本文整理汇总了C#中Nodes类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Nodes类的具体用法?C# Nodes怎么用?C# Nodes使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: ShowObject
public static void ShowObject(Nodes.Node.ObjectPair obj)
BehaviorTreeList behaviorTreeList = BehaviorManager.Instance as BehaviorTreeList;
if (behaviorTreeList == null)
Nodes.Node node = null;
Attachments.Attachment attach = null;
if (obj.Obj is Nodes.Node)
node = (Nodes.Node)obj.Obj;
else if (obj.Obj is Attachments.Attachment)
attach = (Attachments.Attachment)obj.Obj;
node = attach.Node;
if (node != null)
behaviorTreeList.ShowNode(node, obj.Root);
if (BehaviorTreeViewDock.LastFocused != null)
BehaviorTreeView behaviorTreeView = BehaviorTreeViewDock.LastFocused.BehaviorTreeView;
if (behaviorTreeView != null)
behaviorTreeView.SelectedNodePending = node;
behaviorTreeView.SelectedAttachmentPending = attach;
示例2: operation
public string type = ""; // type of undo operation (delete, create, edit, move, changeLineColor, changeLineWidth, changeNodeColor)
#endregion Fields
#region Constructors
public UndoOperation(
string type,
Nodes nodes = null,
Lines lines = null,
int group = 0,
Position position = null,
int layer = 0
this.type = type;
this.group = group;
this.layer = layer;
if (nodes != null)
foreach (Node node in nodes)
this.nodes.Add(new Node(node));
if (lines != null)
foreach (Line line in lines)
this.lines.Add(new Line(line));
示例3: hitJoint
public static string hitJoint(Nodes.Node n, Rectangle rect, int x, int y, bool inputsOnly) {
//assume using a padded rect
//missed the balls.
if (x > rect.Left + ballSize && x < rect.Right - ballSize)
return null;
rect.Y += nodeTitleFont.Height;
if (n.getExtra() != null) {
rect.Y += nodeExtraFont.Height;
if (y < rect.Y)
return null;
Point pos;
foreach (var kvp in n.getProperties()) {
if ((kvp.Value.isInput && inputsOnly) || (kvp.Value.isOutput && !inputsOnly)) {
pos = getJointPos(n, kvp.Key, inputsOnly);
pos.X -= x; pos.Y -= y;
//intentionally dividing by 2 instead of 4 to expand the 'okay' selection radius.
if (pos.X * pos.X + pos.Y * pos.Y < ballSize * ballSize / 2) {
return kvp.Key;
return null;
示例4: SetPar
public void SetPar(ParInfo par, Nodes.Node rootNode, bool isNewPar)
Debug.Check(par != null && rootNode != null);
_isNewPar = isNewPar;
_initialized = false;
this.Text = isNewPar ? Resources.NewPar : Resources.EditPar;
_par = par;
_parTemp = par.Clone();
_rootNode = rootNode;
if (par != null) {
_isArray = Plugin.IsArrayType(par.Type);
Type type = _isArray ? par.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0] : par.Type;
nameTextBox.Text = par.Name;
arrayCheckBox.Checked = _isArray;
typeComboBox.Text = Plugin.GetMemberValueTypeName(type);
descTextBox.Text = par.BasicDescription;
_initialized = true;
示例5: ResolveSpecific
protected override Tags.Base ResolveSpecific(Nodes.Base node)
if (node is Nodes.Mapping)
return new Tags.Mapping();
if (node is Nodes.Sequence)
return new Tags.Sequence();
var scalarNode = (Nodes.Scalar)node;
var value = scalarNode.Content;
switch (value)
case "null":
return new Tags.Null();
case "true":
case "false":
return new Tags.Boolean();
if (intExpression.IsMatch(value))
return new Tags.Integer();
if (floatExpression.IsMatch(value))
return new Tags.FloatingPoint();
return null;
示例6: Exporter
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new exporter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The behaviour hich will be exported.</param>
/// <param name="outputFolder">The folder we want to export the behaviour to.</param>
/// <param name="filename">The relative filename we want to export to. You have to add your file extension.</param>
public Exporter(Nodes.BehaviorNode node, string outputFolder, string filename, List<string> includedFilenames = null)
_node = node;
_outputFolder = outputFolder;
_filename = filename;
_includedFilenames = includedFilenames;
示例7: RenderChildren
public override void RenderChildren(IParrotWriter writer, Nodes.Statement statement, IRendererFactory rendererFactory, IDictionary<string, object> documentHost, object model, string defaultTag = null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultTag))
defaultTag = DefaultChildTag;
//get model from parameter
//required - do not remove
if (statement.Parameters != null && statement.Parameters.Count == 1)
var localModel = GetLocalModel(documentHost, statement, model);
if (localModel is IEnumerable)
//create locals object to handle local values to the method
Locals locals = new Locals(documentHost);
IList<object> items = ToList(model as IEnumerable);
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
var localItem = items[i];
locals.Push(IteratorItem(i, items));
base.RenderChildren(writer, statement.Children, rendererFactory, documentHost, defaultTag, localItem);
base.RenderChildren(writer, statement.Children, rendererFactory, documentHost, defaultTag, model);
示例8: ArrayAssignment
private static Nodes.Assignment ArrayAssignment(Lexer.Lexem currLexem, Nodes.Node.Coords coords)
Nodes.Expression index = Expr();
if (Lexer.LookAhead().LexType != Lexer.LexType.CloseSquadBracket)
ErrorList.Add(new Error(ParserException.NeedCloseSquadBracket, Lexer.LookBack().EndCoords));
if (Lexer.LookAhead().LexType == Lexer.LexType.EqualSign)
Nodes.Expression value = Expr();
/*if (Lexer.LookAhead().LexType != Lexer.LexType.Semicolon)
ErrorList.Add(new Error(ParserException.NeedSemicolon, Lexer.LookBack().EndCoords));
Nodes.Assignment result = new Nodes.Assignment(new Nodes.ElementOfArray(currLexem.VarName, index), value, coords);
result.Head = result;
result.Tail = result;
return result;
while (Lexer.LookBack().LexType != Lexer.LexType.Variable)
return null;
示例9: NodeUserControl
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of <see cref="NodeUserControl"/> class.
/// </summary>
public NodeUserControl()
m_dataContext = new Nodes(16);
m_dataContext.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(ViewModel_PropertyChanged);
this.DataContext = m_dataContext;
示例10: Assignment
public Assignment(ElementOfArray array, Nodes.Expression expr, Node.Coords coords)
Var = null;
Value = expr;
Array = array;
this.Coords = coords;
示例11: InspectObject
public void InspectObject(AgentType agentType, string agentFullname, Nodes.Node node)
_agentFullname = agentFullname;
if (agentType != null)
IList<PropertyDef> properties = agentType.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyDef p in properties)
addRowControl(p, null);
else if (node != null)
List<ParInfo> allPars = node.Pars;
foreach (ParInfo par in allPars)
addRowControl(null, par);
示例12: Leader
public Leader(IElection election,
IHartbeatTimer hartbeat,
IObservable<AppendEntryResultMessage> reply,
IObserver<AppendEntryMessage> append,
IObserver<ClientResultMessage> clientReply,
IObservable<ClientMessage> client,
ILogReplication logReplication,
Nodes nodes,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
RaftOptions options,
ServerIdentifier serverIdentifier)
_isDispose = false;
_hartbeat = hartbeat;
_append = append;
_clientReply = clientReply;
_client = client;
_logReplication = logReplication;
_nodes = nodes;
_options = options;
_serverIdentifier = serverIdentifier;
_election = election;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(Leader) + " " + serverIdentifier);
if (_options.UseLogging)
// Reinitialized after election
NextIndex = new ConcurrentDictionary<ServerIdentifier, int>();
MatchIndex = new ConcurrentDictionary<ServerIdentifier, int>();
_replyDispose = reply.Subscribe(EntryReplyMessageRecived);
_clientReplyDispose = client.Subscribe(ClientMessageRecived);
示例13: ResolveSpecific
protected override Tags.Base ResolveSpecific(Nodes.Base node)
if (node is Nodes.Mapping)
return new Tags.Mapping();
if (node is Nodes.Sequence)
return new Tags.Sequence();
// overkill
var scalarNode = (Nodes.Scalar)node;
var value = scalarNode.Content;
if (nullExpression.IsMatch(value))
return new Tags.Null();
if (boolExpression.IsMatch(value))
return new Tags.Boolean();
if (intExpression.IsMatch(value))
return new Tags.Integer();
if (floatExpression.IsMatch(value))
return new Tags.FloatingPoint();
return new Tags.String();
示例14: Attachment
protected Attachment(Nodes.Node node, string label, string description)
_node = node;
_label = label;
_baselabel = label;
_description = description;
示例15: FileManager
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new file manager.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">The filename we want to load from or save to.</param>
/// <param name="node">The behaviour we want to save. For loading use null.</param>
public FileManager(string filename, Nodes.BehaviorNode node)
Debug.Check( Path.IsPathRooted(filename) );
_filename = filename;
_behavior = node;