本文整理汇总了C#中MegaShape类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# MegaShape类的具体用法?C# MegaShape怎么用?C# MegaShape使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: ParseShape
public void ParseShape(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];
//Debug.Log("Shape val " + val.name);
switch ( val.name )
case "name": break;
case "p": break;
case "r": break;
case "s": break;
foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
//Debug.Log("Shape tagName " + n.tagName);
switch ( n.tagName )
case "Spline":
ParseSpline(n, shape);
示例2: ParseSpline
public void ParseSpline(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
MegaSpline spline = new MegaSpline();
for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];
//Debug.Log("Spline val " + val.name);
switch ( val.name )
case "flags": break;
case "closed": spline.closed = int.Parse(val.value) > 0 ? true : false; break;
foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
//Debug.Log("Spline tagName " + n.tagName);
switch ( n.tagName )
case "K": ParseKnot(n, shape, spline); break;
//Debug.Log("************** Add Spline");
示例3: Export
public static string Export(MegaShape shape, int x, int y, float strokewidth, Color col)
string file = "";
Color32 c = col;
file += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
file += "<!-- MegaShapes SVG Exporter v1.0 -->\n";
file += "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\">\n";
file += "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"" + shape.name + "\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"640.0px\" height=\"480.0px\">\n";
for ( int i = 0; i < shape.splines.Count; i++ )
MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[i];
file += "<path d=\"";
MegaKnot k1;
MegaKnot k = spline.knots[0];
k1 = k;
file += "M" + k.p[x] + "," + -k.p[y];
//Vector3 cp = k.p;
for ( int j = 1; j < spline.knots.Count; j++ )
k = spline.knots[j];
Vector3 po = k1.outvec; // - cp; // - k1.p;
Vector3 pi = k.invec; // - cp; // - k.p;
Vector3 kp = k.p; // - cp;
kp[y] = -kp[y];
po[y] = -po[y];
pi[y] = -pi[y];
file += "C" + po[x] + "," + po[y];
file += " " + pi[x] + "," + pi[y];
file += " " + kp[x] + "," + kp[y];
k1 = k;
if ( spline.closed )
file += "z\"";
file += " fill=\"none\"";
file += " stroke=\"#" + c.r.ToString("x") + c.g.ToString("x") + c.b.ToString("x") + "\"";
file += " stroke-width=\"" + strokewidth + "\"";
file += "/>\n";
file += "</svg>\n";
return file;
示例4: BuildObjectLinks
void BuildObjectLinks(MegaShape path)
float len = path.splines[curve].length;
if ( LinkSize < 0.1f )
LinkSize = 0.1f;
// Assume z axis for now
float linklen = (linkOff1.y - linkOff.y) * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
int lc = (int)(len / linklen);
if ( lc != linkcount )
Quaternion linkrot1 = Quaternion.identity;
linkrot1 = Quaternion.Euler(rotate);
float spos = start * 0.01f;
Vector3 poff = linkPivot * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
float lastalpha = spos;
Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
Matrix4x4 pmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(poff, linkrot1, Vector3.one);
Vector3 lrot = Vector3.zero;
Quaternion frot = Quaternion.identity;
Random.seed = seed;
for ( int i = 0; i < linkcount; i++ )
float alpha = ((float)(i + 1) / (float)linkcount) + spos;
Quaternion lq = GetLinkQuat(alpha, lastalpha, out pos, path);
lastalpha = alpha;
Quaternion lr = Quaternion.Euler(lrot);
frot = lq * linkrot1 * lr;
if ( linkobjs[i] )
Matrix4x4 lmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, lq, Vector3.one) * pmat;
linkobjs[i].localPosition = lmat.GetColumn(3);
linkobjs[i].localRotation = frot;
linkobjs[i].localScale = linkScale * LinkSize;
if ( randRot )
float r = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
lrot = (int)(r * (int)(360.0f / MegaUtils.LargestValue1(linkRot))) * linkRot;
lrot += linkRot;
示例5: ParseXML
public void ParseXML(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
switch ( n.tagName )
case "Shape": ParseShape(n, shape); break;
ParseXML(n, shape);
示例6: LoadXML
public void LoadXML(string svgdata, MegaShape shape, bool clear, int start)
MegaXMLReader xml = new MegaXMLReader();
MegaXMLNode node = xml.read(svgdata);
if ( !clear )
shape.selcurve = start;
splineindex = start;
ParseXML(node, shape);
示例7: NewSpline
public MegaSpline NewSpline(MegaShape shape)
if ( shape.splines.Count == 0 )
MegaSpline newspline = new MegaSpline();
MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[0];
spline.closed = false;
return spline;
示例8: AddTarget
public MegaPathTarget AddTarget(MegaShape shape, int curve, float weight)
MegaPathTarget target = new MegaPathTarget();
target.shape = shape;
target.Weight = weight;
target.curve = curve;
target.modifier = 1.0f;
target.offset = 0.0f;
return target;
示例9: GetSpline
MegaSpline GetSpline(MegaShape shape)
MegaSpline spline;
if ( splineindex < shape.splines.Count )
spline = shape.splines[splineindex];
spline = new MegaSpline();
return spline;
示例10: importData
public void importData(string svgdata, MegaShape shape, float scale, bool clear, int start)
LoadXML(svgdata, shape, clear, start);
for ( int i = start; i < splineindex; i++ )
float area = shape.splines[i].Area();
if ( area < 0.0f )
shape.splines[i].reverse = false;
shape.splines[i].reverse = true;
//shape.Centre(0.01f, new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
shape.Centre(scale, new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), start);
shape.CalcLength(); //10);
示例11: ParseXML
public void ParseXML(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape)
foreach ( MegaXMLNode n in node.children )
switch ( n.tagName )
case "circle": ParseCircle(n, shape); break;
case "path": ParsePath(n, shape); break;
case "ellipse": ParseEllipse(n, shape); break;
case "rect": ParseRect(n, shape); break;
case "polygon": ParsePolygon(n, shape); break;
default: break;
ParseXML(n, shape);
示例12: BuildObjectLinks
void BuildObjectLinks(MegaShape path)
float len = path.splines[curve].length;
if ( LinkSize < 0.1f )
LinkSize = 0.1f;
// Assume z axis for now
float linklen = (linkOff1.y - linkOff.y) * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
int lc = (int)(len / linklen);
if ( lc != linkcount )
Quaternion linkrot1 = Quaternion.identity;
linkrot1 = Quaternion.Euler(rotate);
float spos = start * 0.01f;
Vector3 poff = linkPivot * linkScale.x * LinkSize;
float lastalpha = spos;
Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
Matrix4x4 pmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(poff, linkrot1, Vector3.one);
Quaternion frot = Quaternion.identity;
for ( int i = 0; i < linkcount; i++ )
float alpha = ((float)(i + 1) / (float)linkcount) + spos;
Quaternion lq = GetLinkQuat(alpha, lastalpha, out pos, path);
lastalpha = alpha;
frot = lq * linkrot1;
if ( linkobjs[i] )
Matrix4x4 lmat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, lq, Vector3.one) * pmat;
linkobjs[i].localPosition = lmat.GetColumn(3);
linkobjs[i].localRotation = frot;
linkobjs[i].localScale = linkScale * LinkSize;
示例13: ParseKnot
public void ParseKnot(MegaXMLNode node, MegaShape shape, MegaSpline spline)
Vector3 p = Vector3.zero;
Vector3 invec = Vector3.zero;
Vector3 outvec = Vector3.zero;
for ( int i = 0; i < node.values.Count; i++ )
MegaXMLValue val = node.values[i];
//Debug.Log("Knot val " + val.name);
switch ( val.name )
case "p": p = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;
case "i": invec = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;
case "o": outvec = ParseV3Split(val.value, 0); break;
case "l": break;
spline.AddKnot(p, invec, outvec);
示例14: ClearAnim
void ClearAnim(MegaShape shape)
MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[shape.selcurve];
if ( spline.splineanim != null )
示例15: AnimationKeyFrames
// Animation keyframe stuff
// Need system to grab state of curve
void AnimationKeyFrames(MegaShape shape)
MegaSpline spline = shape.splines[shape.selcurve];
shape.showanimations = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(shape.showanimations, "Animations");
if ( shape.showanimations )
shape.keytime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Key Time", shape.keytime);
if ( shape.keytime < 0.0f )
shape.keytime = 0.0f;
spline.splineanim.Enabled = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup("Enabled", spline.splineanim.Enabled);
//if ( spline.splineanim == null )
//if ( GUILayout.Button("Create") )
//spline.splineanim = new MegaSplineAnim();
if ( GUILayout.Button("Add Key") )
AddKeyFrame(shape, shape.keytime);
if ( GUILayout.Button("Clear") )
//if ( GUILayout.Button("Delete") )
// spline.splineanim = null;
//if ( spline.splineanim == null )
// return;
// Need to show each keyframe
if ( spline.splineanim != null )
//EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Frames " + spline.splineanim.knots[0].)
int nk = spline.splineanim.NumKeys();
float mt = 0.0f;
for ( int i = 0; i < nk; i++ )
mt = spline.splineanim.GetKeyTime(i);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("" + i, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20)); //" + " Time: " + mt);
float t = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("", mt, GUILayout.MaxWidth(100));
if ( t != mt )
spline.splineanim.SetKeyTime(spline, i, t);
if ( GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)) )
if ( GUILayout.Button("Update", GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)) )
spline.splineanim.UpdateKey(spline, i);
if ( GUILayout.Button("Get", GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)) )
spline.splineanim.GetKey(spline, i);
shape.MaxTime = mt;
float at = EditorGUILayout.Slider("T", shape.testtime, 0.0f, mt);
if ( at != shape.testtime )
shape.testtime = at;
if ( !shape.animate )
for ( int s = 0; s < shape.splines.Count; s++ )
if ( shape.splines[s].splineanim != null && shape.splines[s].splineanim.Enabled )
shape.splines[s].splineanim.GetState1(shape.splines[s], at);
shape.splines[s].CalcLength(); //(10); // could use less here