本文整理汇总了C#中ConstructGen.DisplayInDataCollectionDisplay方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ConstructGen.DisplayInDataCollectionDisplay方法的具体用法?C# ConstructGen.DisplayInDataCollectionDisplay怎么用?C# ConstructGen.DisplayInDataCollectionDisplay使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ConstructGen
示例1: Go
// we get it out by:
var v1 = firstConstruct.GetValue(conDate, 0);
// set the second value:
firstConstruct.SetValue(conDate, 1, 45.6);
// this has set the value for the given date for 'CAD'
// we could set all values at once using SetValues rather than SetValue
firstConstruct.SetValues(conDate, new double[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9});
// and we could get them out using:
double[] allValuesOnDate = firstConstruct.GetValues(conDate);
// there are lots of methods on Construct<T> to make our life easier when dealing with data
// we can fill it up randomly using the SetValues, and then just call SortKeys() to ensure teh dates are in order
// this means that we will be iterate over the dates in order when we go through it
// e.g.
foreach (DateTime date in firstConstruct.Dates)
var datesVAlues = firstConstruct.GetValues(date);
// here we could process them...
// there are methods on ConstructGen<T> to make it easy to see what's in it. e.g.
firstConstruct.DisplayInGrid("Grid of construct values");
firstConstruct.DisplayInDataCollectionDisplay("Display each column as a line in a chart");
// there is also a useful method to get the column of values as a DatedDataCollection<T>
DatedDataCollectionGen<double> firstColumn = firstConstruct.GetColumnValuesAsDDC(0);
// this is an expensive operation FYI, so you wouldn't use this iterating over the dates within the ConstructGen<T> , but it is useful
// ok, now, as we have a set universe of ccys, in the way I extract data from the database (prices / weights / carry / etc) I tend to pull
// out in a standard way, making a ConstructGen<double> with a column for every currency in the universe
// so, for example, if I wanted the spots from the database from 2013 onwards, I would call this
SI.Data.FXSpots spotsProvider = new FXSpots();
ConstructGen<double> spots = spotsProvider.GetData(new DateTime(2013, 1, 1), DateTime.Today);
// this returns me a ConstructGen<double> with 27 columns, with each row being a date
// I can then use the spots values as I wish
// similarly
SI.Data.FXForwards1Wk fwdProvider = new FXForwards1Wk();
ConstructGen<double> fwds = fwdProvider.GetData(new DateTime(2013, 1, 1), DateTime.Today);
// within these classes, the data is cached, so that I don't call the database again if I don't need to
// so if I call for the second time:
var spots2 = spotsProvider.GetData(new DateTime(2013, 1, 1), DateTime.Today);
// ... this won't have hit the database again, but will get from the cached data
// but you'll notice that i have to have a reference to spotsProvider to benefit from the cached data.
// if I was to make the same request from another point in my code, I would have to create a new FXSpots() instance and then call the method on it to get the data
// it can be useful in this instance to make use of what's known as the 'Singleton' pattern.
// This basically provides a means of referring to the same instance every time, in this case so that we make use of cached data
// I have a Singleton<T> wrapper that wraps up a single instance of T so that I know I'm calling methods on the same instance every time
// so I would usually get spots from the database wrapping FXSpots in this. like:
spots = Singleton<FXSpots>.Instance.GetData(new DateTime(2013, 1, 1), DateTime.Today);
// now I could call the method on Singleton<FXSpots>.Instance from anywhere in my code and I would benefit from the caching
// I do tend to use most of the classes that retrive from the database Within SI.Data wrapped in a Singleton
// another example is the class that pulls information about signals
var signals = Singleton<Signals>.Instance;
// this is just a list of SI.Data.Signal classes