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C# Regex.Trim方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Regex.Trim方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Regex.Trim方法的具体用法?C# Regex.Trim怎么用?C# Regex.Trim使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Regex的用法示例。


示例1: eval

	object eval(object o, string com){

		com = com.Trim(new char[]{' ', ';'});

		if (o == null){
			string remainingCom = "";
			object parsedCom = parseArg(com, out remainingCom);
			if (parsedCom != null){
				return eval(parsedCom, remainingCom);

			return "null";

		if (com == ""){
			return o;
		if (com.StartsWith("[")){//the command is to index at an array
			string ind = new Regex(@"\[[\d]*\]").Match(com).Value;
			int index = int.Parse(ind.Trim(new char[]{'[', ']'}));
			System.Array arr = (System.Array)o;
			object nobj = arr.GetValue(index);
			string ncom = com.Substring(ind.Length);
			return eval(nobj, ncom);
		bool isType = (o is System.Type);
		System.Type oType = isType ? ((System.Type)o) : o.GetType();
		if (com.StartsWith(".")){//it's either a function or a property
			com = com.Substring(1);//delete the period at the beginning
			int periodIndex = com.IndexOf(".");
			int bracketIndex = com.IndexOf("[");
			int parenIndex = com.IndexOf("(");
			int closeParenIndex = com.IndexOf(")");

			if (parenIndex > -1){

				int opened = 1;
				for (int i = parenIndex + 1; i < com.Length && opened != 0; i++){
					if (com[i] == '('){
						opened ++;

					} else if (com[i] == ')'){
						opened --;

						if (opened == 0){
							closeParenIndex = i;


			//Debug.Log(com + "   period: " + periodIndex + "; paren: " + parenIndex + 
			//          "; cparen: " + closeParenIndex + "; len: " + com.Length);
			if ((periodIndex <= parenIndex && periodIndex > -1) || parenIndex < 0){//it's a property
				var props = new Dictionary<string, object>();
				foreach(var prop in oType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Static)){
					try {
						props.Add(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(isType ? oType : o, null));
					} catch {}
				foreach(var prop in oType.GetFields()){
					try {
						props.Add(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(isType ? oType : o));
					} catch {}
				int fLength = 0;
				if (periodIndex == -1 && bracketIndex == -1){
					fLength = com.Length;
				} else if (periodIndex == -1){
					fLength = bracketIndex;
				} else if (bracketIndex == -1){
					fLength = periodIndex;
				} else {
					fLength = Mathf.Min(new int[]{bracketIndex, periodIndex});
				string fCom = com.Substring(0, fLength);
				if (props.ContainsKey(fCom)){
					object nobj = props[fCom];
					string ncom = com.Substring(fCom.Length);
					return eval(nobj, ncom);
				} else {
					return "Unknown field or property";
