本文整理汇总了C#中Buttons类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Buttons类的具体用法?C# Buttons怎么用?C# Buttons使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: GameButton
public GameButton(MouseButtons mouseCode)
this.keyCode = Keys.None;
this.mouseCode = mouseCode;
this.buttonCode = Buttons.None;
this.inputType = InputType.MouseButton;
示例2: GetButtonHelper
public override string GetButtonHelper(Buttons button)
string buttonName = "";
switch (button)
case Buttons.A:
buttonName = getButtonName("1", "1", "1");
case Buttons.B:
buttonName = getButtonName("2", "2", "2");
case Buttons.X:
buttonName = getButtonName("0", "0", "0");
case Buttons.Y:
buttonName = getButtonName("3", "3", "3");
case Buttons.LeftBumper:
buttonName = getButtonName("4", "4", "4");
case Buttons.RightBumper:
buttonName = getButtonName("5", "5", "5");
case Buttons.LeftStickClick:
buttonName = getButtonName("10", "10", "10");
case Buttons.RightStickClick:
buttonName = getButtonName("11", "11", "11");
case Buttons.Start:
buttonName = getButtonName("9", "9", "9");
return buttonName;
示例3: justReleased
/// <summary>
/// Returrns true if the specified button was just released
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Button">Buttons Button</param>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public bool justReleased(Buttons button)
if ((old.IsButtonDown(button) && current.IsButtonUp(button)))
return true;
return false;
示例4: InputButton
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new InputButton from the given controller button.
/// </summary>
public InputButton(Buttons Button)
this._Key = 0; // Prevent complaining about readonly.
this._KeyModifiers = 0;
this._Button = Button;
this.Type = InputMethod.Button;
示例5: GetButtonName
public string GetButtonName(Buttons key)
if (buttonStates.ContainsKey(key))
return key.ToString();
return null;
示例6: ProcessButtonPress
/// <summary>Called when a button on the game pad has been pressed</summary>
/// <param name="button">Button that has been pressed</param>
/// <returns>
/// True if the button press was processed by the control and future game pad
/// input belongs to the control until all buttons are released again
/// </returns>
internal bool ProcessButtonPress(Buttons button) {
// If there's an activated control (one being held down by the mouse or having
// accepted a previous button press), this control will get the button press
// delivered, whether it wants to or not.
if(this.activatedControl != null) {
// If one of our children is the activated control, pass on the message
if(this.activatedControl != this) {
} else { // We're the activated control
// We're already activated, so this button press is accepted in any case
return true;
// A button has been pressed but no control is activated currently. This means we
// have to look for a control which feels responsible for the button press,
// starting with ourselves.
// Does the user code in our derived class feel responsible for this button?
// If so, we're the new activated control and the button has been handled.
if(OnButtonPressed(button)) {
this.activatedControl = this;
return true;
// Nope, we have to ask our children to find a control that feels responsible.
bool encounteredOrderingControl = false;
for(int index = 0; index < this.children.Count; ++index) {
Control child = this.children[index];
// We only process one child that has the affectsOrdering field set. This
// ensures that key presses will not be delivered to windows sitting behind
// another window. Other siblings that are not windows are asked still, so
// a bunch of buttons on the desktop would be asked in addition to a window.
if(child.affectsOrdering) {
if(encounteredOrderingControl) {
} else {
encounteredOrderingControl = true;
// Does this child feel responsible for the button press?
if(child.ProcessButtonPress(button)) {
this.activatedControl = child;
return true;
// Neither we nor any of our children felt responsible for the button. Give up.
return false;
示例7: Init
public void Init(ContentManager cm, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, string bgPath, string path, string t, Color bgColor, Color c, Vector2 targetPos, bool useOrigin, Vector2 hitboxOffset)
base.Init(cm, bgPath, path, t, bgColor, c, targetPos, useOrigin, hitboxOffset);
sliderBackgroundTexture = new Sprite();
sliderBlockTexture = new Sprite();
valueText = new Text();
backgroundTexture = new Sprite();
sliderIcons = new Sprite();
valueText.Init(cm, path, value.ToString(), Color.White, Vector2.Zero, true);
backgroundTexture.Init(cm, bgPath, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 1.0f, true);
sliderIcons.Init(cm, "OptionsMenu\\sliderBarIcons", Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 1.0f, true);
sliderBackgroundTexture.Init(cm, "OptionsMenu\\sliderBar", Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 1.0f, true);
sliderBlockTexture.Init(cm, "OptionsMenu\\sliderBlock", Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 1.0f, true);
this.value = value;
this.minValue = minValue;
this.maxValue = maxValue;
sliderTargetPos = Vector2.Zero;
holdTime = 0;
incTick = 0;
lastHeldKey = Keys.None;
lastHeldButton = Buttons.B;
fadeConstant = 0.1f;
sliderHitbox = new Rectangle(0, 0, sliderBackgroundTexture.GetTexture.Width, sliderBackgroundTexture.GetTexture.Height);
示例8: ControllerInput
private void ControllerInput(PlayerIndex i, Buttons b, GamePadMessage m)
if (m == GamePadMessage.Pressed && b == Buttons.Start)
if (_players[i] == null)
Vector2 spawnPos = GetSpawnPosition();
GameObject go = new GameObject(string.Format("player_{0}", i));
Console.WriteLine("Spawning Player: " + go.Name);
go.Transform.Position = spawnPos;
go.Transform.Scale = new Vector2(0.25f);
var p = go.AddComponent<Player>();
Model2D model = new Model2D(go, string.Format("Player\\hero{0}", (int)i + 1));
model.UseAnimations = true;
var rigid = go.AddComponent<RigidBody>();
rigid.HasDrag = true;
p.Index = i;
_players[i] = p;
if (i == PlayerIndex.One)
Camera.Instance.TrackingObject = go;
示例9: Holding
/// <summary>
/// Check if a mouse button is being held
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Key">The mouse button to check.</param>
/// <returns>A True/False statement.</returns>
public static bool Holding(Buttons Key)
if ((Key == Buttons.Left) && (M.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) return true;
if ((Key == Buttons.Middle) && (M.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) return true;
if ((Key == Buttons.Right) && (M.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) return true;
return false;
示例10: Start
void Start () {
selected = Buttons.newGame;
oldVal = selected;
highlightSelected (selected);
mousedOver = false;
ms = GameObject.Find ("Game Controller").GetComponent<MenuState>();
示例11: ButtonPressed
public bool ButtonPressed(Buttons button, bool repeat, bool delayRepeat)
bool returnValue = false;
if (controlsActive == true)
if (repeat == true)
if (delayRepeat == true)
returnValue = (currentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(button) && doRepeat);
else if (delayRepeat == false)
returnValue = currentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(button);
else if (repeat == false)
returnValue = (currentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(button) && !previousGamePadState.IsButtonDown(button));
returnValue = false;
if (returnValue == true)
lastButtonPress = gameTime.TotalGameTime;
return returnValue;
示例12: makeButton
//every button needs to have own handler
//bug Currently:
//fontMat,font need to be set solid somewhere in a manager of sorts
#region Creator
//Creats a button and calls the need functions
public static GameObject makeButton(Buttons bu, Transform parent, Vector3 pos = new Vector3(), int fontSize = 20, string text = "", int ToMenu = -1, string url = "", TextAnchor txmach = TextAnchor.UpperLeft)
GameObject b = null;
switch (bu)
case Buttons.Exit:
b = ExitButton.exitButton(fontMat, font, fontSize,txmach);
case Buttons.ChangeMenu:
b = ChangeMenuButton.changeMenuButton(fontMat, font, fontSize, text, ToMenu, txmach);
case Buttons.Link:
b = OpenLinkButton.openLinkButton(fontMat, font, fontSize, text, url, txmach);
case Buttons.LevelLink:
b = menu.factory.button.LoadLevelButton.loadLevelButton(fontMat, font, fontSize, text, url, txmach);
case Buttons.ResetHighScore:
b = ResetHighScoreButton.resetHighScoreButton(fontMat, font, fontSize, txmach);
b=new GameObject();
b.transform.parent = parent;
b.transform.position = pos;
return b;
示例13: GetButtonHoldTime
public float GetButtonHoldTime(Buttons key)
if (buttonStates.ContainsKey(key))
return buttonStates[key].holdTime;
return 0;
示例14: Set
public void Set(string key, Buttons value)
if (Mapping.ContainsKey(key))
Mapping.Add(key, new Button(value));
示例15: GetButtonValue
public bool GetButtonValue(Buttons key)
if (buttonStates.ContainsKey (key))
return buttonStates [key].value;
return false;