本文整理汇总了C#中Matrix3类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Matrix3类的具体用法?C# Matrix3怎么用?C# Matrix3使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Distance
public Distance(Vector3 centre,
Vector3 scale,
Matrix3 rotation,
string distanceFunction,
double distanceMinimum,
double distanceScale,
Vector3 distanceOffset,
int distanceIterations,
Vector3 distanceExtents,
double stepSize)
_Material = new Material();
_Position = new Vector3();
_Scale = new Vector3();
_Rotation = new Matrix3();
_Position = centre;
_Scale = scale;
_Rotation = rotation;
_DistanceFunction = distanceFunction;
_DistanceMinimum = distanceMinimum;
_DistanceScale = distanceScale;
_DistanceOffset = distanceOffset;
_DistanceIterations = distanceIterations;
_DistanceExtents = distanceExtents;
_StepSize = stepSize;
示例2: getEigenvalues
// Reference : Oliver K. Smith: Eigenvalues of a symmetric 3 × 3 matrix. Commun. ACM 4(4): 168 (1961)
// find the eigenvalues of a 3x3 symmetric matrix
//NOTE: I'm doing some post-processing on them to turn them into singular values
Vector3 getEigenvalues(Matrix3 mat) {
var m = (mat.trace()) / 3;
var K = mat - (Matrix3.I()*m); // K = mat - I*tr(mat)
var q = K.determinant() / 2;
var tempForm = K*K;
var p = tempForm.sumCells() / 6;
// NB in Smith's paper he uses phi = (1/3)*arctan(sqrt(p*p*p - q*q)/q), which is equivalent to below:
var phi = (1/3)*Mathf.Acos(q/Mathf.Sqrt(p*p*p));
if (Mathf.Abs(q) >= Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sqrt(p*p*p))) {
phi = 0;
if (phi < 0) {
phi = phi + Mathf.PI/3;
var eig1 = m + 2*Mathf.Sqrt(p)*Mathf.Cos(phi);
var eig2 = m - Mathf.Sqrt(p)*(Mathf.Cos(phi) + Mathf.Sqrt(3)*Mathf.Sin(phi));
var eig3 = m - Mathf.Sqrt(p)*(Mathf.Cos(phi) - Mathf.Sqrt(3)*Mathf.Sin(phi));
// return a singular values vector
return new Vector3(Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Abs(eig1)),
示例3: WooState
public WooState()
_Rotation = new Matrix3();
int idx = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 0;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
_MengerPattern[idx++] = 1;
示例4: RunTests
public void RunTests()
Matrix3 a, b;
DXMtx dxa, dxb;
a = new Matrix3(3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1);
b = new Matrix3(4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2);
dxa = new DXMtx();
dxb = new DXMtx();
dxa.M11 = 3; dxa.M12 = 1; dxa.M13 = 2;
dxa.M21 = 1; dxa.M22 = 1; dxa.M23 = 2;
dxa.M31 = 2; dxa.M32 = 3; dxa.M33 = 1;
dxb.M11 = 4; dxb.M12 = 2; dxb.M13 = 1;
dxb.M21 = 3; dxb.M22 = 1; dxb.M23 = 2;
dxb.M31 = 2; dxb.M32 = 1; dxb.M33 = 2;
Roll = 45;
Yaw = 10;
Pitch = 30;
TestAdd(a, b, dxa, dxb);
TestSub(a, b, dxa, dxb);
TestMul(a, b, dxa, dxb);
TestTranspose(a, dxa);
TestInvert(a, dxa);
PrintResults(a, b);
示例5: Fractal
public Fractal(Vector3 centre,
Vector3 scale,
Matrix3 rotation,
double distanceMinimum,
double distanceScale,
Vector3 distanceOffset,
int distanceIterations,
Vector3 distanceExtents,
double stepSize,
List<FractalIteration> fractalIterations,
int fractalIterationCount,
int colourIterationCount,
int deMode)
_Material = new Material();
_Position = new Vector3();
_Scale = new Vector3();
_Rotation = new Matrix3();
_Position = centre;
_Scale = scale;
_Rotation = rotation;
_DistanceMinimum = distanceMinimum;
_DistanceScale = distanceScale;
_DistanceOffset = distanceOffset;
_DistanceIterations = distanceIterations;
_DistanceExtents = distanceExtents;
_StepSize = stepSize;
_FractalIterations = fractalIterations;
_FractalIterationCount = fractalIterationCount;
_ColourIterationCount = colourIterationCount;
_DEMode = deMode;
示例6: AdditionTest_Success
public void AdditionTest_Success()
Matrix3 a = new Matrix3(new double[,]
{1.0, 2.0, 3.0},
{4.0, 5.0, 6.0},
{7.0, 8.0, 9.0}
Matrix3 b = new Matrix3(new double[,]
{1.0, 2.0, 3.0},
{4.0, 5.0, 6.0},
{7.0, 8.0, 9.0}
Matrix3 result = a + b;
Matrix3 expected = new Matrix3(new double[,]
{2.0, 4.0, 6.0},
{8.0, 10.0, 12.0},
{14.0, 16.0, 18.0}
Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
示例7: TransformNormalize
public void TransformNormalize(Matrix3 m)
float[] result = m.VectorMultiply (new float[] { X, Y, Z, W });
X = result [0] / result [3];
Y = result [1] / result [3];
Z = result [2];
W = 1;
示例8: ProjectOnto
public void ProjectOnto(ref Matrix3 transform, ref Vector2 axisNormal, out Vector2 projection)
Vector2 halfWidth, halfHeight;
CalculateExtents(ref transform, out halfWidth, out halfHeight);
halfWidth -= transform.Origin; halfHeight -= transform.Origin;
projection.X = Vector2.Dot(halfWidth, axisNormal);
projection.Y = Vector2.Dot(halfHeight, axisNormal);
示例9: SurfacePoint
public SurfacePoint(Vector3 position, Triangle face, Vector3 barycentricCoords, float surfaceOffset, Matrix3 orientationMatrix)
Position = position;
Face = face;
BarycentricCoords = barycentricCoords;
SurfaceOffset = surfaceOffset;
Psi = 0;
OriginalMatrix = orientationMatrix;
示例10: Cylinder
public Cylinder(Vector3 centre, Vector3 scale, Matrix3 rotation)
_Material = new Material();
_Position = new Vector3();
_Scale = new Vector3();
_Rotation = new Matrix3();
_Position = centre;
_Scale = scale;
_Rotation = rotation;
示例11: CalculateAABB
public override void CalculateAABB(ref Matrix3 transform, out AABB aabb)
Vector2 halfWidth, halfHeight;
CalculateExtents(ref transform, out halfWidth, out halfHeight);
Vector2 halfWidthOther, halfHeightOther;
CalculateOtherExtents(ref transform, out halfWidthOther, out halfHeightOther);
aabb.Min = Vector2.Min(halfWidth, halfWidthOther) + Vector2.Min(halfHeight, halfHeightOther) - transform.Origin;
aabb.Max = Vector2.Max(halfWidth, halfWidthOther) + Vector2.Max(halfHeight, halfHeightOther) - transform.Origin;
示例12: Constructor_FromFlatArray_Empty_Success
public void Constructor_FromFlatArray_Empty_Success()
double[] empty = new double[0];
Matrix3 mat = new Matrix3(empty);
Assert.AreEqual(0.0, mat[0, 0], Epsilon);
Assert.AreEqual(0.0, mat[1, 0], Epsilon);
Assert.AreEqual(0.0, mat[1, 2], Epsilon);
Assert.AreEqual(0.0, mat[2, 2], Epsilon);
示例13: FreeLookAt
public virtual void FreeLookAt(Vector3 targetAbsRef, Vector3 upRelRef)
//Vector v1 = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
//Vector moveV = _staticModel.Position - vector;
//Vector v2 = moveV.RotateBy(_staticModel.Orientation.W, 0, 1, 0);
/*Vector forward = lookAt.Normalized();
Vector right = Vector::Cross(up.Normalized(), forward);
Vector up = Vector::Cross(forward, right);*/
Vector3 forward ;
if (_mainModel.IsChild)
//Normalizing target and transforming it to local system
forward = Geometric.Quaternion_Rotate(_mainModel.ParentModel.Orientation.Inverted(), targetAbsRef.Normalized()) - _mainModel.ParentModel.Position;
//Normalizing target.. local system is the same as world system
forward = targetAbsRef.Normalized();
//Normalizing upVector (we are assuming it is expressed in local system)
Vector3 eye = _mainModel.PositionRelative.Normalized();
Vector3 up = upRelRef.Normalized();
//Insert manual imprecision to avoid singularity
if( Vector3.Dot(forward,up) == 1 )
forward.X += 0.001f;
forward.Y += 0.001f;
forward.Z += 0.001f;
//float angle = (float)Math.Acos( Vector3.DotProduct(current,targetAbsRef) );
//Vector3 rotAxis = Vector3.CrossProduct(current, forward).Normalize();
//Vector3 right = Vector3.CrossProduct(forward, up);
Matrix4 lookAt_result = Matrix4.LookAt( eye.X, eye.Y, eye.Z, forward.X, forward.Y, forward.Z, up.X, up.Y, up.Z );
Matrix3 targetRelOrientation_matrix = new Matrix3(lookAt_result);
Quaternion targetRelOrientation_quaternion = Quaternion.FromMatrix(targetRelOrientation_matrix);
Quaternion targetRelOrientation_quaternion = new Quaternion();
targetRelOrientation_quaternion.W = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(1.0f + right.X + up.Y + forward.Z)) * 0.5f;
float w4_recip = 1.0f / (4.0f * targetRelOrientation_quaternion.W);
targetRelOrientation_quaternion.X = (forward.Y - up.Z) * w4_recip;
targetRelOrientation_quaternion.Y = (right.Z - forward.X) * w4_recip;
targetRelOrientation_quaternion.Z = (up.X - right.Y) * w4_recip;
_mainModel.OrientationRelative = Quaternion.Slerp(_mainModel.OrientationRelative, targetRelOrientation_quaternion, Game.DeltaTime * 0.001f);
示例14: OutsideBox
public static Func<Vector3, bool> OutsideBox(double length, double width, double height, Vector3 center, Matrix3 orientation)
if (!orientation.IsOrthoganol) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(orientation) + "must be orthoganol.");
return pos =>
Vector3 r = (pos - center).Rotate(orientation.InverseMatrix());
if (Math.Abs(r.X) > length) return true;
if (Math.Abs(r.Y) > width) return true;
if (Math.Abs(r.Z) > height) return true;
return false;
示例15: GetMatrices
public override List<Matrix3> GetMatrices()
Debug.Assert(Controls.Count == 9);
var m = Controls;
Matrix3 mat = new Matrix3(
m[0], m[1], m[2],
m[3], m[4], m[5],
m[6], m[7], m[8]
return new List<Matrix3> { mat };