) {
     case ScrollDirection.Up:
         return Gdk.ScrollDirection.Up;
     case ScrollDirection.Down:
         return Gdk.ScrollDirection.Down;
     case ScrollDirection.Left:
         return Gdk.ScrollDirection.Left;
     case ScrollDirection.Right:
         return Gdk.ScrollDirection.Right;
     throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid mouse scroll direction value: " + d);

示例6: OnPointChanged

        private void OnPointChanged() {
            if (_scrolledDirection != ScrollDirection.None
                && PointChanged != null) {

                if (_scrolledDirection.HasFlag(ScrollDirection.Horizontal)) {
                if (_scrolledDirection.HasFlag(ScrollDirection.Vertical)) {

                PointChanged(this, new PointChangedEventArgs(_scrolledDirection));

            _scrolledDirection = ScrollDirection.None;

示例7: OnScrolled

		protected override void OnScrolled (ScrollDirection direction, ModifierType mod)
			if ((mod & ModifierType.ShiftMask) != ModifierType.ShiftMask)
			int shift = HueShift;
			if (direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.Up)
				shift += 5;
			else if (direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.Down)
				shift -= 5;
			if (shift < 0)
				shift += 360;
			shift %= 360;
			HueShift = shift;

示例8: Tick

        public override void Tick()
            edgeDirections = ScrollDirection.None;
            if (Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScroll && Game.HasInputFocus)
                edgeDirections = CheckForDirections();

            if (keyboardDirections != ScrollDirection.None || edgeDirections != ScrollDirection.None)
                var scroll = float2.Zero;

                foreach (var kv in ScrollOffsets)
                    if (keyboardDirections.Includes(kv.Key) || edgeDirections.Includes(kv.Key))
                        scroll += kv.Value;

                var length = Math.Max(1, scroll.Length);
                scroll *= (1f / length) * Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScrollStep;

                worldRenderer.Viewport.Scroll(scroll, false);

示例9: YieldKeyboardFocus

 public override bool YieldKeyboardFocus()
     keyboardDirections = ScrollDirection.None;
     return base.YieldKeyboardFocus();

示例10: ScrollProgrammatically

 /// <summary>
 /// Does the programmatic scrolling for this element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scrollDirection">The direction to scroll.</param>
 /// <param name="scrollAmount">The amount to scroll.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="InitializeProgrammaticScroll"/>
 public override void ScrollProgrammatically(ScrollDirection scrollDirection, ScrollAmount scrollAmount)
     // Should never get called because InitializeProgrammaticScroll() returns false.
     throw new NotSupportedException();

示例11: HandleKeyPress

        public override bool HandleKeyPress(KeyInput e)
            var key = Hotkey.FromKeyInput(e);
            var ks = Game.Settings.Keys;

            if (key == ks.MapScrollUp)
                keyboardDirections = keyboardDirections.Set(ScrollDirection.Up, e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down);
                return true;

            if (key == ks.MapScrollDown)
                keyboardDirections = keyboardDirections.Set(ScrollDirection.Down, e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down);
                return true;

            if (key == ks.MapScrollLeft)
                keyboardDirections = keyboardDirections.Set(ScrollDirection.Left, e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down);
                return true;

            if (key == ks.MapScrollRight)
                keyboardDirections = keyboardDirections.Set(ScrollDirection.Right, e.Event == KeyInputEvent.Down);
                return true;

            return false;

示例12: Tick

        public override void Tick(World world)
            Edge = ScrollDirection.None;
            if (Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScroll && Game.HasInputFocus)
                // Check for edge-scroll
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.X < EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Left, true);
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.Y < EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Up, true);
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.X >= Game.viewport.Width - EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Right, true);
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.Y >= Game.viewport.Height - EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Down, true);

            if(Keyboard != ScrollDirection.None || Edge != ScrollDirection.None)
                var scroll = new float2(0, 0);

                // Modified to use the ViewportEdgeScrollStep setting - Gecko
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Up) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Up))
                    scroll += new float2(0, -(Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScrollStep * 100));
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Right) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Right))
                    scroll += new float2((Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScrollStep * 100), 0);
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Down) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Down))
                    scroll += new float2(0, (Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScrollStep * 100));
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Left) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Left))
                    scroll += new float2(-(Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScrollStep * 100), 0);


示例13: GetScrolledPercentage

 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the amount scrolled in percentage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="srollDirection">The direction for which data is required.</param>
 /// <param name="scrollElement">The element which is either the vertical or horizontal scroll bar.</param>
 /// <returns>The amount in percentage.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="InitializeProgrammaticScroll"/>
 public override int GetScrolledPercentage(ScrollDirection scrollDirection, IUITechnologyElement scrollElement)
     // Should never get called because InitializeProgrammaticScroll() returns false.
     throw new NotSupportedException();

示例14: VerifyNotSame

        /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>Changes the position to a new random position if the two are the same</summary>
        /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void VerifyNotSame(ref double positionToChange, string positionToChangeStr, double otherPosition, string otherPositionStr, ArrayList validPositions, ScrollDirection scrollDirection, double min, double max, RandomBoundaries boundaries, CheckType checkType)
            if (positionToChange.Equals(otherPosition))  
                if (validPositions.Count < 4)
                    ThrowMe(CheckType.IncorrectElementConfiguration, validPositions.Count.ToString() + " valid scroll positions, not enough for test (4 minimum). Is your display resolution set too low?");

                for (int i = 0; i < 10 && (positionToChange.Equals(otherPosition)); i++)
                    Comment("\"{0}\"({1}) and \"{2}\"({3}) were found to be the same. Find a new \"{0}\"", positionToChange, positionToChangeStr, otherPosition, otherPositionStr);

                    // false says don't incremenet m_TestStep TSC_RandomPosition
                    positionToChange = TSC_RandomPosition(scrollDirection, min, max, boundaries, false, checkType);
                if (positionToChange.Equals(otherPosition))
                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "Cannot find a random \"{0}\" position", positionToChangeStr);

                Comment("Found new \"{0}\" position : {1}", positionToChangeStr, positionToChange);

示例15: Tick

        public override void Tick()
            Edge = ScrollDirection.None;
            if (Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScroll && Game.HasInputFocus && Widget.MouseOverWidget == this)
                // Check for edge-scroll
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.X < EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Left, true);
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.Y < EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Up, true);
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.X >= Game.viewport.Width - EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Right, true);
                if (Viewport.LastMousePos.Y >= Game.viewport.Height - EdgeScrollThreshold)
                    Edge = Edge.Set(ScrollDirection.Down, true);

            if(Keyboard != ScrollDirection.None || Edge != ScrollDirection.None)
                var scroll = new float2(0, 0);

                // Modified to use the ViewportEdgeScrollStep setting - Gecko
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Up) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Up))
                    scroll += new float2(0, -1);
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Right) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Right))
                    scroll += new float2(1, 0);
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Down) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Down))
                    scroll += new float2(0, 1);
                if (Keyboard.Includes(ScrollDirection.Left) || Edge.Includes(ScrollDirection.Left))
                    scroll += new float2(-1, 0);

                float length = Math.Max(1, scroll.Length);
                scroll.X = (scroll.X / length) * Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScrollStep;
                scroll.Y = (scroll.Y / length) * Game.Settings.Game.ViewportEdgeScrollStep;


