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C# IGeometryFactory.CreatePolygon方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中IGeometryFactory.CreatePolygon方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# IGeometryFactory.CreatePolygon方法的具体用法?C# IGeometryFactory.CreatePolygon怎么用?C# IGeometryFactory.CreatePolygon使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在IGeometryFactory的用法示例。


示例1: CreateCircle

 public static IPolygon CreateCircle(
                       IGeometryFactory fact,
                       double basex,
                       double basey,
                       double size,
                       int nPts)
     Coordinate[] pts = CreateCircle(basex, basey, size, nPts);
     var ring = fact.CreateLinearRing(pts);
     var poly = fact.CreatePolygon(ring, null);
     return poly;

示例2: ReadPolygon

        private static GeoAPI.Geometries.IPolygon ReadPolygon(byte[] geom, ref int idx, bool isLittleEndian, IGeometryFactory factory)
            double[] adfTuple = new double[2];
            int nRings;

            nRings = ReadUInt32(geom,ref idx, isLittleEndian);

            if (nRings < 1 || nRings > Int32.MaxValue / (2 * 8))
                throw new ApplicationException("Currupt SpatialLite geom");

            List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ILineString> lineStrings = new List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ILineString>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nRings; i++)
                lineStrings.Add(ReadLineString(geom,ref idx, isLittleEndian, factory));

            List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ILinearRing> holes = null;
            var shell = factory.CreateLinearRing(lineStrings[0].Coordinates);
            if (lineStrings.Count > 1)
                holes = new List<GeoAPI.Geometries.ILinearRing>();
                for (int i = 1; i < lineStrings.Count; i++)
                    holes.Add(new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.LinearRing(lineStrings[i].Coordinates));
            return factory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes == null ? null : holes.ToArray());

示例3: GetTriangles

 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the geometry for the triangles in a triangulated subdivision as a <see cref="IGeometryCollection"/>
 /// of triangular <see cref="IPolygon"/>s.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geomFact">the GeometryFactory to use</param>
 /// <returns>a GeometryCollection of triangular Polygons</returns>
 public IGeometryCollection GetTriangles(IGeometryFactory geomFact)
     var triPtsList = GetTriangleCoordinates(false);
     IPolygon[] tris = new Polygon[triPtsList.Count];
     int i = 0;
     foreach (var triPt in triPtsList)
         tris[i++] = geomFact
                     .CreatePolygon(geomFact.CreateLinearRing(triPt), null);
     return geomFact.CreateGeometryCollection(tris);

示例4: ToPolygon

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geometryFactory"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IPolygon ToPolygon(IGeometryFactory geometryFactory)
     ILinearRing[] holeLR = new ILinearRing[_holes.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < _holes.Count; i++)
         holeLR[i] = _holes[i].LinearRing;
     IPolygon poly = geometryFactory.CreatePolygon(LinearRing, holeLR);
     return poly;

示例5: GeneratePolygons

        private static void GeneratePolygons(IGeometryFactory factory, ICollection<IGeometry> geometry, Random rndGen)
            int numPolygons = rndGen.Next(10, 100);
            for (var polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < numPolygons; polyIndex++)
                var vertices = new GeoPoint[5];
                var upperLeft = new GeoPoint(rndGen.NextDouble()*1000, rndGen.NextDouble()*1000);
                var sideLength = rndGen.NextDouble()*50;

                // Make a square
                vertices[0] = new GeoPoint(upperLeft.X, upperLeft.Y);
                vertices[1] = new GeoPoint(upperLeft.X + sideLength, upperLeft.Y);
                vertices[2] = new GeoPoint(upperLeft.X + sideLength, upperLeft.Y - sideLength);
                vertices[3] = new GeoPoint(upperLeft.X, upperLeft.Y - sideLength);
                vertices[4] = upperLeft;

                geometry.Add(factory.CreatePolygon(factory.CreateLinearRing(vertices), null));

示例6: TransformPolygon

        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a <see cref="GeoAPI.Geometries.IPolygon"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Polygon to transform</param>
        /// <param name="from">Source Projection</param>
        /// <param name="to">Target Projection</param>
        /// <param name="toFactory">The factory to create geometries for <paramref name="to"/></param>
        /// <returns>Transformed Polygon</returns>
        public static IPolygon TransformPolygon(IPolygon p, ProjectionInfo from, ProjectionInfo to, IGeometryFactory toFactory)
            var shell = toFactory.CreateLinearRing(TransformSequence(p.Shell.CoordinateSequence, from, to, toFactory.CoordinateSequenceFactory));
            var holes = new ILinearRing[p.NumInteriorRings];
            for (var i = 0; i < p.NumInteriorRings; i++)
                holes[i] = toFactory.CreateLinearRing(TransformSequence(p.GetInteriorRingN(i).CoordinateSequence, from, to, toFactory.CoordinateSequenceFactory));

            return toFactory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes);

示例7: TransformPolygon

	    /// <summary>
		/// Transforms a <see cref="Polygon" /> object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="factory"></param>
		/// <param name="p"></param>
		/// <param name="transform"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
        public static IPolygon TransformPolygon(IGeometryFactory factory,
            IPolygon p, IMathTransform transform)
			List<ILinearRing> holes = new List<ILinearRing>(p.InteriorRings.Length); 
            for (int i = 0; i < p.InteriorRings.Length; i++)
                ILinearRing hole = TransformLinearRing(factory, 
                    (ILinearRing) p.InteriorRings[i], transform);
	        ILinearRing shell = TransformLinearRing(factory, 
                (ILinearRing) p.ExteriorRing, transform);
	        return factory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes.ToArray());

示例8: ReadPolygonText

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Polygon using the next token in the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenizer">Tokenizer over a stream of text in Well-known Text
        ///  format. The next tokens must form a &lt;Polygon Text&gt;.</param>
        /// <param name="factory">The factory to create the result geometry</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a Polygon specified by the next token
        ///  in the stream</returns>
        ///  <remarks>
        ///  ParseException is thrown if the coordinates used to create the Polygon
        ///  shell and holes do not form closed linestrings, or if an unexpected
        ///  token is encountered.
        ///  </remarks>
        private static IPolygon ReadPolygonText(WktStreamTokenizer tokenizer, IGeometryFactory factory)
            string nextToken = GetNextEmptyOrOpener(tokenizer);
            if (nextToken == "EMPTY")
                return factory.CreatePolygon(null, null);

            var exteriorRing = factory.CreateLinearRing(GetCoordinates(tokenizer));
            nextToken = GetNextCloserOrComma(tokenizer);
            var interiorRings = new List<ILinearRing>();
            while (nextToken == ",")
                //Add holes
                nextToken = GetNextCloserOrComma(tokenizer);
            return factory.CreatePolygon(exteriorRing, interiorRings.ToArray());

示例9: ToNTSPolygon

 internal static NTSPolygon ToNTSPolygon(Geometries.Polygon geom,
     IGeometryFactory factory)
     NTSLinearRing shell = ToNTSLinearRing(geom.ExteriorRing, factory);
     NTSLinearRing[] holes = new NTSLinearRing[geom.InteriorRings.Count];
     int index = 0;
     foreach (Geometries.LinearRing hole in geom.InteriorRings)
         holes[index++] = ToNTSLinearRing(hole, factory);
     return factory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes) as NTSPolygon;

示例10: CreateWKBPolygon

        private static IPolygon CreateWKBPolygon(BinaryReader reader, WkbByteOrder byteOrder, IGeometryFactory factory)
            // Get the Number of rings in this Polygon.
            var numRings = (int) ReadUInt32(reader, byteOrder);

            Debug.Assert(numRings >= 1, "Number of rings in polygon must be 1 or more.");

            var shell = CreateWKBLinearRing(reader, byteOrder, factory);

            var holes = new ILinearRing[--numRings];
            for (var i = 0; i < numRings; i++)
                holes[i] = CreateWKBLinearRing(reader, byteOrder, factory);

            return factory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes);

示例11: generatePolygons

        private static void generatePolygons(IGeometryFactory geometryFactory,
                                             ICollection<IGeometry> geometry, 
                                             Random rndGen)
            ICoordinateSequenceFactory coordinateSequenceFactory =
            ICoordinateFactory coordinateFactory = geometryFactory.CoordinateFactory;
            ICoordinateSequence coords = coordinateSequenceFactory.Create(CoordinateDimensions.Two);

            Int32 polyCount = rndGen.Next(10, 100);

            for (Int32 polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < polyCount; polyIndex++)
                ICoordinate upperLeft = coordinateFactory.Create(rndGen.NextDouble() * 1000,
                                                                  rndGen.NextDouble() * 1000);

                Double sideLength = rndGen.NextDouble() * 50;

                // Make a square
                coords.Add(coordinateFactory.Create(upperLeft[Ordinates.X] + sideLength,
                coords.Add(coordinateFactory.Create(upperLeft[Ordinates.X] + sideLength,
                                                    upperLeft[Ordinates.Y] - sideLength));
                                                    upperLeft[Ordinates.Y] - sideLength));

                IPolygon polygon = geometryFactory.CreatePolygon(coords);

示例12: Read

            if ( ! ( shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.Polygon  || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonM ||
                     shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZM))	
				throw new ShapefileException("Attempting to load a non-polygon as polygon.");

			// Read and for now ignore bounds.
			double[] box = new double[4];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
				box[i] = file.ReadDouble();

		    int numParts = file.ReadInt32();
			int numPoints = file.ReadInt32();
			int[] partOffsets = new int[numParts];
			for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
				partOffsets[i] = file.ReadInt32();

			ArrayList shells = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList holes = new ArrayList();

		    for (int part = 0; part < numParts; part++)
				int start = partOffsets[part];
			    int finish;
			    if (part == numParts - 1)
					 finish = numPoints;
				else finish = partOffsets[part + 1];
				int length = finish - start;
                CoordinateList points = new CoordinateList();
				for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
					Coordinate external = new Coordinate(file.ReadDouble(), file.ReadDouble() );					
                    new PrecisionModel(geometryFactory.PrecisionModel).MakePrecise(external);
                    Coordinate internalCoord = external;

				ILinearRing ring = geometryFactory.CreateLinearRing(points.ToArray());
                // If shape have only a part, jump orientation check and add to shells
                if (numParts == 1)
                    // Orientation check
                    if (CGAlgorithms.IsCounterClockwise(points.ToArray()))
                    else shells.Add(ring);

			// Now we have a list of all shells and all holes
			ArrayList holesForShells = new ArrayList(shells.Count);
			for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++)
				holesForShells.Add(new ArrayList());
			// Find holes
			for (int i = 0; i < holes.Count; i++)
				LinearRing testRing = (LinearRing) holes[i];
				LinearRing minShell = null;
				IEnvelope minEnv = null;
				IEnvelope testEnv = testRing.EnvelopeInternal;
				Coordinate testPt = testRing.GetCoordinateN(0);
				LinearRing tryRing;
				for (int j = 0; j < shells.Count; j++)
					tryRing = (LinearRing) shells[j];
					IEnvelope tryEnv = tryRing.EnvelopeInternal;
					if (minShell != null) 
						minEnv = minShell.EnvelopeInternal;
					bool isContained = false;
					CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList(tryRing.Coordinates);
					if (tryEnv.Contains(testEnv)
                        && (CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(testPt, coordList.ToArray()) 
                        || (PointInList(testPt, coordList)))) 				
						isContained = true;

                    // Check if this new containing ring is smaller than the current minimum ring
                    if (isContained)
                        if (minShell == null || minEnv.Contains(tryEnv))
                            minShell = tryRing;

                        // Suggested by Brian Macomber and added 3/28/2006:
                        // holes were being found but never added to the holesForShells array
                        // so when converted to geometry by the factory, the inner rings were never created.
                        ArrayList holesForThisShell = (ArrayList)holesForShells[j];

			IPolygon[] polygons = new Polygon[shells.Count];
			for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++)			
				polygons[i] = geometryFactory.CreatePolygon((LinearRing) shells[i], 
                    (LinearRing[])((ArrayList) holesForShells[i]).ToArray(typeof(LinearRing)));
			if (polygons.Length == 1)
				return polygons[0];
			// It's a multi part
			return geometryFactory.CreateMultiPolygon(polygons);

示例13: GetVoronoiCellPolygon

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Voronoi cell around a site specified
        /// by the origin of a QuadEdge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The userData of the polygon is set to be the <see cref="Coordinate" />
        /// of the site.  This allows attaching external
        /// data associated with the site to this cell polygon.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="qe">a quadedge originating at the cell site</param>
        /// <param name="geomFact">a factory for building the polygon</param>
        /// <returns>a polygon indicating the cell extent</returns>
        public IPolygon GetVoronoiCellPolygon(QuadEdge qe, IGeometryFactory geomFact)
            var cellPts = new List<Coordinate>();
            QuadEdge startQE = qe;

                // Coordinate cc = circumcentre(qe);
                // use previously computed circumcentre
                Coordinate cc = qe.Rot.Orig.Coordinate;

                // move to next triangle CW around vertex
                qe = qe.OPrev;
            } while (qe != startQE);

            var coordList = new CoordinateList();
            coordList.AddAll(cellPts, false);

            if (coordList.Count < 4)
            #if !PCL
                coordList.Add(coordList[coordList.Count - 1], true);

            Coordinate[] pts = coordList.ToCoordinateArray();
            IPolygon cellPoly = geomFact.CreatePolygon(geomFact.CreateLinearRing(pts), null);

            Vertex v = startQE.Orig;
            cellPoly.UserData = v.Coordinate;
            return cellPoly;

示例14: FromPolygon

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Polygon or MultiPolygon from this Polygon shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory">The IGeometryFactory to use to create the new IGeometry.</param>
        /// <returns>The IPolygon or IMultiPolygon created from this shape.</returns>
        protected IGeometry FromPolygon(IGeometryFactory factory)
            if (factory == null) factory = Geometry.DefaultFactory;
            List<ILinearRing> shells = new List<ILinearRing>();
            List<ILinearRing> holes = new List<ILinearRing>();
            foreach (PartRange part in _shapeRange.Parts)
                List<Coordinate> coords = new List<Coordinate>();
                int i = part.StartIndex;
                foreach (Vertex d in part)
                    Coordinate c = new Coordinate(d.X, d.Y);
                    if (M != null && M.Length > 0) c.M = M[i];
                    if (Z != null && Z.Length > 0) c.Z = Z[i];
                ILinearRing ring = factory.CreateLinearRing(coords);
                if (_shapeRange.Parts.Count == 1)
                    if (CgAlgorithms.IsCounterClockwise(ring.Coordinates))
            //// Now we have a list of all shells and all holes
            List<ILinearRing>[] holesForShells = new List<ILinearRing>[shells.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++)
                holesForShells[i] = new List<ILinearRing>();

            // Find holes
            foreach (ILinearRing t in holes)
                ILinearRing testRing = t;
                ILinearRing minShell = null;
                IEnvelope minEnv = null;
                IEnvelope testEnv = testRing.EnvelopeInternal;
                Coordinate testPt = testRing.Coordinates[0];
                ILinearRing tryRing;
                for (int j = 0; j < shells.Count; j++)
                    tryRing = shells[j];
                    IEnvelope tryEnv = tryRing.EnvelopeInternal;
                    if (minShell != null)
                        minEnv = minShell.EnvelopeInternal;
                    bool isContained = false;

                    if (tryEnv.Contains(testEnv)
                        && (CgAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(testPt, tryRing.Coordinates)
                            || (PointInList(testPt, tryRing.Coordinates))))
                        isContained = true;

                    // Check if this new containing ring is smaller than the current minimum ring
                    if (isContained)
                        if (minShell == null || minEnv.Contains(tryEnv))
                            minShell = tryRing;

            IPolygon[] polygons = new Polygon[shells.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++)
                polygons[i] = factory.CreatePolygon(shells[i], holesForShells[i].ToArray());

            if (polygons.Length == 1)
                return polygons[0];
            // It's a multi part
            return factory.CreateMultiPolygon(polygons);

示例15: ToGeometry

        public IGeometry ToGeometry(IGeometryFactory geomFactory)
            if (IsNull)
                return geomFactory.CreatePoint((ICoordinateSequence)null);

            Coordinate px00 = new Coordinate(_minX, _minA - _minX);
            Coordinate px01 = new Coordinate(_minX, _minX - _minB);

            Coordinate px10 = new Coordinate(_maxX, _maxX - _maxB);
            Coordinate px11 = new Coordinate(_maxX, _maxA - _maxX);

            Coordinate py00 = new Coordinate(_minA - _minY, _minY);
            Coordinate py01 = new Coordinate(_minY + _maxB, _minY);

            Coordinate py10 = new Coordinate(_maxY + _minB, _maxY);
            Coordinate py11 = new Coordinate(_maxA - _maxY, _maxY);

            IPrecisionModel pm = geomFactory.PrecisionModel;

            CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList();
            coordList.Add(px00, false);
            coordList.Add(px01, false);
            coordList.Add(py10, false);
            coordList.Add(py11, false);
            coordList.Add(px11, false);
            coordList.Add(px10, false);
            coordList.Add(py01, false);
            coordList.Add(py00, false);

            if (coordList.Count == 1)
                return geomFactory.CreatePoint(px00);
            Coordinate[] pts;
            if (coordList.Count == 2)
                pts = coordList.ToCoordinateArray();
                return geomFactory.CreateLineString(pts);
            // must be a polygon, so add closing point
            coordList.Add(px00, false);
            pts = coordList.ToCoordinateArray();
            return geomFactory.CreatePolygon(geomFactory.CreateLinearRing(pts), null);
