本文整理汇总了C#中ILArray.Reshape方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ILArray.Reshape方法的具体用法?C# ILArray.Reshape怎么用?C# ILArray.Reshape使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ILArray
示例1: meshgrid
/// <summary>
/// Create three 3D arrays for the valuation and visualization of functions of three variables
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Vector of x values</param>
/// <param name="y">Vector of y values</param>
/// <param name="z">Vector of z values</param>
/// <returns>A List of three arrays, the rows of the first comprising the x vector values and the columns of the second comprising the y vector values</returns>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public static List<ILArray<double>> meshgrid(ILArray<double> x, ILArray<double> y, ILArray<double> z)
if (!x.IsVector || !y.IsVector || !z.IsVector)
throw new ILArgumentException("meshgrid: inputs must be vectors");
int xLength = x.Length;
int yLength = y.Length;
int zLength = z.Length;
//ILDimension dimRet = new ILDimension(xLength, yLength, zLength);
//double[] retArrX = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<double>(dimRet.NumberOfElements);
//double[] retArrY = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<double>(dimRet.NumberOfElements);
//double[] retArrZ = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<double>(dimRet.NumberOfElements);
// fixed (double* pRetArrX = retArrX)
// fixed (double* pRetArrY = retArrY)
// fixed (double* pRetArrZ = retArrZ)
// fixed (double* pX = x.m_data)
// fixed (double* pY = y.m_data)
// fixed (double* pZ = z.m_data)
// {
// double* pRetArrayX = pRetArrX;
// double* pRetArrayY = pRetArrY;
// double* pRetArrayZ = pRetArrZ;
// double* pArrayX;
// double* pArrayY;
// double* pArrayZ = pZ;
// double* pXEnd = pX + xLength;
// double* pYEnd = pY + yLength;
// double* pZEnd = pZ + zLength;
// while (pArrayZ < pZEnd)
// {
// pArrayY = pY;
// while (pArrayY < pYEnd)
// {
// pArrayX = pX;
// while (pArrayX < pXEnd)
// {
// *pRetArrayX = *pArrayX;
// *pRetArrayY = *pArrayY;
// *pRetArrayZ = *pArrayZ;
// pArrayX++;
// pRetArrayX++;
// pRetArrayY++;
// pRetArrayZ++;
// }
// pArrayY++;
// }
// pArrayZ++;
// }
// }
List<ILArray<double>> retList = new List<ILArray<double>>();
if (!x.IsRowVector) x.Reshape(1,x.Length);
if (!y.IsColumnVector) y.Reshape(y.Length,1);
z = z[":"].Reshape(1,1,z.Dimensions.NumberOfElements);
return retList;
示例2: CreateVertices
internal static ILArray<double> CreateVertices(ILBaseArray dataInput
,out ILArray<double> indices
,double beta, double scaling
, ILColormap colormap) {
// each arrow needs 4 vertices (indexed rendering)
ILArray<double> data = todouble(dataInput);
int numRows = data.Dimensions[0];
int numCols = data.Dimensions[1];
ILArray<double> ret = new ILArray<double>(4, numCols * numRows, 2);
// prepare indices
indices = repmat(new ILArray<double>(new double[] { 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2 }, 6, 1), 1, numCols * numRows);
indices = indices + repmat(counter(0.0, 4.0, 1, numCols * numRows), 6, 1);
indices = indices.Reshape(2, numRows * numCols * 3);
// normalize incoming data to length 1.0
ILArray<double> l = sqrt(sum(data * data, 2));
double maxL = (double)max(maxall(l),MachineParameterDouble.eps);
l = (l / maxL)[":"].T * scaling;
ILArray<double> alpha = atan2(data[":;:;1"], data[":;:;0"]);
alpha = alpha[":"].T;
ILArray<double> x = data[":;:;0"][":"].T * scaling;
ILArray<double> y = data[":;:;1"][":"].T * scaling;
ILArray<double> xO = repmat(linspace(1, numCols, numCols), numRows, 1)[":"].T;
ILArray<double> yO = repmat(linspace(numRows, 1, numRows).T, 1, numCols)[":"].T;
ret["0;:;0"] = xO - x;
ret["1;:;0"] = xO + x - l / 2 * cos(alpha + beta);
ret["2;:;0"] = xO + x;
ret["3;:;0"] = xO + x - l / 2 * cos(alpha - beta);
ret["0;:;1"] = yO - y;
ret["1;:;1"] = yO + y - l / 2 * sin(alpha + beta);
ret["2;:;1"] = yO + y;
ret["3;:;1"] = yO + y - l / 2 * sin(alpha - beta);
ret["0;0;2"] = 0.0;
// prepare colors
ret[":;:;3:5"] = todouble(
(tosingle(l) * colormap.Length).Reshape(1, l.Length, 3) * 255, 4, 1, 1));
return ret.Reshape(4 * numRows * numCols, 6).T;