本文整理汇总了C#中FastBitmap.Dispose方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# FastBitmap.Dispose方法的具体用法?C# FastBitmap.Dispose怎么用?C# FastBitmap.Dispose使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类FastBitmap
示例1: CreateShadowedImage
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new image of the specified size from the source image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="src">Source image path</param>
/// <param name="dest">Destination image path</param>
/// <param name="imgCfg">The configuration of the image</param>
/// <param name="forceUpdate">Update in every case</param>
/// <param name="jpegQuality">The Quality for the JPEG File 0..100</param>
public void CreateShadowedImage(string src, string dest, ImageBrowserConfig.ImageCfg imgCfg, bool forceUpdate, byte jpegQuality)
if (!forceUpdate && File.Exists(cfg.PictureRootDirectory + "/" + dest) )
string path = Directory.GetParent(cfg.PictureRootDirectory + "/" + dest).FullName;
if ( ! Directory.Exists(path))
// Values for building Shadow.
Int32 shadowwidth = imgCfg.ShadowWidth;
Int32 borderwidth = imgCfg.BorderWidth;
Int32 margin = shadowwidth / 2;
Int32 shadowdir = 0;
Double shadowtrans = imgCfg.ShadowTransparency;
Color bkcolor = Color.FromArgb(imgCfg.BackgroundColor);
Color shadowcolor = Color.FromArgb(imgCfg.ShadowColor);
Color bordercolor = Color.FromArgb(imgCfg.BorderColor);
Boolean softshadow = imgCfg.SoftShadow;
Image thumb = CreateImageInternal(src, imgCfg.MaxSize);
if(thumb != null)
FastBitmap tmp = new FastBitmap(thumb);
FastBitmap bmp = new FastBitmap(tmp.Width + borderwidth * 2, tmp.Height + borderwidth * 2,
// add border if necessary
if (borderwidth > 0)
using(SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush(bordercolor))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp._bitmap))
g.FillRectangle(br, 0, 0, borderwidth * 2 + tmp.Width, borderwidth * 2 + tmp.Height);
tmp.CopyTo(bmp, borderwidth, borderwidth, 0, 0, tmp.Width, tmp.Height);
// create image
Int32 width = bmp.Width + shadowwidth + margin * 2;
Int32 height = bmp.Height + shadowwidth + margin * 2;
LayeredImage image = new LayeredImage(width, height);
Int32 shadowx = 0, shadowy = 0, imgx = 0, imgy = 0;
if (softshadow)
switch (shadowdir)
case 0:
shadowx = margin - shadowwidth / 2;
shadowy = margin - shadowwidth / 2;
imgx = margin;
imgy = margin;
case 1:
shadowx = margin + shadowwidth - 3 * (shadowwidth / 2);
shadowy = margin - shadowwidth / 2;
imgx = margin + shadowwidth;
imgy = margin;
case 2:
shadowx = margin + shadowwidth - 3 * (shadowwidth / 2);
shadowy = margin + shadowwidth - 3 * (shadowwidth / 2);
imgx = margin + shadowwidth;
imgy = margin + shadowwidth;
case 3:
shadowx = margin - shadowwidth / 2;
shadowy = margin + shadowwidth - 3 * (shadowwidth / 2);
imgx = margin;
imgy = margin + shadowwidth;
switch (shadowdir)
case 0:
shadowx = margin;
shadowy = margin;
imgx = margin;
imgy = margin;
示例2: MakeDistortionGrid
private void MakeDistortionGrid()
Bitmap bmpBlend = new Bitmap(config.BlendFile);
FastBitmap fastBlend = new FastBitmap(bmpBlend);
Bitmap bmpDistort = new Bitmap(config.DistortionGrid);
FastBitmap fastDistort = new FastBitmap(bmpDistort);
int subX = bmpBlend.Width - 1;
int subY = subX;
if (distortIndexBuffer != null)
if (distortVertexBuffer != null)
distortIndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(int), (subX * subY * 6), RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
distortVertexBuffer = new PositionColorTexturedVertexBuffer11(((subX + 1) * (subY + 1)), RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
distortVertexCount = (subX + 1) * (subY + 1);
int index = 0;
// Create a vertex buffer
PositionColoredTextured[] verts = (PositionColoredTextured[])distortVertexBuffer.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
int x1, y1;
double maxU = 0;
double maxV = 0;
double textureStepX = 1.0f / subX;
double textureStepY = 1.0f / subY;
for (y1 = 0; y1 <= subY; y1++)
double tv;
for (x1 = 0; x1 <= subX; x1++)
double tu;
index = y1 * (subX + 1) + x1;
PixelDataRgb* pdata = fastDistort.GetRgbPixel(x1, y1);
tu = (float)(pdata->blue + ((uint)pdata->red % 16) * 256) / 4095f;
tv = (float)(pdata->green + ((uint)pdata->red / 16) * 256) / 4095f;
//tu = (tu - .5f) * 1.7777778 + .5f;
if (tu > maxU)
maxU = tu;
if (tv > maxV)
maxV = tv;
verts[index].Position = new SharpDX.Vector4(((float)x1 / subX) - .5f, (1f - ((float)y1 / subY)) - .5f, .9f, 1f);
verts[index].Tu = (float)tu;
verts[index].Tv = (float)tv;
PixelDataRgb* pPixel = fastBlend.GetRgbPixel(x1, y1);
verts[index].Color = Color.FromArgb(255, pPixel->red, pPixel->green, pPixel->blue);
distortTriangleCount = (subX) * (subY) * 2;
uint[] indexArray = (uint[])distortIndexBuffer.Lock();
index = 0;
for (y1 = 0; y1 < subY; y1++)
for (x1 = 0; x1 < subX; x1++)
// First triangle in quad
indexArray[index] = (uint)(y1 * (subX + 1) + x1);
indexArray[index + 1] = (uint)((y1 + 1) * (subX + 1) + x1);
indexArray[index + 2] = (uint)(y1 * (subX + 1) + (x1 + 1));
// Second triangle in quad
indexArray[index + 3] = (uint)(y1 * (subX + 1) + (x1 + 1));
indexArray[index + 4] = (uint)((y1 + 1) * (subX + 1) + x1);
indexArray[index + 5] = (uint)((y1 + 1) * (subX + 1) + (x1 + 1));
index += 6;