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C# Degree类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Degree的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Degree类的具体用法?C# Degree怎么用?C# Degree使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Main

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Teacher ta = new Teacher();
            Course cu = new Course("Programming with C#");
            for(int i = 1; i <= 3 ; i++){
                Student student = new Student("student"+i, "a" + i);
                for (int j = 0; j <= 4; j++) {

            ta.FirstName = "ta";
            ta.LastName = "1";

            Degree dg = new Degree("Bachelor");

            UProgram up = new UProgram("Information Technology");

            Console.WriteLine("The {0} program contains the {1} of Science degree\r\n", up.ProgrameName, dg.DegreeName);
            Console.WriteLine("The {0} of Science degree contains the course {1}\r\n", dg.DegreeName, cu.CourseName);
            Console.WriteLine("The {0} course contain {1} studeent(s)", cu.CourseName, cu.countnum);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue....");

示例2: OnGetCameraTransform

        protected override void OnGetCameraTransform( out Vec3 position, out Vec3 forward,
			out Vec3 up, ref Degree cameraFov )
            position = Vec3.Zero;
            forward = Vec3.XAxis;
            up = Vec3.ZAxis;

            Unit unit = GetPlayerUnit();
            if( unit == null )

            PlayerIntellect.Instance.FPSCamera = false;

            //To use data about orientation the camera if the cut scene is switched on
            if( IsCutSceneEnabled() )
                if( CutSceneManager.Instance.GetCamera( out position, out forward, out up, out cameraFov ) )

            float distance = 25;
            position = unit.GetInterpolatedPosition() + new Vec3( 0, -distance, 0 );
            forward = Vec3.YAxis;
            up = Vec3.ZAxis;

示例3: AddBulletAndHit

        public bool AddBulletAndHit(VanillaCharacter source, Vector3 decalage, VanillaCharacter target)
            Vector3 sourcePoint = source.FeetPosition + (source.Size.y / 2) * Vector3.UNIT_Y + decalage;
            Vector3 targetPoint = target.FeetPosition + target.Size.y / 2 * Vector3.UNIT_Y;
            Vector3 diff = targetPoint - sourcePoint;
            if (Math.Abs(diff.y / Cst.CUBE_SIDE) > 6) { return false; }

            Degree pitch = -Math.ATan2(diff.y,  diff.z);
            Degree yaw = source.GetYaw();
            if (yaw.ValueAngleUnits > 90 && yaw.ValueAngleUnits < 270)
                yaw *= -1;
                yaw += new Degree(180);

            float targetDistance = diff.Length;
            Ray ray = new Ray(sourcePoint + Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z, diff.NormalisedCopy);
            float blockDistance = VanillaBlock.getBlockOnRay(source.getIsland(), ray, Bullet.DEFAULT_RANGE, 30);
            if (targetDistance > blockDistance) { return false; }

            SceneNode pitchNode = this.SceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            pitchNode.Position = sourcePoint;

            SceneNode yawNode = pitchNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            yawNode.AttachObject(StaticRectangle.CreateLine(this.SceneMgr, Vector3.ZERO, new Vector3(0, 0, 15), ColoredMaterials.YELLOW));

            this.mBullets.Add(new Bullet(source, target, pitchNode, yawNode));
            return true;

示例4: FreeCameraMode

         * @param margin Collision margin
         * @param switchingMode Determine the state of the camera when switching to this camera mode from another
        public FreeCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam
              , Vector3 initialPosition
              , Degree initialRotationX
              , Degree initialRotationY
              , SwitchingMode switchingMode = SwitchingMode.CurrentState
              , float margin = 0.1f)
            : base(cam)
            CameraCS = cam;
            Margin = margin;

            _fixedAxis = Vector3.UNIT_Y;
            _moveFactor = 1;
            _rotationFactor = 0.13f;
            _rotX = initialRotationX;
            _rotY = initialRotationY;
            _initialPosition = initialPosition;
            _initialRotationX = initialRotationX;
            _initialRotationY = initialRotationY;
            _lastRotationX = initialRotationX;
            _lastRotationY = initialRotationY;
            _lastPosition = initialPosition;
            _switchingMode = switchingMode;

            CameraPosition = initialPosition;

            this.CollisionFunc = this.DefaultCollisionDetectionFunction;

示例5: EarthArea

 /// <summary>Создаёт трапециевидную область, содержащую все указанные точки</summary>
 /// <param name="Points">Массив точек, вокруг которых должна быть описана область</param>
 public EarthArea(params EarthPoint[] Points)
     : this()
     MostWesternLongitude = new Degree(Points.Min(p => p.Longitude));
     MostEasternLongitude = new Degree(Points.Max(p => p.Longitude));
     MostSouthernLatitude = new Degree(Points.Min(p => p.Latitude));
     MostNorthenLatitude = new Degree(Points.Max(p => p.Latitude));

示例6: DegreesFromComponents

		public void DegreesFromComponents()
			Degree degree = new Degree(10, 20, 30, CoordinateType.Latitude);
			Assert.AreEqual(degree.CoordinateType, CoordinateType.Latitude);
			Assert.AreEqual(degree.Degrees, 10);
			Assert.AreEqual(degree.Minutes, 20);
			Assert.AreEqual(degree.Seconds, 30);

示例7: LocRecord

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the LocRecord class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the record.</param>
 /// <param name="timeToLive">Seconds the record should be cached at most.</param>
 /// <param name="version">Version number of representation.</param>
 /// <param name="size">Size of location in centimeters.</param>
 /// <param name="horizontalPrecision">Horizontal precision in centimeters.</param>
 /// <param name="verticalPrecision">Vertical precision in centimeters.</param>
 /// <param name="latitude">Latitude of the geographical position.</param>
 /// <param name="longitude">Longitude of the geographical position.</param>
 /// <param name="altitude">Altitude of the geographical position.</param>
 public LocRecord(string name, int timeToLive, byte version, double size, double horizontalPrecision, double verticalPrecision, Degree latitude, Degree longitude, double altitude)
     : base(name, RecordType.Loc, RecordClass.INet, timeToLive)
     this.Version = version;
     this.Size = size;
     this.HorizontalPrecision = horizontalPrecision;
     this.VerticalPrecision = verticalPrecision;
     this.Latitude = latitude;
     this.Longitude = longitude;
     this.Altitude = altitude;

示例8: GetFactor

        // return between -1 and 1
        public static float GetFactor(Degree diffYaw)
            float diffYawFloat = diffYaw.ValueAngleUnits;
            while (diffYawFloat > 180)   { diffYawFloat -= 360; }
            while (diffYawFloat <= -180) { diffYawFloat += 360; }
            int sign = System.Math.Sign(diffYawFloat);
            diffYawFloat *= sign;    // Take the abs value

            float factor = A * diffYawFloat * diffYawFloat + B * diffYawFloat; // Here factor is between 0 and 1
            return (factor > 1 ? 1 : factor) * sign;

示例9: CMS

 public CMS(AEvent aDevice, CategoryType type, System.Collections.Hashtable ht, DeviceType devType, System.Collections.Hashtable DevRange, Degree degree)
     Initialize(aDevice, type, ht, devType, DevRange, degree);
     this.GetMessRuleData += new GetMessRuleDataHandler(CMS_GetMessRuleData);
     List<object> messColors = (List<object>)com.select(DBConnect.DataType.MessColor, Command.GetSelectCmd.getMessColor());
     messColorsHT = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
     foreach (object obj in messColors)
         MessColor mess = (MessColor)obj;
         messColorsHT.Add(mess.ID, mess);

示例10: Main

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating three student objects, since it's at least three.

            Student stud1 = new Student("Surya", "Raman", "[email protected]");
            Student stud2 = new Student("Narendra", "Mdoi","[email protected]");
            Student stud3 = new Student("Barack", "Obama", "[email protected]");

            //Now creating the course object with dev204X

            Course course = new Course("DEV204X", 5);

            //Using the method at the end of this code to add students to course


            // Creating one teacher object since that's the minimum number

            Teacher teacher = new Teacher("Bruce", "Wayne", "[email protected]");

            // Using the method at the end of this code to add teacher to course


            // Creating Degree object, assuming Computer Science and Engineering degree

            Degree degree = new Degree("Computer Science and Engineering", 250, null);

            // Adding Course object to the Degree object

            degree.Course = course;

            //Creating UProgram object with Bachelor of Engineering

            UProgram uProgram = new UProgram("Bachelor of Engineering", "Lex Luthor", null);

            // Adding the Degree object to the UProgram object

            uProgram.Degree = degree;

            // Printing everything as per the Assignment instructions

            Console.WriteLine("The {0} program contains the {1} degree\n", uProgram.ProgramName, degree.DegreeName);

            Console.WriteLine("The {0} degree contains the course {1}\n", degree.DegreeName, course.CourseName);
            Console.WriteLine("The {0} course contains {1} student(s)\n", course.CourseName, course.studentNumber);

示例11: Kart

        public Kart(ThingBlock block, ThingDefinition def)
            : base(block, def)
            DefaultMaxSpeed = MaxSpeed = def.GetFloatProperty("maxspeed", 180f);
            MaxReverseSpeed = def.GetFloatProperty("maxreversespeed", 4f);

            MaxSpeedSquared = MaxSpeed * MaxSpeed;
            MaxReverseSpeedSquared = MaxReverseSpeed * MaxReverseSpeed;

            IsInAir = false;

            FrontDriftAngle = new Degree(def.GetFloatProperty("FrontDriftAngle", 46)).ValueRadians;
            BackDriftAngle = new Degree(def.GetFloatProperty("BackDriftAngle", 55)).ValueRadians;
            DriftTransitionAngle = new Degree(def.GetFloatProperty("DriftTransitionAngle", 40));

示例12: DegreesTest

		public void DegreesTest()
			Degree target = new Degree(20.5);
			Assert.AreEqual(20, target.Degrees);
			Assert.AreEqual(30, target.Minutes);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, target.Seconds);

			target = new Degree(-(10 + 21.0 / 60 + 34.22 / 3600));
			Assert.AreEqual(-10, target.Degrees);
			Assert.AreEqual(21, target.Minutes);
			Assert.AreEqual(34, target.Seconds);
			Assert.AreEqual(34.22, Math.Round(target.TotalSeconds, 3));

			target = new Degree(37.85);
			Assert.AreEqual(37, target.Degrees);

示例13: OnGetCameraTransform

        protected override void OnGetCameraTransform( out Vec3 position, out Vec3 forward,
			out Vec3 up, ref Degree cameraFov )
            position = Vec3.Zero;
            forward = Vec3.XAxis;
            up = Vec3.ZAxis;

            MapCamera mapCamera = Entities.Instance.GetByName( "MapCamera_0" ) as MapCamera;
            if( mapCamera != null )
                position = mapCamera.Position;
                forward = mapCamera.Rotation * new Vec3( 1, 0, 0 );
                up = mapCamera.Rotation * new Vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
                if( mapCamera.Fov != 0 )
                    cameraFov = mapCamera.Fov;

示例14: Main

 static void Main(string[] args)
     string[] atts = { "Sophie", "Greene", "1/12/1991", "30 Some Street", "", "Leeds", "West Yorkshire", "ZE7 3AE", "UK","Student" };
     string[] att = { "Manual", "Zu", "1/12/1937", "30 Other Street", "", "Sheffield", "West Yorkshire", "LE7 9MN", "UK","Teacher" };
     Person student = new Person(atts);
     Person teacher = new Person(att);
     //ensure console window stays open
     string[] pAtt = {"Intro to Computer Science","Some Guy","BSc. blah blah" };
     UProgram prog = new UProgram(pAtt);
     Degree deg = new Degree("Bsc. A M", 72);
     Course cour = new Course("Intro hbla", 3, 9, "Mr blah Person");

示例15: OnGetCameraTransform

        protected override void OnGetCameraTransform( out Vec3 position, out Vec3 forward, out Vec3 up,
            ref Degree cameraFov)
            //camera management for demo mode
            if( demoMode && !FreeCameraEnabled )
                MapCameraCurve curve;
                float curveTime;
                GetDemoModeMapCurve( out curve, out curveTime );
                if( curve != null )
                    curve.CalculateCameraPositionByTime( curveTime, out position, out forward, out up,
                        out cameraFov );

            base.OnGetCameraTransform( out position, out forward, out up, ref cameraFov );
