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C# IContent.IsPublished方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中IContent.IsPublished方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# IContent.IsPublished方法的具体用法?C# IContent.IsPublished怎么用?C# IContent.IsPublished使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在IContent的用法示例。


示例1: ApplyConnectorCriteria

 private IContentQuery<ConnectorPart, ConnectorPartRecord> ApplyConnectorCriteria(IContent left, ConnectorCriteria criteria, IContentQuery<ConnectorPart, ConnectorPartRecord> query) {
     if (criteria == ConnectorCriteria.Auto)
         criteria = (!left.IsPublished() && left.ContentItem.VersionRecord != null && left.ContentItem.VersionRecord.Latest) ? ConnectorCriteria.Drafts : ConnectorCriteria.Published;
     switch (criteria) {
         case ConnectorCriteria.Published:
             // Always show published
             query = query.ForVersion(VersionOptions.Published);
         case ConnectorCriteria.Drafts:
             // Drafted item, get Latest (but exclude deleted)
             query = query.ForVersion(VersionOptions.Latest).Where(c => !c.DeleteWhenLeftPublished);
         case ConnectorCriteria.DraftsAndDeleted:
             // Drafted item, get Latest (but exclude deleted)
             query = query.ForVersion(VersionOptions.Latest);
     return query;

示例2: DeleteConnector

        public int DeleteConnector(IContent left, IContent content, bool ignorePermissions = false, bool deleteInverseIfPossible = true, bool definitelyDelete = false)
            var count = 0;
            var connector = content.As<ConnectorPart>();
            if (connector == null) return count;
            var connectorPart = connector.TypePartDefinition;
            if (connectorPart != null)
                // Security check
                if (!ignorePermissions)
                    if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.DeleteContent, content, T("Could not delete connector")))
                        return count;

                if (connector.LeftContentItemId != left.Id)
                    throw new OrchardException(T("Attempted to delete connector from wrong join"));

                // Versioning. If we delete the connector immediately from a draft then it'll also disappear from the published version.
                // Can't delete connectors from old versions.
                if (left.ContentItem.VersionRecord != null ) {
                    if (left.IsPublished() || definitelyDelete)
                        // Do a proper remove

                        // TODO: Events to hook into CRUD operations on connectors (so we could delete other related things for example)
                        // TODO: Actually this as well as Create inverse should be done in content handler so we can hook into all normal
                        // content events...?
                        // Check for existing inverse Connector
                        // Note: We don't check permissions on inverse connector, if they can delete one way they have to be able to delete the other.
                        if (deleteInverseIfPossible && connector.InverseConnector != null) {
                    else {
                        // Flag to delete when published
                        connector.DeleteWhenLeftPublished = true;
            return count;
