本文整理汇总了C#中ILNode.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ILNode.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive方法的具体用法?C# ILNode.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive怎么用?C# ILNode.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ILNode
示例1: ContainsLabels
protected bool ContainsLabels(ILNode root)
var label = root.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILLabel>().FirstOrDefault();
return label != null;
示例2: TransformNode
IEnumerable<Statement> TransformNode(ILNode node)
if (node is ILLabel) {
yield return new Ast.LabelStatement { Label = ((ILLabel)node).Name };
} else if (node is ILExpression) {
List<ILRange> ilRanges = ILRange.OrderAndJoint(node.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILExpression>().SelectMany(e => e.ILRanges));
AstNode codeExpr = TransformExpression((ILExpression)node);
if (codeExpr != null) {
codeExpr = codeExpr.WithAnnotation(ilRanges);
if (codeExpr is Ast.Expression) {
yield return new Ast.ExpressionStatement { Expression = (Ast.Expression)codeExpr };
} else if (codeExpr is Ast.Statement) {
yield return (Ast.Statement)codeExpr;
} else {
throw new Exception();
} else if (node is ILWhileLoop) {
ILWhileLoop ilLoop = (ILWhileLoop)node;
WhileStatement whileStmt = new WhileStatement() {
Condition = ilLoop.Condition != null ? (Expression)TransformExpression(ilLoop.Condition) : new PrimitiveExpression(true),
EmbeddedStatement = TransformBlock(ilLoop.BodyBlock)
yield return whileStmt;
} else if (node is ILCondition) {
ILCondition conditionalNode = (ILCondition)node;
bool hasFalseBlock = conditionalNode.FalseBlock.EntryGoto != null || conditionalNode.FalseBlock.Body.Count > 0;
yield return new Ast.IfElseStatement {
Condition = (Expression)TransformExpression(conditionalNode.Condition),
TrueStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.TrueBlock),
FalseStatement = hasFalseBlock ? TransformBlock(conditionalNode.FalseBlock) : null
} else if (node is ILSwitch) {
ILSwitch ilSwitch = (ILSwitch)node;
SwitchStatement switchStmt = new SwitchStatement() { Expression = (Expression)TransformExpression(ilSwitch.Condition) };
foreach (var caseBlock in ilSwitch.CaseBlocks) {
SwitchSection section = new SwitchSection();
if (caseBlock.Values != null) {
section.CaseLabels.AddRange(caseBlock.Values.Select(i => new CaseLabel() { Expression = AstBuilder.MakePrimitive(i, ilSwitch.Condition.InferredType) }));
} else {
section.CaseLabels.Add(new CaseLabel());
yield return switchStmt;
} else if (node is ILTryCatchBlock) {
ILTryCatchBlock tryCatchNode = ((ILTryCatchBlock)node);
var tryCatchStmt = new Ast.TryCatchStatement();
tryCatchStmt.TryBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.TryBlock);
foreach (var catchClause in tryCatchNode.CatchBlocks) {
if (catchClause.ExceptionVariable == null
&& (catchClause.ExceptionType == null || catchClause.ExceptionType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Object))
tryCatchStmt.CatchClauses.Add(new Ast.CatchClause { Body = TransformBlock(catchClause) });
} else {
new Ast.CatchClause {
Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(catchClause.ExceptionType),
VariableName = catchClause.ExceptionVariable == null ? null : catchClause.ExceptionVariable.Name,
Body = TransformBlock(catchClause)
if (tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock != null)
tryCatchStmt.FinallyBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock);
if (tryCatchNode.FaultBlock != null) {
CatchClause cc = new CatchClause();
cc.Body = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FaultBlock);
cc.Body.Add(new ThrowStatement()); // rethrow
yield return tryCatchStmt;
} else if (node is ILFixedStatement) {
ILFixedStatement fixedNode = (ILFixedStatement)node;
FixedStatement fixedStatement = new FixedStatement();
foreach (ILExpression initializer in fixedNode.Initializers) {
Debug.Assert(initializer.Code == ILCode.Stloc);
ILVariable v = (ILVariable)initializer.Operand;
new VariableInitializer {
Name = v.Name,
Initializer = (Expression)TransformExpression(initializer.Arguments[0])
fixedStatement.Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(((ILVariable)fixedNode.Initializers[0].Operand).Type);
fixedStatement.EmbeddedStatement = TransformBlock(fixedNode.BodyBlock);
yield return fixedStatement;
} else if (node is ILBlock) {
yield return TransformBlock((ILBlock)node);
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown node type");
示例3: TransformNode
IEnumerable<Statement> TransformNode(ILNode node)
if (node is ILLabel) {
yield return new LabelStatement { Label = ((ILLabel)node).Name };
} else if (node is ILExpression) {
List<ILRange> ilRanges = ILRange.OrderAndJoint(node.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILExpression>().SelectMany(e => e.ILRanges));
AstNode codeExpr = TransformExpression((ILExpression)node);
if (codeExpr != null) {
codeExpr = codeExpr.WithAnnotation(ilRanges);
if (codeExpr is Expression) {
yield return new ExpressionStatement { Expression = (Expression)codeExpr };
} else if (codeExpr is Statement) {
yield return (Statement)codeExpr;
} else {
throw new Exception();
} else if (node is ILWhileLoop) {
ILWhileLoop ilLoop = (ILWhileLoop)node;
WhileStatement whileStmt = new WhileStatement() {
Condition = ilLoop.Condition != null ? (Expression)TransformExpression(ilLoop.Condition) : new PrimitiveExpression(true),
EmbeddedStatement = TransformBlock(ilLoop.BodyBlock)
yield return whileStmt;
} else if (node is ILCondition) {
ILCondition conditionalNode = (ILCondition)node;
bool hasFalseBlock = conditionalNode.FalseBlock.EntryGoto != null || conditionalNode.FalseBlock.Body.Count > 0;
yield return new IfElseStatement {
Condition = (Expression)TransformExpression(conditionalNode.Condition),
TrueStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.TrueBlock),
FalseStatement = hasFalseBlock ? TransformBlock(conditionalNode.FalseBlock) : null
} else if (node is ILSwitch) {
ILSwitch ilSwitch = (ILSwitch)node;
if (TypeAnalysis.IsBoolean(ilSwitch.Condition.InferredType) && (
from cb in ilSwitch.CaseBlocks
where cb.Values != null
from val in cb.Values
select val
).Any(val => val != 0 && val != 1))
// If switch cases contain values other then 0 and 1, force the condition to be non-boolean
ilSwitch.Condition.ExpectedType = typeSystem.Int32;
SwitchStatement switchStmt = new SwitchStatement() { Expression = (Expression)TransformExpression(ilSwitch.Condition) };
foreach (var caseBlock in ilSwitch.CaseBlocks) {
SwitchSection section = new SwitchSection();
if (caseBlock.Values != null) {
section.CaseLabels.AddRange(caseBlock.Values.Select(i => new CaseLabel() { Expression = AstBuilder.MakePrimitive(i, ilSwitch.Condition.ExpectedType ?? ilSwitch.Condition.InferredType) }));
} else {
section.CaseLabels.Add(new CaseLabel());
yield return switchStmt;
} else if (node is ILTryCatchBlock) {
ILTryCatchBlock tryCatchNode = ((ILTryCatchBlock)node);
var tryCatchStmt = new TryCatchStatement();
tryCatchStmt.TryBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.TryBlock);
foreach (var catchClause in tryCatchNode.CatchBlocks) {
CatchClause clause = new CatchClause { Body = TransformBlock(catchClause) };
if (catchClause.ExceptionVariable != null
|| (catchClause.ExceptionType != null && !catchClause.ExceptionType.IsCorLibType("System", "Object")))
clause.Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(catchClause.ExceptionType);
clause.VariableName = catchClause.ExceptionVariable == null ? null : catchClause.ExceptionVariable.Name;
if (catchClause.FilterBlock != null) {
clause.Filter = new FilterClause {
Expression = new LambdaExpression {
Body = TransformBlock(catchClause.FilterBlock)
}.WithAnnotation(new FilterClauseAnnotation())
if (tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock != null)
tryCatchStmt.FinallyBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock);
if (tryCatchNode.FaultBlock != null) {
CatchClause cc = new CatchClause();
cc.Body = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FaultBlock);
cc.Body.Add(new ThrowStatement()); // rethrow
yield return tryCatchStmt;
} else if (node is ILFixedStatement) {
ILFixedStatement fixedNode = (ILFixedStatement)node;
FixedStatement fixedStatement = new FixedStatement();
foreach (ILExpression initializer in fixedNode.Initializers) {
Debug.Assert(initializer.Code == ILCode.Stloc);
ILVariable v = (ILVariable)initializer.Operand;
new VariableInitializer {
Name = v.Name,
Initializer = (Expression)TransformExpression(initializer.Arguments[0])
fixedStatement.Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(((ILVariable)fixedNode.Initializers[0].Operand).Type);