本文整理汇总了C#中Dictionary.Take方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Dictionary.Take方法的具体用法?C# Dictionary.Take怎么用?C# Dictionary.Take使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Dictionary
示例1: SelectBestRecettes
public static List<Recette> SelectBestRecettes(List<Recette> recettes, List<Product> products, int limit = 3)
List<Tuple<int, List<string>>> lesMotsDesProduits = products.Select(o => new Tuple<int, List<string>>(o.ID, o.Libelle.Split(' ').ToList())).ToList();
List<Tuple<int, List<List<string>>>> lesMotsDesRecettes = recettes.Select(o => new Tuple<int, List<List<string>>>(o.ID, o.Ingrédients.Select(i => i.Split(' ').ToList()).ToList())).ToList();
lesMotsDesProduits.ForEach(o => o.Item2.RemoveAll(i => uselessWords.Contains(i)));
lesMotsDesRecettes.ForEach(o => o.Item2.ForEach(l => l.RemoveAll(s => uselessWords.Contains(s))));
Dictionary<int, int> classementRecette = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (Tuple<int, List<List<string>>> recette in lesMotsDesRecettes)
foreach (List<string> ingredient in recette.Item2)
if (!classementRecette.ContainsKey(recette.Item1))
classementRecette[recette.Item1] = 0;
classementRecette[recette.Item1] += lesMotsDesProduits.Sum(o => o.Item2.Where(i => ingredient.Contains(i)).Count());
classementRecette = classementRecette.OrderBy(o => o.Value).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, i => i.Value);
return classementRecette.Values.All(o => o == 0) ? null : classementRecette.Take(limit).Select(r => recettes.Where(o => o.ID == r.Key && r.Value > 0).First()).ToList();
示例2: TenMostFrequentChar
private Dictionary<char, int> TenMostFrequentChar(string value)
var charDictionary = new Dictionary<char, int>();
foreach (var x in value)
if (charDictionary.ContainsKey(x))
charDictionary[x] = charDictionary[x] + 1;
charDictionary.Add(x, 1);
//This will order the Dictionary by the values
charDictionary = charDictionary.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
if (charDictionary.Count < 10)
return charDictionary;
return charDictionary.Take(10).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
示例3: CreateCloud
public Bitmap CreateCloud(Config config, Dictionary<string, int> words)
var bitmap = new Bitmap(config.ConfigModel.Width, config.ConfigModel.Height);
using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
float height = 0;
var sum = words.Take(config.ConfigModel.Count).Sum(x => x.Value);
foreach (var word in words.Take(config.ConfigModel.Count))
var wordHeight = (bitmap.Height/sum)*word.Value;
DrawWord(word, graphics, wordHeight, height, config);
height += wordHeight;
return bitmap;
示例4: SplitByRack
private void SplitByRack(Dictionary<int, int> smpPlasmaSlices)
int totalSliceCnt = smpPlasmaSlices.Count;
while (smpPlasmaSlices.Any())
int remaining = smpPlasmaSlices.Count;
int splitted = totalSliceCnt - remaining;
var tmpPlasmaSlices = smpPlasmaSlices.Take(Math.Min(remaining, 16)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
var tmpPackageInfos = CreatePackInfo(tmpPlasmaSlices);
allPackageExpectedInfos.Add(new Dictionary<Point, string>(tmpPackageInfos));
allPackageScannedInfos.Add(new Dictionary<Point, string>());
smpPlasmaSlices = smpPlasmaSlices.Except(tmpPlasmaSlices).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
示例5: LoadSongs
private string LoadSongs(string path, int category)
// read the index file from disk
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);
string lyrics = sr.ReadToEnd();
// parse the index file for songs and rank
Dictionary<int, double> songs = new Dictionary<int, double>();
foreach (string line in lyrics.Split('\n'))
songs.Add(Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(' ')[0]), Convert.ToDouble(line.Split(' ')[1]));
catch (Exception ex)
// initialize web client
WebClient client = new WebClient();
// build the results output
string output = "";
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> song in songs.Take(5))
// download song information and album art from MusixMatch
string response = client.DownloadString("http://api.musixmatch.com/ws/1.1/track.get?track_id=" + song.Key + "&apikey=" + apiKey);
var track = Json.Decode(response).message.body.track;
string albumCover = track.album_coverart_350x350 == "" ? track.album_coverart_100x100 : track.album_coverart_350x350;
// append the raw HTML content
output += "<div class='span2'><a href='view.aspx?id=" + track.track_id + "&category=" + category + "'><img class='img-polaroid' width='150' height='150' style='width: 150px; height: 150px;' src='" + albumCover + "'></a><h4><a href='view.aspx?id=" + track.track_id + "&category=" + category + "'>" + track.track_name + "</a></h4><p>by " + track.artist_name + "</p></div>\n";
// return the rendered results
return output;
示例6: Page_Load
string gift3AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities =
string gift4AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities =
string allAssociatedVolunteerOpportunities = gift1AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities + "," +
gift2AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities + "," +
gift3AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities + "," +
if (allAssociatedVolunteerOpportunities != ",,,")
List<int> associatedVolunteerOpportunitiesList =
allAssociatedVolunteerOpportunities.Split(',').Select(t => int.Parse(t)).ToList();
Dictionary<int, int> VolunteerOpportunities = new Dictionary<int, int>();
var i = 0;
var q = from x in associatedVolunteerOpportunitiesList
group x by x
into g
let count = g.Count()
orderby count descending
select new { Value = g.Key, Count = count };
foreach (var x in q)
VolunteerOpportunities.Add(i, x.Value);
ConnectionOpportunityService connectionOpportunityService = new ConnectionOpportunityService(rockContext);
List<ConnectionOpportunity> connectionOpportunityList = new List<ConnectionOpportunity>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> entry in VolunteerOpportunities.Take(4))
var connection = connectionOpportunityService.GetByIds(new List<int> { entry.Value }).FirstOrDefault();
// Only display connection if it is marked Active
if (connection.IsActive == true)
rpVolunteerOpportunities.DataSource = connectionOpportunityList;
//Get DISC Info
DiscService.AssessmentResults savedScores = DiscService.LoadSavedAssessmentResults(SelectedPerson);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savedScores.PersonalityType))
DISCResults.Visible = true;
NoDISCResults.Visible = false;
discPageReference.Parameters = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
discPageReference.Parameters.Add("rckipid", SelectedPerson.UrlEncodedKey);
Response.Redirect(discPageReference.BuildUrl(), true);
示例7: PrintRequests
private void PrintRequests(string type, Dictionary<string, int> sortedDict, int sum)
m_log.InfoFormat("[INFO]: {0,25}", type);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in sortedDict.Take(12))
m_log.InfoFormat("[INFO]: {0,25} {1,-6}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
m_log.InfoFormat("[INFO]: {0,25}", "...");
m_log.InfoFormat("[INFO]: {0,25} {1,-6}", "Total", sum);
示例8: SumSimilarity
/// <summary>
/// Vrátí součet rozdílů očekávaných a nalezených procentuálních výskytů znaků
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text"></param>
/// <param name="occurrence"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static double SumSimilarity(string text, Dictionary<string, double> occurrence)
Dictionary<string, double> standardLettersOccurrence =
occurrence.Take(6).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
Dictionary<string, double> inTextLettersOcc = TextAnalysis.GetOccurrence(text, occurrence.Keys.Take(1).ToArray()[0].Length);
double sum = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> occ in standardLettersOccurrence)
if (inTextLettersOcc.ContainsKey(occ.Key))
sum += Math.Abs(occ.Value - inTextLettersOcc[occ.Key]);
sum += 10;
return sum;
示例9: GetFeeds
public static List<FeedResultItem> GetFeeds(FeedApiFilter filter)
var filterOffset = filter.Offset;
var filterLimit = filter.Max > 0 && filter.Max < 1000 ? filter.Max : 1000;
var feeds = new Dictionary<string, List<FeedResultItem>>();
var tryCount = 0;
List<FeedResultItem> feedsIteration;
feedsIteration = GetFeedsInternal(filter);
foreach (var feed in feedsIteration)
if (feeds.ContainsKey(feed.GroupId))
feeds[feed.GroupId] = new List<FeedResultItem> { feed };
filter.Offset += feedsIteration.Count;
} while (feeds.Count < filterLimit
&& feedsIteration.Count == filterLimit
&& tryCount++ < 5);
filter.Offset = filterOffset;
return feeds.Take(filterLimit).SelectMany(group => group.Value).ToList();
示例10: SearchActionMethod
//serach bar action for ajax send
public ActionResult SearchActionMethod(string word)
Dictionary<string[], int> words = new Dictionary<string[], int>();
foreach (var item in client.GetProducts())
if (item.Name.ToUpper().Contains(word.ToUpper()) && word != String.Empty)
words.Add(new string[] { "pro", item.Name }, item.Id);
foreach (var item in client.GetShipping_Companys())
if (item.Company_Name.ToUpper().Contains(word.ToUpper()) && word != String.Empty)
words.Add(new string[] { "com", item.Company_Name }, item.Id);
foreach (var item in client.SubCategories())
if (item.Name.ToUpper().Contains(word.ToUpper()) && word != String.Empty)
words.Add(new string[] { "sub", item.Name }, item.Id);
//foreach (var item in client.GetProducts())
// if (item.Name.ToUpper().Contains(word.ToUpper()) && word != String.Empty)
// {
// words.Add("",item.Name);
// }
foreach (var item in client.GetCategories())
if (item.Name.ToUpper().Contains(word.ToUpper()) && word != String.Empty)
words.Add(new string[] { "cat", item.Name }, item.Id);
return Json(words.Take(7), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
示例11: Iterate
public void Iterate()
Dictionary<Particle, Rank> ranks = new Dictionary<Particle, Rank>();
// Determine how strongly each Particle is being pulled in the four cardinal directions
for (int x = 0; x < Size; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < Size; ++y) {
Particle p = _lattice[x, y];
if (p == null)
Rank r = getParticleRank(p);
ranks.Add(p, r);
// Compute the energy of the system in this Iteration
_energy = ranks.Sum(r => Math.Abs(r.Value.Pulls[r.Value.MaxDirection]));
// Sort the particles by the max magnitude of all their pull directions
ranks = ranks.OrderBy(r => r.Value.Pulls[r.Value.MaxDirection])
.ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => r.Value);
// Process the Particles of highest rank (and any in their way) until all have been processed
do {
KeyValuePair<Particle, Rank> pair = ranks.Take(1).Single();
processRank(pair.Key, pair.Value, ref ranks);
} while (ranks.Count > 0);
示例12: UpsertDocuments
public void UpsertDocuments(Dictionary<string, string> docsToUpsert)
while (docsToUpsert.Any()) {
var upsertBatch = docsToUpsert.Take (32).ToList ();
upsertBatch.ForEach (b => docsToUpsert.Remove (b.Key));
var upsertCommand = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (var kvp in upsertBatch) {
var segments = kvp.Key.Split ('_');
string environment = segments [0];
string type = segments [1];
upsertCommand.AppendFormat ("exec UpsertDocument @id='{0}', @index='{1}', @type='{2}', @doc='{3}'", kvp.Key, environment, type, kvp.Value.Replace ("'", "''"));
string sqlText = upsertCommand.ToString ();
using (var _loadConnection = new SqlConnection(Common.TargetConnectionString)) {
_loadConnection.Open ();
using (var upsertCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, _loadConnection)) {
try {
upsertCmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
} catch (SqlException sex) {
Console.WriteLine ("SqlException: {0}", sex.Message);
foreach (var d in upsertBatch) { // requeue these docs for upsert
docsToUpsert.Add (d.Key, d.Value);
示例13: S_1
public ulong S_1(Dictionary<ulong, int> guesses)
ulong start = 1;
ulong stop = 10;
start *= 10;
stop *= 10;
var poss = new List<ulong>();
foreach (var g in guesses.Take(1))
ulong guess = g.Key;
int correct = g.Value;
for (ulong i = start; i < guess; i++)
ulong diff = guess - i;
int count = 0;
while (diff > 0)
if (diff%10 == 0)
if (count > correct)
//continue to for loop
diff = 0;
diff /= 10;
if (count == correct)
for (ulong i = guess + 1; i < stop; i++)
ulong diff = i - guess;
int count = 0;
while (diff > 0)
if (diff%10 == 0)
if (count > correct)
//continue to for loop
diff = 0;
diff /= 10;
if (count == correct)
foreach (var g in guesses.Skip(1))
ulong guess = g.Key;
int correct = g.Value;
foreach (var p in poss)
ulong diff = p > guess ? p - guess : guess - p;
int count = 0;
while (diff > 0)
if (diff%10 == 0)
if (count > correct)
//continue to for loop
diff = 0;
diff /= 10;
if (count != correct)
return poss.Single();
示例14: SearchDocumentSpace
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="req"></param>
public SearchResponse SearchDocumentSpace(SearchRequest req)
SearchResponse resp = new SearchResponse();
if (req == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(req.DocumentSpace) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(req.SearchWords))
return resp;
resp.DocumentSpace = req.DocumentSpace;
Dictionary<int, Document> dmnts = new Dictionary<int, Document>();
Action repack = () =>
//Repacking dmnts into resp
if (req.IncludeDocuments)
foreach (var el in dmnts)
foreach (var el in dmnts)
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
using (var tran = DBreezeEngine.GetTransaction())
var mt = tran.SelectTable<int>(DocumentsStorageTablesPrefix + "m", 1, 0);
var docSpaceId = mt.Select<string, long>(req.DocumentSpace).Value;
if (docSpaceId == 0)
return resp; //Not found document space
var Words = this.PrepareSearchKeyWords(req.SearchWords);
string docTable = DocumentsStorageTablesPrefix + "d" + docSpaceId.ToString();
var vt = tran.SelectTable<int>(docTable, 3, 0); //Version table Key
var dt = tran.SelectTable<int>(docTable, 1, 0); //Document table Key
dt.ValuesLazyLoadingIsOn = !req.IncludeDocuments;
DBreeze.DataTypes.Row<int, byte[]> docRow = null;
Document doc = null;
//byte[] btDoc = null;
int qOutput = 0;
//----------------------------------------------------------------- ONE/MULTIPLE WORDS SEARCH then one word is supplied, using AND/OR LOGIC
#region "Multiple Words"
int j = -1;
List<byte[]> foundArrays = new List<byte[]>();
List<byte[]> oneWordFoundArrays = new List<byte[]>();
//WAH2 wh = null;
var tbOneWordWAH = tran.SelectTable<int>(DocumentsStorageTablesPrefix + "s" + docSpaceId.ToString(), 2, 0);
tbOneWordWAH.ValuesLazyLoadingIsOn = false;
resp.UniqueWordsInDataSpace = (int)tbOneWordWAH.Count();
bool anyWordFound = false;
int totalFoundWords = 0;
Dictionary<string, WordInDoc> words = new Dictionary<string, WordInDoc>();
int foundOrigin = 1;
Dictionary<string, WordInDoc> perWord = new Dictionary<string, WordInDoc>();
Dictionary<string, WordInDoc> firstHighOccuranceWord = new Dictionary<string, WordInDoc>();
//Currently we ignore these words and do nothing with them
List<string> highOccuranceWordParts = new List<string>();
foreach (var word in Words.Take(10)) //Maximum 10 words for search
anyWordFound = false;
totalFoundWords = 0;
perWord = new Dictionary<string, WordInDoc>();
foreach (var row1 in tbOneWordWAH.SelectForwardStartsWith<string, byte[]>(word))
anyWordFound = true;
if (Words.Count() == 1 && totalFoundWords > req.Quantity)
//In case if only one search word, then we don't need to make any comparation
else if (totalFoundWords >= req.MaximalExcludingOccuranceOfTheSearchPattern) //Found lots of words with such mask inside
示例15: FormatLastInsertRecord
private string FormatLastInsertRecord(Dictionary<string, string> row, Dictionary<string, string> fieldFormats, string prefixFormat, string fieldSeparator)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat(prefixFormat, "SELECT");
foreach (var field in row.Take(row.Count - 1))
var fieldName = field.Key;
sb.AppendFormat(fieldFormats[fieldName] + fieldSeparator, field.Value);
var lastField = row.Last();
var lastFieldName = lastField.Key;
sb.AppendFormat(fieldFormats[lastFieldName] + new string(' ', fieldSeparator.Length), lastField.Value);
return sb.ToString();