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C# JSExpression.GetExpectedType方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中JSExpression.GetExpectedType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# JSExpression.GetExpectedType方法的具体用法?C# JSExpression.GetExpectedType怎么用?C# JSExpression.GetExpectedType使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在JSExpression的用法示例。


示例1: Cast

        public JSExpression Cast(JSExpression expression, TypeReference targetType)
            var currentType = ILBlockTranslator.DereferenceType(expression.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem));
            targetType = ILBlockTranslator.DereferenceType(targetType);

            if (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Char) {
                return JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic(JS.fromCharCode, new[] { expression }, true);
            } else if (
                (currentType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Char) &&
            ) {
                return JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod(JS.charCodeAt, expression, new[] { JSLiteral.New(0) }, true);
            } else if (
                ILBlockTranslator.IsEnum(currentType) &&
            ) {
                return new JSDotExpression(
                    expression, new JSStringIdentifier("value", targetType)
            } else {
                return JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic(
                    Dot("Cast", targetType),
                    new [] { expression, new JSType(targetType) }, true

示例2: IsCopyNeeded

        protected bool IsCopyNeeded(JSExpression value)
            if ((value == null) || (value.IsNull))
                return false;

            var valueType = value.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem);

            if (!IsStruct(valueType))
                return false;

            if (
                (value is JSLiteral) ||
                (value is JSInvocationExpression) ||
                (value is JSDelegateInvocationExpression) ||
                (value is JSNewExpression) ||
                (value is JSPassByReferenceExpression)
            ) {
                return false;

            var rightVar = value as JSVariable;
            if (rightVar != null) {
                int referenceCount;
                if (ReferenceCounts.TryGetValue(rightVar.Identifier, out referenceCount) &&
                    (referenceCount == 1) && !rightVar.IsReference && rightVar.IsParameter)
                    return false;

            return true;

示例3: Translate_PropertyCall

        protected JSExpression Translate_PropertyCall(JSExpression thisExpression, JSMethod method, JSExpression[] arguments, bool @virtual, bool @static)
            var propertyInfo = method.Method.DeclaringProperty;
            if (propertyInfo == null)
                return null;

            if (propertyInfo.IsIgnored)
                return new JSIgnoredMemberReference(true, propertyInfo, arguments);

            // JS provides no way to override [], so keep it as a regular method call
            if (propertyInfo.Member.IsIndexer())
                return null;

            var parms = method.Method.Metadata.GetAttributeParameters("JSIL.Meta.JSReplacement") ??
            if (parms != null) {
                var argsDict = new Dictionary<string, JSExpression>();
                argsDict["this"] = thisExpression;
                argsDict["typeof(this)"] = new JSType(thisExpression.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem));

                foreach (var kvp in method.Method.Parameters.Zip(arguments, (p, v) => new { p.Name, Value = v })) {
                    argsDict.Add(kvp.Name, kvp.Value);

                return new JSVerbatimLiteral(method, (string)parms[0].Value, argsDict, propertyInfo.ReturnType);

            var thisType = GetTypeDefinition(thisExpression.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem));
            Func<JSExpression> generate = () => {
                var actualThis = @static ? new JSType(method.Method.DeclaringType.Definition) : thisExpression;

                if ((method.Reference.DeclaringType is GenericInstanceType) && !method.Reference.HasThis) {
                    actualThis = new JSType(method.Reference.DeclaringType);

                if ((propertyInfo.Member.GetMethod != null) && (method.Method.Member.Name == propertyInfo.Member.GetMethod.Name)) {
                    return new JSPropertyAccess(
                        actualThis, new JSProperty(method.Reference, propertyInfo)
                } else {
                    if (arguments.Length == 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempting to invoke a property setter with no arguments");

                    return new JSBinaryOperatorExpression(
                        new JSPropertyAccess(
                            actualThis, new JSProperty(method.Reference, propertyInfo)
                        arguments[0], propertyInfo.ReturnType

            // Accesses to a base property should go through a regular method invocation, since
            //  javascript properties do not have a mechanism for base access
            if (method.Method.Member.HasThis) {
                if (!TypesAreEqual(method.Method.DeclaringType.Definition, thisType) && [email protected]) {
                    return null;
                } else {
                    return generate();

            return generate();

示例4: Translate_MethodReplacement

        protected JSExpression Translate_MethodReplacement(
            JSMethod method, JSExpression thisExpression, 
            JSExpression[] arguments, bool @virtual, bool @static, bool explicitThis
            var methodInfo = method.Method;
            var metadata = methodInfo.Metadata;

            if (metadata != null) {
                var parms = metadata.GetAttributeParameters("JSIL.Meta.JSReplacement");
                if (parms != null) {
                    var argsDict = new Dictionary<string, JSExpression>();
                    argsDict["this"] = thisExpression;
                    argsDict["typeof(this)"] = new JSType(thisExpression.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem));

                    foreach (var kvp in methodInfo.Parameters.Zip(arguments, (p, v) => new { p.Name, Value = v })) {
                        argsDict.Add(kvp.Name, kvp.Value);

                    return new JSVerbatimLiteral(
                        method, (string)parms[0].Value, argsDict, method.Method.ReturnType

            if (methodInfo.IsIgnored)
                return new JSIgnoredMemberReference(true, methodInfo, new[] { thisExpression }.Concat(arguments).ToArray());

            switch (method.Method.Member.FullName) {
                case "System.Object JSIL.Builtins::Eval(System.String)":
                    return JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic(
                        JS.eval, arguments
                case "System.Object JSIL.Verbatim::Expression(System.String)": {
                    var expression = arguments[0] as JSStringLiteral;
                    if (expression == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("JSIL.Verbatim.Expression must recieve a string literal as an argument");

                    return new JSVerbatimLiteral(
                        method, expression.Value, null, null
                case "System.Object JSIL.JSGlobal::get_Item(System.String)": {
                    var expression = arguments[0] as JSStringLiteral;
                    if (expression != null)
                        return new JSDotExpression(
                            JSIL.GlobalNamespace, new JSStringIdentifier(expression.Value, TypeSystem.Object)
                        return new JSIndexerExpression(
                            JSIL.GlobalNamespace, arguments[0], TypeSystem.Object
                case "System.Object JSIL.JSLocal::get_Item(System.String)": {
                    var expression = arguments[0] as JSStringLiteral;
                    if (expression == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("JSLocal must recieve a string literal as an index");

                    return new JSStringIdentifier(expression.Value, TypeSystem.Object);
                case "System.Object JSIL.Builtins::get_This()":
                    return new JSIndirectVariable(Variables, "this", ThisMethodReference);

            JSExpression result = Translate_PropertyCall(thisExpression, method, arguments, @virtual, @static);
            if (result == null) {
                if (@static)
                    result = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic(method.Reference.DeclaringType, method, arguments);
                else if (explicitThis)
                    result = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeBaseMethod(method.Reference.DeclaringType, method, thisExpression, arguments);
                    result = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod(method.Reference.DeclaringType, method, thisExpression, arguments);

            return result;

示例5: Translate_Conv

        protected JSExpression Translate_Conv(JSExpression value, TypeReference expectedType)
            var currentType = value.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem);

            if (TypesAreEqual(expectedType, currentType))
                return value;

            int currentDepth, expectedDepth;
            var currentDerefed = FullyDereferenceType(currentType, out currentDepth);
            var expectedDerefed = FullyDereferenceType(expectedType, out expectedDepth);

            // Handle assigning a value of type 'T&&' to a variable of type 'T&', etc.
            // 'AreTypesAssignable' will return false, because the types are not equivalent, but no cast is necessary.
            if (TypesAreEqual(expectedDerefed, currentDerefed)) {
                if (currentDepth > expectedDepth) {
                    // If the current expression has more levels of reference than the target type, we must dereference
                    //  the current expression one or more times to strip off the reference levels.
                    var result = value;
                    JSExpression dereferenced;

                    while (currentDepth > expectedDepth) {
                        bool ok = JSReferenceExpression.TryDereference(JSIL, result, out dereferenced);
                        if (!ok)

                        currentDepth -= 1;
                        result = dereferenced;

                    return result;
                } else {
                    return value;

            if (IsDelegateType(expectedType) && IsDelegateType(currentType))
                return value;

            if (IsNumericOrEnum(currentType) && IsNumericOrEnum(expectedType)) {
                if (IsIntegral(expectedType)) {
                    if (IsIntegral(currentType))
                        return value;
                        return JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic(JS.floor, new[] { value }, true);
                } else {
                    return value;
            } else if (!TypesAreAssignable(expectedType, currentType)) {
                if (expectedType.FullName == "System.Boolean") {
                    if (IsIntegral(currentType)) {
                        // i != 0 sometimes becomes (bool)i, so we want to generate the explicit form
                        return new JSBinaryOperatorExpression(
                            JSOperator.NotEqual, value, JSLiteral.New(0), TypeSystem.Boolean
                    } else if (!currentType.IsValueType) {
                        // We need to detect any attempts to cast object references to boolean and not generate a cast
                        //  for them, so that our logic in Translate_UnaryOp for detecting (x != null) will still work
                        return value;

                // Never cast AnyType to another type since the implication is that the proxy author will ensure the correct
                //  type is returned.
                if (currentType.FullName == "JSIL.Proxy.AnyType")
                    return value;

                return JSIL.Cast(value, expectedType);
            } else
                return value;

示例6: Translate_Conv

        protected JSExpression Translate_Conv(JSExpression value, TypeReference expectedType)
            var currentType = value.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem);

            try {
                expectedType = TypeAnalysis.SubstituteTypeArgs(expectedType, ThisMethodReference);
            } catch (OpenGenericTypeException) {
                throw new AbortTranslation(String.Format("Cast value to open generic type '{0}'", expectedType));

            if (IsDelegateType(expectedType) && IsDelegateType(currentType))
                return value;

            if (IsNumericOrEnum(currentType) && IsNumericOrEnum(expectedType)) {
                if (IsIntegral(expectedType)) {
                    if (IsIntegral(currentType))
                        return value;
                        return JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic(JS.floor, new[] { value }, true);
                } else {
                    return value;
            } else if (!TypesAreAssignable(expectedType, currentType)) {
                if (expectedType.FullName == "System.Boolean") {
                    if (IsIntegral(currentType)) {
                        // i != 0 sometimes becomes (bool)i, so we want to generate the explicit form
                        return new JSBinaryOperatorExpression(
                            JSOperator.NotEqual, value, JSLiteral.New(0), TypeSystem.Boolean
                    } else if (!currentType.IsValueType) {
                        // We need to detect any attempts to cast object references to boolean and not generate a cast
                        //  for them, so that our logic in Translate_UnaryOp for detecting (x != null) will still work
                        return value;

                return JSIL.Cast(value, expectedType);
            } else
                return value;

示例7: IsCopyNeeded

        protected bool IsCopyNeeded(JSExpression value)
            if ((value == null) || (value.IsNull))
                return false;

            while (value is JSReferenceExpression)
                value = ((JSReferenceExpression)value).Referent;

            var valueType = value.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem);

            if (!IsStruct(valueType))
                return false;

            if (valueType.FullName.StartsWith("System.Nullable"))
                return false;

            if (
                (value is JSLiteral) ||
                (value is JSNewExpression) ||
                (value is JSPassByReferenceExpression)
            ) {
                return false;

            var rightVar = value as JSVariable;
            if (rightVar != null) {
                int referenceCount;
                if (ReferenceCounts.TryGetValue(rightVar.Identifier, out referenceCount) &&
                    (referenceCount == 1) && !rightVar.IsReference && rightVar.IsParameter)
                    return false;

            return true;

示例8: NewReference

        public JSNewExpression NewReference(JSExpression initialValue)
            var resultType = new ByReferenceType(initialValue.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem));

            return new JSNewExpression(
                Dot("Variable", resultType),
                null, initialValue

示例9: IsCopyNeeded

        protected bool IsCopyNeeded(JSExpression value)
            if ((value == null) || (value.IsNull))
                return false;

            while (value is JSReferenceExpression)
                value = ((JSReferenceExpression)value).Referent;

            var valueType = value.GetExpectedType(TypeSystem);

            if (!IsStruct(valueType))
                return false;

            if (valueType.FullName.StartsWith("System.Nullable"))
                return false;

            if (
                (value is JSLiteral) ||
                (value is JSNewExpression) ||
                (value is JSPassByReferenceExpression)
            ) {
                return false;

            var rightVar = value as JSVariable;
            if (rightVar != null) {
                int referenceCount;
                if (
                    ReferenceCounts.TryGetValue(rightVar.Identifier, out referenceCount) &&
                    (referenceCount == 1) && !rightVar.IsReference && rightVar.IsParameter &&
                ) {
                    if (Tracing)
                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Returning false from IsCopyNeeded for parameter {0} because reference count is 1 and it has no aliases", value));

                    return false;

            return true;
