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C# Quad.Points方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Quad.Points方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Quad.Points方法的具体用法?C# Quad.Points怎么用?C# Quad.Points使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Quad的用法示例。


示例1: DrawOnQuad

    public void DrawOnQuad(ref MadList<Vector3> vertices, ref MadList<Color32> colors, ref MadList<Vector2> uv,
            ref MadList<int> triangles) {
        bool invert = fillType == FillType.RadialCCW;
        var matrix = TransformMatrix();
        var bounds = GetBounds();
        var topLeftQuad = new Quad(invert);
        var topRightQuad = new Quad(invert);
        var bottomRightQuad = new Quad(invert);
        var bottomLeftQuad = new Quad(invert);
        topLeftQuad.anchor = Quad.Point.BottomRight;
        topRightQuad.anchor = Quad.Point.BottomLeft;
        bottomRightQuad.anchor = Quad.Point.TopLeft;
        bottomLeftQuad.anchor = Quad.Point.TopRight;
        var topLeftQuad2 = new Quad(topLeftQuad);
        var topRightQuad2 = new Quad(topRightQuad);
        var bottomRightQuad2 = new Quad(bottomRightQuad);
        var bottomLeftQuad2 = new Quad(bottomLeftQuad);
        // creating 8 quads instead of 8 because when using offset it may display one additional quad
        // and the simplest way is to create 8 quads and wrap around
        Quad[] ordered = new Quad[8];
        if (!invert) {
            ordered[0] = topRightQuad;
            ordered[1] = bottomRightQuad;
            ordered[2] = bottomLeftQuad;
            ordered[3] = topLeftQuad;
            ordered[4] = topRightQuad2;
            ordered[5] = bottomRightQuad2;
            ordered[6] = bottomLeftQuad2;
            ordered[7] = topLeftQuad2;
        } else {
            ordered[7] = topRightQuad2;
            ordered[6] = bottomRightQuad2;
            ordered[5] = bottomLeftQuad2;
            ordered[4] = topLeftQuad2;
            ordered[3] = topRightQuad;
            ordered[2] = bottomRightQuad;
            ordered[1] = bottomLeftQuad;
            ordered[0] = topLeftQuad;
        float rOffset = radialFillOffset % 1;
        if (rOffset < 0) {
            rOffset += 1;
        float fillValue = Mathf.Clamp01(this.fillValue) * radialFillLength;
        float fillStart = rOffset * 4;
        float fillEnd = (rOffset + fillValue) * 4;
        for (int i = Mathf.FloorToInt(fillStart); i < Mathf.CeilToInt(fillEnd); ++i) {
            var quad = ordered[i % 8];
            if (i < fillStart) {
                quad.offset = fillStart - i;
            } else {
                quad.offset = 0;
            if (fillEnd > i + 1) {
                quad.progress = 1 - quad.offset;
            } else {
                quad.progress = fillEnd - i - quad.offset;
        float sx = initialSize.x;
        float sy = initialSize.y;
        float sx2 = sx / 2;
        float sy2 = sy / 2;
        // collect points anv uvs
        List<Vector2[]> genPoints = new List<Vector2[]>();
        List<Vector2[]> genUvs = new List<Vector2[]>();
        genPoints.Add(topRightQuad.Points(sx2, sy, sx, sy2));
        genUvs.Add(topRightQuad.Points(0.5f, 1, 1, 0.5f));
        genPoints.Add(topRightQuad2.Points(sx2, sy, sx, sy2));
        genUvs.Add(topRightQuad2.Points(0.5f, 1, 1, 0.5f));
        genPoints.Add(bottomRightQuad.Points(sx2, sy2, sx, 0));
        genUvs.Add(bottomRightQuad.Points(0.5f, 0.5f, 1, 0));
        genPoints.Add(bottomRightQuad2.Points(sx2, sy2, sx, 0));
        genUvs.Add(bottomRightQuad2.Points(0.5f, 0.5f, 1, 0));
        genPoints.Add(bottomLeftQuad.Points(0, sy2, sx2, 0));
        genUvs.Add(bottomLeftQuad.Points(0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0));
        genPoints.Add(bottomLeftQuad2.Points(0, sy2, sx2, 0));
        genUvs.Add(bottomLeftQuad2.Points(0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0));
        genPoints.Add(topLeftQuad.Points(0, sy, sx2, sy2));
        genUvs.Add(topLeftQuad.Points(0, 1, 0.5f, 0.5f));
        genPoints.Add(topLeftQuad2.Points(0, sy, sx2, sy2));
